The Org Manual

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The Org Manual

This manual is for Org version 9.5.

Copyright © 2004–2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, with the Front-Cover Texts being “A GNU Manual,” and with the Back-Cover Texts as in (a) below. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled “GNU Free Documentation License.”

(a) The FSF’s Back-Cover Text is: “You have the freedom to copy and modify this GNU manual.”

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1 Introduction

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1.1 Summary

Org is a mode for keeping notes, maintaining TODO lists, and project planning with a fast and effective plain-text markup language. It also is an authoring system with unique support for literate programming and reproducible research.

Org is implemented on top of Outline mode, which makes it possible to keep the content of large files well structured. Visibility cycling and structure editing help to work with the tree. Tables are easily created with a built-in table editor. Plain text URL-like links connect to websites, emails, Usenet messages, BBDB entries, and any files related to the projects.

Org develops organizational tasks around notes files that contain lists or information about projects as plain text. Project planning and task management make use of metadata which is part of an outline node. Based on this data, specific entries can be extracted in queries and create dynamic agenda views that also integrate the Emacs calendar and diary. Org can be used to implement many different project planning schemes, such as David Allen’s GTD system.

Org files can serve as a single source authoring system with export to many different formats such as HTML, LaTeX, Open Document, and Markdown. New export backends can be derived from existing ones, or defined from scratch.

Org files can include source code blocks, which makes Org uniquely suited for authoring technical documents with code examples. Org source code blocks are fully functional; they can be evaluated in place and their results can be captured in the file. This makes it possible to create a single file reproducible research compendium.

Org keeps simple things simple. When first fired up, it should feel like a straightforward, easy to use outliner. Complexity is not imposed, but a large amount of functionality is available when needed. Org is a toolbox. Many users actually run only a—very personal—fraction of Org’s capabilities, and know that there is more whenever they need it.

All of this is achieved with strictly plain text files, the most portable and future-proof file format. Org runs in Emacs. Emacs is one of the most widely ported programs, so that Org mode is available on every major platform.

There is a website for Org which provides links to the newest version of Org, as well as additional information, frequently asked questions (FAQ), links to tutorials, etc. This page is located at

An earlier version (7.3) of this manual is available as a paperback book from Network Theory Ltd..

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1.2 Installation

Org is included in all recent distributions of GNU Emacs, so you probably do not need to install it. Most users will simply activate Org and begin exploring its many features.

If, for one reason or another, you want to install Org on top of this pre-packaged version, there are three ways to do it:

We strongly recommend sticking to a single installation method.

Using Emacs packaging system

Recent Emacs distributions include a packaging system which lets you install Elisp libraries. You can install Org from the “package menu”, with M-x list-packages. See (emacs)Package Menu.

Important: You need to do this in a session where no ‘.org’ file has been visited, i.e., where no Org built-in function have been loaded. Otherwise autoload Org functions will mess up the installation.

If you want to use Org’s package repository, check out the Org ELPA page.

Downloading Org as an archive

You can download Org latest release from Org’s website. In this case, make sure you set the load path correctly in your Emacs init file:

(add-to-list 'load-path "~/path/to/orgdir/lisp")

The downloaded archive contains contributed libraries that are not included in Emacs. If you want to use them, add the ‘contrib/’ directory to your load path:

(add-to-list 'load-path "~/path/to/orgdir/contrib/lisp" t)

Optionally, you can compile the files and/or install them in your system. Run ‘make help’ to list compilation and installation options.

Using Org’s git repository

You can clone Org’s repository and install Org like this:

$ cd ~/src/
$ git clone
$ cd org-mode/
$ make autoloads

Note that in this case, ‘make autoloads’ is mandatory: it defines Org’s version in ‘org-version.el’ and Org’s autoloads in ‘org-loaddefs.el’.

Remember to add the correct load path as described in the method above.

You can also compile with ‘make’, generate the documentation with ‘make doc’, create a local configuration with ‘make config’ and install Org with ‘make install’. Please run ‘make help’ to get the list of compilation/installation options.

For more detailed explanations on Org’s build system, please check the Org Build System page on Worg.

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1.3 Activation

Org mode buffers need Font Lock to be turned on: this is the default in Emacs1.

There are compatibility issues between Org mode and some other Elisp packages (see Conflicts). Please take the time to check the list.

For a better experience, the three Org commands org-store-link, org-capture and org-agenda ought to be accessible anywhere in Emacs, not just in Org buffers. To that effect, you need to bind them to globally available keys, like the ones reserved for users (see (elisp)Key Binding Conventions). Here are suggested bindings, please modify the keys to your own liking.

(global-set-key (kbd "C-c l") 'org-store-link)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c a") 'org-agenda)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c c") 'org-capture)

Files with the ‘.org’ extension use Org mode by default. To turn on Org mode in a file that does not have the extension ‘.org’, make the first line of a file look like this:

MY PROJECTS    -*- mode: org; -*-

which selects Org mode for this buffer no matter what the file’s name is. See also the variable org-insert-mode-line-in-empty-file.

Many commands in Org work on the region if the region is active. To make use of this, you need to have Transient Mark mode turned on, which is the default. If you do not like it, you can create an active region by using the mouse to select a region, or pressing C-SPC twice before moving point.

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1.4 Feedback

If you find problems with Org, or if you have questions, remarks, or ideas about it, please send an email to the Org mailing list You can subscribe to the list from this web page. If you are not a member of the mailing list, your mail will be passed to the list after a moderator has approved it2. We ask you to read and respect the GNU Kind Communications Guidelines when sending messages on this mailing list.

For bug reports, please first try to reproduce the bug with the latest version of Org available—if you are running an outdated version, it is quite possible that the bug has been fixed already. If the bug persists, prepare a report and provide as much information as possible, including the version information of Emacs (M-x emacs-version) and Org (M-x org-version), as well as the Org related setup in the Emacs init file. The easiest way to do this is to use the command

M-x org-submit-bug-report <RET>

which puts all this information into an Emacs mail buffer so that you only need to add your description. If you are not sending the Email from within Emacs, please copy and paste the content into your Email program.

Sometimes you might face a problem due to an error in your Emacs or Org mode setup. Before reporting a bug, it is very helpful to start Emacs with minimal customizations and reproduce the problem. Doing so often helps you determine if the problem is with your customization or with Org mode itself. You can start a typical minimal session with a command like the example below.

$ emacs -Q -l /path/to/minimal-org.el

However if you are using Org mode as distributed with Emacs, a minimal setup is not necessary. In that case it is sufficient to start Emacs as ‘emacs -Q’. The ‘minimal-org.el’ setup file can have contents as shown below.

;;; Minimal setup to load latest `org-mode'.

;; Activate debugging.
(setq debug-on-error t
      debug-on-signal nil
      debug-on-quit nil)

;; Add latest Org mode to load path.
(add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name "/path/to/org-mode/lisp"))
(add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name "/path/to/org-mode/contrib/lisp" t))

If an error occurs, a “backtrace” can be very useful—see below on how to create one. Often a small example file helps, along with clear information about:

  1. What exactly did you do?
  2. What did you expect to happen?
  3. What happened instead?

Thank you for helping to improve this program.

How to create a useful backtrace

If working with Org produces an error with a message you do not understand, you may have hit a bug. The best way to report this is by providing, in addition to what was mentioned above, a backtrace. This is information from the built-in debugger about where and how the error occurred. Here is how to produce a useful backtrace:

  1. Reload uncompiled versions of all Org mode Lisp files. The backtrace contains much more information if it is produced with uncompiled code. To do this, use
    C-u M-x org-reload <RET>

    or, from the menu: Org → Refresh/Reload → Reload Org uncompiled.

  2. Then, activate the debugger:
    M-x toggle-debug-on-error <RET>

    or, from the menu: Options → Enter Debugger on Error.

  3. Do whatever you have to do to hit the error. Do not forget to document the steps you take.
  4. When you hit the error, a ‘*Backtrace*’ buffer appears on the screen. Save this buffer to a file—for example using C-x C-w—and attach it to your bug report.

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1.5 Typesetting Conventions Used in this Manual

TODO keywords, tags, properties, etc.

Org uses various syntactical elements: TODO keywords, tags, property names, keywords, blocks, etc. In this manual we use the following conventions:


TODO keywords are written with all capitals, even if they are user-defined.


Tags are case-sensitive. User-defined tags are written in lowercase; built-in tags with special meaning are written as they should appear in the document, usually with all capitals.


User-defined properties are capitalized; built-in properties with special meaning are written with all capitals.


Keywords and blocks are written in uppercase to enhance their readability, but you can use lowercase in your Org files.

Key bindings and commands

The manual lists both the keys and the corresponding commands for accessing a functionality. Org mode often uses the same key for different functions, depending on context. The command that is bound to such keys has a generic name, like org-metaright. In the manual we will, wherever possible, give the function that is internally called by the generic command. For example, in the chapter on document structure, M-RIGHT will be listed to call org-do-demote, while in the chapter on tables, it will be listed to call org-table-move-column-right.

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2 Document Structure

Org is an outliner. Outlines allow a document to be organized in a hierarchical structure, which, least for me, is the best representation of notes and thoughts. An overview of this structure is achieved by folding, i.e., hiding large parts of the document to show only the general document structure and the parts currently being worked on. Org greatly simplifies the use of outlines by compressing the entire show and hide functionalities into a single command, org-cycle, which is bound to the TAB key.

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2.1 Headlines

Headlines define the structure of an outline tree. Org headlines start on the left margin3 with one or more stars followed by a space. For example:

* Top level headline
** Second level
*** Third level
    some text
*** Third level
    more text
* Another top level headline

The name defined in org-footnote-section is reserved. Do not use it as a title for your own headings.

Some people find the many stars too noisy and would prefer an outline that has whitespace followed by a single star as headline starters. This can be achieved using a Org Indent minor mode. See Clean View for more information.

Headlines are not numbered. However, you may want to dynamically number some, or all, of them. See Dynamic Headline Numbering.

An empty line after the end of a subtree is considered part of it and is hidden when the subtree is folded. However, if you leave at least two empty lines, one empty line remains visible after folding the subtree, in order to structure the collapsed view. See the variable org-cycle-separator-lines to modify this behavior.

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2.2 Visibility Cycling

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2.2.1 Global and local cycling

Outlines make it possible to hide parts of the text in the buffer. Org uses just two commands, bound to TAB and S-TAB to change the visibility in the buffer.

TAB (org-cycle)

Subtree cycling: Rotate current subtree among the states


Point must be on a headline for this to work4.

S-TAB (org-global-cycle)

Global cycling: Rotate the entire buffer among the states


When S-TAB is called with a numeric prefix argument N, view contents only up to headlines of level N.

Note that inside tables (see Tables), S-TAB jumps to the previous field instead.

You can run global cycling using TAB only if point is at the very beginning of the buffer, but not on a headline, and org-cycle-global-at-bob is set to a non-nil value.

C-u C-u TAB (org-set-startup-visibility)

Switch back to the startup visibility of the buffer (see Initial visibility).

C-u C-u C-u TAB (outline-show-all)

Show all, including drawers.

C-c C-r (org-reveal)

Reveal context around point, showing the current entry, the following heading and the hierarchy above. It is useful for working near a location that has been exposed by a sparse tree command (see Sparse Trees) or an agenda command (see Agenda Commands). With a prefix argument, show, on each level, all sibling headings. With a double prefix argument, also show the entire subtree of the parent.

C-c C-k (outline-show-branches)

Expose all the headings of the subtree, but not their bodies.

C-c TAB (outline-show-children)

Expose all direct children of the subtree. With a numeric prefix argument N, expose all children down to level N.

C-c C-x b (org-tree-to-indirect-buffer)

Show the current subtree in an indirect buffer5. With a numeric prefix argument N, go up to level N and then take that tree. If N is negative then go up that many levels. With a C-u prefix, do not remove the previously used indirect buffer.

C-c C-x v (org-copy-visible)

Copy the visible text in the region into the kill ring.

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2.2.2 Initial visibility

When Emacs first visits an Org file, the global state is set to showeverything, i.e., all file content is visible6. This can be configured through the variable org-startup-folded, or on a per-file basis by adding one of the following lines anywhere in the buffer:

#+STARTUP: overview
#+STARTUP: content
#+STARTUP: showall
#+STARTUP: show2levels
#+STARTUP: show3levels
#+STARTUP: show4levels
#+STARTUP: show5levels
#+STARTUP: showeverything

Furthermore, any entries with a ‘VISIBILITY’ property (see Properties and Columns) get their visibility adapted accordingly. Allowed values for this property are ‘folded’, ‘children’, ‘content’, and ‘all’.

C-u C-u TAB (org-set-startup-visibility)

Switch back to the startup visibility of the buffer, i.e., whatever is requested by startup options and ‘VISIBILITY’ properties in individual entries.

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2.2.3 Catching invisible edits

Sometimes you may inadvertently edit an invisible part of the buffer and be confused on what has been edited and how to undo the mistake. Setting org-catch-invisible-edits to non-nil helps preventing this. See the docstring of this option on how Org should catch invisible edits and process them.

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2.3 Motion

The following commands jump to other headlines in the buffer.

C-c C-n (org-next-visible-heading)

Next heading.

C-c C-p (org-previous-visible-heading)

Previous heading.

C-c C-f (org-forward-heading-same-level)

Next heading same level.

C-c C-b (org-backward-heading-same-level)

Previous heading same level.

C-c C-u (outline-up-heading)

Backward to higher level heading.

C-c C-j (org-goto)

Jump to a different place without changing the current outline visibility. Shows the document structure in a temporary buffer, where you can use the following keys to find your destination:

TABCycle visibility.
DOWN / UPNext/previous visible headline.
RETSelect this location.
/Do a Sparse-tree search

The following keys work if you turn off org-goto-auto-isearch

n / pNext/previous visible headline.
f / bNext/previous headline same level.
uOne level up.
09Digit argument.

See also the variable org-goto-interface.

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2.4 Structure Editing

M-RET (org-meta-return)

Insert a new heading, item or row.

If the command is used at the beginning of a line, and if there is a heading or a plain list item (see Plain Lists) at point, the new heading/item is created before the current line. When used at the beginning of a regular line of text, turn that line into a heading.

When this command is used in the middle of a line, the line is split and the rest of the line becomes the new item or headline. If you do not want the line to be split, customize org-M-RET-may-split-line.

Calling the command with a C-u prefix unconditionally inserts a new heading at the end of the current subtree, thus preserving its contents. With a double C-u C-u prefix, the new heading is created at the end of the parent subtree instead.

C-RET (org-insert-heading-respect-content)

Insert a new heading at the end of the current subtree.

M-S-RET (org-insert-todo-heading)

Insert new TODO entry with same level as current heading. See also the variable org-treat-insert-todo-heading-as-state-change.

C-S-RET (org-insert-todo-heading-respect-content)

Insert new TODO entry with same level as current heading. Like C-RET, the new headline is inserted after the current subtree.

TAB (org-cycle)

In a new entry with no text yet, the first TAB demotes the entry to become a child of the previous one. The next TAB makes it a parent, and so on, all the way to top level. Yet another TAB, and you are back to the initial level.

M-LEFT (org-do-promote)
M-RIGHT (org-do-demote)

Promote or demote current heading by one level.

When there is an active region—i.e., when Transient Mark mode is active—promotion and demotion work on all headlines in the region. To select a region of headlines, it is best to place both point and mark at the beginning of a line, mark at the beginning of the first headline, and point at the line just after the last headline to change.

M-S-LEFT (org-promote-subtree)

Promote the current subtree by one level.

M-S-RIGHT (org-demote-subtree)

Demote the current subtree by one level.

M-UP (org-move-subtree-up)

Move subtree up, i.e., swap with previous subtree of same level.

M-DOWN (org-move-subtree-down)

Move subtree down, i.e., swap with next subtree of same level.

C-c @ (org-mark-subtree)

Mark the subtree at point. Hitting repeatedly marks subsequent subtrees of the same level as the marked subtree.

C-c C-x C-w (org-cut-subtree)

Kill subtree, i.e., remove it from buffer but save in kill ring. With a numeric prefix argument N, kill N sequential subtrees.

C-c C-x M-w (org-copy-subtree)

Copy subtree to kill ring. With a numeric prefix argument N, copy the N sequential subtrees.

C-c C-x C-y (org-paste-subtree)

Yank subtree from kill ring. This does modify the level of the subtree to make sure the tree fits in nicely at the yank position. The yank level can also be specified with a numeric prefix argument, or by yanking after a headline marker like ‘****’.

C-y (org-yank)

Depending on the variables org-yank-adjusted-subtrees and org-yank-folded-subtrees, Org’s internal yank command pastes subtrees folded and in a clever way, using the same command as C-c C-x C-y. With the default settings, no level adjustment takes place, but the yanked tree is folded unless doing so would swallow text previously visible. Any prefix argument to this command forces a normal yank to be executed, with the prefix passed along. A good way to force a normal yank is C-u C-y. If you use yank-pop after a yank, it yanks previous kill items plainly, without adjustment and folding.

C-c C-x c (org-clone-subtree-with-time-shift)

Clone a subtree by making a number of sibling copies of it. You are prompted for the number of copies to make, and you can also specify if any timestamps in the entry should be shifted. This can be useful, for example, to create a number of tasks related to a series of lectures to prepare. For more details, see the docstring of the command org-clone-subtree-with-time-shift.

C-c C-w (org-refile)

Refile entry or region to a different location. See Refile and Copy.

C-c ^ (org-sort)

Sort same-level entries. When there is an active region, all entries in the region are sorted. Otherwise the children of the current headline are sorted. The command prompts for the sorting method, which can be alphabetically, numerically, by time—first timestamp with active preferred, creation time, scheduled time, deadline time—by priority, by TODO keyword—in the sequence the keywords have been defined in the setup—or by the value of a property. Reverse sorting is possible as well. You can also supply your own function to extract the sorting key. With a C-u prefix, sorting is case-sensitive.

C-x n s (org-narrow-to-subtree)

Narrow buffer to current subtree.

C-x n b (org-narrow-to-block)

Narrow buffer to current block.

C-x n w (widen)

Widen buffer to remove narrowing.

C-c * (org-toggle-heading)

Turn a normal line or plain list item into a headline—so that it becomes a subheading at its location. Also turn a headline into a normal line by removing the stars. If there is an active region, turn all lines in the region into headlines. If the first line in the region was an item, turn only the item lines into headlines. Finally, if the first line is a headline, remove the stars from all headlines in the region.

Note that when point is inside a table (see Tables), the Meta-Cursor keys have different functionality.

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2.5 Sparse Trees

An important feature of Org mode is the ability to construct sparse trees for selected information in an outline tree, so that the entire document is folded as much as possible, but the selected information is made visible along with the headline structure above it7. Just try it out and you will see immediately how it works.

Org mode contains several commands creating such trees, all these commands can be accessed through a dispatcher:

C-c / (org-sparse-tree)

This prompts for an extra key to select a sparse-tree creating command.

C-c / r or C-c / / (org-occur)

Prompts for a regexp and shows a sparse tree with all matches. If the match is in a headline, the headline is made visible. If the match is in the body of an entry, headline and body are made visible. In order to provide minimal context, also the full hierarchy of headlines above the match is shown, as well as the headline following the match. Each match is also highlighted; the highlights disappear when the buffer is changed by an editing command, or by pressing C-c C-c8. When called with a C-u prefix argument, previous highlights are kept, so several calls to this command can be stacked.

M-g n or M-g M-n (next-error)

Jump to the next sparse tree match in this buffer.

M-g p or M-g M-p (previous-error)

Jump to the previous sparse tree match in this buffer.

For frequently used sparse trees of specific search strings, you can use the variable org-agenda-custom-commands to define fast keyboard access to specific sparse trees. These commands will then be accessible through the agenda dispatcher (see Agenda Dispatcher). For example:

(setq org-agenda-custom-commands
      '(("f" occur-tree "FIXME")))

defines the key f as a shortcut for creating a sparse tree matching the string ‘FIXME’.

The other sparse tree commands select headings based on TODO keywords, tags, or properties and are discussed later in this manual.

To print a sparse tree, you can use the Emacs command ps-print-buffer-with-faces which does not print invisible parts of the document. Or you can use the command C-c C-e C-v to export only the visible part of the document and print the resulting file.

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2.6 Plain Lists

Within an entry of the outline tree, hand-formatted lists can provide additional structure. They also provide a way to create lists of checkboxes (see Checkboxes). Org supports editing such lists, and every exporter (see Exporting) can parse and format them.

Org knows ordered lists, unordered lists, and description lists.

Items belonging to the same list must have the same indentation on the first line. In particular, if an ordered list reaches number ‘10.’, then the 2-digit numbers must be written left-aligned with the other numbers in the list. An item ends before the next line that is less or equally indented than its bullet/number.

A list ends whenever every item has ended, which means before any line less or equally indented than items at top level. It also ends before two blank lines. In that case, all items are closed. Here is an example:

* Lord of the Rings
My favorite scenes are (in this order)
1. The attack of the Rohirrim
2. Eowyn's fight with the witch king
   + this was already my favorite scene in the book
   + I really like Miranda Otto.
3. Peter Jackson being shot by Legolas
   - on DVD only
   He makes a really funny face when it happens.
But in the end, no individual scenes matter but the film as a whole.
Important actors in this film are:
- Elijah Wood :: He plays Frodo
- Sean Astin :: He plays Sam, Frodo's friend.  I still remember him
     very well from his role as Mikey Walsh in /The Goonies/.

Org supports these lists by tuning filling and wrapping commands to deal with them correctly, and by exporting them properly (see Exporting). Since indentation is what governs the structure of these lists, many structural constructs like ‘#+BEGIN_’ blocks can be indented to signal that they belong to a particular item.

If you find that using a different bullet for a sub-list—than that used for the current list-level—improves readability, customize the variable org-list-demote-modify-bullet. To get a greater difference of indentation between items and theirs sub-items, customize org-list-indent-offset.

The following commands act on items when point is in the first line of an item—the line with the bullet or number. Some of them imply the application of automatic rules to keep list structure intact. If some of these actions get in your way, configure org-list-automatic-rules to disable them individually.

TAB (org-cycle)

Items can be folded just like headline levels. Normally this works only if point is on a plain list item. For more details, see the variable org-cycle-include-plain-lists. If this variable is set to integrate, plain list items are treated like low-level headlines. The level of an item is then given by the indentation of the bullet/number. Items are always subordinate to real headlines, however; the hierarchies remain completely separated. In a new item with no text yet, the first TAB demotes the item to become a child of the previous one. Subsequent TABs move the item to meaningful levels in the list and eventually get it back to its initial position.

M-RET (org-insert-heading)

Insert new item at current level. With a prefix argument, force a new heading (see Structure Editing). If this command is used in the middle of an item, that item is split in two, and the second part becomes the new item13. If this command is executed before item’s body, the new item is created before the current one.


Insert a new item with a checkbox (see Checkboxes).


Jump to the previous/next item in the current list, but only if org-support-shift-select is off14. If not, you can still use paragraph jumping commands like C-UP and C-DOWN to quite similar effect.


Move the item including subitems up/down15, i.e., swap with previous/next item of same indentation. If the list is ordered, renumbering is automatic.


Decrease/increase the indentation of an item, leaving children alone.


Decrease/increase the indentation of the item, including subitems. Initially, the item tree is selected based on current indentation. When these commands are executed several times in direct succession, the initially selected region is used, even if the new indentation would imply a different hierarchy. To use the new hierarchy, break the command chain by moving point.

As a special case, using this command on the very first item of a list moves the whole list. This behavior can be disabled by configuring org-list-automatic-rules. The global indentation of a list has no influence on the text after the list.

C-c C-c

If there is a checkbox (see Checkboxes) in the item line, toggle the state of the checkbox. In any case, verify bullets and indentation consistency in the whole list.

C-c -

Cycle the entire list level through the different itemize/enumerate bullets (‘-’, ‘+’, ‘*’, ‘1.’, ‘1)’) or a subset of them, depending on org-plain-list-ordered-item-terminator, the type of list, and its indentation. With a numeric prefix argument N, select the Nth bullet from this list. If there is an active region when calling this, all lines are converted to list items. With a prefix argument, the selected text is changed into a single item. If the first line already was a list item, any item marker is removed from the list. Finally, even without an active region, a normal line is converted into a list item.

C-c *

Turn a plain list item into a headline—so that it becomes a subheading at its location. See Structure Editing, for a detailed explanation.

C-c C-*

Turn the whole plain list into a subtree of the current heading. Checkboxes (see Checkboxes) become ‘TODO’, respectively ‘DONE’, keywords when unchecked, respectively checked.


This command also cycles bullet styles when point is in on the bullet or anywhere in an item line, details depending on org-support-shift-select.

C-c ^

Sort the plain list. Prompt for the sorting method: numerically, alphabetically, by time, or by custom function.

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2.7 Drawers

Sometimes you want to keep information associated with an entry, but you normally do not want to see it. For this, Org mode has drawers. They can contain anything but a headline and another drawer. Drawers look like this:

** This is a headline
Still outside the drawer
This is inside the drawer.
After the drawer.

You can interactively insert a drawer at point by calling org-insert-drawer, which is bound to C-c C-x d. With an active region, this command puts the region inside the drawer. With a prefix argument, this command calls org-insert-property-drawer, which creates a ‘PROPERTIES’ drawer right below the current headline. Org mode uses this special drawer for storing properties (see Properties and Columns). You cannot use it for anything else.

Completion over drawer keywords is also possible using M-TAB16.

Visibility cycling (see Visibility Cycling) on the headline hides and shows the entry, but keep the drawer collapsed to a single line. In order to look inside the drawer, you need to move point to the drawer line and press TAB there.

You can also arrange for state change notes (see Tracking TODO state changes) and clock times (see Clocking Work Time) to be stored in a ‘LOGBOOK’ drawer. If you want to store a quick note there, in a similar way to state changes, use

C-c C-z

Add a time-stamped note to the ‘LOGBOOK’ drawer.

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2.8 Blocks

Org mode uses ‘#+BEGIN’ … ‘#+END’ blocks for various purposes from including source code examples (see Literal Examples) to capturing time logging information (see Clocking Work Time). These blocks can be folded and unfolded by pressing TAB in the ‘#+BEGIN’ line. You can also get all blocks folded at startup by configuring the variable org-hide-block-startup or on a per-file basis by using

#+STARTUP: hideblocks
#+STARTUP: nohideblocks

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3 Tables

Org comes with a fast and intuitive table editor. Spreadsheet-like calculations are supported using the Emacs Calc package (see (calc)GNU Emacs Calculator Manual).

