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13.9.10 Math formatting in HTML export

LaTeX math snippets (see LaTeX fragments) can be displayed in two different ways on HTML pages. The default is to use the MathJax, which should work out of the box with Org130131. Some MathJax display options can be configured via org-html-mathjax-options, or in the buffer. For example, with the following settings,

#+HTML_MATHJAX: align: left indent: 5em tagside: left font: Neo-Euler
#+HTML_MATHJAX: cancel.js noErrors.js

equation labels are displayed on the left margin and equations are five em from the left margin. In addition, it loads the two MathJax extensions ‘cancel.js’ and ‘noErrors.js132.

See the docstring of org-html-mathjax-options for all supported variables. The MathJax template can be configure via org-html-mathjax-template.

If you prefer, you can also request that LaTeX fragments are processed into small images that will be inserted into the browser page. Before the availability of MathJax, this was the default method for Org files. This method requires that the dvipng program, dvisvgm or ImageMagick suite is available on your system. You can still get this processing with

#+OPTIONS: tex:dvipng
#+OPTIONS: tex:dvisvgm


#+OPTIONS: tex:imagemagick



By default Org loads MathJax from as recommended by MathJax.


Please note that exported formulas are part of an HTML document, and that signs such as ‘<’, ‘>’, or ‘&’ have special meanings. See MathJax TeX and LaTeX support.


See TeX and LaTeX extensions in the MathJax manual to learn about extensions.