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3.1 Built-in Table Editor

Org makes it easy to format tables in plain ASCII. Any line with ‘|’ as the first non-whitespace character is considered part of a table. ‘|’ is also the column separator17. Moreover, a line starting with ‘|-’ is a horizontal rule. It separates rows explicitly. Rows before the first horizontal rule are header lines. A table might look like this:

| Name  | Phone | Age |
| Peter |  1234 |  17 |
| Anna  |  4321 |  25 |

A table is re-aligned automatically each time you press TAB, RET or C-c C-c inside the table. TAB also moves to the next field—RET to the next row—and creates new table rows at the end of the table or before horizontal lines. The indentation of the table is set by the first line. Horizontal rules are automatically expanded on every re-align to span the whole table width. So, to create the above table, you would only type


and then press TAB to align the table and start filling in fields. Even faster would be to type ‘|Name|Phone|Age’ followed by C-c RET.

When typing text into a field, Org treats DEL, Backspace, and all character keys in a special way, so that inserting and deleting avoids shifting other fields. Also, when typing immediately after point was moved into a new field with TAB, S-TAB or RET, the field is automatically made blank. If this behavior is too unpredictable for you, configure the option org-table-auto-blank-field.

Creation and conversion

C-c | (org-table-create-or-convert-from-region)

Convert the active region to table. If every line contains at least one TAB character, the function assumes that the material is tab separated. If every line contains a comma, comma-separated values (CSV) are assumed. If not, lines are split at whitespace into fields. You can use a prefix argument to force a specific separator: C-u forces CSV, C-u C-u forces TAB, C-u C-u C-u prompts for a regular expression to match the separator, and a numeric argument N indicates that at least N consecutive spaces, or alternatively a TAB will be the separator.

If there is no active region, this command creates an empty Org table. But it is easier just to start typing, like | N a m e | P h o n e | A g e RET | - TAB.

Re-aligning and field motion

C-c C-c (org-table-align)

Re-align the table without moving point.

TAB (org-table-next-field)

Re-align the table, move to the next field. Creates a new row if necessary.

C-c SPC (org-table-blank-field)

Blank the field at point.

S-TAB (org-table-previous-field)

Re-align, move to previous field.

RET (org-table-next-row)

Re-align the table and move down to next row. Creates a new row if necessary. At the beginning or end of a line, RET still inserts a new line, so it can be used to split a table.

M-a (org-table-beginning-of-field)

Move to beginning of the current table field, or on to the previous field.

M-e (org-table-end-of-field)

Move to end of the current table field, or on to the next field.

Column and row editing

M-LEFT (org-table-move-column-left)

Move the current column left.

M-RIGHT (org-table-move-column-right)

Move the current column right.

M-S-LEFT (org-table-delete-column)

Kill the current column.

M-S-RIGHT (org-table-insert-column)

Insert a new column at point position. Move the recent column and all cells to the right of this column to the right.

M-UP (org-table-move-row-up)

Move the current row up.

M-DOWN (org-table-move-row-down)

Move the current row down.

M-S-UP (org-table-kill-row)

Kill the current row or horizontal line.

S-UP (org-table-move-cell-up)

Move cell up by swapping with adjacent cell.

S-DOWN (org-table-move-cell-down)

Move cell down by swapping with adjacent cell.

S-LEFT (org-table-move-cell-left)

Move cell left by swapping with adjacent cell.

S-RIGHT (org-table-move-cell-right)

Move cell right by swapping with adjacent cell.

M-S-DOWN (org-table-insert-row)

Insert a new row above the current row. With a prefix argument, the line is created below the current one.

C-c - (org-table-insert-hline)

Insert a horizontal line below current row. With a prefix argument, the line is created above the current line.

C-c RET (org-table-hline-and-move)

Insert a horizontal line below current row, and move point into the row below that line.

C-c ^ (org-table-sort-lines)

Sort the table lines in the region. The position of point indicates the column to be used for sorting, and the range of lines is the range between the nearest horizontal separator lines, or the entire table. If point is before the first column, you are prompted for the sorting column. If there is an active region, the mark specifies the first line and the sorting column, while point should be in the last line to be included into the sorting. The command prompts for the sorting type, alphabetically, numerically, or by time. You can sort in normal or reverse order. You can also supply your own key extraction and comparison functions. When called with a prefix argument, alphabetic sorting is case-sensitive.


C-c C-x M-w (org-table-copy-region)

Copy a rectangular region from a table to a special clipboard. Point and mark determine edge fields of the rectangle. If there is no active region, copy just the current field. The process ignores horizontal separator lines.

C-c C-x C-w (org-table-cut-region)

Copy a rectangular region from a table to a special clipboard, and blank all fields in the rectangle. So this is the “cut” operation.

C-c C-x C-y (org-table-paste-rectangle)

Paste a rectangular region into a table. The upper left corner ends up in the current field. All involved fields are overwritten. If the rectangle does not fit into the present table, the table is enlarged as needed. The process ignores horizontal separator lines.

M-RET (org-table-wrap-region)

Split the current field at point position and move the rest to the line below. If there is an active region, and both point and mark are in the same column, the text in the column is wrapped to minimum width for the given number of lines. A numeric prefix argument may be used to change the number of desired lines. If there is no region, but you specify a prefix argument, the current field is made blank, and the content is appended to the field above.


C-c + (org-table-sum)

Sum the numbers in the current column, or in the rectangle defined by the active region. The result is shown in the echo area and can be inserted with C-y.

S-RET (org-table-copy-down)

When current field is empty, copy from first non-empty field above. When not empty, copy current field down to next row and move point along with it.

Depending on the variable org-table-copy-increment, integer and time stamp field values, and fields prefixed or suffixed with a whole number, can be incremented during copy. Also, a 0 prefix argument temporarily disables the increment.

This key is also used by shift-selection and related modes (see Conflicts).


C-c ` (org-table-edit-field)

Edit the current field in a separate window. This is useful for fields that are not fully visible (see Column Width and Alignment). When called with a C-u prefix, just make the full field visible, so that it can be edited in place. When called with two C-u prefixes, make the editor window follow point through the table and always show the current field. The follow mode exits automatically when point leaves the table, or when you repeat this command with C-u C-u C-c `.

M-x org-table-import

Import a file as a table. The table should be TAB or whitespace separated. Use, for example, to import a spreadsheet table or data from a database, because these programs generally can write TAB-separated text files. This command works by inserting the file into the buffer and then converting the region to a table. Any prefix argument is passed on to the converter, which uses it to determine the separator.

C-c | (org-table-create-or-convert-from-region)

Tables can also be imported by pasting tabular text into the Org buffer, selecting the pasted text with C-x C-x and then using the C-c | command (see Creation and conversion).

M-x org-table-export

Export the table, by default as a TAB-separated file. Use for data exchange with, for example, spreadsheet or database programs. The format used to export the file can be configured in the variable org-table-export-default-format. You may also use properties ‘TABLE_EXPORT_FILE’ and ‘TABLE_EXPORT_FORMAT’ to specify the file name and the format for table export in a subtree. Org supports quite general formats for exported tables. The exporter format is the same as the format used by Orgtbl radio tables, see Translator functions, for a detailed description.

M-x org-table-header-line-mode

Turn on the display of the first data row of the table at point in the window header line when this first row is not visible anymore in the buffer. You can activate this minor mode by default by setting the option org-table-header-line-p to t.

M-x org-table-transpose-table-at-point

Transpose the table at point and eliminate hlines.

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3.2 Column Width and Alignment

The width of columns is automatically determined by the table editor. The alignment of a column is determined automatically from the fraction of number-like versus non-number fields in the column.

Editing a field may modify alignment of the table. Moving a contiguous row or column—i.e., using TAB or RET—automatically re-aligns it. If you want to disable this behavior, set org-table-automatic-realign to nil. In any case, you can always align manually a table:

C-c C-c (org-table-align)

Align the current table.

Setting the option org-startup-align-all-tables re-aligns all tables in a file upon visiting it. You can also set this option on a per-file basis with:

#+STARTUP: align
#+STARTUP: noalign

Sometimes a single field or a few fields need to carry more text, leading to inconveniently wide columns. Maybe you want to hide away several columns or display them with a fixed width, regardless of content, as shown in the following example.

|---+---------------------+--------|           |---+-------…+…|
|   | <6>                 |        |           |   | <6>   …|…|
| 1 | one                 | some   |   ----\   | 1 | one   …|…|
| 2 | two                 | boring |   ----/   | 2 | two   …|…|
| 3 | This is a long text | column |           | 3 | This i…|…|
|---+---------------------+--------|           |---+-------…+…|

To set the width of a column, one field anywhere in the column may contain just the string ‘<N>’ where N specifies the width as a number of characters. You control displayed width of columns with the following tools:

C-c TAB (org-table-toggle-column-width)

Shrink or expand current column.

If a width cookie specifies a width W for the column, shrinking it displays the first W visible characters only. Otherwise, the column is shrunk to a single character.

When called before the first column or after the last one, ask for a list of column ranges to operate on.

C-u C-c TAB (org-table-shrink)

Shrink all columns with a column width. Expand the others.

C-u C-u C-c TAB (org-table-expand)

Expand all columns.

To see the full text of a shrunk field, hold the mouse over it: a tool-tip window then shows the full contents of the field. Alternatively, C-h . (display-local-help) reveals them, too. For convenience, any change near the shrunk part of a column expands it.

Setting the option org-startup-shrink-all-tables shrinks all columns containing a width cookie in a file the moment it is visited. You can also set this option on a per-file basis with:

#+STARTUP: shrink

If you would like to overrule the automatic alignment of number-rich columns to the right and of string-rich columns to the left, you can use ‘<r>’, ‘<c>’ or ‘<l>’ in a similar fashion. You may also combine alignment and field width like this: ‘<r10>’.

Lines which only contain these formatting cookies are removed automatically upon exporting the document.

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3.3 Column Groups

When Org exports tables, it does so by default without vertical lines because that is visually more satisfying in general. Occasionally however, vertical lines can be useful to structure a table into groups of columns, much like horizontal lines can do for groups of rows. In order to specify column groups, you can use a special row where the first field contains only ‘/’. The further fields can either contain ‘<’ to indicate that this column should start a group, ‘>’ to indicate the end of a column, or ‘<>’ (no space between ‘<’ and ‘>’) to make a column a group of its own. Upon export, boundaries between column groups are marked with vertical lines. Here is an example:

| N | N^2 | N^3 | N^4 | sqrt(n) | sqrt[4](N) |
| / |  <  |     |  >  |       < |          > |
| 1 |  1  |  1  |  1  |       1 |          1 |
| 2 |  4  |  8  | 16  |  1.4142 |     1.1892 |
| 3 |  9  | 27  | 81  |  1.7321 |     1.3161 |
#+TBLFM: $2=$1^2::$3=$1^3::$4=$1^4::$5=sqrt($1)::$6=sqrt(sqrt(($1)))

It is also sufficient to just insert the column group starters after every vertical line you would like to have:

| N | N^2 | N^3 | N^4 | sqrt(n) | sqrt[4](N) |
| / | <   |     |     | <       |            |

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3.4 The Orgtbl Minor Mode

If you like the intuitive way the Org table editor works, you might also want to use it in other modes like Text mode or Mail mode. The minor mode Orgtbl mode makes this possible. You can always toggle the mode with M-x orgtbl-mode. To turn it on by default, for example in Message mode, use

(add-hook 'message-mode-hook 'turn-on-orgtbl)

Furthermore, with some special setup, it is possible to maintain tables in arbitrary syntax with Orgtbl mode. For example, it is possible to construct LaTeX tables with the underlying ease and power of Orgtbl mode, including spreadsheet capabilities. For details, see Tables in Arbitrary Syntax.

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3.5 The Spreadsheet

The table editor makes use of the Emacs Calc package to implement spreadsheet-like capabilities. It can also evaluate Emacs Lisp forms to derive fields from other fields. While fully featured, Org’s implementation is not identical to other spreadsheets. For example, Org knows the concept of a column formula that will be applied to all non-header fields in a column without having to copy the formula to each relevant field. There is also a formula debugger, and a formula editor with features for highlighting fields in the table corresponding to the references at point in the formula, moving these references by arrow keys.

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3.5.1 References

To compute fields in the table from other fields, formulas must reference other fields or ranges. In Org, fields can be referenced by name, by absolute coordinates, and by relative coordinates. To find out what the coordinates of a field are, press C-c ? in that field, or press C-c } to toggle the display of a grid.

Field references

Formulas can reference the value of another field in two ways. Like in any other spreadsheet, you may reference fields with a letter/number combination like ‘B3’, meaning the second field in the third row. However, Org prefers to use another, more general representation that looks like this:18


Column specifications can be absolute like ‘$1’, ‘$2’, …, ‘$N’, or relative to the current column, i.e., the column of the field which is being computed, like ‘$+1’ or ‘$-2’. ‘$<’ and ‘$>’ are immutable references to the first and last column, respectively, and you can use ‘$>>>’ to indicate the third column from the right.

The row specification only counts data lines and ignores horizontal separator lines, or “hlines”. Like with columns, you can use absolute row numbers ‘@1’, ‘@2’, …, ‘@N’, and row numbers relative to the current row like ‘@+3’ or ‘@-1’. ‘@<’ and ‘@>’ are immutable references the first and last row in the table, respectively. You may also specify the row relative to one of the hlines: ‘@I’ refers to the first hline, ‘@II’ to the second, etc. ‘@-I’ refers to the first such line above the current line, ‘@+I’ to the first such line below the current line. You can also write ‘@III+2’ which is the second data line after the third hline in the table.

@0’ and ‘$0’ refer to the current row and column, respectively, i.e., to the row/column for the field being computed. Also, if you omit either the column or the row part of the reference, the current row/column is implied.

Org’s references with unsigned numbers are fixed references in the sense that if you use the same reference in the formula for two different fields, the same field is referenced each time. Org’s references with signed numbers are floating references because the same reference operator can reference different fields depending on the field being calculated by the formula.

Here are a few examples:

@2$32nd row, 3rd column (same as ‘C2’)
$5column 5 in the current row (same as ‘E&’)
@2current column, row 2
@-1$-3field one row up, three columns to the left
@-I$2field just under hline above current row, column 2
@>$5field in the last row, in column 5

Range references

You may reference a rectangular range of fields by specifying two field references connected by two dots ‘..’. The ends are included in the range. If both fields are in the current row, you may simply use ‘$2..$7’, but if at least one field is in a different row, you need to use the general ‘@ROW$COLUMN’ format at least for the first field, i.e., the reference must start with ‘@’ in order to be interpreted correctly. Examples:

$1..$3first three fields in the current row
$P..$Qrange, using column names (see Advanced features)
$<<<..$>>start in third column, continue to the last but one
@2$1..@4$3nine fields between these two fields (same as ‘A2..C4’)
@-1$-2..@-13 fields in the row above, starting from 2 columns on the left
@I..IIbetween first and second hline, short for ‘@I..@II

Range references return a vector of values that can be fed into Calc vector functions. Empty fields in ranges are normally suppressed, so that the vector contains only the non-empty fields. For other options with the mode switches ‘E’, ‘N’ and examples, see Formula syntax for Calc.

Field coordinates in formulas

One of the very first actions during evaluation of Calc formulas and Lisp formulas is to substitute ‘@#’ and ‘$#’ in the formula with the row or column number of the field where the current result will go to. The traditional Lisp formula equivalents are org-table-current-dline and org-table-current-column. Examples:

if(@# % 2, $#, string(""))

Insert column number on odd rows, set field to empty on even rows.

$2 = '(identity remote(FOO, @@#$1))

Copy text or values of each row of column 1 of the table named FOO into column 2 of the current table.

@3 = 2 * remote(FOO, @1$$#)

Insert the doubled value of each column of row 1 of the table named FOO into row 3 of the current table.

For the second and third examples, table FOO must have at least as many rows or columns as the current table. Note that this is inefficient19 for large number of rows.

Named references

$name’ is interpreted as the name of a column, parameter or constant. Constants are defined globally through the variable org-table-formula-constants, and locally—for the file—through a line like this example:

#+CONSTANTS: c=299792458. pi=3.14 eps=2.4e-6

Also, properties (see Properties and Columns) can be used as constants in table formulas: for a property ‘Xyz’ use the name ‘$PROP_Xyz’, and the property will be searched in the current outline entry and in the hierarchy above it. If you have the ‘constants.el’ package, it will also be used to resolve constants, including natural constants like ‘$h’ for Planck’s constant, and units like ‘$km’ for kilometers20. Column names and parameters can be specified in special table lines. These are described below, see Advanced features. All names must start with a letter, and further consist of letters and numbers.

Remote references

You may also reference constants, fields and ranges from a different table, either in the current file or even in a different file. The syntax is


where NAME can be the name of a table in the current file as set by a ‘#+NAME:’ line before the table. It can also be the ID of an entry, even in a different file, and the reference then refers to the first table in that entry. REF is an absolute field or range reference as described above for example ‘@3$3’ or ‘$somename’, valid in the referenced table.

When NAME has the format ‘@ROW$COLUMN’, it is substituted with the name or ID found in this field of the current table. For example ‘remote($1, @@>$2)’ ⇒ ‘remote(year_2013, @@>$1)’. The format ‘B3’ is not supported because it can not be distinguished from a plain table name or ID.

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3.5.2 Formula syntax for Calc

A formula can be any algebraic expression understood by the Emacs Calc package. Note that Calc has the non-standard convention that ‘/’ has lower precedence than ‘*’, so that ‘a/b*c’ is interpreted as ‘(a/(b*c))’. Before evaluation by calc-eval (see (calc)Calling Calc from Your Lisp Programs), variable substitution takes place according to the rules described above.

The range vectors can be directly fed into the Calc vector functions like vmean and vsum.

A formula can contain an optional mode string after a semicolon. This string consists of flags to influence Calc and other modes during execution. By default, Org uses the standard Calc modes (precision 12, angular units degrees, fraction and symbolic modes off). The display format, however, has been changed to ‘(float 8)’ to keep tables compact. The default settings can be configured using the variable org-calc-default-modes.


Set the internal Calc calculation precision to 20 digits.

n3’, ‘s3’, ‘e2’, ‘f4

Normal, scientific, engineering or fixed format of the result of Calc passed back to Org. Calc formatting is unlimited in precision as long as the Calc calculation precision is greater.

D’, ‘R

Degree and radian angle modes of Calc.

F’, ‘S

Fraction and symbolic modes of Calc.


Units simplification mode of Calc. Calc is also a symbolic calculator and is capable of working with values having a unit, represented with numerals followed by a unit string in Org table cells. This mode instructs Calc to simplify the units in the computed expression before returning the result.

T’, ‘t’, ‘U

Duration computations in Calc or Lisp, Durations and time values.


If and how to consider empty fields. Without ‘E’ empty fields in range references are suppressed so that the Calc vector or Lisp list contains only the non-empty fields. With ‘E’ the empty fields are kept. For empty fields in ranges or empty field references the value ‘nan’ (not a number) is used in Calc formulas and the empty string is used for Lisp formulas. Add ‘N’ to use 0 instead for both formula types. For the value of a field the mode ‘N’ has higher precedence than ‘E’.


Interpret all fields as numbers, use 0 for non-numbers. See the next section to see how this is essential for computations with Lisp formulas. In Calc formulas it is used only occasionally because there number strings are already interpreted as numbers without ‘N’.


Literal, for Lisp formulas only. See the next section.

Unless you use large integer numbers or high-precision calculation and display for floating point numbers you may alternatively provide a printf format specifier to reformat the Calc result after it has been passed back to Org instead of letting Calc already do the formatting21. A few examples:

$1+$2Sum of first and second field
$1+$2;%.2fSame, format result to two decimals
exp($2)+exp($1)Math functions can be used
$0;%.1fReformat current cell to 1 decimal
($3-32)*5/9Degrees F → C conversion
$c/$1/$cmHz → cm conversion, using ‘constants.el
tan($1);Dp3s1Compute in degrees, precision 3, display SCI 1
sin($1);Dp3%.1eSame, but use printf specifier for display
vmean($2..$7)Compute column range mean, using vector function
vmean($2..$7);ENSame, but treat empty fields as 0
taylor($3,x=7,2)Taylor series of $3, at x=7, second degree

Calc also contains a complete set of logical operations (see (calc)Logical Operations). For example

if($1 < 20, teen, string(""))

"teen"’ if age ‘$1’ is less than 20, else the Org table result field is set to empty with the empty string.

if("$1" =​= "nan" || "$2" =​= "nan", string(""), $1 + $2); E f-1

Sum of the first two columns. When at least one of the input fields is empty the Org table result field is set to empty. ‘E’ is required to not convert empty fields to 0. ‘f-1’ is an optional Calc format string similar to ‘%.1f’ but leaves empty results empty.

if(typeof(vmean($1..$7)) =​= 12, string(""), vmean($1..$7); E

Mean value of a range unless there is any empty field. Every field in the range that is empty is replaced by ‘nan’ which lets ‘vmean’ result in ‘nan’. Then ‘typeof =’ 12= detects the ‘nan’ from vmean and the Org table result field is set to empty. Use this when the sample set is expected to never have missing values.

if("$1..$7" =​= "[]", string(""), vmean($1..$7))

Mean value of a range with empty fields skipped. Every field in the range that is empty is skipped. When all fields in the range are empty the mean value is not defined and the Org table result field is set to empty. Use this when the sample set can have a variable size.

vmean($1..$7); EN

To complete the example before: Mean value of a range with empty fields counting as samples with value 0. Use this only when incomplete sample sets should be padded with 0 to the full size.

You can add your own Calc functions defined in Emacs Lisp with defmath and use them in formula syntax for Calc.

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3.5.3 Emacs Lisp forms as formulas

It is also possible to write a formula in Emacs Lisp. This can be useful for string manipulation and control structures, if Calc’s functionality is not enough.

A formula is evaluated as a Lisp form when it starts with a single-quote followed by an opening parenthesis. Cell table references are interpolated into the Lisp form before execution. The evaluation should return either a string or a number. Evaluation modes and a printf format used to render the returned values can be specified after a semicolon.

By default, references are interpolated as literal Lisp strings: the field content is replaced in the Lisp form stripped of leading and trailing white space and surrounded in double-quotes. For example:

'(concat $1 $2)

concatenates the content of columns 1 and column 2.

When the ‘N’ flag is used, all referenced elements are parsed as numbers and interpolated as Lisp numbers, without quotes. Fields that cannot be parsed as numbers are interpolated as zeros. For example:

'(+ $1 $2);N

adds columns 1 and 2, equivalent to Calc’s ‘$1+$2’. Ranges are inserted as space-separated fields, so they can be embedded in list or vector syntax. For example:

'(apply '+ '($1..$4));N

computes the sum of columns 1 to 4, like Calc’s ‘vsum($1..$4)’.

When the ‘L’ flag is used, all fields are interpolated literally: the cell content is replaced in the Lisp form stripped of leading and trailing white space and without quotes. If a reference is intended to be interpreted as a string by the Lisp form, the reference operator itself should be enclosed in double-quotes, like ‘"$3"’. The ‘L’ flag is useful when strings and numbers are used in the same Lisp form. For example:

'(substring "$1" $2 $3);L

extracts the part of the string in column 1 between the character positions specified in the integers in column 2 and 3 and it is easier to read than the equivalent:

'(substring $1 (string-to-number $2) (string-to-number $3))

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3.5.4 Durations and time values

If you want to compute time values use the ‘T’, ‘t’, or ‘U’ flag, either in Calc formulas or Elisp formulas:

|  Task 1 |   Task 2 |    Total |
|    2:12 |     1:47 | 03:59:00 |
|    2:12 |     1:47 |    03:59 |
| 3:02:20 | -2:07:00 |     0.92 |
#+TBLFM: @2$3=$1+$2;T::@3$3=$1+$2;U::@4$3=$1+$2;t

Input duration values must be of the form ‘HH:MM[:SS]’, where seconds are optional. With the ‘T’ flag, computed durations are displayed as ‘HH:MM:SS’ (see the first formula above). With the ‘U’ flag, seconds are omitted so that the result is only ‘HH:MM’ (see second formula above). Zero-padding of the hours field depends upon the value of the variable org-table-duration-hour-zero-padding.

With the ‘t’ flag, computed durations are displayed according to the value of the option org-table-duration-custom-format, which defaults to hours and displays the result as a fraction of hours (see the third formula in the example above).

Negative duration values can be manipulated as well, and integers are considered as seconds in addition and subtraction.

Next: , Previous: , Up: The Spreadsheet   [Contents][Index]

3.5.5 Field and range formulas

To assign a formula to a particular field, type it directly into the field, preceded by ‘:=’, for example ‘vsum(@II..III)’. When you press TAB or RET or C-c C-c with point still in the field, the formula is stored as the formula for this field, evaluated, and the current field is replaced with the result.

Formulas are stored in a special ‘TBLFM’ keyword located directly below the table. If you type the equation in the fourth field of the third data line in the table, the formula looks like ‘@3$4=$1+$2’. When inserting/deleting/swapping column and rows with the appropriate commands, absolute references (but not relative ones) in stored formulas are modified in order to still reference the same field. To avoid this from happening, in particular in range references, anchor ranges at the table borders (using ‘@<’, ‘@>’, ‘$<’, ‘$>’), or at hlines using the ‘@I’ notation. Automatic adaptation of field references does not happen if you edit the table structure with normal editing commands—you must fix the formulas yourself.

Instead of typing an equation into the field, you may also use the following command

C-u C-c = (org-table-eval-formula)

Install a new formula for the current field. The command prompts for a formula with default taken from the ‘TBLFM’ keyword, applies it to the current field, and stores it.

The left-hand side of a formula can also be a special expression in order to assign the formula to a number of different fields. There is no keyboard shortcut to enter such range formulas. To add them, use the formula editor (see Editing and debugging formulas) or edit the ‘TBLFM’ keyword directly.


Column formula, valid for the entire column. This is so common that Org treats these formulas in a special way, see Column formulas.


Row formula, applies to all fields in the specified row. ‘@>=’ means the last row.


Range formula, applies to all fields in the given rectangular range. This can also be used to assign a formula to some but not all fields in a row.


Named field, see Advanced features.

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3.5.6 Column formulas

When you assign a formula to a simple column reference like ‘$3=’, the same formula is used in all fields of that column, with the following very convenient exceptions: (i) If the table contains horizontal separator hlines with rows above and below, everything before the first such hline is considered part of the table header and is not modified by column formulas. Therefore a header is mandatory when you use column formulas and want to add hlines to group rows, like for example to separate a total row at the bottom from the summand rows above. (ii) Fields that already get a value from a field/range formula are left alone by column formulas. These conditions make column formulas very easy to use.

To assign a formula to a column, type it directly into any field in the column, preceded by an equal sign, like ‘=$1+$2’. When you press TAB or RET or C-c C-c with point still in the field, the formula is stored as the formula for the current column, evaluated and the current field replaced with the result. If the field contains only ‘=’, the previously stored formula for this column is used. For each column, Org only remembers the most recently used formula. In the ‘TBLFM’ keyword, column formulas look like ‘$4=$1+$2’. The left-hand side of a column formula can not be the name of column, it must be the numeric column reference or ‘$>’.

Instead of typing an equation into the field, you may also use the following command:

C-c = (org-table-eval-formula)

Install a new formula for the current column and replace current field with the result of the formula. The command prompts for a formula, with default taken from the ‘TBLFM’ keyword, applies it to the current field and stores it. With a numeric prefix argument, e.g., C-5 C-c =, the command applies it to that many consecutive fields in the current column.

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3.5.7 Lookup functions

Org has three predefined Emacs Lisp functions for lookups in tables.

(org-lookup-first VAL S-LIST R-LIST &optional PREDICATE)

Searches for the first element S in list S-LIST for which


is non-nil; returns the value from the corresponding position in list R-LIST. The default PREDICATE is equal. Note that the parameters VAL and S are passed to PREDICATE in the same order as the corresponding parameters are in the call to org-lookup-first, where VAL precedes S-LIST. If R-LIST is nil, the matching element S of S-LIST is returned.

(org-lookup-last VAL S-LIST R-LIST &optional PREDICATE)

Similar to org-lookup-first above, but searches for the last element for which PREDICATE is non-nil.

(org-lookup-all VAL S-LIST R-LIST &optional PREDICATE)

Similar to org-lookup-first, but searches for all elements for which PREDICATE is non-nil, and returns all corresponding values. This function can not be used by itself in a formula, because it returns a list of values. However, powerful lookups can be built when this function is combined with other Emacs Lisp functions.

If the ranges used in these functions contain empty fields, the ‘E’ mode for the formula should usually be specified: otherwise empty fields are not included in S-LIST and/or R-LIST which can, for example, result in an incorrect mapping from an element of S-LIST to the corresponding element of R-LIST.

These three functions can be used to implement associative arrays, count matching cells, rank results, group data, etc. For practical examples see this tutorial on Worg.

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3.5.8 Editing and debugging formulas

You can edit individual formulas in the minibuffer or directly in the field. Org can also prepare a special buffer with all active formulas of a table. When offering a formula for editing, Org converts references to the standard format (like ‘B3’ or ‘D&’) if possible. If you prefer to only work with the internal format (like ‘@3$2’ or ‘$4’), configure the variable org-table-use-standard-references.

C-c = or C-u C-c = (org-table-eval-formula)

Edit the formula associated with the current column/field in the minibuffer. See Column formulas, and Field and range formulas.

C-u C-u C-c = (org-table-eval-formula)

Re-insert the active formula (either a field formula, or a column formula) into the current field, so that you can edit it directly in the field. The advantage over editing in the minibuffer is that you can use the command C-c ?.

C-c ? (org-table-field-info)

While editing a formula in a table field, highlight the field(s) referenced by the reference at point position in the formula.

C-c } (org-table-toggle-coordinate-overlays)

Toggle the display of row and column numbers for a table, using overlays. These are updated each time the table is aligned; you can force it with C-c C-c.

C-c { (org-table-toggle-formula-debugger)

Toggle the formula debugger on and off. See below.

C-c ' (org-table-edit-formulas)

Edit all formulas for the current table in a special buffer, where the formulas are displayed one per line. If the current field has an active formula, point in the formula editor marks it. While inside the special buffer, Org automatically highlights any field or range reference at point position. You may edit, remove and add formulas, and use the following commands:

C-c C-c or C-x C-s (org-table-fedit-finish)

Exit the formula editor and store the modified formulas. With C-u prefix, also apply the new formulas to the entire table.

C-c C-q (org-table-fedit-abort)

Exit the formula editor without installing changes.

C-c C-r (org-table-fedit-toggle-ref-type)

Toggle all references in the formula editor between standard (like ‘B3’) and internal (like ‘@3$2’).

TAB (org-table-fedit-lisp-indent)

Pretty-print or indent Lisp formula at point. When in a line containing a Lisp formula, format the formula according to Emacs Lisp rules. Another TAB collapses the formula back again. In the open formula, TAB re-indents just like in Emacs Lisp mode.

M-TAB (lisp-complete-symbol)

Complete Lisp symbols, just like in Emacs Lisp mode.


Shift the reference at point. For example, if the reference is ‘B3’ and you press S-RIGHT, it becomes ‘C3’. This also works for relative references and for hline references.

M-S-UP (org-table-fedit-line-up)

Move the test line for column formulas up in the Org buffer.

M-S-DOWN (org-table-fedit-line-down)

Move the test line for column formulas down in the Org buffer.

M-UP (org-table-fedit-scroll-up)

Scroll up the window displaying the table.

M-DOWN (org-table-fedit-scroll-down)

Scroll down the window displaying the table.

C-c }

Turn the coordinate grid in the table on and off.

Making a table field blank does not remove the formula associated with the field, because that is stored in a different line—the ‘TBLFM’ keyword line. During the next recalculation, the field will be filled again. To remove a formula from a field, you have to give an empty reply when prompted for the formula, or to edit the ‘TBLFM’ keyword.

You may edit the ‘TBLFM’ keyword directly and re-apply the changed equations with C-c C-c in that line or with the normal recalculation commands in the table.

Using multiple ‘TBLFM’ lines

You may apply the formula temporarily. This is useful when you want to switch the formula applied to the table. Place multiple ‘TBLFM’ keywords right after the table, and then press C-c C-c on the formula to apply. Here is an example:

| x | y |
| 1 |   |
| 2 |   |
#+TBLFM: $2=$1*1
#+TBLFM: $2=$1*2

Pressing C-c C-c in the line of ‘#+TBLFM: $2=$1*2’ yields:

| x | y |
| 1 | 2 |
| 2 | 4 |
#+TBLFM: $2=$1*1
#+TBLFM: $2=$1*2

If you recalculate this table, with C-u C-c *, for example, you get the following result from applying only the first ‘TBLFM’ keyword.

| x | y |
| 1 | 1 |
| 2 | 2 |
#+TBLFM: $2=$1*1
#+TBLFM: $2=$1*2

Debugging formulas

When the evaluation of a formula leads to an error, the field content becomes the string ‘#ERROR’. If you would like to see what is going on during variable substitution and calculation in order to find a bug, turn on formula debugging in the Tbl menu and repeat the calculation, for example by pressing C-u C-u C-c = RET in a field. Detailed information are displayed.

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3.5.9 Updating the table

Recalculation of a table is normally not automatic, but needs to be triggered by a command. To make recalculation at least semi-automatic, see Advanced features.

In order to recalculate a line of a table or the entire table, use the following commands:

C-c * (org-table-recalculate)

Recalculate the current row by first applying the stored column formulas from left to right, and all field/range formulas in the current row.

C-u C-c * or C-u C-c C-c

Recompute the entire table, line by line. Any lines before the first hline are left alone, assuming that these are part of the table header.

C-u C-u C-c * or C-u C-u C-c C-c (org-table-iterate)

Iterate the table by recomputing it until no further changes occur. This may be necessary if some computed fields use the value of other fields that are computed later in the calculation sequence.

M-x org-table-recalculate-buffer-tables

Recompute all tables in the current buffer.

M-x org-table-iterate-buffer-tables

Iterate all tables in the current buffer, in order to converge table-to-table dependencies.

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3.5.10 Advanced features

If you want the recalculation of fields to happen automatically, or if you want to be able to assign names22 to fields and columns, you need to reserve the first column of the table for special marking characters.

C-# (org-table-rotate-recalc-marks)

Rotate the calculation mark in first column through the states ‘#’, ‘*’, ‘!’, ‘$’. When there is an active region, change all marks in the region.

Here is an example of a table that collects exam results of students and makes use of these features:

|   | Student | Prob 1 | Prob 2 | Prob 3 | Total | Note |
| ! |         |     P1 |     P2 |     P3 |   Tot |      |
| # | Maximum |     10 |     15 |     25 |    50 | 10.0 |
| ^ |         |     m1 |     m2 |     m3 |    mt |      |
| # | Peter   |     10 |      8 |     23 |    41 |  8.2 |
| # | Sam     |      2 |      4 |      3 |     9 |  1.8 |
|   | Average |        |        |        |  25.0 |      |
| ^ |         |        |        |        |    at |      |
| $ | max=50  |        |        |        |       |      |
#+TBLFM: $6=vsum($P1..$P3)::$7=10*$Tot/$max;%.1f::$at=vmean(@-II..@-I);%.1f

Important: Please note that for these special tables, recalculating the table with C-u C-c * only affects rows that are marked ‘#’ or ‘*’, and fields that have a formula assigned to the field itself. The column formulas are not applied in rows with empty first field.

The marking characters have the following meaning:


The fields in this line define names for the columns, so that you may refer to a column as ‘$Tot’ instead of ‘$6’.


This row defines names for the fields above the row. With such a definition, any formula in the table may use ‘$m1’ to refer to the value ‘10’. Also, if you assign a formula to a names field, it is stored as ‘$name = ...’.


Similar to ‘^’, but defines names for the fields in the row below.


Fields in this row can define parameters for formulas. For example, if a field in a ‘$’ row contains ‘max=50’, then formulas in this table can refer to the value 50 using ‘$max’. Parameters work exactly like constants, only that they can be defined on a per-table basis.


Fields in this row are automatically recalculated when pressing TAB or RET or S-TAB in this row. Also, this row is selected for a global recalculation with C-u C-c *. Unmarked lines are left alone by this command.


Selects this line for global recalculation with C-u C-c *, but not for automatic recalculation. Use this when automatic recalculation slows down editing too much.


Do not export this line. Useful for lines that contain the narrowing ‘<N>’ markers or column group markers.

Finally, just to whet your appetite for what can be done with the fantastic Calc package, here is a table that computes the Taylor series of degree n at location x for a couple of functions.

|   | Func        | n | x   | Result                               |
| # | exp(x)      | 1 | x   | 1 + x                                |
| # | exp(x)      | 2 | x   | 1 + x + x^2 / 2                      |
| # | exp(x)      | 3 | x   | 1 + x + x^2 / 2 + x^3 / 6            |
| # | x^2+sqrt(x) | 2 | x=0 | x*(0.5 / 0) + x^2 (2 - 0.25 / 0) / 2 |
| # | x^2+sqrt(x) | 2 | x=1 | 2 + 2.5 x - 2.5 + 0.875 (x - 1)^2    |
| * | tan(x)      | 3 | x   | 0.0175 x + 1.77e-6 x^3               |
#+TBLFM: $5=taylor($2,$4,$3);n3

Previous: , Up: Tables   [Contents][Index]

3.6 Org Plot

Org Plot can produce graphs of information stored in Org tables, either graphically or in ASCII art.

Graphical plots using Gnuplot

Org Plot can produce 2D and 3D graphs of information stored in Org tables using Gnuplot and Gnuplot mode. To see this in action, ensure that you have both Gnuplot and Gnuplot mode installed on your system, then call C-c " g or M-x org-plot/gnuplot on the following table.

#+PLOT: title:"Citas" ind:1 deps:(3) type:2d with:histograms set:"yrange [0:]"
| Sede      | Max cites | H-index |
| Chile     |    257.72 |   21.39 |
| Leeds     |    165.77 |   19.68 |
| Sao Paolo |     71.00 |   11.50 |
| Stockholm |    134.19 |   14.33 |
| Morelia   |    257.56 |   17.67 |

Org Plot supports a range of plot types, and provides the ability to add more. For example, a radar plot can be generated like so:

#+PLOT: title:"An evaluation of plaintext document formats" transpose:yes type:radar min:0 max:4
| Format            | Fine-grained-control | Initial Effort | Syntax simplicity | Editor Support | Integrations | Ease-of-referencing | Versatility |
| Word              |                    2 |              4 |                 4 |              2 |            3 |                   2 |           2 |
| LaTeX             |                    4 |              1 |                 1 |              3 |            2 |                   4 |           3 |
| Org Mode          |                    4 |              2 |               3.5 |              1 |            4 |                   4 |           4 |
| Markdown          |                    1 |              3 |                 3 |              4 |            3 |                   3 |           1 |
| Markdown + Pandoc |                  2.5 |            2.5 |               2.5 |              3 |            3 |                   3 |           2 |

Notice that Org Plot is smart enough to apply the table’s headers as labels. Further control over the labels, type, content, and appearance of plots can be exercised through the ‘PLOT’ keyword preceding a table. See below for a complete list of Org Plot options. For more information and examples see the Org Plot tutorial.

Plot options


Specify any Gnuplot option to be set when graphing.


Specify the title of the plot.


Specify which column of the table to use as the ‘x’ axis.


Specify the columns to graph as a Lisp style list, surrounded by parentheses and separated by spaces for example ‘dep:(3 4)’ to graph the third and fourth columns. Defaults to graphing all other columns aside from the ‘ind’ column.


When ‘y’, ‘yes’, or ‘t’ attempt to transpose the table data before plotting. Also recognises the shorthand option ‘trans’.


Specify the type of the plot, by default one of ‘2d’, ‘3d’, ‘radar’, or ‘grid’. Available types can be customised with org-plot/preset-plot-types.


Specify a ‘with’ option to be inserted for every column being plotted, e.g., ‘lines’, ‘points’, ‘boxes’, ‘impulses’. Defaults to ‘lines’.


If you want to plot to a file, specify ‘"path/to/desired/output-file"’.


List of labels to be used for the ‘deps’. Defaults to the column headers if they exist.


Specify an entire line to be inserted in the Gnuplot script.


When plotting ‘3d’ or ‘grid’ types, set this to ‘t’ to graph a flat mapping rather than a ‘3d’ slope.


Provides a minimum axis value that may be used by a plot type. Implicitly assumes the ‘y’ axis is being referred to. Can explicitly provide a value for a either the ‘x’ or ‘y’ axis with ‘xmin’ and ‘ymin’.


Provides a maximum axis value that may be used by a plot type. Implicitly assumes the ‘y’ axis is being referred to. Can explicitly provide a value for a either the ‘x’ or ‘y’ axis with ‘xmax’ and ‘ymax’.


Provides a desired number of axis ticks to display, that may be used by a plot type. If none is given a plot type that requires ticks will use org--plot/sensible-tick-num to try to determine a good value.


Specify format of Org mode timestamps as they will be parsed by Gnuplot. Defaults to ‘%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S’.


If you want total control, you can specify a script file—place the file name between double-quotes—which will be used to plot. Before plotting, every instance of ‘$datafile’ in the specified script will be replaced with the path to the generated data file. Note: even if you set this option, you may still want to specify the plot type, as that can impact the content of the data file.

ASCII bar plots

While point is on a column, typing C-c `` a or M-x orgtbl-ascii-plot create a new column containing an ASCII-art bars plot. The plot is implemented through a regular column formula. When the source column changes, the bar plot may be updated by refreshing the table, for example typing C-u C-c *.

| Sede          | Max cites |              |
| Chile         |    257.72 | WWWWWWWWWWWW |
| Leeds         |    165.77 | WWWWWWWh     |
| Sao Paolo     |     71.00 | WWW;         |
| Stockholm     |    134.19 | WWWWWW:      |
| Morelia       |    257.56 | WWWWWWWWWWWH |
| Rochefourchat |      0.00 |              |
#+TBLFM: $3='(orgtbl-ascii-draw $2 0.0 257.72 12)

The formula is an Elisp call.

Function: orgtbl-ascii-draw value min max &optional width

Draw an ASCII bar in a table.

VALUE is the value to plot.

MIN is the value displayed as an empty bar. MAX is the value filling all the WIDTH. Sources values outside this range are displayed as ‘too small’ or ‘too large’.

WIDTH is the number of characters of the bar plot. It defaults to ‘12’.

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4 Hyperlinks

Like HTML, Org provides support for links inside a file, external links to other files, Usenet articles, emails, and much more.

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4.1 Link Format

Org recognizes plain URIs, possibly wrapped within angle brackets23, and activate them as clickable links.

The general link format, however, looks like this:


or alternatively


Some ‘\’, ‘[’ and ‘]’ characters in the LINK part need to be “escaped”, i.e., preceded by another ‘\’ character. More specifically, the following characters, and only them, must be escaped:

  1. all ‘[’ and ‘]’ characters,
  2. every ‘\’ character preceding either ‘]’ or ‘[’,
  3. every ‘\’ character at the end of the link.

Functions inserting links (see Handling Links) properly escape ambiguous characters. You only need to bother about the rules above when inserting directly, or yanking, a URI within square brackets. When in doubt, you may use the function org-link-escape, which turns a link string into its escaped form.

Once a link in the buffer is complete, with all brackets present, Org changes the display so that ‘DESCRIPTION’ is displayed instead of ‘[[LINK][DESCRIPTION]]’ and ‘LINK’ is displayed instead of ‘[[LINK]]’. Links are highlighted in the org-link face, which, by default, is an underlined face.

You can directly edit the visible part of a link. This can be either the LINK part, if there is no description, or the DESCRIPTION part otherwise. To also edit the invisible LINK part, use C-c C-l with point on the link (see Handling Links).

If you place point at the beginning or just behind the end of the displayed text and press BS, you remove the—invisible—bracket at that location24. This makes the link incomplete and the internals are again displayed as plain text. Inserting the missing bracket hides the link internals again. To show the internal structure of all links, use the menu: Org → Hyperlinks → Literal links.

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4.2 Internal Links

A link that does not look like a URL—i.e., does not start with a known scheme or a file name—refers to the current document. You can follow it with C-c C-o when point is on the link, or with a mouse click (see Handling Links).

Org provides several refinements to internal navigation within a document. Most notably, a construct like ‘[[#my-custom-id]]’ specifically targets the entry with the ‘CUSTOM_ID’ property set to ‘my-custom-id’. Also, an internal link looking like ‘[[*Some section]]’ points to a headline with the name ‘Some section25.

When the link does not belong to any of the cases above, Org looks for a dedicated target: the same string in double angular brackets, like ‘<<My Target>>’.

If no dedicated target exists, the link tries to match the exact name of an element within the buffer. Naming is done, unsurprisingly, with the ‘NAME’ keyword, which has to be put in the line before the element it refers to, as in the following example

#+NAME: My Target
| a  | table      |
| of | four cells |

Ultimately, if none of the above succeeds, Org searches for a headline that is exactly the link text but may also include a TODO keyword and tags, or initiates a plain text search, according to the value of org-link-search-must-match-exact-headline.

Note that you must make sure custom IDs, dedicated targets, and names are unique throughout the document. Org provides a linter to assist you in the process, if needed. See Org Syntax.

During export, internal links are used to mark objects and assign them a number. Marked objects are then referenced by links pointing to them. In particular, links without a description appear as the number assigned to the marked object26. In the following excerpt from an Org buffer

1. one item
2. <<target>>another item
Here we refer to item [[target]].

The last sentence will appear as ‘Here we refer to item 2’ when exported.

In non-Org files, the search looks for the words in the link text. In the above example the search would be for ‘target’.

Following a link pushes a mark onto Org’s own mark ring. You can return to the previous position with C-c &. Using this command several times in direct succession goes back to positions recorded earlier.

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4.3 Radio Targets

Org can automatically turn any occurrences of certain target names in normal text into a link. So without explicitly creating a link, the text connects to the target radioing its position. Radio targets are enclosed by triple angular brackets. For example, a target ‘<<<My Target>>>’ causes each occurrence of ‘my target’ in normal text to become activated as a link. The Org file is scanned automatically for radio targets only when the file is first loaded into Emacs. To update the target list during editing, press C-c C-c with point on or at a target.

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4.4 External Links

Org supports links to files, websites, Usenet and email messages, BBDB database entries and links to both IRC conversations and their logs. External links are URL-like locators. They start with a short identifying string followed by a colon. There can be no space after the colon.

Here is the full set of built-in link types:


File links. File name may be remote, absolute, or relative.

Additionally, you can specify a line number, or a text search. In Org files, you may link to a headline name, a custom ID, or a code reference instead.

As a special case, “file” prefix may be omitted if the file name is complete, e.g., it starts with ‘./’, or ‘/’.


Same as file links but for files and folders attached to the current node (see Attachments). Attachment links are intended to behave exactly as file links but for files relative to the attachment directory.


Link to a BBDB record, with possible regexp completion.


Link to a document opened with DocView mode. You may specify a page number.


Link to an electronic resource, through its handle.


Execute an Elisp command upon activation.

gnus’, ‘rmail’, ‘mhe

Link to messages or folders from a given Emacs’ MUA.


Display documentation of a symbol in ‘*Help*’ buffer.

http’, ‘https

Web links.


Link to a specific headline by its ID property, in an Org file.


Link to an Info manual, or to a specific node.


Link to an IRC channel.


Link to message composition.


Usenet links.


Execute a shell command upon activation.

The following table illustrates the link types above, along with their options:

Link TypeExample
/home/dominik/images/jupiter.jpg’ (same as above)
./papers/last.pdf’ (same as above)
file:/ssh:me@some.where:papers/last.pdf’ (remote)
/ssh:me@some.where:papers/last.pdf’ (same as above)
file:sometextfile::NNN’ (jump to line number) words’ (text search)27*task title’ (headline search)’ (headline search) words’ (text search)
mhemhe:folder’ (folder link)
mhe:folder#id’ (message link)
rmailrmail:folder’ (folder link)
rmail:folder#id’ (message link)
gnusgnus:group’ (group link)
gnus:group#id’ (article link)
bbdbbbdb:R.*Stallman’ (record with regexp)
infoinfo:org#External links
shellshell:ls *.org
elispelisp:(find-file "")’ (Elisp form to evaluate)
elisp:org-agenda’ (interactive Elisp command)

On top of these built-in link types, additional ones are available through the ‘contrib/’ directory (see Installation). For example, these links to VM or Wanderlust messages are available when you load the corresponding libraries from the ‘contrib/’ directory:

vm:folderVM folder link
vm:folder#idVM message link
vm:// on remote machine
vm-imap:account:folderVM IMAP folder link
vm-imap:account:folder#idVM IMAP message link
wl:folderWanderlust folder link
wl:folder#idWanderlust message link

For information on customizing Org to add new link types, see Adding Hyperlink Types.

A link should be enclosed in double brackets and may contain descriptive text to be displayed instead of the URL (see Link Format), for example:

[[][GNU Emacs]]

If the description is a file name or URL that points to an image, HTML export (see HTML Export) inlines the image as a clickable button. If there is no description at all and the link points to an image, that image is inlined into the exported HTML file.

Org also recognizes external links amid normal text and activates them as links. If spaces must be part of the link (for example in ‘bbdb:R.*Stallman’), or if you need to remove ambiguities about the end of the link, enclose the link in square or angular brackets.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Hyperlinks   [Contents][Index]

4.5 Handling Links

Org provides methods to create a link in the correct syntax, to insert it into an Org file, and to follow the link.

The main function is org-store-link, called with M-x org-store-link. Because of its importance, we suggest to bind it to a widely available key (see Activation). It stores a link to the current location. The link is stored for later insertion into an Org buffer—see below. The kind of link that is created depends on the current buffer:

Org mode buffers

For Org files, if there is a ‘<<target>>’ at point, the link points to the target. Otherwise it points to the current headline, which is also the description28.

If the headline has a ‘CUSTOM_ID’ property, store a link to this custom ID. In addition or alternatively, depending on the value of org-id-link-to-org-use-id, create and/or use a globally unique ‘ID’ property for the link29. So using this command in Org buffers potentially creates two links: a human-readable link from the custom ID, and one that is globally unique and works even if the entry is moved from file to file. Later, when inserting the link, you need to decide which one to use.

Email/News clients: VM, Rmail, Wanderlust, MH-E, Gnus

Pretty much all Emacs mail clients are supported. The link points to the current article, or, in some Gnus buffers, to the group. The description is constructed according to the variable org-link-email-description-format. By default, it refers to the addressee and the subject.

Web browsers: W3, W3M and EWW

Here the link is the current URL, with the page title as the description.

Contacts: BBDB

Links created in a BBDB buffer point to the current entry.

Chat: IRC

For IRC links, if the variable org-irc-link-to-logs is non-nil, create a ‘file’ style link to the relevant point in the logs for the current conversation. Otherwise store an ‘irc’ style link to the user/channel/server under the point.

Other files

For any other file, the link points to the file, with a search string (see Search Options) pointing to the contents of the current line. If there is an active region, the selected words form the basis of the search string. You can write custom Lisp functions to select the search string and perform the search for particular file types (see Custom Searches).

You can also define dedicated links to other files. See Adding Hyperlink Types.

Agenda view

When point is in an agenda view, the created link points to the entry referenced by the current line.

From an Org buffer, the following commands create, navigate or, more generally, act on links.

C-c C-l (org-insert-link)

Insert a link30. This prompts for a link to be inserted into the buffer. You can just type a link, using text for an internal link, or one of the link type prefixes mentioned in the examples above. The link is inserted into the buffer, along with a descriptive text31. If some text was selected at this time, it becomes the default description.

Inserting stored links

All links stored during the current session are part of the history for this prompt, so you can access them with UP and DOWN (or M-p, M-n).

Completion support

Completion with TAB helps you to insert valid link prefixes like ‘http’ or ‘ftp’, including the prefixes defined through link abbreviations (see Link Abbreviations). If you press RET after inserting only the prefix, Org offers specific completion support for some link types32. For example, if you type f i l e RET—alternative access: C-u C-c C-l, see below—Org offers file name completion, and after b b d b RET you can complete contact names.

C-u C-c C-l

When C-c C-l is called with a C-u prefix argument, insert a link to a file. You may use file name completion to select the name of the file. The path to the file is inserted relative to the directory of the current Org file, if the linked file is in the current directory or in a sub-directory of it, or if the path is written relative to the current directory using ‘../’. Otherwise an absolute path is used, if possible with ‘~/’ for your home directory. You can force an absolute path with two C-u prefixes.

C-c C-l (with point on existing link)

When point is on an existing link, C-c C-l allows you to edit the link and description parts of the link.

C-c C-o (org-open-at-point)

Open link at point. This launches a web browser for URL (using browse-url-at-point), run VM/MH-E/Wanderlust/Rmail/Gnus/BBDB for the corresponding links, and execute the command in a shell link. When point is on an internal link, this command runs the corresponding search. When point is on the tags part of a headline, it creates the corresponding tags view (see Matching tags and properties). If point is on a timestamp, it compiles the agenda for that date. Furthermore, it visits text and remote files in ‘file’ links with Emacs and select a suitable application for local non-text files. Classification of files is based on file extension only. See option org-file-apps. If you want to override the default application and visit the file with Emacs, use a C-u prefix. If you want to avoid opening in Emacs, use a C-u C-u prefix.

If point is on a headline, but not on a link, offer all links in the headline and entry text. If you want to setup the frame configuration for following links, customize org-link-frame-setup.


When org-return-follows-link is set, RET also follows the link at point.

mouse-2 or mouse-1

On links, mouse-1 and mouse-2 opens the link just as C-c C-o does.


Like mouse-2, but force file links to be opened with Emacs, and internal links to be displayed in another window33.

C-c % (org-mark-ring-push)

Push the current position onto the Org mark ring, to be able to return easily. Commands following an internal link do this automatically.

C-c & (org-mark-ring-goto)

Jump back to a recorded position. A position is recorded by the commands following internal links, and by C-c %. Using this command several times in direct succession moves through a ring of previously recorded positions.

C-c C-x C-n (org-next-link)
C-c C-x C-p (org-previous-link)

Move forward/backward to the next link in the buffer. At the limit of the buffer, the search fails once, and then wraps around. The key bindings for this are really too long; you might want to bind this also to M-n and M-p.

(with-eval-after-load 'org
  (define-key org-mode-map (kbd "M-n") 'org-next-link)
  (define-key org-mode-map (kbd "M-p") 'org-previous-link))

Next: , Previous: , Up: Hyperlinks   [Contents][Index]

4.6 Using Links Outside Org

You can insert and follow links that have Org syntax not only in Org, but in any Emacs buffer. For this, Org provides two functions: org-insert-link-global and org-open-at-point-global.

You might want to bind them to globally available keys. See Activation for some advice.

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4.7 Link Abbreviations

Long URL can be cumbersome to type, and often many similar links are needed in a document. For this you can use link abbreviations. An abbreviated link looks like this


where the tag is optional. The linkword must be a word, starting with a letter, followed by letters, numbers, ‘-’, and ‘_’. Abbreviations are resolved according to the information in the variable org-link-abbrev-alist that relates the linkwords to replacement text. Here is an example:

(setq org-link-abbrev-alist
      '(("bugzilla"        . "")
        ("Nu Html Checker" . "") 
        ("duckduckgo"      . "")
        ("omap"            . "")
        ("ads"             . "\"%s\"")))

If the replacement text contains the string ‘%s’, it is replaced with the tag. Using ‘%h’ instead of ‘%s’ percent-encodes the tag (see the example above, where we need to encode the URL parameter). Using ‘%(my-function)’ passes the tag to a custom Lisp function, and replace it by the resulting string.

If the replacement text do not contain any specifier, it is simply appended to the string in order to create the link.

Instead of a string, you may also specify a Lisp function to create the link. Such a function will be called with the tag as the only argument.

With the above setting, you could link to a specific bug with ‘[[bugzilla:129]]’, search the web for ‘OrgMode’ with ‘[[google:OrgMode]]’, show the map location of the Free Software Foundation ‘[[gmap:51 Franklin Street, Boston]]’ or of Carsten office ‘[[omap:Science Park 904, Amsterdam, The Netherlands]]’ and find out what the Org author is doing besides Emacs hacking with ‘[[ads:Dominik,C]]’.

If you need special abbreviations just for a single Org buffer, you can define them in the file with

#+LINK: bugzilla
#+LINK: google

In-buffer completion (see Completion) can be used after ‘[’ to complete link abbreviations. You may also define a Lisp function that implements special (e.g., completion) support for inserting such a link with C-c C-l. Such a function should not accept any arguments, and should return the full link with a prefix. You can set the link completion function like this:

(org-link-set-parameter "type" :complete #'some-completion-function)

Next: , Previous: , Up: Hyperlinks   [Contents][Index]

4.8 Search Options in File Links

File links can contain additional information to make Emacs jump to a particular location in the file when following a link. This can be a line number or a search option after a double colon34. For example, when the command org-store-link creates a link (see Handling Links) to a file, it encodes the words in the current line as a search string that can be used to find this line back later when following the link with C-c C-o.

Note that all search options apply for Attachment links in the same way that they apply for File links.

Here is the syntax of the different ways to attach a search to a file link, together with explanations for each:

[[file:~/ Target]]
[[file:~/*My Target]]

Jump to line 255.

My Target

Search for a link target ‘<<My Target>>’, or do a text search for ‘my target’, similar to the search in internal links, see Internal Links. In HTML export (see HTML Export), such a file link becomes a HTML reference to the corresponding named anchor in the linked file.

*My Target

In an Org file, restrict search to headlines.


Link to a heading with a ‘CUSTOM_ID’ property


Do a regular expression search for REGEXP. This uses the Emacs command occur to list all matches in a separate window. If the target file is in Org mode, org-occur is used to create a sparse tree with the matches.

As a degenerate case, a file link with an empty file name can be used to search the current file. For example, ‘[[file:::find me]]’ does a search for ‘find me’ in the current file, just as ‘[[find me]]’ would.

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4.9 Custom Searches

The default mechanism for creating search strings and for doing the actual search related to a file link may not work correctly in all cases. For example, BibTeX database files have many entries like year="1993" which would not result in good search strings, because the only unique identification for a BibTeX entry is the citation key.

If you come across such a problem, you can write custom functions to set the right search string for a particular file type, and to do the search for the string in the file. Using add-hook, these functions need to be added to the hook variables org-create-file-search-functions and org-execute-file-search-functions. See the docstring for these variables for more information. Org actually uses this mechanism for BibTeX database files, and you can use the corresponding code as an implementation example. See the file ‘ol-bibtex.el’.

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5 TODO Items

Org mode does not maintain TODO lists as separate documents35. Instead, TODO items are an integral part of the notes file, because TODO items usually come up while taking notes! With Org mode, simply mark any entry in a tree as being a TODO item. In this way, information is not duplicated, and the entire context from which the TODO item emerged is always present.

Of course, this technique for managing TODO items scatters them throughout your notes file. Org mode compensates for this by providing methods to give you an overview of all the things that you have to do.

Next: , Up: TODO Items   [Contents][Index]

5.1 Basic TODO Functionality

Any headline becomes a TODO item when it starts with the word ‘TODO’, for example:

*** TODO Write letter to Sam Fortune

The most important commands to work with TODO entries are:

C-c C-t (org-todo)

Rotate the TODO state of the current item among

,-> (unmarked) -> TODO -> DONE --.

If TODO keywords have fast access keys (see Fast access to TODO states), prompt for a TODO keyword through the fast selection interface; this is the default behavior when org-use-fast-todo-selection is non-nil.

The same state changing can also be done “remotely” from the agenda buffer with the t command key (see Agenda Commands).


Select the following/preceding TODO state, similar to cycling. Useful mostly if more than two TODO states are possible (see TODO Extensions). See also Conflicts, for a discussion of the interaction with shift-selection. See also the variable org-treat-S-cursor-todo-selection-as-state-change.

C-c / t (org-show-todo-tree)

View TODO items in a sparse tree (see Sparse Trees). Folds the entire buffer, but shows all TODO items—with not-DONE state—and the headings hierarchy above them. With a prefix argument, or by using C-c / T, search for a specific TODO. You are prompted for the keyword, and you can also give a list of keywords like ‘KWD1|KWD2|...’ to list entries that match any one of these keywords. With a numeric prefix argument N, show the tree for the Nth keyword in the variable org-todo-keywords. With two prefix arguments, find all TODO states, both un-done and done.

M-x org-agenda t (org-todo-list)

Show the global TODO list. Collects the TODO items (with not-DONE states) from all agenda files (see Agenda Views) into a single buffer. The new buffer is in Org Agenda mode, which provides commands to examine and manipulate the TODO entries from the new buffer (see Agenda Commands). See Global TODO list, for more information.

S-M-RET (org-insert-todo-heading)

Insert a new TODO entry below the current one.

Changing a TODO state can also trigger tag changes. See the docstring of the option org-todo-state-tags-triggers for details.

Next: , Previous: , Up: TODO Items   [Contents][Index]

5.2 Extended Use of TODO Keywords

By default, marked TODO entries have one of only two states: TODO and DONE. Org mode allows you to classify TODO items in more complex ways with TODO keywords (stored in org-todo-keywords). With special setup, the TODO keyword system can work differently in different files.

Note that tags are another way to classify headlines in general and TODO items in particular (see Tags).

Next: , Up: TODO Extensions   [Contents][Index]

5.2.1 TODO keywords as workflow states

You can use TODO keywords to indicate different, possibly sequential states in the process of working on an item, for example36:

(setq org-todo-keywords
      '((sequence "TODO" "FEEDBACK" "VERIFY" "|" "DONE" "DELEGATED")))

The vertical bar separates the TODO keywords (states that need action) from the DONE states (which need no further action). If you do not provide the separator bar, the last state is used as the DONE state.

With this setup, the command C-c C-t cycles an entry from ‘TODO’ to ‘FEEDBACK’, then to ‘VERIFY’, and finally to ‘DONE’ and ‘DELEGATED’. You may also use a numeric prefix argument to quickly select a specific state. For example C-3 C-c C-t changes the state immediately to ‘VERIFY’. Or you can use S-RIGHT and S-LEFT to go forward and backward through the states. If you define many keywords, you can use in-buffer completion (see Completion) or a special one-key selection scheme (see Fast access to TODO states) to insert these words into the buffer. Changing a TODO state can be logged with a timestamp, see Tracking TODO state changes, for more information.

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5.2.2 TODO keywords as types

The second possibility is to use TODO keywords to indicate different types of action items. For example, you might want to indicate that items are for “work” or “home”. Or, when you work with several people on a single project, you might want to assign action items directly to persons, by using their names as TODO keywords. This type of functionality is actually much better served by using tags (see Tags), so the TODO implementation is kept just for backward compatibility.

Using TODO types, it would be set up like this:

(setq org-todo-keywords '((type "Fred" "Sara" "Lucy" "|" "DONE")))

In this case, different keywords do not indicate states, but rather different types. So the normal work flow would be to assign a task to a person, and later to mark it DONE. Org mode supports this style by adapting the workings of the command C-c C-t37. When used several times in succession, it still cycles through all names, in order to first select the right type for a task. But when you return to the item after some time and execute C-c C-t again, it will switch from any name directly to ‘DONE’. Use prefix arguments or completion to quickly select a specific name. You can also review the items of a specific TODO type in a sparse tree by using a numeric prefix to C-c / t. For example, to see all things Lucy has to do, you would use C-3 C-c / t. To collect Lucy’s items from all agenda files into a single buffer, you would use the numeric prefix argument as well when creating the global TODO list: C-3 M-x org-agenda t.

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5.2.3 Multiple keyword sets in one file

Sometimes you may want to use different sets of TODO keywords in parallel. For example, you may want to have the basic TODO/DONE, but also a workflow for bug fixing, and a separate state indicating that an item has been canceled—so it is not DONE, but also does not require action. Your setup would then look like this:

(setq org-todo-keywords
      '((sequence "TODO" "|" "DONE")
        (sequence "REPORT" "BUG" "KNOWNCAUSE" "|" "FIXED")
        (sequence "|" "CANCELED")))

The keywords should all be different, this helps Org mode keep track of which subsequence should be used for a given entry. In this setup, C-c C-t only operates within a sub-sequence, so it switches from ‘DONE’ to (nothing) to ‘TODO’, and from ‘FIXED’ to (nothing) to ‘REPORT’. Therefore you need a mechanism to initially select the correct sequence. In addition to typing a keyword or using completion (see Completion), you may also apply the following commands:

C-u C-u C-c C-t

These keys jump from one TODO sub-sequence to the next. In the above example, C-u C-u C-c C-t or C-S-RIGHT would jump from ‘TODO’ or ‘DONE’ to ‘REPORT’, and any of the words in the second row to ‘CANCELED’. Note that the C-S- key binding conflict with shift-selection (see Conflicts).


S-LEFT and S-RIGHT walk through all keywords from all sub-sequences, so for example S-RIGHT would switch from ‘DONE’ to ‘REPORT’ in the example above. For a discussion of the interaction with shift-selection, see Conflicts.

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5.2.4 Fast access to TODO states

If you would like to quickly change an entry to an arbitrary TODO state instead of cycling through the states, you can set up keys for single-letter access to the states. This is done by adding the selection character after each keyword, in parentheses38. For example:

(setq org-todo-keywords
      '((sequence "TODO(t)" "|" "DONE(d)")
        (sequence "REPORT(r)" "BUG(b)" "KNOWNCAUSE(k)" "|" "FIXED(f)")
        (sequence "|" "CANCELED(c)")))

If you then press C-c C-t followed by the selection key, the entry is switched to this state. SPC can be used to remove any TODO keyword from an entry39.

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5.2.5 Setting up keywords for individual files

It can be very useful to use different aspects of the TODO mechanism in different files. For file-local settings, you need to add special lines to the file which set the keywords and interpretation for that file only. For example, to set one of the two examples discussed above, you need one of the following lines, starting in column zero anywhere in the file:


You may also write ‘#+SEQ_TODO’ to be explicit about the interpretation, but it means the same as ‘#+TODO’, or

#+TYP_TODO: Fred Sara Lucy Mike | DONE

A setup for using several sets in parallel would be:


To make sure you are using the correct keyword, type ‘#+’ into the buffer and then use M-TAB to complete it (see Completion).

Remember that the keywords after the vertical bar—or the last keyword if no bar is there—must always mean that the item is DONE, although you may use a different word. After changing one of these lines, use C-c C-c with point still in the line to make the changes known to Org mode40.

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5.2.6 Faces for TODO keywords

Org mode highlights TODO keywords with special faces: org-todo for keywords indicating that an item still has to be acted upon, and org-done for keywords indicating that an item is finished. If you are using more than two different states, you might want to use special faces for some of them. This can be done using the variable org-todo-keyword-faces. For example:

(setq org-todo-keyword-faces
      '(("TODO" . org-warning) ("STARTED" . "yellow")
        ("CANCELED" . (:foreground "blue" :weight bold))))

While using a list with face properties as shown for ‘CANCELEDshould work, this does not always seem to be the case. If necessary, define a special face and use that. A string is interpreted as a color. The variable org-faces-easy-properties determines if that color is interpreted as a foreground or a background color.

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5.2.7 TODO dependencies

The structure of Org files—hierarchy and lists—makes it easy to define TODO dependencies. Usually, a parent TODO task should not be marked as done until all TODO subtasks, or children tasks, are marked as done. Sometimes there is a logical sequence to (sub)tasks, so that one subtask cannot be acted upon before all siblings above it have been marked as done. If you customize the variable org-enforce-todo-dependencies, Org blocks entries from changing state to DONE while they have TODO children that are not DONE. Furthermore, if an entry has a property ‘ORDERED’, each of its TODO children is blocked until all earlier siblings are marked as done. Here is an example:

* TODO Blocked until (two) is done
** DONE one
** TODO two

* Parent
** TODO a
** TODO b, needs to wait for (a)
** TODO c, needs to wait for (a) and (b)

You can ensure an entry is never blocked by using the ‘NOBLOCKING’ property (see Properties and Columns):

* This entry is never blocked
C-c C-x o (org-toggle-ordered-property)

Toggle the ‘ORDERED’ property of the current entry. A property is used for this behavior because this should be local to the current entry, not inherited from entries above like a tag (see Tags). However, if you would like to track the value of this property with a tag for better visibility, customize the variable org-track-ordered-property-with-tag.

C-u C-u C-u C-c C-t

Change TODO state, regardless of any state blocking.

If you set the variable org-agenda-dim-blocked-tasks, TODO entries that cannot be marked as done because of unmarked children are shown in a dimmed font or even made invisible in agenda views (see Agenda Views).

You can also block changes of TODO states by using checkboxes (see Checkboxes). If you set the variable org-enforce-todo-checkbox-dependencies, an entry that has unchecked checkboxes is blocked from switching to DONE.

If you need more complex dependency structures, for example dependencies between entries in different trees or files, check out the contributed module ‘org-depend.el’.

Next: , Previous: , Up: TODO Items   [Contents][Index]

5.3 Progress Logging

To record a timestamp and a note when changing a TODO state, call the command org-todo with a prefix argument.

C-u C-c C-t (org-todo)

Prompt for a note and record a the time of the TODO state change. The note is inserted as a list item below the headline, but can also be placed into a drawer, see Tracking TODO state changes.

If you want to be more systematic, Org mode can automatically record a timestamp and optionally a note when you mark a TODO item as DONE, or even each time you change the state of a TODO item. This system is highly configurable, settings can be on a per-keyword basis and can be localized to a file or even a subtree. For information on how to clock working time for a task, see Clocking Work Time.

Next: , Up: Progress Logging   [Contents][Index]

5.3.1 Closing items

The most basic automatic logging is to keep track of when a certain TODO item was marked as done. This can be achieved with41

(setq org-log-done 'time)

Then each time you turn an entry from a TODO (not-done) state into any of the DONE states, a line ‘CLOSED: [timestamp]’ is inserted just after the headline. If you turn the entry back into a TODO item through further state cycling, that line is removed again. If you turn the entry back to a non-TODO state (by pressing C-c C-t SPC for example), that line is also removed, unless you set org-closed-keep-when-no-todo to non-nil. If you want to record a note along with the timestamp, use42

(setq org-log-done 'note)

You are then prompted for a note, and that note is stored below the entry with a ‘Closing Note’ heading.

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5.3.2 Tracking TODO state changes

You might want to automatically keep track of when a state change occurred and maybe take a note about this change. You can either record just a timestamp, or a time-stamped note. These records are inserted after the headline as an itemized list, newest first43. When taking a lot of notes, you might want to get the notes out of the way into a drawer (see Drawers). Customize the variable org-log-into-drawer to get this behavior—the recommended drawer for this is called ‘LOGBOOK44. You can also overrule the setting of this variable for a subtree by setting a ‘LOG_INTO_DRAWER’ property.

Since it is normally too much to record a note for every state, Org mode expects configuration on a per-keyword basis for this. This is achieved by adding special markers ‘!’ (for a timestamp) or ‘@’ (for a note with timestamp) in parentheses after each keyword. For example, with the setting

(setq org-todo-keywords
      '((sequence "TODO(t)" "WAIT(w@/!)" "|" "DONE(d!)" "CANCELED(c@)")))

To record a timestamp without a note for TODO keywords configured with ‘@’, just type C-c C-c to enter a blank note when prompted.

You not only define global TODO keywords and fast access keys, but also request that a time is recorded when the entry is set to ‘DONE’, and that a note is recorded when switching to ‘WAIT’ or ‘CANCELED45. The setting for ‘WAIT’ is even more special: the ‘!’ after the slash means that in addition to the note taken when entering the state, a timestamp should be recorded when leaving the ‘WAIT’ state, if and only if the target state does not configure logging for entering it. So it has no effect when switching from ‘WAIT’ to ‘DONE’, because ‘DONE’ is configured to record a timestamp only. But when switching from ‘WAIT’ back to ‘TODO’, the ‘/!’ in the ‘WAIT’ setting now triggers a timestamp even though ‘TODO’ has no logging configured.

You can use the exact same syntax for setting logging preferences local to a buffer:

#+TODO: TODO(t) WAIT(w@/!) | DONE(d!) CANCELED(c@)

In order to define logging settings that are local to a subtree or a single item, define a ‘LOGGING’ property in this entry. Any non-empty ‘LOGGING’ property resets all logging settings to nil. You may then turn on logging for this specific tree using ‘STARTUP’ keywords like ‘lognotedone’ or ‘logrepeat’, as well as adding state specific settings like ‘TODO(!)’. For example:

* TODO Log each state with only a time
* TODO Only log when switching to WAIT, and when repeating
  :LOGGING: WAIT(@) logrepeat
* TODO No logging at all
  :LOGGING: nil

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5.3.3 Tracking your habits

Org has the ability to track the consistency of a special category of TODO, called “habits.” To use habits, you have to enable the habits module by customizing the variable org-modules.

A habit has the following properties:

  1. The habit is a TODO item, with a TODO keyword representing an open state.
  2. The property ‘STYLE’ is set to the value ‘habit’ (see Properties and Columns).
  3. The TODO has a scheduled date, usually with a ‘.+’ style repeat interval. A ‘++’ style may be appropriate for habits with time constraints, e.g., must be done on weekends, or a ‘+’ style for an unusual habit that can have a backlog, e.g., weekly reports.
  4. The TODO may also have minimum and maximum ranges specified by using the syntax ‘.+2d/3d’, which says that you want to do the task at least every three days, but at most every two days.
  5. State logging for the DONE state is enabled (see Tracking TODO state changes), in order for historical data to be represented in the consistency graph. If it is not enabled it is not an error, but the consistency graphs are largely meaningless.

To give you an idea of what the above rules look like in action, here’s an actual habit with some history:

** TODO Shave
   SCHEDULED: <2009-10-17 Sat .+2d/4d>
   :STYLE:    habit
   :LAST_REPEAT: [2009-10-19 Mon 00:36]
   - State "DONE"       from "TODO"       [2009-10-15 Thu]
   - State "DONE"       from "TODO"       [2009-10-12 Mon]
   - State "DONE"       from "TODO"       [2009-10-10 Sat]
   - State "DONE"       from "TODO"       [2009-10-04 Sun]
   - State "DONE"       from "TODO"       [2009-10-02 Fri]
   - State "DONE"       from "TODO"       [2009-09-29 Tue]
   - State "DONE"       from "TODO"       [2009-09-25 Fri]
   - State "DONE"       from "TODO"       [2009-09-19 Sat]
   - State "DONE"       from "TODO"       [2009-09-16 Wed]
   - State "DONE"       from "TODO"       [2009-09-12 Sat]

What this habit says is: I want to shave at most every 2 days—given by the ‘SCHEDULED’ date and repeat interval—and at least every 4 days. If today is the 15th, then the habit first appears in the agenda (see Agenda Views) on Oct 17, after the minimum of 2 days has elapsed, and will appear overdue on Oct 19, after four days have elapsed.

What’s really useful about habits is that they are displayed along with a consistency graph, to show how consistent you’ve been at getting that task done in the past. This graph shows every day that the task was done over the past three weeks, with colors for each day. The colors used are:


If the task was not to be done yet on that day.


If the task could have been done on that day.


If the task was going to be overdue the next day.


If the task was overdue on that day.

In addition to coloring each day, the day is also marked with an asterisk if the task was actually done that day, and an exclamation mark to show where the current day falls in the graph.

There are several configuration variables that can be used to change the way habits are displayed in the agenda.


The buffer column at which the consistency graph should be drawn. This overwrites any text in that column, so it is a good idea to keep your habits’ titles brief and to the point.


The amount of history, in days before today, to appear in consistency graphs.


The number of days after today that appear in consistency graphs.


If non-nil, only show habits in today’s agenda view. The default value is t. Pressing C-u K in the agenda toggles this variable.

Lastly, pressing K in the agenda buffer causes habits to temporarily be disabled and do not appear at all. Press K again to bring them back. They are also subject to tag filtering, if you have habits which should only be done in certain contexts, for example.

Next: , Previous: , Up: TODO Items   [Contents][Index]

5.4 Priorities

If you use Org mode extensively, you may end up with enough TODO items that it starts to make sense to prioritize them. Prioritizing can be done by placing a priority cookie into the headline of a TODO item right after the TODO keyword, like this:

*** TODO [#A] Write letter to Sam Fortune

By default, Org mode supports three priorities: ‘A’, ‘B’, and ‘C’. ‘A’ is the highest priority. An entry without a cookie is treated as equivalent if it had priority ‘B’. Priorities make a difference only for sorting in the agenda (see Weekly/daily agenda). Outside the agenda, they have no inherent meaning to Org mode. The cookies are displayed with the face defined by the variable org-priority-faces, which can be customized.

You can also use numeric values for priorities, such as

*** TODO [#1] Write letter to Sam Fortune

When using numeric priorities, you need to set org-priority-highest, org-priority-lowest and org-priority-default to integers, which must all be strictly inferior to 65.

Priorities can be attached to any outline node; they do not need to be TODO items.

C-c , (org-priority)

Set the priority of the current headline. The command prompts for a priority character ‘A’, ‘B’ or ‘C’. When you press SPC instead, the priority cookie, if one is set, is removed from the headline. The priorities can also be changed “remotely” from the agenda buffer with the , command (see Agenda Commands).

S-UP (org-priority-up)
S-DOWN (org-priority-down)

Increase/decrease the priority of the current headline46. Note that these keys are also used to modify timestamps (see Creating Timestamps). See also Conflicts, for a discussion of the interaction with shift-selection.

You can change the range of allowed priorities by setting the variables org-priority-highest, org-priority-lowest, and org-priority-default. For an individual buffer, you may set these values (highest, lowest, default) like this (please make sure that the highest priority is earlier in the alphabet than the lowest priority):


Or, using numeric values:

#+PRIORITIES: 1 10 5

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5.5 Breaking Down Tasks into Subtasks

It is often advisable to break down large tasks into smaller, manageable subtasks. You can do this by creating an outline tree below a TODO item, with detailed subtasks on the tree47. To keep an overview of the fraction of subtasks that have already been marked as done, insert either ‘[/]’ or ‘[%]’ anywhere in the headline. These cookies are updated each time the TODO status of a child changes, or when pressing C-c C-c on the cookie. For example:

* Organize Party [33%]
** TODO Call people [1/2]
*** TODO Peter
*** DONE Sarah
** TODO Buy food
** DONE Talk to neighbor

If a heading has both checkboxes and TODO children below it, the meaning of the statistics cookie become ambiguous. Set the property ‘COOKIE_DATA’ to either ‘checkbox’ or ‘todo’ to resolve this issue.

If you would like to have the statistics cookie count any TODO entries in the subtree (not just direct children), configure the variable org-hierarchical-todo-statistics. To do this for a single subtree, include the word ‘recursive’ into the value of the ‘COOKIE_DATA’ property.

* Parent capturing statistics [2/20]
  :COOKIE_DATA: todo recursive

If you would like a TODO entry to automatically change to DONE when all children are done, you can use the following setup:

(defun org-summary-todo (n-done n-not-done)
  "Switch entry to DONE when all subentries are done, to TODO otherwise."
  (let (org-log-done org-log-states)   ; turn off logging
    (org-todo (if (= n-not-done 0) "DONE" "TODO"))))

(add-hook 'org-after-todo-statistics-hook 'org-summary-todo)

Another possibility is the use of checkboxes to identify (a hierarchy of) a large number of subtasks (see Checkboxes).

Previous: , Up: TODO Items   [Contents][Index]

5.6 Checkboxes

Every item in a plain list48 (see Plain Lists) can be made into a checkbox by starting it with the string ‘[ ]’. This feature is similar to TODO items (see TODO Items), but is more lightweight. Checkboxes are not included into the global TODO list, so they are often great to split a task into a number of simple steps. Or you can use them in a shopping list.

Here is an example of a checkbox list.

* TODO Organize party [2/4]
  - [-] call people [1/3]
    - [ ] Peter
    - [X] Sarah
    - [ ] Sam
  - [X] order food
  - [ ] think about what music to play
  - [X] talk to the neighbors

Checkboxes work hierarchically, so if a checkbox item has children that are checkboxes, toggling one of the children checkboxes makes the parent checkbox reflect if none, some, or all of the children are checked.

The ‘[2/4]’ and ‘[1/3]’ in the first and second line are cookies indicating how many checkboxes present in this entry have been checked off, and the total number of checkboxes present. This can give you an idea on how many checkboxes remain, even without opening a folded entry. The cookies can be placed into a headline or into (the first line of) a plain list item. Each cookie covers checkboxes of direct children structurally below the headline/item on which the cookie appears49. You have to insert the cookie yourself by typing either ‘[/]’ or ‘[%]’. With ‘[/]’ you get an ‘n out of m’ result, as in the examples above. With ‘[%]’ you get information about the percentage of checkboxes checked (in the above example, this would be ‘[50%]’ and ‘[33%]’, respectively). In a headline, a cookie can count either checkboxes below the heading or TODO states of children, and it displays whatever was changed last. Set the property ‘COOKIE_DATA’ to either ‘checkbox’ or ‘todo’ to resolve this issue.

If the current outline node has an ‘ORDERED’ property, checkboxes must be checked off in sequence, and an error is thrown if you try to check off a box while there are unchecked boxes above it.

The following commands work with checkboxes:

C-c C-c (org-toggle-checkbox)

Toggle checkbox status or—with prefix argument—checkbox presence at point. With a single prefix argument, add an empty checkbox or remove the current one50. With a double prefix argument, set it to ‘[-]’, which is considered to be an intermediate state.

C-c C-x C-b (org-toggle-checkbox)

Toggle checkbox status or—with prefix argument—checkbox presence at point. With double prefix argument, set it to ‘[-]’, which is considered to be an intermediate state.

C-c C-x C-r (org-toggle-radio-button)

Toggle checkbox status by using the checkbox of the item at point as a radio button: when the checkbox is turned on, all other checkboxes on the same level will be turned off. With a universal prefix argument, toggle the presence of the checkbox. With a double prefix argument, set it to ‘[-]’.

C-c C-c can be told to consider checkboxes as radio buttons by setting ‘#+ATTR_ORG: :radio t’ right before the list or by calling M-x org-list-checkbox-radio-mode to activate this minor mode.

M-S-RET (org-insert-todo-heading)

Insert a new item with a checkbox. This works only if point is already in a plain list item (see Plain Lists).

C-c C-x o (org-toggle-ordered-property)

Toggle the ‘ORDERED’ property of the entry, to toggle if checkboxes must be checked off in sequence. A property is used for this behavior because this should be local to the current entry, not inherited like a tag. However, if you would like to track the value of this property with a tag for better visibility, customize org-track-ordered-property-with-tag.

C-c # (org-update-statistics-cookies)

Update the statistics cookie in the current outline entry. When called with a C-u prefix, update the entire file. Checkbox statistic cookies are updated automatically if you toggle checkboxes with C-c C-c and make new ones with M-S-RET. TODO statistics cookies update when changing TODO states. If you delete boxes/entries or add/change them by hand, use this command to get things back into sync.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Top   [Contents][Index]

6 Tags

An excellent way to implement labels and contexts for cross-correlating information is to assign tags to headlines. Org mode has extensive support for tags.

Every headline can contain a list of tags; they occur at the end of the headline. Tags are normal words containing letters, numbers, ‘_’, and ‘@’. Tags must be preceded and followed by a single colon, e.g., ‘:work:’. Several tags can be specified, as in ‘:work:urgent:’. Tags by default are in bold face with the same color as the headline. You may specify special faces for specific tags using the variable org-tag-faces, in much the same way as you can for TODO keywords (see Faces for TODO keywords).

Next: , Up: Tags   [Contents][Index]

6.1 Tag Inheritance

Tags make use of the hierarchical structure of outline trees. If a heading has a certain tag, all subheadings inherit the tag as well. For example, in the list

* Meeting with the French group      :work:
** Summary by Frank                  :boss:notes:
*** TODO Prepare slides for him      :action:

the final heading has the tags ‘work’, ‘boss’, ‘notes’, and ‘action’ even though the final heading is not explicitly marked with those tags. You can also set tags that all entries in a file should inherit just as if these tags were defined in a hypothetical level zero that surrounds the entire file. Use a line like this51

#+FILETAGS: :Peter:Boss:Secret:

To limit tag inheritance to specific tags, or to turn it off entirely, use the variables org-use-tag-inheritance and org-tags-exclude-from-inheritance.

When a headline matches during a tags search while tag inheritance is turned on, all the sublevels in the same tree—for a simple match form—match as well52. The list of matches may then become very long. If you only want to see the first tags match in a subtree, configure the variable org-tags-match-list-sublevels (not recommended).

Tag inheritance is relevant when the agenda search tries to match a tag, either in the tags or tags-todo agenda types. In other agenda types, org-use-tag-inheritance has no effect. Still, you may want to have your tags correctly set in the agenda, so that tag filtering works fine, with inherited tags. Set org-agenda-use-tag-inheritance to control this: the default value includes all agenda types, but setting this to nil can really speed up agenda generation.

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6.2 Setting Tags

Tags can simply be typed into the buffer at the end of a headline. After a colon, M-TAB offers completion on tags. There is also a special command for inserting tags:

C-c C-q (org-set-tags-command)

Enter new tags for the current headline. Org mode either offers completion or a special single-key interface for setting tags, see below. After pressing RET, the tags are inserted and aligned to org-tags-column. When called with a C-u prefix, all tags in the current buffer are aligned to that column, just to make things look nice. Tags are automatically realigned after promotion, demotion, and TODO state changes (see TODO Basics).

C-c C-c (org-set-tags-command)

When point is in a headline, this does the same as C-c C-q.

Org supports tag insertion based on a list of tags. By default this list is constructed dynamically, containing all tags currently used in the buffer53. You may also globally specify a hard list of tags with the variable org-tag-alist. Finally you can set the default tags for a given file using the ‘TAGS’ keyword, like

#+TAGS: @work @home @tennisclub
#+TAGS: laptop car pc sailboat

If you have globally defined your preferred set of tags using the variable org-tag-alist, but would like to use a dynamic tag list in a specific file, add an empty ‘TAGS’ keyword to that file:


If you have a preferred set of tags that you would like to use in every file, in addition to those defined on a per-file basis by ‘TAGS’ keyword, then you may specify a list of tags with the variable org-tag-persistent-alist. You may turn this off on a per-file basis by adding a ‘STARTUP’ keyword to that file:

#+STARTUP: noptag

By default Org mode uses the standard minibuffer completion facilities for entering tags. However, it also implements another, quicker, tag selection method called fast tag selection. This allows you to select and deselect tags with just a single key press. For this to work well you should assign unique letters to most of your commonly used tags. You can do this globally by configuring the variable org-tag-alist in your Emacs init file. For example, you may find the need to tag many items in different files with ‘@home’. In this case you can set something like:

(setq org-tag-alist '(("@work" . ?w) ("@home" . ?h) ("laptop" . ?l)))

If the tag is only relevant to the file you are working on, then you can instead set the ‘TAGS’ keyword as:

#+TAGS: @work(w)  @home(h)  @tennisclub(t)  laptop(l)  pc(p)

The tags interface shows the available tags in a splash window. If you want to start a new line after a specific tag, insert ‘\n’ into the tag list

#+TAGS: @work(w) @home(h) @tennisclub(t) \n laptop(l) pc(p)

or write them in two lines:

#+TAGS: @work(w)  @home(h)  @tennisclub(t)
#+TAGS: laptop(l)  pc(p)

You can also group together tags that are mutually exclusive by using braces, as in:

#+TAGS: { @work(w)  @home(h)  @tennisclub(t) }  laptop(l)  pc(p)

you indicate that at most one of ‘@work’, ‘@home’, and ‘@tennisclub’ should be selected. Multiple such groups are allowed.

Do not forget to press C-c C-c with point in one of these lines to activate any changes.

To set these mutually exclusive groups in the variable org-tags-alist, you must use the dummy tags :startgroup and :endgroup instead of the braces. Similarly, you can use :newline to indicate a line break. The previous example would be set globally by the following configuration:

(setq org-tag-alist '((:startgroup . nil)
                      ("@work" . ?w) ("@home" . ?h)
                      ("@tennisclub" . ?t)
                      (:endgroup . nil)
                      ("laptop" . ?l) ("pc" . ?p)))

If at least one tag has a selection key then pressing C-c C-c automatically presents you with a special interface, listing inherited tags, the tags of the current headline, and a list of all valid tags with corresponding keys54.

Pressing keys assigned to tags adds or removes them from the list of tags in the current line. Selecting a tag in a group of mutually exclusive tags turns off any other tag from that group.

In this interface, you can also use the following special keys:


Enter a tag in the minibuffer, even if the tag is not in the predefined list. You can complete on all tags present in the buffer. You can also add several tags: just separate them with a comma.


Clear all tags for this line.


Accept the modified set.


Abort without installing changes.


If q is not assigned to a tag, it aborts like C-g.


Turn off groups of mutually exclusive tags. Use this to (as an exception) assign several tags from such a group.


Toggle auto-exit after the next change (see below). If you are using expert mode, the first C-c displays the selection window.

This method lets you assign tags to a headline with very few keys. With the above setup, you could clear the current tags and set ‘@home’, ‘laptop’ and ‘pc’ tags with just the following keys: C-c C-c SPC h l p RET. Switching from ‘@home’ to ‘@work’ would be done with C-c C-c w RET or alternatively with C-c C-c C-c w. Adding the non-predefined tag ‘sarah’ could be done with C-c C-c TAB s a r a h RET.

If you find that most of the time you need only a single key press to modify your list of tags, set the variable org-fast-tag-selection-single-key. Then you no longer have to press RET to exit fast tag selection—it exits after the first change. If you then occasionally need more keys, press C-c to turn off auto-exit for the current tag selection process (in effect: start selection with C-c C-c C-c instead of C-c C-c). If you set the variable to the value expert, the special window is not even shown for single-key tag selection, it comes up only when you press an extra C-c.

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6.3 Tag Hierarchy

Tags can be defined in hierarchies. A tag can be defined as a group tag for a set of other tags. The group tag can be seen as the “broader term” for its set of tags. Defining multiple group tags and nesting them creates a tag hierarchy.

One use-case is to create a taxonomy of terms (tags) that can be used to classify nodes in a document or set of documents.

When you search for a group tag, it return matches for all members in the group and its subgroups. In an agenda view, filtering by a group tag displays or hide headlines tagged with at least one of the members of the group or any of its subgroups. This makes tag searches and filters even more flexible.

You can set group tags by using brackets and inserting a colon between the group tag and its related tags—beware that all whitespaces are mandatory so that Org can parse this line correctly:

#+TAGS: [ GTD : Control Persp ]

In this example, ‘GTD’ is the group tag and it is related to two other tags: ‘Control’, ‘Persp’. Defining ‘Control’ and ‘Persp’ as group tags creates a hierarchy of tags:

#+TAGS: [ Control : Context Task ]
#+TAGS: [ Persp : Vision Goal AOF Project ]

That can conceptually be seen as a hierarchy of tags:

You can use the :startgrouptag, :grouptags and :endgrouptag keyword directly when setting org-tag-alist directly:

(setq org-tag-alist '((:startgrouptag)

The tags in a group can be mutually exclusive if using the same group syntax as is used for grouping mutually exclusive tags together; using curly brackets.

#+TAGS: { Context : @Home @Work @Call }

When setting org-tag-alist you can use :startgroup and :endgroup instead of :startgrouptag and :endgrouptag to make the tags mutually exclusive.

Furthermore, the members of a group tag can also be regular expressions, creating the possibility of a more dynamic and rule-based tag structure. The regular expressions in the group must be specified within curly brackets. Here is an expanded example:

#+TAGS: [ Vision : {V@.+} ]
#+TAGS: [ Goal : {G@.+} ]
#+TAGS: [ AOF : {AOF@.+} ]
#+TAGS: [ Project : {P@.+} ]

Searching for the tag ‘Project’ now lists all tags also including regular expression matches for ‘P@.+’, and similarly for tag searches on ‘Vision’, ‘Goal’ and ‘AOF’. For example, this would work well for a project tagged with a common project-identifier, e.g., ‘P@2014_OrgTags’.

If you want to ignore group tags temporarily, toggle group tags support with org-toggle-tags-groups, bound to C-c C-x q. If you want to disable tag groups completely, set org-group-tags to nil.

Previous: , Up: Tags   [Contents][Index]

6.4 Tag Searches

Once a system of tags has been set up, it can be used to collect related information into special lists.

C-c / m or C-c \ (org-match-sparse-tree)

Create a sparse tree with all headlines matching a tags search. With a C-u prefix argument, ignore headlines that are not a TODO line.

M-x org-agenda m (org-tags-view)

Create a global list of tag matches from all agenda files. See Matching tags and properties.

M-x org-agenda M (org-tags-view)

Create a global list of tag matches from all agenda files, but check only TODO items and force checking subitems (see the option org-tags-match-list-sublevels).

These commands all prompt for a match string which allows basic Boolean logic like ‘+boss+urgent-project1’, to find entries with tags ‘boss’ and ‘urgent’, but not ‘project1’, or ‘Kathy|Sally’ to find entries which are tagged, like ‘Kathy’ or ‘Sally’. The full syntax of the search string is rich and allows also matching against TODO keywords, entry levels and properties. For a complete description with many examples, see Matching tags and properties.

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7 Properties and Columns

A property is a key-value pair associated with an entry. Properties can be set so they are associated with a single entry, with every entry in a tree, or with the whole buffer.

There are two main applications for properties in Org mode. First, properties are like tags, but with a value. Imagine maintaining a file where you document bugs and plan releases for a piece of software. Instead of using tags like ‘release_1’, ‘release_2’, you can use a property, say ‘Release’, that in different subtrees has different values, such as ‘1.0’ or ‘2.0’. Second, you can use properties to implement (very basic) database capabilities in an Org buffer. Imagine keeping track of your music CDs, where properties could be things such as the album, artist, date of release, number of tracks, and so on.

Properties can be conveniently edited and viewed in column view (see Column View).

Next: , Up: Properties and Columns   [Contents][Index]

7.1 Property Syntax

Properties are key–value pairs. When they are associated with a single entry or with a tree they need to be inserted into a special drawer (see Drawers) with the name ‘PROPERTIES’, which has to be located right below a headline, and its planning line (see Deadlines and Scheduling) when applicable. Each property is specified on a single line, with the key—surrounded by colons—first, and the value after it. Keys are case-insensitive. Here is an example:

* CD collection
** Classic
*** Goldberg Variations
    :Title:     Goldberg Variations
    :Composer:  J.S. Bach
    :Artist:    Glenn Gould
    :Publisher: Deutsche Grammophon
    :NDisks:    1

Depending on the value of org-use-property-inheritance, a property set this way is associated either with a single entry, or with the sub-tree defined by the entry, see Property Inheritance.

You may define the allowed values for a particular property ‘Xyz’ by setting a property ‘Xyz_ALL’. This special property is inherited, so if you set it in a level 1 entry, it applies to the entire tree. When allowed values are defined, setting the corresponding property becomes easier and is less prone to typing errors. For the example with the CD collection, we can pre-define publishers and the number of disks in a box like this:

* CD collection
  :NDisks_ALL:  1 2 3 4
  :Publisher_ALL: "Deutsche Grammophon" Philips EMI

Properties can be inserted on buffer level. That means they apply before the first headline and can be inherited by all entries in a file. Property blocks defined before first headline needs to be located at the top of the buffer, allowing only comments above.

Properties can also be defined using lines like:

#+PROPERTY: NDisks_ALL 1 2 3 4

If you want to add to the value of an existing property, append a ‘+’ to the property name. The following results in the property ‘var’ having the value ‘foo=1 bar=2’.

#+PROPERTY: var  foo=1
#+PROPERTY: var+ bar=2

It is also possible to add to the values of inherited properties. The following results in the ‘Genres’ property having the value ‘Classic Baroque’ under the ‘Goldberg Variations’ subtree.

* CD collection
** Classic
    :Genres: Classic
*** Goldberg Variations
    :Title:     Goldberg Variations
    :Composer:  J.S. Bach
    :Artist:    Glenn Gould
    :Publisher: Deutsche Grammophon
    :NDisks:    1
    :Genres+:   Baroque

Note that a property can only have one entry per drawer.

Property values set with the global variable org-global-properties can be inherited by all entries in all Org files.

The following commands help to work with properties:

M-TAB (pcomplete)

After an initial colon in a line, complete property keys. All keys used in the current file are offered as possible completions.

C-c C-x p (org-set-property)

Set a property. This prompts for a property name and a value. If necessary, the property drawer is created as well.

C-u M-x org-insert-drawer

Insert a property drawer into the current entry. The drawer is inserted early in the entry, but after the lines with planning information like deadlines. If before first headline the drawer is inserted at the top of the drawer after any potential comments.

C-c C-c (org-property-action)

With point in a property drawer, this executes property commands.

C-c C-c s (org-set-property)

Set a property in the current entry. Both the property and the value can be inserted using completion.

S-RIGHT (org-property-next-allowed-values)
S-LEFT (org-property-previous-allowed-value)

Switch property at point to the next/previous allowed value.

C-c C-c d (org-delete-property)

Remove a property from the current entry.

C-c C-c D (org-delete-property-globally)

Globally remove a property, from all entries in the current file.

C-c C-c c (org-compute-property-at-point)

Compute the property at point, using the operator and scope from the nearest column format definition.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Properties and Columns   [Contents][Index]

7.2 Special Properties

Special properties provide an alternative access method to Org mode features, like the TODO state or the priority of an entry, discussed in the previous chapters. This interface exists so that you can include these states in a column view (see Column View), or to use them in queries. The following property names are special and should not be used as keys in the properties drawer:

ALLTAGSAll tags, including inherited ones.
BLOCKEDt if task is currently blocked by children or siblings.
CATEGORYThe category of an entry.
CLOCKSUMThe sum of CLOCK intervals in the subtree. org-clock-sum
must be run first to compute the values in the current buffer.
CLOCKSUM_TThe sum of CLOCK intervals in the subtree for today.
org-clock-sum-today must be run first to compute the
values in the current buffer.
CLOSEDWhen was this entry closed?
DEADLINEThe deadline timestamp.
FILEThe filename the entry is located in.
ITEMThe headline of the entry.
PRIORITYThe priority of the entry, a string with a single letter.
SCHEDULEDThe scheduling timestamp.
TAGSThe tags defined directly in the headline.
TIMESTAMPThe first keyword-less timestamp in the entry.
TIMESTAMP_IAThe first inactive timestamp in the entry.
TODOThe TODO keyword of the entry.

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7.3 Property Searches

To create sparse trees and special lists with selection based on properties, the same commands are used as for tag searches (see Tag Searches).

C-c / m or C-c \ (org-match-sparse-tree)

Create a sparse tree with all matching entries. With a C-u prefix argument, ignore headlines that are not a TODO line.

M-x org-agenda m (org-tags-view)

Create a global list of tag/property matches from all agenda files.

M-x org-agenda M (org-tags-view)

Create a global list of tag matches from all agenda files, but check only TODO items and force checking of subitems (see the option org-tags-match-list-sublevels).

The syntax for the search string is described in Matching tags and properties.

There is also a special command for creating sparse trees based on a single property:

C-c / p

Create a sparse tree based on the value of a property. This first prompts for the name of a property, and then for a value. A sparse tree is created with all entries that define this property with the given value. If you enclose the value in curly braces, it is interpreted as a regular expression and matched against the property values.

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7.4 Property Inheritance

The outline structure of Org documents lends itself to an inheritance model of properties: if the parent in a tree has a certain property, the children can inherit this property. Org mode does not turn this on by default, because it can slow down property searches significantly and is often not needed. However, if you find inheritance useful, you can turn it on by setting the variable org-use-property-inheritance. It may be set to t to make all properties inherited from the parent, to a list of properties that should be inherited, or to a regular expression that matches inherited properties. If a property has the value nil, this is interpreted as an explicit un-define of the property, so that inheritance search stops at this value and returns nil.

Org mode has a few properties for which inheritance is hard-coded, at least for the special applications for which they are used:


The ‘COLUMNS’ property defines the format of column view (see Column View). It is inherited in the sense that the level where a ‘COLUMNS’ property is defined is used as the starting point for a column view table, independently of the location in the subtree from where columns view is turned on.


For agenda view, a category set through a ‘CATEGORY’ property applies to the entire subtree.


For archiving, the ‘ARCHIVE’ property may define the archive location for the entire subtree (see Moving subtrees).


The ‘LOGGING’ property may define logging settings for an entry or a subtree (see Tracking TODO state changes).

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7.5 Column View

A great way to view and edit properties in an outline tree is column view. In column view, each outline node is turned into a table row. Columns in this table provide access to properties of the entries. Org mode implements columns by overlaying a tabular structure over the headline of each item. While the headlines have been turned into a table row, you can still change the visibility of the outline tree. For example, you get a compact table by switching to “contents” view—S-TAB S-TAB, or simply c while column view is active—but you can still open, read, and edit the entry below each headline. Or, you can switch to column view after executing a sparse tree command and in this way get a table only for the selected items. Column view also works in agenda buffers (see Agenda Views) where queries have collected selected items, possibly from a number of files.

Next: , Up: Column View   [Contents][Index]

7.5.1 Defining columns

Setting up a column view first requires defining the columns. This is done by defining a column format line.

Next: , Up: Defining columns   [Contents][Index] Scope of column definitions

To specify a format that only applies to a specific tree, add a ‘COLUMNS’ property to the top node of that tree, for example:

** Top node for columns view

A ‘COLUMNS’ property within a property drawer before first headline will apply to the entire file. As an addition to property drawers, keywords can also be defined for an entire file using a line like:


If a ‘COLUMNS’ property is present in an entry, it defines columns for the entry itself, and for the entire subtree below it. Since the column definition is part of the hierarchical structure of the document, you can define columns on level 1 that are general enough for all sublevels, and more specific columns further down, when you edit a deeper part of the tree.

Previous: , Up: Defining columns   [Contents][Index] Column attributes

A column definition sets the attributes of a column. The general definition looks like this:


Except for the percent sign and the property name, all items are optional. The individual parts have the following meaning:


An integer specifying the width of the column in characters. If omitted, the width is determined automatically.


The property that should be edited in this column. Special properties representing meta data are allowed here as well (see Special Properties).


The header text for the column. If omitted, the property name is used.


The summary type. If specified, the column values for parent nodes are computed from the children55.

Supported summary types are:

+Sum numbers in this column.
+;%.1fLike ‘+’, but format result with ‘%.1f’.
$Currency, short for ‘+;%.2f’.
minSmallest number in column.
maxLargest number.
meanArithmetic mean of numbers.
XCheckbox status, ‘[X]’ if all children are ‘[X]’.
X/Checkbox status, ‘[n/m]’.
X%Checkbox status, ‘[n%]’.
:Sum times, HH:MM, plain numbers are minutes.
:minSmallest time value in column.
:maxLargest time value.
:meanArithmetic mean of time values.
@minMinimum age56 (in days/hours/mins/seconds).
@maxMaximum age (in days/hours/mins/seconds).
@meanArithmetic mean of ages (in days/hours/mins/seconds).
est+Add low-high estimates.

You can also define custom summary types by setting org-columns-summary-types.

The ‘est+’ summary type requires further explanation. It is used for combining estimates, expressed as low-high ranges. For example, instead of estimating a particular task will take 5 days, you might estimate it as 5–6 days if you’re fairly confident you know how much work is required, or 1–10 days if you do not really know what needs to be done. Both ranges average at 5.5 days, but the first represents a more predictable delivery.

When combining a set of such estimates, simply adding the lows and highs produces an unrealistically wide result. Instead, ‘est+’ adds the statistical mean and variance of the subtasks, generating a final estimate from the sum. For example, suppose you had ten tasks, each of which was estimated at 0.5 to 2 days of work. Straight addition produces an estimate of 5 to 20 days, representing what to expect if everything goes either extremely well or extremely poorly. In contrast, ‘est+’ estimates the full job more realistically, at 10–15 days.

Here is an example for a complete columns definition, along with allowed values57.

:COLUMNS:  %25ITEM %9Approved(Approved?){X} %Owner %11Status \
                   %10Time_Estimate{:} %CLOCKSUM %CLOCKSUM_T
:Owner_ALL:    Tammy Mark Karl Lisa Don
:Status_ALL:   "In progress" "Not started yet" "Finished" ""
:Approved_ALL: "[ ]" "[X]"

The first column, ‘%25ITEM’, means the first 25 characters of the item itself, i.e., of the headline. You probably always should start the column definition with the ‘ITEM’ specifier. The other specifiers create columns ‘Owner’ with a list of names as allowed values, for ‘Status’ with four different possible values, and for a checkbox field ‘Approved’. When no width is given after the ‘%’ character, the column is exactly as wide as it needs to be in order to fully display all values. The ‘Approved’ column does have a modified title (‘Approved?’, with a question mark). Summaries are created for the ‘Time_Estimate’ column by adding time duration expressions like HH:MM, and for the ‘Approved’ column, by providing an ‘[X]’ status if all children have been checked. The ‘CLOCKSUM’ and ‘CLOCKSUM_T’ columns are special, they lists the sums of CLOCK intervals in the subtree, either for all clocks or just for today.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Column View   [Contents][Index]

7.5.2 Using column view

Turning column view on or off

C-c C-x C-c (org-columns)

Turn on column view. If point is before the first headline in the file, column view is turned on for the entire file, using the ‘#+COLUMNS’ definition. If point is somewhere inside the outline, this command searches the hierarchy, up from point, for a ‘COLUMNS’ property that defines a format. When one is found, the column view table is established for the tree starting at the entry that contains the ‘COLUMNS’ property. If no such property is found, the format is taken from the ‘#+COLUMNS’ line or from the variable org-columns-default-format, and column view is established for the current entry and its subtree.

r or g on a columns view line (org-columns-redo)

Recreate the column view, to include recent changes made in the buffer.

C-c C-c or q on a columns view line (org-columns-quit)

Exit column view.

Editing values


Move through the column view from field to field.


Directly select the Nth allowed value, 0 selects the 10th value.

n or S-RIGHT (org-columns-next-allowed-value)
p or S-LEFT (org-columns-previous-allowed-value)

Switch to the next/previous allowed value of the field. For this, you have to have specified allowed values for a property.

e (org-columns-edit-value)

Edit the property at point. For the special properties, this invokes the same interface that you normally use to change that property. For example, the tag completion or fast selection interface pops up when editing a ‘TAGS’ property.

C-c C-c (org-columns-toggle-or-columns-quit)

When there is a checkbox at point, toggle it. Else exit column view.

v (org-columns-show-value)

View the full value of this property. This is useful if the width of the column is smaller than that of the value.

a (org-columns-edit-allowed)

Edit the list of allowed values for this property. If the list is found in the hierarchy, the modified values is stored there. If no list is found, the new value is stored in the first entry that is part of the current column view.

Modifying column view on-the-fly

< (org-columns-narrow)
> (org-columns-widen)

Make the column narrower/wider by one character.

S-M-RIGHT (org-columns-new)

Insert a new column, to the left of the current column.

S-M-LEFT (org-columns-delete)

Delete the current column.

Previous: , Up: Column View   [Contents][Index]

7.5.3 Capturing column view

Since column view is just an overlay over a buffer, it cannot be exported or printed directly. If you want to capture a column view, use a ‘columnview’ dynamic block (see Dynamic Blocks). The frame of this block looks like this:

* The column view
#+BEGIN: columnview :hlines 1 :id "label"


This dynamic block has the following parameters:


This is the most important parameter. Column view is a feature that is often localized to a certain (sub)tree, and the capture block might be at a different location in the file. To identify the tree whose view to capture, you can use four values:


Use the tree in which the capture block is located.


Make a global view, including all headings in the file.


Run column view at the top of the FILENAME file.


Call column view in the tree that has an ‘ID’ property with the value LABEL. You can use M-x org-id-copy to create a globally unique ID for the current entry and copy it to the kill-ring.


When set to a string, use this as a tags/property match filter to select only a subset of the headlines in the scope set by the :id parameter.


When t, insert an hline after every line. When a number N, insert an hline before each headline with level <= N.


When non-nil, force column groups to get vertical lines.


When set to a number, do not capture entries below this level.


When non-nil, skip rows where the only non-empty specifier of the column view is ‘ITEM’.


List of tags to exclude from column view table: entries with these tags will be excluded from the column view.


When non-nil, indent each ‘ITEM’ field according to its level.


Specify a column attribute (see Column attributes) for the dynamic block.

The following commands insert or update the dynamic block:


Insert a dynamic block capturing a column view. Prompt for the scope or ID of the view.

This command can be invoked by calling org-dynamic-block-insert-dblock (C-c C-x x) and selecting “columnview” (see Dynamic Blocks).

C-c C-c C-c C-x C-u (org-dblock-update)

Update dynamic block at point. point needs to be in the ‘#+BEGIN’ line of the dynamic block.

C-u C-c C-x C-u (org-update-all-dblocks)

Update all dynamic blocks (see Dynamic Blocks). This is useful if you have several clock table blocks, column-capturing blocks or other dynamic blocks in a buffer.

You can add formulas to the column view table and you may add plotting instructions in front of the table—these survive an update of the block. If there is a ‘TBLFM’ keyword after the table, the table is recalculated automatically after an update.

An alternative way to capture and process property values into a table is provided by Eric Schulte’s ‘org-collector.el’, which is a contributed package58. It provides a general API to collect properties from entries in a certain scope, and arbitrary Lisp expressions to process these values before inserting them into a table or a dynamic block.

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8 Dates and Times

To assist project planning, TODO items can be labeled with a date and/or a time. The specially formatted string carrying the date and time information is called a timestamp in Org mode. This may be a little confusing because timestamp is often used as indicating when something was created or last changed. However, in Org mode this term is used in a much wider sense.

Next: , Up: Dates and Times   [Contents][Index]

8.1 Timestamps

A timestamp is a specification of a date (possibly with a time or a range of times) in a special format, either ‘<2003-09-16 Tue>’ or ‘<2003-09-16 Tue 09:39>’ or ‘<2003-09-16 Tue 12:00-12:30>59. A timestamp can appear anywhere in the headline or body of an Org tree entry. Its presence causes entries to be shown on specific dates in the agenda (see Weekly/daily agenda). We distinguish:

Plain timestamp; Event; Appointment

A simple timestamp just assigns a date/time to an item. This is just like writing down an appointment or event in a paper agenda. In the agenda display, the headline of an entry associated with a plain timestamp is shown exactly on that date.

* Meet Peter at the movies
  <2006-11-01 Wed 19:15>
* Discussion on climate change
  <2006-11-02 Thu 20:00-22:00>
Timestamp with repeater interval

A timestamp may contain a repeater interval, indicating that it applies not only on the given date, but again and again after a certain interval of N days (d), weeks (w), months (m), or years (y). The following shows up in the agenda every Wednesday:

* Pick up Sam at school
  <2007-05-16 Wed 12:30 +1w>
Diary-style expression entries

For more complex date specifications, Org mode supports using the special expression diary entries implemented in the Emacs Calendar package60. For example, with optional time:

* 22:00-23:00 The nerd meeting on every 2nd Thursday of the month
  <%%(diary-float t 4 2)>
Time/Date range

Two timestamps connected by ‘--’ denote a range. The headline is shown on the first and last day of the range, and on any dates that are displayed and fall in the range. Here is an example:

** Meeting in Amsterdam
   <2004-08-23 Mon>--<2004-08-26 Thu>
Inactive timestamp

Just like a plain timestamp, but with square brackets instead of angular ones. These timestamps are inactive in the sense that they do not trigger an entry to show up in the agenda.

* Gillian comes late for the fifth time
  [2006-11-01 Wed]

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8.2 Creating Timestamps

For Org mode to recognize timestamps, they need to be in the specific format. All commands listed below produce timestamps in the correct format.

C-c . (org-time-stamp)

Prompt for a date and insert a corresponding timestamp. When point is at an existing timestamp in the buffer, the command is used to modify this timestamp instead of inserting a new one. When this command is used twice in succession, a time range is inserted.

When called with a prefix argument, use the alternative format which contains date and time. The default time can be rounded to multiples of 5 minutes. See the option org-time-stamp-rounding-minutes.

With two prefix arguments, insert an active timestamp with the current time without prompting.

C-c ! (org-time-stamp-inactive)

Like C-c ., but insert an inactive timestamp that does not cause an agenda entry.

C-c C-c

Normalize timestamp, insert or fix day name if missing or wrong.

C-c < (org-date-from-calendar)

Insert a timestamp corresponding to point date in the calendar.

C-c > (org-goto-calendar)

Access the Emacs calendar for the current date. If there is a timestamp in the current line, go to the corresponding date instead.

C-c C-o (org-open-at-point)

Access the agenda for the date given by the timestamp or -range at point (see Weekly/daily agenda).

S-LEFT (org-timestamp-down-day)
S-RIGHT (org-timestamp-up-day)

Change date at point by one day. These key bindings conflict with shift-selection and related modes (see Conflicts).

S-UP (org-timestamp-up)
S-DOWN (org-timestamp-down)

On the beginning or enclosing bracket of a timestamp, change its type. Within a timestamp, change the item under point. Point can be on a year, month, day, hour or minute. When the timestamp contains a time range like ‘15:30-16:30’, modifying the first time also shifts the second, shifting the time block with constant length. To change the length, modify the second time. Note that if point is in a headline and not at a timestamp, these same keys modify the priority of an item (see Priorities). The key bindings also conflict with shift-selection and related modes (see Conflicts).

C-c C-y (org-evaluate-time-range)

Evaluate a time range by computing the difference between start and end. With a prefix argument, insert result after the time range (in a table: into the following column).

Next: , Up: Creating Timestamps   [Contents][Index]

8.2.1 The date/time prompt

When Org mode prompts for a date/time, the default is shown in default date/time format, and the prompt therefore seems to ask for a specific format. But it in fact accepts date/time information in a variety of formats. Generally, the information should start at the beginning of the string. Org mode finds whatever information is in there and derives anything you have not specified from the default date and time. The default is usually the current date and time, but when modifying an existing timestamp, or when entering the second stamp of a range, it is taken from the stamp in the buffer. When filling in information, Org mode assumes that most of the time you want to enter a date in the future: if you omit the month/year and the given day/month is before today, it assumes that you mean a future date61. If the date has been automatically shifted into the future, the time prompt shows this with ‘(=>F)’.

For example, let’s assume that today is June 13, 2006. Here is how various inputs are interpreted, the items filled in by Org mode are in bold.

3-2-5⇒ 2003-02-05
2/5/3⇒ 2003-02-05
Fri⇒ nearest Friday (default date or later)
sep 152006-09-15
feb 152007-02-15
sep 12 9⇒ 2009-09-12
12:452006-06-13 12:45
22 sept 0:342006-09-22 0:34
w4⇒ ISO week for of the current year 2006
2012 w4 fri⇒ Friday of ISO week 4 in 2012
2012-w04-5⇒ Same as above

Furthermore you can specify a relative date by giving, as the first thing in the input: a plus/minus sign, a number and a letter—‘d’, ‘w’, ‘m’ or ‘y’—to indicate change in days, weeks, months, or years. With a single plus or minus, the date is always relative to today. With a double plus or minus, it is relative to the default date. If instead of a single letter, you use the abbreviation of day name, the date is the Nth such day, e.g.:

+0⇒ today
.⇒ today
+4d⇒ four days from today
+4⇒ same as +4d
+2w⇒ two weeks from today
++5⇒ five days from default date
+2tue⇒ second Tuesday from now

The function understands English month and weekday abbreviations. If you want to use un-abbreviated names and/or other languages, configure the variables parse-time-months and parse-time-weekdays.

Not all dates can be represented in a given Emacs implementation. By default Org mode forces dates into the compatibility range 1970–2037 which works on all Emacs implementations. If you want to use dates outside of this range, read the docstring of the variable org-read-date-force-compatible-dates.

You can specify a time range by giving start and end times or by giving a start time and a duration (in HH:MM format). Use one or two dash(es) as the separator in the former case and use ‘+’ as the separator in the latter case, e.g.:

11am-1:15pm⇒ 11:00-13:15
11am--1:15pm⇒ same as above
11am+2:15⇒ same as above

Parallel to the minibuffer prompt, a calendar is popped up62. When you exit the date prompt, either by clicking on a date in the calendar, or by pressing RET, the date selected in the calendar is combined with the information entered at the prompt. You can control the calendar fully from the minibuffer:

RETChoose date at point in calendar.
mouse-1Select date by clicking on it.
S-RIGHTOne day forward.
S-LEFTOne day backward.
S-DOWNOne week forward.
S-UPOne week backward.
M-S-RIGHTOne month forward.
M-S-LEFTOne month backward.
>Scroll calendar forward by one month.
<Scroll calendar backward by one month.
M-vScroll calendar forward by 3 months.
C-vScroll calendar backward by 3 months.
C-.Select today’s date63

The actions of the date/time prompt may seem complex, but I assure you they will grow on you, and you will start getting annoyed by pretty much any other way of entering a date/time out there. To help you understand what is going on, the current interpretation of your input is displayed live in the minibuffer64.

Previous: , Up: Creating Timestamps   [Contents][Index]

8.2.2 Custom time format

Org mode uses the standard ISO notation for dates and times as it is defined in ISO 8601. If you cannot get used to this and require another representation of date and time to keep you happy, you can get it by customizing the variables org-display-custom-times and org-time-stamp-custom-formats.

C-c C-x C-t (org-toggle-time-stamp-overlays)

Toggle the display of custom formats for dates and times.

Org mode needs the default format for scanning, so the custom date/time format does not replace the default format. Instead, it is put over the default format using text properties. This has the following consequences:

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8.3 Deadlines and Scheduling

A timestamp may be preceded by special keywords to facilitate planning. Both the timestamp and the keyword have to be positioned immediately after the task they refer to.


Meaning: the task—most likely a TODO item, though not necessarily—is supposed to be finished on that date.

On the deadline date, the task is listed in the agenda. In addition, the agenda for today carries a warning about the approaching or missed deadline, starting org-deadline-warning-days before the due date, and continuing until the entry is marked as done. An example:

*** TODO write article about the Earth for the Guide
    DEADLINE: <2004-02-29 Sun>
    The editor in charge is [[bbdb:Ford Prefect]]

You can specify a different lead time for warnings for a specific deadlines using the following syntax. Here is an example with a warning period of 5 days ‘DEADLINE: <2004-02-29 Sun -5d>’. This warning is deactivated if the task gets scheduled and you set org-agenda-skip-deadline-prewarning-if-scheduled to t.


Meaning: you are planning to start working on that task on the given date.

The headline is listed under the given date65. In addition, a reminder that the scheduled date has passed is present in the compilation for today, until the entry is marked as done, i.e., the task is automatically forwarded until completed.

*** TODO Call Trillian for a date on New Years Eve.
    SCHEDULED: <2004-12-25 Sat>

If you want to delay the display of this task in the agenda, use ‘SCHEDULED: <2004-12-25 Sat -2d>’: the task is still scheduled on the 25th but will appear two days later. In case the task contains a repeater, the delay is considered to affect all occurrences; if you want the delay to only affect the first scheduled occurrence of the task, use ‘--2d’ instead. See org-scheduled-delay-days and org-agenda-skip-scheduled-delay-if-deadline for details on how to control this globally or per agenda.

Important: Scheduling an item in Org mode should not be understood in the same way that we understand scheduling a meeting. Setting a date for a meeting is just a simple appointment, you should mark this entry with a simple plain timestamp, to get this item shown on the date where it applies. This is a frequent misunderstanding by Org users. In Org mode, scheduling means setting a date when you want to start working on an action item.

You may use timestamps with repeaters in scheduling and deadline entries. Org mode issues early and late warnings based on the assumption that the timestamp represents the nearest instance of the repeater. However, the use of diary expression entries like

<%%(diary-float t 42)>

in scheduling and deadline timestamps is limited. Org mode does not know enough about the internals of each function to issue early and late warnings. However, it shows the item on each day where the expression entry matches.

Next: , Up: Deadlines and Scheduling   [Contents][Index]

8.3.1 Inserting deadlines or schedules

The following commands allow you to quickly insert a deadline or to schedule an item:66

C-c C-d (org-deadline)

Insert ‘DEADLINE’ keyword along with a stamp. The insertion happens in the line directly following the headline. Remove any ‘CLOSED’ timestamp . When called with a prefix argument, also remove any existing deadline from the entry. Depending on the variable org-log-redeadline, take a note when changing an existing deadline67.

C-c C-s (org-schedule)

Insert ‘SCHEDULED’ keyword along with a stamp. The insertion happens in the line directly following the headline. Remove any ‘CLOSED’ timestamp. When called with a prefix argument, also remove the scheduling date from the entry. Depending on the variable org-log-reschedule, take a note when changing an existing scheduling time68.

C-c / d (org-check-deadlines)

Create a sparse tree with all deadlines that are either past-due, or which will become due within org-deadline-warning-days. With C-u prefix, show all deadlines in the file. With a numeric prefix, check that many days. For example, C-1 C-c / d shows all deadlines due tomorrow.

C-c / b (org-check-before-date)

Sparse tree for deadlines and scheduled items before a given date.

C-c / a (org-check-after-date)

Sparse tree for deadlines and scheduled items after a given date.

Note that org-schedule and org-deadline supports setting the date by indicating a relative time e.g., ‘+1d’ sets the date to the next day after today, and ‘--1w’ sets the date to the previous week before any current timestamp.

Previous: , Up: Deadlines and Scheduling   [Contents][Index]

8.3.2 Repeated tasks

Some tasks need to be repeated again and again. Org mode helps to organize such tasks using a so-called repeater in a ‘DEADLINE’, ‘SCHEDULED’, or plain timestamps69. In the following example:

** TODO Pay the rent
   DEADLINE: <2005-10-01 Sat +1m>

the ‘+1m’ is a repeater; the intended interpretation is that the task has a deadline on ‘<2005-10-01>’ and repeats itself every (one) month starting from that time. You can use yearly, monthly, weekly, daily and hourly repeat cookies by using the ‘y’, ‘m’, ‘w’, ‘d’ and ‘h’ letters. If you need both a repeater and a special warning period in a deadline entry, the repeater should come first and the warning period last

DEADLINE: <2005-10-01 Sat +1m -3d>

Deadlines and scheduled items produce entries in the agenda when they are over-due, so it is important to be able to mark such an entry as done once you have done so. When you mark a ‘DEADLINE’ or a ‘SCHEDULED’ with the TODO keyword ‘DONE’, it no longer produces entries in the agenda. The problem with this is, however, is that then also the next instance of the repeated entry will not be active. Org mode deals with this in the following way: when you try to mark such an entry as done, using C-c C-t, it shifts the base date of the repeating timestamp by the repeater interval, and immediately sets the entry state back to TODO70. In the example above, setting the state to ‘DONE’ would actually switch the date like this:

** TODO Pay the rent
   DEADLINE: <2005-11-01 Tue +1m>

To mark a task with a repeater as DONE, use C-- 1 C-c C-t, i.e., org-todo with a numeric prefix argument of ‘-1’.

A timestamp71 is added under the deadline, to keep a record that you actually acted on the previous instance of this deadline.

As a consequence of shifting the base date, this entry is no longer visible in the agenda when checking past dates, but all future instances will be visible.

With the ‘+1m’ cookie, the date shift is always exactly one month. So if you have not paid the rent for three months, marking this entry DONE still keeps it as an overdue deadline. Depending on the task, this may not be the best way to handle it. For example, if you forgot to call your father for 3 weeks, it does not make sense to call him 3 times in a single day to make up for it. Finally, there are tasks, like changing batteries, which should always repeat a certain time after the last time you did it. For these tasks, Org mode has special repeaters ‘++’ and ‘.+’. For example:

** TODO Call Father
   DEADLINE: <2008-02-10 Sun ++1w>
   Marking this DONE shifts the date by at least one week, but also
   by as many weeks as it takes to get this date into the future.
   However, it stays on a Sunday, even if you called and marked it
   done on Saturday.

** TODO Empty kitchen trash
   DEADLINE: <2008-02-08 Fri 20:00 ++1d>
   Marking this DONE shifts the date by at least one day, and also
   by as many days as it takes to get the timestamp into the future.
   Since there is a time in the timestamp, the next deadline in the
   future will be on today's date if you complete the task before

** TODO Check the batteries in the smoke detectors
   DEADLINE: <2005-11-01 Tue .+1m>
   Marking this DONE shifts the date to one month after today.

** TODO Wash my hands
   DEADLINE: <2019-04-05 08:00 Sun .+1h>
   Marking this DONE shifts the date to exactly one hour from now.

You may have both scheduling and deadline information for a specific task. If the repeater is set for the scheduling information only, you probably want the repeater to be ignored after the deadline. If so, set the variable org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-deadline-is-shown to repeated-after-deadline. However, any scheduling information without a repeater is no longer relevant once the task is done, and thus, removed upon repeating the task. If you want both scheduling and deadline information to repeat after the same interval, set the same repeater for both timestamps.

An alternative to using a repeater is to create a number of copies of a task subtree, with dates shifted in each copy. The command C-c C-x c was created for this purpose; it is described in Structure Editing.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Dates and Times   [Contents][Index]

8.4 Clocking Work Time

Org mode allows you to clock the time you spend on specific tasks in a project. When you start working on an item, you can start the clock. When you stop working on that task, or when you mark the task done, the clock is stopped and the corresponding time interval is recorded. It also computes the total time spent on each subtree72 of a project. And it remembers a history or tasks recently clocked, so that you can jump quickly between a number of tasks absorbing your time.

To save the clock history across Emacs sessions, use:

(setq org-clock-persist 'history)

When you clock into a new task after resuming Emacs, the incomplete clock73 is retrieved (see Resolving idle time (1)) and you are prompted about what to do with it.

Next: , Up: Clocking Work Time   [Contents][Index]

8.4.1 Clocking commands

C-c C-x C-i (org-clock-in)

Start the clock on the current item (clock-in). This inserts the ‘CLOCK’ keyword together with a timestamp. If this is not the first clocking of this item, the multiple ‘CLOCK’ lines are wrapped into a ‘LOGBOOK’ drawer (see also the variable org-clock-into-drawer). You can also overrule the setting of this variable for a subtree by setting a ‘CLOCK_INTO_DRAWER’ or ‘LOG_INTO_DRAWER’ property. When called with a C-u prefix argument, select the task from a list of recently clocked tasks. With two C-u C-u prefixes, clock into the task at point and mark it as the default task; the default task is always be available with letter d when selecting a clocking task. With three C-u C-u C-u prefixes, force continuous clocking by starting the clock when the last clock stopped.

While the clock is running, Org shows the current clocking time in the mode line, along with the title of the task. The clock time shown is all time ever clocked for this task and its children. If the task has an effort estimate (see Effort Estimates), the mode line displays the current clocking time against it74. If the task is a repeating one (see Repeated tasks), show only the time since the last reset of the task75. You can exercise more control over show time with the ‘CLOCK_MODELINE_TOTAL’ property. It may have the values ‘current’ to show only the current clocking instance, ‘today’ to show all time clocked on this tasks today—see also the variable org-extend-today-until, all to include all time, or auto which is the default76. Clicking with mouse-1 onto the mode line entry pops up a menu with clocking options.

C-c C-x C-o (org-clock-out)

Stop the clock (clock-out). This inserts another timestamp at the same location where the clock was last started. It also directly computes the resulting time in inserts it after the time range as ‘=>HH:MM’. See the variable org-log-note-clock-out for the possibility to record an additional note together with the clock-out timestamp77.

C-c C-x C-x (org-clock-in-last)

Re-clock the last clocked task. With one C-u prefix argument, select the task from the clock history. With two C-u prefixes, force continuous clocking by starting the clock when the last clock stopped.

C-c C-x C-e (org-clock-modify-effort-estimate)

Update the effort estimate for the current clock task.

C-c C-c or C-c C-y (org-evaluate-time-range)

Recompute the time interval after changing one of the timestamps. This is only necessary if you edit the timestamps directly. If you change them with S-<cursor> keys, the update is automatic.

C-S-UP (org-clock-timestamps-up)
C-S-DOWN (org-clock-timestamps-down)

On CLOCK log lines, increase/decrease both timestamps so that the clock duration keeps the same value.

S-M-UP (org-timestamp-up)
S-M-DOWN (org-timestamp-down)

On ‘CLOCK’ log lines, increase/decrease the timestamp at point and the one of the previous, or the next, clock timestamp by the same duration. For example, if you hit S-M-UP to increase a clocked-out timestamp by five minutes, then the clocked-in timestamp of the next clock is increased by five minutes.

C-c C-t (org-todo)

Changing the TODO state of an item to DONE automatically stops the clock if it is running in this same item.

C-c C-x C-q (org-clock-cancel)

Cancel the current clock. This is useful if a clock was started by mistake, or if you ended up working on something else.

C-c C-x C-j (org-clock-goto)

Jump to the headline of the currently clocked in task. With a C-u prefix argument, select the target task from a list of recently clocked tasks.

C-c C-x C-d (org-clock-display)

Display time summaries for each subtree in the current buffer. This puts overlays at the end of each headline, showing the total time recorded under that heading, including the time of any subheadings. You can use visibility cycling to study the tree, but the overlays disappear when you change the buffer (see variable org-remove-highlights-with-change) or press C-c C-c.

The l key may be used in the agenda (see Weekly/daily agenda) to show which tasks have been worked on or closed during a day.

Important: note that both org-clock-out and org-clock-in-last can have a global keybinding and do not modify the window disposition.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Clocking Work Time   [Contents][Index]

8.4.2 The clock table

Org mode can produce quite complex reports based on the time clocking information. Such a report is called a clock table, because it is formatted as one or several Org tables.


Insert or update a clock table. When called with a prefix argument, jump to the first clock table in the current document and update it. The clock table includes archived trees.

This command can be invoked by calling org-dynamic-block-insert-dblock (C-c C-x x) and selecting “clocktable” (see Dynamic Blocks).

C-c C-c or C-c C-x C-u (org-dblock-update)

Update dynamic block at point. Point needs to be in the ‘BEGIN’ line of the dynamic block.

C-u C-c C-x C-u

Update all dynamic blocks (see Dynamic Blocks). This is useful if you have several clock table blocks in a buffer.

S-RIGHT (org-clocktable-try-shift)

Shift the current ‘:block’ interval and update the table. Point needs to be in the ‘#+BEGIN: clocktable’ line for this command. If ‘:block’ is ‘today’, it is shifted to ‘today-1’, etc.

Here is an example of the frame for a clock table as it is inserted into the buffer by org-clock-report:

#+BEGIN: clocktable :maxlevel 2 :emphasize nil :scope file
#+END: clocktable

The ‘#+BEGIN’ line contains options to define the scope, structure, and formatting of the report. Defaults for all these options can be configured in the variable org-clocktable-defaults.

First there are options that determine which clock entries are to be selected:


Maximum level depth to which times are listed in the table. Clocks at deeper levels are summed into the upper level.


The scope to consider. This can be any of the following:

nilthe current buffer or narrowed region
filethe full current buffer
subtreethe subtree where the clocktable is located
treeNthe surrounding level N tree, for example ‘tree3
treethe surrounding level 1 tree
agendaall agenda files
("file" ...)scan these files
FUNCTIONscan files returned by calling FUNCTION with no argument
file-with-archivescurrent file and its archives
agenda-with-archivesall agenda files, including archives

The time block to consider. This block is specified either absolutely, or relative to the current time and may be any of these formats:

2007-12-31New year eve 2007
2007-12December 2007
2007-W50ISO-week 50 in 2007
2007-Q22nd quarter in 2007
2007the year 2007
today’, ‘yesterday’, ‘today-Na relative day
thisweek’, ‘lastweek’, ‘thisweek-Na relative week
thismonth’, ‘lastmonth’, ‘thismonth-Na relative month
thisyear’, ‘lastyear’, ‘thisyear-Na relative year
untilnow78all clocked time ever

When this option is not set, Org falls back to the value in org-clock-display-default-range, which defaults to the current year.

Use S-LEFT or S-RIGHT to shift the time interval.


A time string specifying when to start considering times. Relative times like ‘"<-2w>"’ can also be used. See Matching tags and properties for relative time syntax.


A time string specifying when to stop considering times. Relative times like ‘"<now>"’ can also be used. See Matching tags and properties for relative time syntax.


The starting day of the week. The default is 1 for Monday.


The starting day of the month. The default is 1 for the first.


Set to ‘day’, ‘week’, ‘semimonth’, ‘month’, or ‘year’ to split the table into chunks. To use this, either ‘:block’, or ‘:tstart’ and ‘:tend’ are required.


When non-nil, do not show steps that have zero time.


When non-nil, do not show table sections from files which did not contribute.


A tags match to select entries that should contribute. See Matching tags and properties for the match syntax.

Then there are options that determine the formatting of the table. There options are interpreted by the function org-clocktable-write-default, but you can specify your own function using the ‘:formatter’ parameter.


When non-nil, emphasize level one and level two items.


Language79 to use for descriptive cells like “Task”.


Link the item headlines in the table to their origins.


An integer to limit the width of the headline column in the Org table. If you write it like ‘50!’, then the headline is also shortened in export.


Indent each headline field according to its level.


Hide the file column when multiple files are used to produce the table.


Number of columns to be used for times. If this is smaller than ‘:maxlevel’, lower levels are lumped into one column.


Should a level number column be included?


A cons cell containing the column to sort and a sorting type. E.g., ‘:sort (1 . ?a)’ sorts the first column alphabetically.


Abbreviation for ‘:level nil :indent t :narrow 40! :tcolumns 1’. All are overwritten except if there is an explicit ‘:narrow’.


A timestamp for the entry, when available. Look for ‘SCHEDULED’, ‘DEADLINE’, ‘TIMESTAMP’ and ‘TIMESTAMP_IA’ special properties (see Special Properties), in this order.


When this flag is non-nil, show the headline’s tags.


List of properties shown in the table. Each property gets its own column.


When this flag is non-nil, the values for ‘:properties’ are inherited.


Content of a ‘TBLFM’ keyword to be added and evaluated. As a special case, ‘:formula %’ adds a column with % time. If you do not specify a formula here, any existing formula below the clock table survives updates and is evaluated.


A function to format clock data and insert it into the buffer.

To get a clock summary of the current level 1 tree, for the current day, you could write:

#+BEGIN: clocktable :maxlevel 2 :block today :scope tree1 :link t
#+END: clocktable

To use a specific time range you could write80

#+BEGIN: clocktable :tstart "<2006-08-10 Thu 10:00>"
                    :tend "<2006-08-10 Thu 12:00>"
#+END: clocktable

A range starting a week ago and ending right now could be written as

#+BEGIN: clocktable :tstart "<-1w>" :tend "<now>"
#+END: clocktable

A summary of the current subtree with % times would be

#+BEGIN: clocktable :scope subtree :link t :formula %
#+END: clocktable

A horizontally compact representation of everything clocked during last week would be

#+BEGIN: clocktable :scope agenda :block lastweek :compact t
#+END: clocktable

Previous: , Up: Clocking Work Time   [Contents][Index]

8.4.3 Resolving idle time and continuous clocking

Resolving idle time

If you clock in on a work item, and then walk away from your computer—perhaps to take a phone call—you often need to “resolve” the time you were away by either subtracting it from the current clock, or applying it to another one.

By customizing the variable org-clock-idle-time to some integer, such as 10 or 15, Emacs can alert you when you get back to your computer after being idle for that many minutes81, and ask what you want to do with the idle time. There will be a question waiting for you when you get back, indicating how much idle time has passed constantly updated with the current amount, as well as a set of choices to correct the discrepancy:


To keep some or all of the minutes and stay clocked in, press k. Org asks how many of the minutes to keep. Press RET to keep them all, effectively changing nothing, or enter a number to keep that many minutes.


If you use the shift key and press K, it keeps however many minutes you request and then immediately clock out of that task. If you keep all of the minutes, this is the same as just clocking out of the current task.


To keep none of the minutes, use s to subtract all the away time from the clock, and then check back in from the moment you returned.


To keep none of the minutes and just clock out at the start of the away time, use the shift key and press S. Remember that using shift always leave you clocked out, no matter which option you choose.


To cancel the clock altogether, use C. Note that if instead of canceling you subtract the away time, and the resulting clock amount is less than a minute, the clock is still canceled rather than cluttering up the log with an empty entry.

What if you subtracted those away minutes from the current clock, and now want to apply them to a new clock? Simply clock in to any task immediately after the subtraction. Org will notice that you have subtracted time “on the books”, so to speak, and will ask if you want to apply those minutes to the next task you clock in on.

There is one other instance when this clock resolution magic occurs. Say you were clocked in and hacking away, and suddenly your cat chased a mouse who scared a hamster that crashed into your UPS’s power button! You suddenly lose all your buffers, but thanks to auto-save you still have your recent Org mode changes, including your last clock in.

If you restart Emacs and clock into any task, Org will notice that you have a dangling clock which was never clocked out from your last session. Using that clock’s starting time as the beginning of the unaccounted-for period, Org will ask how you want to resolve that time. The logic and behavior is identical to dealing with away time due to idleness; it is just happening due to a recovery event rather than a set amount of idle time.

You can also check all the files visited by your Org agenda for dangling clocks at any time using M-x org-resolve-clocks RET (or C-c C-x C-z).

Continuous clocking

You may want to start clocking from the time when you clocked out the previous task. To enable this systematically, set org-clock-continuously to non-nil. Each time you clock in, Org retrieves the clock-out time of the last clocked entry for this session, and start the new clock from there.

If you only want this from time to time, use three universal prefix arguments with org-clock-in and two C-u C-u with org-clock-in-last.

Clocking out automatically after some idle time

When you often forget to clock out before being idle and you don’t want to manually set the clocking time to take into account, you can set org-clock-auto-clockout-timer to a number of seconds and add ‘(org-clock-auto-clockout-insinuate)’ to your ‘.emacs’ file.

When the clock is running and Emacs is idle for more than this number of seconds, the clock will be clocked out automatically.

Use ‘M-x org-clock-toggle-auto-clockout RET’ to temporarily turn this on or off.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Dates and Times   [Contents][Index]

8.5 Effort Estimates

If you want to plan your work in a very detailed way, or if you need to produce offers with quotations of the estimated work effort, you may want to assign effort estimates to entries. If you are also clocking your work, you may later want to compare the planned effort with the actual working time, a great way to improve planning estimates.

Effort estimates are stored in a special property ‘EFFORT’. Multiple formats are supported, such as ‘3:12’, ‘1:23:45’, or ‘1d3h5min’; see the file ‘org-duration.el’ for more detailed information about the format.

You can set the effort for an entry with the following commands:

C-c C-x e (org-set-effort)

Set the effort estimate for the current entry. With a prefix argument, set it to the next allowed value—see below. This command is also accessible from the agenda with the e key.

C-c C-x C-e (org-clock-modify-effort-estimate)

Modify the effort estimate of the item currently being clocked.

Clearly the best way to work with effort estimates is through column view (see Column View). You should start by setting up discrete values for effort estimates, and a ‘COLUMNS’ format that displays these values together with clock sums—if you want to clock your time. For a specific buffer you can use:

#+PROPERTY: Effort_ALL 0 0:10 0:30 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 5:00 6:00 7:00
#+COLUMNS: %40ITEM(Task) %17Effort(Estimated Effort){:} %CLOCKSUM

or, even better, you can set up these values globally by customizing the variables org-global-properties and org-columns-default-format. In particular if you want to use this setup also in the agenda, a global setup may be advised.

The way to assign estimates to individual items is then to switch to column mode, and to use S-RIGHT and S-LEFT to change the value. The values you enter are immediately summed up in the hierarchy. In the column next to it, any clocked time is displayed.

If you switch to column view in the daily/weekly agenda, the effort column summarizes the estimated work effort for each day82, and you can use this to find space in your schedule. To get an overview of the entire part of the day that is committed, you can set the option org-agenda-columns-add-appointments-to-effort-sum. The appointments on a day that take place over a specified time interval are then also added to the load estimate of the day.

Effort estimates can be used in secondary agenda filtering that is triggered with the / key in the agenda (see Agenda Commands). If you have these estimates defined consistently, two or three key presses narrow down the list to stuff that fits into an available time slot.

Previous: , Up: Dates and Times   [Contents][Index]

8.6 Taking Notes with a Relative Timer

Org provides two types of timers. There is a relative timer that counts up, which can be useful when taking notes during, for example, a meeting or a video viewing. There is also a countdown timer.

The relative and countdown are started with separate commands.

C-c C-x 0 (org-timer-start)

Start or reset the relative timer. By default, the timer is set to 0. When called with a C-u prefix, prompt the user for a starting offset. If there is a timer string at point, this is taken as the default, providing a convenient way to restart taking notes after a break in the process. When called with a double prefix argument C-u C-u, change all timer strings in the active region by a certain amount. This can be used to fix timer strings if the timer was not started at exactly the right moment.

C-c C-x ; (org-timer-set-timer)

Start a countdown timer. The user is prompted for a duration. org-timer-default-timer sets the default countdown value. Giving a numeric prefix argument overrides this default value. This command is available as ; in agenda buffers.

Once started, relative and countdown timers are controlled with the same commands.

C-c C-x . (org-timer)

Insert a relative time into the buffer. The first time you use this, the timer starts. Using a prefix argument restarts it.

C-c C-x - (org-timer-item)

Insert a description list item with the current relative time. With a prefix argument, first reset the timer to 0.

M-RET (org-insert-heading)

Once the timer list is started, you can also use M-RET to insert new timer items.

C-c C-x , (org-timer-pause-or-continue)

Pause the timer, or continue it if it is already paused.

C-c C-x _ (org-timer-stop)

Stop the timer. After this, you can only start a new timer, not continue the old one. This command also removes the timer from the mode line.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Top   [Contents][Index]

9 Refiling and Archiving

Once information is in the system, it may need to be moved around. Org provides Refile, Copy and Archive commands for this. Refile and Copy helps with moving and copying outlines. Archiving helps to keep the system compact and fast.

Next: , Up: Refiling and Archiving   [Contents][Index]

9.1 Refile and Copy

When reviewing the captured data, you may want to refile or to copy some of the entries into a different list, for example into a project. Cutting, finding the right location, and then pasting the note is cumbersome. To simplify this process, you can use the following special command:

C-c C-w (org-refile)

Refile the entry or region at point. This command offers possible locations for refiling the entry and lets you select one with completion. The item (or all items in the region) is filed below the target heading as a subitem. Depending on org-reverse-note-order, it is either the first or last subitem.

By default, all level 1 headlines in the current buffer are considered to be targets, but you can have more complex definitions across a number of files. See the variable org-refile-targets for details. If you would like to select a location via a file-path-like completion along the outline path, see the variables org-refile-use-outline-path and org-outline-path-complete-in-steps. If you would like to be able to create new nodes as new parents for refiling on the fly, check the variable org-refile-allow-creating-parent-nodes. When the variable org-log-refile83 is set, a timestamp or a note is recorded whenever an entry is refiled.

C-u C-c C-w

Use the refile interface to jump to a heading.

C-u C-u C-c C-w (org-refile-goto-last-stored)

Jump to the location where org-refile last moved a tree to.

C-2 C-c C-w

Refile as the child of the item currently being clocked.

C-3 C-c C-w

Refile and keep the entry in place. Also see org-refile-keep to make this the default behavior, and beware that this may result in duplicated ‘ID’ properties.

C-0 C-c C-w or C-u C-u C-u C-c C-w (org-refile-cache-clear)

Clear the target cache. Caching of refile targets can be turned on by setting org-refile-use-cache. To make the command see new possible targets, you have to clear the cache with this command.

C-c M-w (org-refile-copy)

Copying works like refiling, except that the original note is not deleted.

Previous: , Up: Refiling and Archiving   [Contents][Index]

9.2 Archiving

When a project represented by a (sub)tree is finished, you may want to move the tree out of the way and to stop it from contributing to the agenda. Archiving is important to keep your working files compact and global searches like the construction of agenda views fast.

C-c C-x C-a (org-archive-subtree-default)

Archive the current entry using the command specified in the variable org-archive-default-command.

Next: , Up: Archiving   [Contents][Index]

9.2.1 Moving a tree to an archive file

The most common archiving action is to move a project tree to another file, the archive file.

C-c C-x C-s or short C-c $ (org-archive-subtree)

Archive the subtree starting at point position to the location given by org-archive-location.

C-u C-c C-x C-s

Check if any direct children of the current headline could be moved to the archive. To do this, check each subtree for open TODO entries. If none is found, the command offers to move it to the archive location. If point is not on a headline when this command is invoked, check level 1 trees.

C-u C-u C-c C-x C-s

As above, but check subtree for timestamps instead of TODO entries. The command offers to archive the subtree if it does contain a timestamp, and that timestamp is in the past.

The default archive location is a file in the same directory as the current file, with the name derived by appending ‘_archive’ to the current file name. You can also choose what heading to file archived items under, with the possibility to add them to a datetree in a file. For information and examples on how to specify the file and the heading, see the documentation string of the variable org-archive-location.

There is also an in-buffer option for setting this variable, for example:

#+ARCHIVE: %s_done::

If you would like to have a special archive location for a single entry or a (sub)tree, give the entry an ‘ARCHIVE’ property with the location as the value (see Properties and Columns).

When a subtree is moved, it receives a number of special properties that record context information like the file from where the entry came, its outline path the archiving time etc. Configure the variable org-archive-save-context-info to adjust the amount of information added.

When org-archive-subtree-save-file-p is non-nil, save the target archive buffer.

Previous: , Up: Archiving   [Contents][Index]

9.2.2 Internal archiving

If you want to just switch off—for agenda views—certain subtrees without moving them to a different file, you can use the ‘ARCHIVE’ tag.

A headline that is marked with the ‘ARCHIVE’ tag (see Tags) stays at its location in the outline tree, but behaves in the following way:

The following commands help manage the ‘ARCHIVE’ tag:

C-c C-x a (org-toggle-archive-tag)

Toggle the archive tag for the current headline. When the tag is set, the headline changes to a shadowed face, and the subtree below it is hidden.

C-u C-c C-x a

Check if any direct children of the current headline should be archived. To do this, check each subtree for open TODO entries. If none is found, the command offers to set the ‘ARCHIVE’ tag for the child. If point is not on a headline when this command is invoked, check the level 1 trees.

C-c C-TAB (org-force-cycle-archived)

Cycle a tree even if it is tagged with ‘ARCHIVE’.

C-c C-x A (org-archive-to-archive-sibling)

Move the current entry to the Archive Sibling. This is a sibling of the entry with the heading ‘Archive’ and the archive tag. The entry becomes a child of that sibling and in this way retains a lot of its original context, including inherited tags and approximate position in the outline.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Top   [Contents][Index]

10 Capture and Attachments

An important part of any organization system is the ability to quickly capture new ideas and tasks, and to associate reference material with them. Org does this using a process called capture. It also can store files related to a task (attachments) in a special directory. Finally, it can parse RSS feeds for information. To learn how to let external programs (for example a web browser) trigger Org to capture material, see Protocols.

Next: , Up: Capture and Attachments   [Contents][Index]

10.1 Capture

Capture lets you quickly store notes with little interruption of your work flow. Org’s method for capturing new items is heavily inspired by John Wiegley’s excellent Remember package.

Next: , Up: Capture   [Contents][Index]

10.1.1 Setting up capture

The following customization sets a default target file for notes.

(setq org-default-notes-file (concat org-directory "/"))

You may also define a global key for capturing new material (see Activation).

Next: , Previous: , Up: Capture   [Contents][Index]

10.1.2 Using capture

M-x org-capture (org-capture)

Display the capture templates menu. If you have templates defined (see Capture templates), it offers these templates for selection or use a new Org outline node as the default template. It inserts the template into the target file and switch to an indirect buffer narrowed to this new node. You may then insert the information you want.

C-c C-c (org-capture-finalize)

Once you have finished entering information into the capture buffer, C-c C-c returns you to the window configuration before the capture process, so that you can resume your work without further distraction. When called with a prefix argument, finalize and then jump to the captured item.

C-c C-w (org-capture-refile)

Finalize the capture process by refiling the note to a different place (see Refile and Copy). Please realize that this is a normal refiling command that will be executed—so point position at the moment you run this command is important. If you have inserted a tree with a parent and children, first move point back to the parent. Any prefix argument given to this command is passed on to the org-refile command.

C-c C-k (org-capture-kill)

Abort the capture process and return to the previous state.

You can also call org-capture in a special way from the agenda, using the k c key combination. With this access, any timestamps inserted by the selected capture template defaults to the date at point in the agenda, rather than to the current date.

To find the locations of the last stored capture, use org-capture with prefix commands:

C-u M-x org-capture

Visit the target location of a capture template. You get to select the template in the usual way.

C-u C-u M-x org-capture

Visit the last stored capture item in its buffer.

You can also jump to the bookmark org-capture-last-stored, which is automatically created unless you set org-capture-bookmark to nil.

To insert the capture at point in an Org buffer, call org-capture with a C-0 prefix argument.

Previous: , Up: Capture   [Contents][Index]

10.1.3 Capture templates

You can use templates for different types of capture items, and for different target locations. The easiest way to create such templates is through the customize interface.


Customize the variable org-capture-templates.

Before we give the formal description of template definitions, let’s look at an example. Say you would like to use one template to create general TODO entries, and you want to put these entries under the heading ‘Tasks’ in your file ‘~/org/’. Also, a date tree in the file ‘’ should capture journal entries. A possible configuration would look like:

(setq org-capture-templates
      '(("t" "Todo" entry (file+headline "~/org/" "Tasks")
         "* TODO %?\n  %i\n  %a")
        ("j" "Journal" entry (file+datetree "~/org/")
         "* %?\nEntered on %U\n  %i\n  %a")))

If you then press t from the capture menu, Org will prepare the template for you like this:


During expansion of the template, ‘%a’ has been replaced by a link to the location from where you called the capture command. This can be extremely useful for deriving tasks from emails, for example. You fill in the task definition, press C-c C-c and Org returns you to the same place where you started the capture process.

To define special keys to capture to a particular template without going through the interactive template selection, you can create your key binding like this:

(define-key global-map (kbd "C-c x")
  (lambda () (interactive) (org-capture nil "x")))

Next: , Up: Capture templates   [Contents][Index] Template elements

Now lets look at the elements of a template definition. Each entry in org-capture-templates is a list with the following items:


The keys that selects the template, as a string, characters only, for example ‘"a"’, for a template to be selected with a single key, or ‘"bt"’ for selection with two keys. When using several keys, keys using the same prefix key must be sequential in the list and preceded by a 2-element entry explaining the prefix key, for example:

("b" "Templates for marking stuff to buy")

If you do not define a template for the C key, this key opens the Customize buffer for this complex variable.


A short string describing the template, shown during selection.


The type of entry, a symbol. Valid values are:


An Org mode node, with a headline. Will be filed as the child of the target entry or as a top-level entry. The target file should be an Org file.


A plain list item, placed in the first plain list at the target location. Again the target file should be an Org file.


A checkbox item. This only differs from the plain list item by the default template.


A new line in the first table at the target location. Where exactly the line will be inserted depends on the properties :prepend and :table-line-pos (see below).


Text to be inserted as it is.


Specification of where the captured item should be placed. In Org files, targets usually define a node. Entries will become children of this node. Other types will be added to the table or list in the body of this node. Most target specifications contain a file name. If that file name is the empty string, it defaults to org-default-notes-file. A file can also be given as a variable or as a function called with no argument. When an absolute path is not specified for a target, it is taken as relative to org-directory.

Valid values are:

(file "path/to/file")

Text will be placed at the beginning or end of that file.

(id "id of existing org entry")

Filing as child of this entry, or in the body of the entry.

(file+headline "filename" "node headline")

Fast configuration if the target heading is unique in the file.

(file+olp "filename" "Level 1 heading" "Level 2" ...)

For non-unique headings, the full path is safer.

(file+regexp "filename" "regexp to find location")

Use a regular expression to position point.

(file+olp+datetree "filename" [ "Level 1 heading" ...])

This target84 creates a heading in a date tree85 for today’s date. If the optional outline path is given, the tree will be built under the node it is pointing to, instead of at top level. Check out the :time-prompt and :tree-type properties below for additional options.

(file+function "filename" function-finding-location)

A function to find the right location in the file.


File to the entry that is currently being clocked.

(function function-finding-location)

Most general way: write your own function which both visits the file and moves point to the right location.


The template for creating the capture item. If you leave this empty, an appropriate default template will be used. Otherwise this is a string with escape codes, which will be replaced depending on time and context of the capture call. You may also get this template string from a file86, or dynamically, from a function using either syntax:

(file "/path/to/template-file")

The rest of the entry is a property list of additional options. Recognized properties are:


Normally new captured information will be appended at the target location (last child, last table line, last list item, …). Setting this property changes that.


When set, do not offer to edit the information, just file it away immediately. This makes sense if the template only needs information that can be added automatically.


When set, jump to the captured entry when finished.


Set this to the number of lines to insert before and after the new item. Default 0, and the only other common value is 1.


Set this to the number of lines that should be inserted after the new item. Overrides :empty-lines for the number of lines inserted after.


Set this to the number of lines that should be inserted before the new item. Overrides :empty-lines for the number lines inserted before.


Start the clock in this item.


Keep the clock running when filing the captured entry.


If starting the capture interrupted a clock, restart that clock when finished with the capture. Note that :clock-keep has precedence over :clock-resume. When setting both to non-nil, the current clock will run and the previous one will not be resumed.


Prompt for a date/time to be used for date/week trees and when filling the template. Without this property, capture uses the current date and time. Even if this property has not been set, you can force the same behavior by calling org-capture with a C-1 prefix argument.


Use week to make a week tree instead of the month-day tree, i.e., place the headings for each day under a heading with the current ISO week. Use month to group entries by month only. Default is to group entries by day.


Do not narrow the target buffer, simply show the full buffer. Default is to narrow it so that you only see the new material.


Specification of the location in the table where the new line should be inserted. It should be a string like ‘II-3’ meaning that the new line should become the third line before the second horizontal separator line.


If the target file was not yet visited when capture was invoked, kill the buffer again after capture is completed.


Do not save the target file after finishing the capture.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Capture templates   [Contents][Index] Template expansion

In the template itself, special “%-escapes”87 allow dynamic insertion of content. The templates are expanded in the order given here:


Insert the contents of the file given by FILE.


Evaluate Elisp expression EXP and replace it with the result. The EXP form must return a string. Only placeholders pre-existing within the template, or introduced with ‘%[file]’, are expanded this way. Since this happens after expanding non-interactive “%-escapes”, those can be used to fill the expression.


The result of format-time-string on the FORMAT specification.


Timestamp, date only.


Timestamp, with date and time.

%u’, ‘%U

Like ‘%t’, ‘%T’ above, but inactive timestamps.


Initial content, the region when capture is called while the region is active. If there is text before ‘%i’ on the same line, such as indentation, and ‘%i’ is not inside a ‘%(exp)’ form, that prefix is added before every line in the inserted text.


Annotation, normally the link created with org-store-link.


Like ‘%a’, but prompt for the description part.


Like ‘%a’, but only insert the literal link.


Like ‘%l’, but without brackets (the link content itself).


Current kill ring head.


Content of the X clipboard.


Title of the currently clocked task.


Link to the currently clocked task.


User name (taken from user-full-name).


File visited by current buffer when org-capture was called.


Full path of the file or directory visited by current buffer.


Specific information for certain link types, see below.


Prompt for tags, with completion on tags in target file.


Prompt for tags, with completion all tags in all agenda files.


Like ‘%t’, but prompt for date. Similarly ‘%^T’, ‘%^u’, ‘%^U’. You may define a prompt like ‘%^{Birthday}t’.


Interactive selection of which kill or clip to use.


Like ‘%^C’, but insert as link.


Prompt the user for a value for property PROP. You may specify a default value with ‘%^{PROP|default}’.


Prompt the user for a string and replace this sequence with it. You may specify a default value and a completion table with ‘%^{prompt|default|completion2|completion3...}’. The arrow keys access a prompt-specific history.


Insert the text entered at the Nth ‘%^{PROMPT}’, where N is a number, starting from 1.


After completing the template, position point here.

For specific link types, the following keywords are defined88:

Link typeAvailable keywords
bbdb%:name’, ‘%:company
irc%:server’, ‘%:port’, ‘%:nick
mh, rmail%:type’, ‘%:subject’, ‘%:message-id
%:from’, ‘%:fromname’, ‘%:fromaddress
%:to’, ‘%:toname’, ‘%:toaddress
%:date’ (message date header field)
%:date-timestamp’ (date as active timestamp)
%:date-timestamp-inactive’ (date as inactive timestamp)
%:fromto’ (either “to NAME” or “from NAME”)89
gnus%:group’, for messages also all email fields
w3, w3m%:url
info%:file’, ‘%:node
org-protocol%:link’, ‘%:description’, ‘%:annotation

Previous: , Up: Capture templates   [Contents][Index] Templates in contexts

To control whether a capture template should be accessible from a specific context, you can customize org-capture-templates-contexts. Let’s say, for example, that you have a capture template “p” for storing Gnus emails containing patches. Then you would configure this option like this:

(setq org-capture-templates-contexts
      '(("p" (in-mode . "message-mode"))))

You can also tell that the command key p should refer to another template. In that case, add this command key like this:

(setq org-capture-templates-contexts
      '(("p" "q" (in-mode . "message-mode"))))

See the docstring of the variable for more information.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Capture and Attachments   [Contents][Index]

10.2 Attachments

It is often useful to associate reference material with an outline node. Small chunks of plain text can simply be stored in the subtree of a project. Hyperlinks (see Hyperlinks) can establish associations with files that live elsewhere on a local, or even remote, computer, like emails or source code files belonging to a project.

Another method is attachments, which are files located in a directory belonging to an outline node. Org uses directories either named by a unique ID of each entry, or by a ‘DIR’ property.

Next: , Up: Attachments   [Contents][Index]

10.2.1 Attachment defaults and dispatcher

By default, Org attach uses ID properties when adding attachments to outline nodes. This makes working with attachments fully automated. There is no decision needed for folder-name or location. ID-based directories are by default located in the ‘data/’ directory, which lives in the same directory where your Org file lives90.

When attachments are made using org-attach a default tag ‘ATTACH’ is added to the node that gets the attachments.

For more control over the setup, see Attachment options.

The following commands deal with attachments:

C-c C-a (org-attach)

The dispatcher for commands related to the attachment system. After these keys, a list of commands is displayed and you must press an additional key to select a command:

a (org-attach-attach)

Select a file and move it into the task’s attachment directory. The file is copied, moved, or linked, depending on org-attach-method. Note that hard links are not supported on all systems.


Attach a file using the copy/move/link method. Note that hard links are not supported on all systems.

b (org-attach-buffer)

Select a buffer and save it as a file in the task’s attachment directory.

n (org-attach-new)

Create a new attachment as an Emacs buffer.

z (org-attach-sync)

Synchronize the current task with its attachment directory, in case you added attachments yourself.

o (org-attach-open)

Open current task’s attachment. If there is more than one, prompt for a file name first. Opening follows the rules set by org-file-apps. For more details, see the information on following hyperlinks (see Handling Links).

O (org-attach-open-in-emacs)

Also open the attachment, but force opening the file in Emacs.

f (org-attach-reveal)

Open the current task’s attachment directory.

F (org-attach-reveal-in-emacs)

Also open the directory, but force using Dired in Emacs.

d (org-attach-delete-one)

Select and delete a single attachment.

D (org-attach-delete-all)

Delete all of a task’s attachments. A safer way is to open the directory in Dired and delete from there.

s (org-attach-set-directory)

Set a specific directory as the entry’s attachment directory. This works by putting the directory path into the ‘DIR’ property.

S (org-attach-unset-directory)

Remove the attachment directory. This command removes the ‘DIR’ property and asks the user to either move content inside that folder, if an ‘ID’ property is set, delete the content, or to leave the attachment directory as is but no longer attached to the outline node.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Attachments   [Contents][Index]

10.2.2 Attachment options

There are a couple of options for attachments that are worth mentioning.


The directory where attachments are stored when ‘ID’ is used as method.


When setting the ‘DIR’ property on a node using C-c C-a s (org-attach-set-directory), absolute links are entered by default. This option changes that to relative links.


By default folders attached to an outline node are inherited from parents according to org-use-property-inheritance. If one instead want to set inheritance specifically for Org attach that can be done using org-attach-use-inheritance. Inheriting documents through the node hierarchy makes a lot of sense in most cases. Especially when using attachment links (see Attachment links). The following example shows one use case for attachment inheritance:

* Chapter A ...
  :DIR: Chapter A/
** Introduction
Some text

#+NAME: Image 1
[[attachment:image 1.jpg]]

Without inheritance one would not be able to resolve the link to ‘image 1.jpg’, since the link is inside a sub-heading to ‘Chapter A’.

Inheritance works the same way for both ‘ID’ and ‘DIR’ property. If both properties are defined on the same headline then ‘DIR’ takes precedence. This is also true if inheritance is enabled. If ‘DIR’ is inherited from a parent node in the outline, that property still takes precedence over an ‘ID’ property defined on the node itself.


When attaching files using the dispatcher C-c C-a it defaults to copying files. The behavior can be changed by customizing org-attach-method. Options are Copy, Move/Rename, Hard link or Symbolic link.


This customization lets you choose the default way to attach to nodes without existing ‘ID’ and ‘DIR’ property. It defaults to id but can also be set to dir, ask or nil.


Configure this to determine if attachments should be deleted or not when a subtree that has attachments is archived.


When attaching files to a heading it will be assigned a tag according to what is set here.


When ‘ID’ is used for attachments, the ID is parsed into a part of a directory-path. See org-attach-id-uuid-folder-format for the default function. Define a new one and add it as first element in org-attach-id-to-path-function-list if you want the folder structure in any other way. All functions in this list will be tried when resolving existing ID’s into paths, to maintain backward compatibility with existing folders in your system.


Stores a link to the file that is being attached. The link is stored in org-stored-links for later insertion with C-c C-l (see Handling Links). Depending on what option is set in org-attach-store-link-p, the link is stored to either the original location as a file link, the attachment location as an attachment link or to the attachment location as a file link.


List of all commands used in the attach dispatcher.


Do not show the splash buffer with the attach dispatcher when org-attach-expert is set to non-nil.

See customization group ‘Org Attach’ if you want to change the default settings.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Attachments   [Contents][Index]

10.2.3 Attachment links

Attached files and folders can be referenced using attachment links. This makes it easy to refer to the material added to an outline node. Especially if it was attached using the unique ID of the entry!

* TODO Some task
  :ID:       95d50008-c12e-479f-a4f2-cc0238205319
See attached document for more information: [[]]

See External Links for more information about these links.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Attachments   [Contents][Index]

10.2.4 Automatic version-control with Git

If the directory attached to an outline node is a Git repository, Org can be configured to automatically commit changes to that repository when it sees them.

To make Org mode take care of versioning of attachments for you, add the following to your Emacs config:

(require 'org-attach-git)

Previous: , Up: Attachments   [Contents][Index]

10.2.5 Attach from Dired

It is possible to attach files to a subtree from a Dired buffer. To use this feature, have one window in Dired mode containing the file(s) to be attached and another window with point in the subtree that shall get the attachments. In the Dired window, with point on a file, M-x org-attach-dired-to-subtree attaches the file to the subtree using the attachment method set by variable org-attach-method. When files are marked in the Dired window then all marked files get attached.

Add the following lines to the Emacs init file to have C-c C-x a attach files in Dired buffers.

(add-hook 'dired-mode-hook
          (lambda ()
            (define-key dired-mode-map
              (kbd "C-c C-x a")

The following code shows how to bind the previous command with a specific attachment method.

(add-hook 'dired-mode-hook
          (lambda ()
            (define-key dired-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-x c")
              (lambda ()
                (let ((org-attach-method 'cp))
                  (call-interactively #'org-attach-dired-to-subtree))))))

Previous: , Up: Capture and Attachments   [Contents][Index]

10.3 RSS Feeds

Org can add and change entries based on information found in RSS feeds and Atom feeds. You could use this to make a task out of each new podcast in a podcast feed. Or you could use a phone-based note-creating service on the web to import tasks into Org. To access feeds, configure the variable org-feed-alist. The docstring of this variable has detailed information. With the following

(setq org-feed-alist
         "~/txt/org/" "Slashdot Entries")))

new items from the feed provided by ‘’ result in new entries in the file ‘~/org/’ under the heading ‘Slashdot Entries’, whenever the following command is used:

C-c C-x g (org-feed-update-all)

Collect items from the feeds configured in org-feed-alist and act upon them.

C-c C-x G (org-feed-goto-inbox)

Prompt for a feed name and go to the inbox configured for this feed.

Under the same headline, Org creates a drawer ‘FEEDSTATUS’ in which it stores information about the status of items in the feed, to avoid adding the same item several times.

For more information, including how to read atom feeds, see ‘org-feed.el’ and the docstring of org-feed-alist.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Top   [Contents][Index]

11 Agenda Views

Due to the way Org works, TODO items, time-stamped items, and tagged headlines can be scattered throughout a file or even a number of files. To get an overview of open action items, or of events that are important for a particular date, this information must be collected, sorted and displayed in an organized way.

Org can select items based on various criteria and display them in a separate buffer. Six different view types are provided:

The extracted information is displayed in a special agenda buffer. This buffer is read-only, but provides commands to visit the corresponding locations in the original Org files, and even to edit these files remotely.

By default, the report ignores commented (see Comment Lines) and archived (see Internal archiving) entries. You can override this by setting org-agenda-skip-comment-trees and org-agenda-skip-archived-trees to nil.

Two variables control how the agenda buffer is displayed and whether the window configuration is restored when the agenda exits: org-agenda-window-setup and org-agenda-restore-windows-after-quit.

Next: , Up: Agenda Views   [Contents][Index]

11.1 Agenda Files

The information to be shown is normally collected from all agenda files, the files listed in the variable org-agenda-files91. If a directory is part of this list, all files with the extension ‘.org’ in this directory are part of the list.

Thus, even if you only work with a single Org file, that file should be put into the list92. You can customize org-agenda-files, but the easiest way to maintain it is through the following commands

C-c [ (org-agenda-file-to-front)

Add current file to the list of agenda files. The file is added to the front of the list. If it was already in the list, it is moved to the front. With a prefix argument, file is added/moved to the end.

C-c ] (org-remove-file)

Remove current file from the list of agenda files.

C-, (org-cycle-agenda-files)

Cycle through agenda file list, visiting one file after the other.

M-x org-switchb

Command to use an Iswitchb-like interface to switch to and between Org buffers.

The Org menu contains the current list of files and can be used to visit any of them.

If you would like to focus the agenda temporarily on a file not in this list, or on just one file in the list, or even on only a subtree in a file, then this can be done in different ways. For a single agenda command, you may press < once or several times in the dispatcher (see Agenda Dispatcher). To restrict the agenda scope for an extended period, use the following commands:

C-c C-x < (org-agenda-set-restriction-lock)

Restrict the agenda to the current subtree. If there already is a restriction at point, remove it. When called with a universal prefix argument or with point before the first headline in a file, set the agenda scope to the entire file. This restriction remains in effect until removed with C-c C-x >, or by typing either < or > in the agenda dispatcher. If there is a window displaying an agenda view, the new restriction takes effect immediately.

C-c C-x > (org-agenda-remove-restriction-lock)

Remove the restriction created by C-c C-x <.

When working with Speedbar, you can use the following commands in the Speedbar frame:

< (org-speedbar-set-agenda-restriction)

Restrict the agenda to the item—either an Org file or a subtree in such a file—at point in the Speedbar frame. If agenda is already restricted there, remove the restriction. If there is a window displaying an agenda view, the new restriction takes effect immediately.

> (org-agenda-remove-restriction-lock)

Remove the restriction.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Agenda Views   [Contents][Index]

11.2 The Agenda Dispatcher

The views are created through a dispatcher, accessible with M-x org-agenda, or, better, bound to a global key (see Activation). It displays a menu from which an additional letter is required to execute a command. The dispatcher offers the following default commands:


Create the calendar-like agenda (see Weekly/daily agenda).


Create a list of all TODO items (see Global TODO list).


Create a list of headlines matching a given expression (see Matching tags and properties).


Create a list of entries selected by a boolean expression of keywords and/or regular expressions that must or must not occur in the entry.


Search for a regular expression in all agenda files and additionally in the files listed in org-agenda-text-search-extra-files. This uses the Emacs command multi-occur. A prefix argument can be used to specify the number of context lines for each match, default is


Create a list of stuck projects (see Stuck projects).


Configure the list of stuck projects (see Stuck projects).


Restrict an agenda command to the current buffer93. If narrowing is in effect restrict to the narrowed part of the buffer. After pressing <, you still need to press the character selecting the command.

< <

If there is an active region, restrict the following agenda command to the region. Otherwise, restrict it to the current subtree94. After pressing < <, you still need to press the character selecting the command.


Toggle sticky agenda views. By default, Org maintains only a single agenda buffer and rebuilds it each time you change the view, to make sure everything is always up to date. If you switch between views often and the build time bothers you, you can turn on sticky agenda buffers (make this the default by customizing the variable org-agenda-sticky). With sticky agendas, the dispatcher only switches to the selected view, you need to update it by hand with r or g. You can toggle sticky agenda view any time with org-toggle-sticky-agenda.

You can also define custom commands that are accessible through the dispatcher, just like the default commands. This includes the possibility to create extended agenda buffers that contain several blocks together, for example the weekly agenda, the global TODO list and a number of special tags matches. See Custom Agenda Views.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Agenda Views   [Contents][Index]

11.3 The Built-in Agenda Views

In this section we describe the built-in views.

Next: , Up: Built-in Agenda Views   [Contents][Index]

11.3.1 Weekly/daily agenda

The purpose of the weekly/daily agenda is to act like a page of a paper agenda, showing all the tasks for the current week or day.

M-x org-agenda a (org-agenda-list)

Compile an agenda for the current week from a list of Org files. The agenda shows the entries for each day. With a numeric prefix argument95—like C-u 2 1 M-x org-agenda a—you may set the number of days to be displayed.

The default number of days displayed in the agenda is set by the variable org-agenda-span. This variable can be set to any number of days you want to see by default in the agenda, or to a span name, such a day, week, month or year. For weekly agendas, the default is to start on the previous Monday (see org-agenda-start-on-weekday). You can also set the start date using a date shift: ‘(setq org-agenda-start-day "+10d")’ starts the agenda ten days from today in the future.

Remote editing from the agenda buffer means, for example, that you can change the dates of deadlines and appointments from the agenda buffer. The commands available in the Agenda buffer are listed in Agenda Commands.

Calendar/Diary integration

Emacs contains the calendar and diary by Edward M. Reingold. The calendar displays a three-month calendar with holidays from different countries and cultures. The diary allows you to keep track of anniversaries, lunar phases, sunrise/set, recurrent appointments (weekly, monthly) and more. In this way, it is quite complementary to Org. It can be very useful to combine output from Org with the diary.

In order to include entries from the Emacs diary into Org mode’s agenda, you only need to customize the variable

(setq org-agenda-include-diary t)

After that, everything happens automatically. All diary entries including holidays, anniversaries, etc., are included in the agenda buffer created by Org mode. SPC, TAB, and RET can be used from the agenda buffer to jump to the diary file in order to edit existing diary entries. The i command to insert new entries for the current date works in the agenda buffer, as well as the commands S, M, and C to display Sunrise/Sunset times, show lunar phases and to convert to other calendars, respectively. c can be used to switch back and forth between calendar and agenda.

If you are using the diary only for expression entries and holidays, it is faster to not use the above setting, but instead to copy or even move the entries into an Org file. Org mode evaluates diary-style expression entries, and does it faster because there is no overhead for first creating the diary display. Note that the expression entries must start at the left margin, no whitespace is allowed before them, as seen in the following segment of an Org file:96

* Holidays
  :CATEGORY: Holiday
%%(org-calendar-holiday)   ; special function for holiday names

* Birthdays
%%(org-anniversary 1956  5 14) Arthur Dent is %d years old
%%(org-anniversary 1869 10  2) Mahatma Gandhi would be %d years old

Anniversaries from BBDB

If you are using the Insidious Big Brother Database to store your contacts, you very likely prefer to store anniversaries in BBDB rather than in a separate Org or diary file. Org supports this and can show BBDB anniversaries as part of the agenda. All you need to do is to add the following to one of your agenda files:

* Anniversaries
  :CATEGORY: Anniv

You can then go ahead and define anniversaries for a BBDB record. Basically, you need a field named ‘anniversary’ for the BBDB record which contains the date in the format ‘YYYY-MM-DD’ or ‘MM-DD’, followed by a space and the class of the anniversary (‘birthday’, ‘wedding’, or a format string). If you omit the class, it defaults to ‘birthday’. Here are a few examples, the header for the file ‘ol-bbdb.el’ contains more detailed information.

1955-08-02 wedding
2008-04-14 %s released version 6.01 of Org mode, %d years ago

After a change to BBDB, or for the first agenda display during an Emacs session, the agenda display suffers a short delay as Org updates its hash with anniversaries. However, from then on things will be very fast, much faster in fact than a long list of ‘%%(diary-anniversary)’ entries in an Org or Diary file.

If you would like to see upcoming anniversaries with a bit of forewarning, you can use the following instead:

* Anniversaries
  :CATEGORY: Anniv
%%(org-bbdb-anniversaries-future 3)

That will give you three days’ warning: on the anniversary date itself and the two days prior. The argument is optional: if omitted, it defaults to 7.

Appointment reminders

Org can interact with Emacs appointments notification facility. To add the appointments of your agenda files, use the command org-agenda-to-appt. This command lets you filter through the list of your appointments and add only those belonging to a specific category or matching a regular expression. It also reads a ‘APPT_WARNTIME’ property which overrides the value of appt-message-warning-time for this appointment. See the docstring for details.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Built-in Agenda Views   [Contents][Index]

11.3.2 The global TODO list

The global TODO list contains all unfinished TODO items formatted and collected into a single place.

M-x org-agenda t (org-todo-list)

Show the global TODO list. This collects the TODO items from all agenda files (see Agenda Views) into a single buffer. By default, this lists items with a state the is not a DONE state. The buffer is in Agenda mode, so there are commands to examine and manipulate the TODO entries directly from that buffer (see Agenda Commands).

M-x org-agenda T (org-todo-list)

Like the above, but allows selection of a specific TODO keyword. You can also do this by specifying a prefix argument to t. You are prompted for a keyword, and you may also specify several keywords by separating them with ‘|’ as the boolean OR operator. With a numeric prefix, the Nth keyword in org-todo-keywords is selected.

The r key in the agenda buffer regenerates it, and you can give a prefix argument to this command to change the selected TODO keyword, for example 3 r. If you often need a search for a specific keyword, define a custom command for it (see Agenda Dispatcher).

Matching specific TODO keywords can also be done as part of a tags search (see Tag Searches).

Remote editing of TODO items means that you can change the state of a TODO entry with a single key press. The commands available in the TODO list are described in Agenda Commands.

Normally the global TODO list simply shows all headlines with TODO keywords. This list can become very long. There are two ways to keep it more compact:

Next: , Previous: , Up: Built-in Agenda Views   [Contents][Index]

11.3.3 Matching tags and properties

If headlines in the agenda files are marked with tags (see Tags), or have properties (see Properties and Columns), you can select headlines based on this metadata and collect them into an agenda buffer. The match syntax described here also applies when creating sparse trees with C-c / m.

M-x org-agenda m (org-tags-view)

Produce a list of all headlines that match a given set of tags. The command prompts for a selection criterion, which is a boolean logic expression with tags, like ‘+work+urgent-withboss’ or ‘work|home’ (see Tags). If you often need a specific search, define a custom command for it (see Agenda Dispatcher).

M-x org-agenda M (org-tags-view)

Like m, but only select headlines that are also TODO items and force checking subitems (see the variable org-tags-match-list-sublevels). To exclude scheduled/deadline items, see the variable org-agenda-tags-todo-honor-ignore-options. Matching specific TODO keywords together with a tags match is also possible, see Tag Searches.

The commands available in the tags list are described in Agenda Commands.

A search string can use Boolean operators ‘&’ for AND and ‘|’ for OR. ‘&’ binds more strongly than ‘|’. Parentheses are currently not implemented. Each element in the search is either a tag, a regular expression matching tags, or an expression like ‘PROPERTY OPERATOR VALUE’ with a comparison operator, accessing a property value. Each element may be preceded by ‘-’ to select against it, and ‘+’ is syntactic sugar for positive selection. The AND operator ‘&’ is optional when ‘+’ or ‘-’ is present. Here are some examples, using only tags.


Select headlines tagged ‘work’, but discard those also tagged ‘boss’.


Selects lines tagged ‘work’ or ‘laptop’.


Like before, but require the ‘laptop’ lines to be tagged also ‘night’.

Instead of a tag, you may also specify a regular expression enclosed in curly braces. For example, ‘work+{^boss.*}’ matches headlines that contain the tag ‘:work:’ and any tag starting with ‘boss’.

Group tags (see Tag Hierarchy) are expanded as regular expressions. E.g., if ‘work’ is a group tag for the group ‘:work:lab:conf:’, then searching for ‘work’ also searches for ‘{\(?:work\|lab\|conf\)}’ and searching for ‘-work’ searches for all headlines but those with one of the tags in the group (i.e., ‘-{\(?:work\|lab\|conf\)}’).

You may also test for properties (see Properties and Columns) at the same time as matching tags. The properties may be real properties, or special properties that represent other metadata (see Special Properties). For example, the property ‘TODO’ represents the TODO keyword of the entry. Or, the property ‘LEVEL’ represents the level of an entry. So searching ‘+LEVEL=3+boss-TODO​="DONE"’ lists all level three headlines that have the tag ‘boss’ and are not marked with the TODO keyword ‘DONE’. In buffers with org-odd-levels-only set, ‘LEVEL’ does not count the number of stars, but ‘LEVEL=2’ corresponds to 3 stars etc.

Here are more examples:


Select ‘work’-tagged TODO lines with the specific TODO keyword ‘WAITING’.


Waiting tasks both at work and at home.

When matching properties, a number of different operators can be used to test the value of a property. Here is a complex example:


The type of comparison depends on how the comparison value is written:

So the search string in the example finds entries tagged ‘work’ but not ‘boss’, which also have a priority value ‘A’, a ‘Coffee’ property with the value ‘unlimited’, an ‘EFFORT’ property that is numerically smaller than 2, a ‘With’ property that is matched by the regular expression ‘Sarah|Denny’, and that are scheduled on or after October 11, 2008.

You can configure Org mode to use property inheritance during a search, but beware that this can slow down searches considerably. See Property Inheritance, for details.

For backward compatibility, and also for typing speed, there is also a different way to test TODO states in a search. For this, terminate the tags/property part of the search string (which may include several terms connected with ‘|’) with a ‘/’ and then specify a Boolean expression just for TODO keywords. The syntax is then similar to that for tags, but should be applied with care: for example, a positive selection on several TODO keywords cannot meaningfully be combined with boolean AND. However, negative selection combined with AND can be meaningful. To make sure that only lines are checked that actually have any TODO keyword (resulting in a speed-up), use M-x org-agenda M, or equivalently start the TODO part after the slash with ‘!’. Using M-x org-agenda M or ‘/!’ does not match TODO keywords in a DONE state. Examples:


Same as ‘work+TODO​="WAITING"’.


Select ‘work’-tagged TODO lines that are neither ‘WAITING’ nor ‘NEXT’.


Select ‘work’-tagged TODO lines that are either ‘WAITING’ or ‘NEXT’.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Built-in Agenda Views   [Contents][Index]

11.3.4 Search view

This agenda view is a general text search facility for Org mode entries. It is particularly useful to find notes.

M-x org-agenda s (org-search-view)

This is a special search that lets you select entries by matching a substring or specific words using a boolean logic.

For example, the search string ‘computer equipment’ matches entries that contain ‘computer equipment’ as a substring, even if the two words are separated by more space or a line break.

Search view can also search for specific keywords in the entry, using Boolean logic. The search string ‘+computer +wifi -ethernet -{8\.11[bg]}’ matches note entries that contain the keywords ‘computer’ and ‘wifi’, but not the keyword ‘ethernet’, and which are also not matched by the regular expression ‘8\.11[bg]’, meaning to exclude both ‘8.11b’ and ‘8.11g’. The first ‘+’ is necessary to turn on boolean search, other ‘+’ characters are optional. For more details, see the docstring of the command org-search-view.

You can incrementally and conveniently adjust a boolean search from the agenda search view with the following keys

[Add a positive search word
]Add a negative search word
{Add a positive regular expression
}Add a negative regular expression

Note that in addition to the agenda files, this command also searches the files listed in org-agenda-text-search-extra-files.

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11.3.5 Stuck projects

If you are following a system like David Allen’s GTD to organize your work, one of the “duties” you have is a regular review to make sure that all projects move along. A stuck project is a project that has no defined next actions, so it never shows up in the TODO lists Org mode produces. During the review, you need to identify such projects and define next actions for them.

M-x org-agenda # (org-agenda-list-stuck-projects)

List projects that are stuck.

M-x org-agenda !

Customize the variable org-stuck-projects to define what a stuck project is and how to find it.

You almost certainly need to configure this view before it works for you. The built-in default assumes that all your projects are level-2 headlines, and that a project is not stuck if it has at least one entry marked with a TODO keyword ‘TODO’ or ‘NEXT’ or ‘NEXTACTION’.

Let’s assume that you, in your own way of using Org mode, identify projects with a tag ‘:PROJECT:’, and that you use a TODO keyword ‘MAYBE’ to indicate a project that should not be considered yet. Let’s further assume that the TODO keyword ‘DONE’ marks finished projects, and that ‘NEXT’ and ‘TODO’ indicate next actions. The tag ‘:@shop:’ indicates shopping and is a next action even without the NEXT tag. Finally, if the project contains the special word ‘IGNORE’ anywhere, it should not be listed either. In this case you would start by identifying eligible projects with a tags/TODO match (see Tag Searches) ‘+PROJECT/-MAYBE-DONE’, and then check for ‘TODO’, ‘NEXT’, ‘@shop’, and ‘IGNORE’ in the subtree to identify projects that are not stuck. The correct customization for this is:

(setq org-stuck-projects
      '("+PROJECT/-MAYBE-DONE" ("NEXT" "TODO") ("@shop")

Note that if a project is identified as non-stuck, the subtree of this entry is searched for stuck projects.

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11.4 Presentation and Sorting

Before displaying items in an agenda view, Org mode visually prepares the items and sorts them. Each item occupies a single line. The line starts with a prefix that contains the category (see Categories) of the item and other important information. You can customize in which column tags are displayed through org-agenda-tags-column. You can also customize the prefix using the option org-agenda-prefix-format. This prefix is followed by a cleaned-up version of the outline headline associated with the item.

Next: , Up: Presentation and Sorting   [Contents][Index]

11.4.1 Categories

The category is a broad label assigned to each agenda item. By default, the category is simply derived from the file name, but you can also specify it with a special line in the buffer, like this:

#+CATEGORY: Thesis

If you would like to have a special category for a single entry or a (sub)tree, give the entry a ‘CATEGORY’ property with the special category you want to apply as the value.

The display in the agenda buffer looks best if the category is not longer than 10 characters. You can set up icons for category by customizing the org-agenda-category-icon-alist variable.

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11.4.2 Time-of-day specifications

Org mode checks each agenda item for a time-of-day specification. The time can be part of the timestamp that triggered inclusion into the agenda, for example

<2005-05-10 Tue 19:00>

Time ranges can be specified with two timestamps:

<2005-05-10 Tue 20:30>--<2005-05-10 Tue 22:15>

In the headline of the entry itself, a time(range)—like ‘12:45’ or a ‘8:30-1pm’—may also appear as plain text97.

If the agenda integrates the Emacs diary (see Weekly/daily agenda), time specifications in diary entries are recognized as well.

For agenda display, Org mode extracts the time and displays it in a standard 24 hour format as part of the prefix. The example times in the previous paragraphs would end up in the agenda like this:

 8:30-13:00 Arthur Dent lies in front of the bulldozer
12:45...... Ford Prefect arrives and takes Arthur to the pub
19:00...... The Vogon reads his poem
20:30-22:15 Marvin escorts the Hitchhikers to the bridge

If the agenda is in single-day mode, or for the display of today, the timed entries are embedded in a time grid, like

 8:00...... ------------------
 8:30-13:00 Arthur Dent lies in front of the bulldozer
10:00...... ------------------
12:00...... ------------------
12:45...... Ford Prefect arrives and takes Arthur to the pub
14:00...... ------------------
16:00...... ------------------
18:00...... ------------------
19:00...... The Vogon reads his poem
20:00...... ------------------
20:30-22:15 Marvin escorts the Hitchhikers to the bridge

The time grid can be turned on and off with the variable org-agenda-use-time-grid, and can be configured with org-agenda-time-grid.

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11.4.3 Sorting of agenda items

Before being inserted into a view, the items are sorted. How this is done depends on the type of view.

Sorting can be customized using the variable org-agenda-sorting-strategy, and may also include criteria based on the estimated effort of an entry (see Effort Estimates).

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11.4.4 Filtering/limiting agenda items

Agenda built-in or custom commands are statically defined. Agenda filters and limits allow to flexibly narrow down the list of agenda entries.

Filters only change the visibility of items, are very fast and are mostly used interactively98. You can switch quickly between different filters without having to recreate the agenda. Limits on the other hand take effect before the agenda buffer is populated, so they are mostly useful when defined as local variables within custom agenda commands.

Filtering in the agenda

The general filtering command is org-agenda-filter, bound to /. Before we introduce it, we describe commands for individual filter types. All filtering commands handle prefix arguments in the same way: A single C-u prefix negates the filter, so it removes lines selected by the filter. A double prefix adds the new filter condition to the one(s) already in place, so filter elements are accumulated.

\ (org-agenda-filter-by-tag)

Filter the agenda view with respect to a tag. You are prompted for a tag selection letter; SPC means any tag at all. Pressing TAB at that prompt offers completion to select a tag, including any tags that do not have a selection character. The command then hides all entries that do not contain or inherit this tag. Pressing + or - at the prompt switches between filtering for and against the next tag. To clear the filter, press \ twice (once to call the command again, and once at the prompt).

< (org-agenda-filter-by-category)

Filter by category of the line at point, and show only entries with this category. When called with a prefix argument, hide all entries with the category at point. To clear the filter, call this command again by pressing <.

= (org-agenda-filter-by-regexp)

Filter the agenda view by a regular expression: only show agenda entries matching the regular expression the user entered. To clear the filter, call the command again by pressing =.

_ (org-agenda-filter-by-effort)

Filter the agenda view with respect to effort estimates, so select tasks that take the right amount of time. You first need to set up a list of efforts globally, for example

(setq org-global-properties
      '(("Effort_ALL". "0 0:10 0:30 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00")))

You can then filter for an effort by first typing an operator, one of <, > and =, and then the one-digit index of an effort estimate in your array of allowed values, where 0 means the 10th value. The filter then restricts to entries with effort smaller-or-equal, equal, or larger-or-equal than the selected value. For application of the operator, entries without a defined effort are treated according to the value of org-sort-agenda-noeffort-is-high. To clear the filter, press _ twice (once to call the command again, and once at the first prompt).

^ (org-agenda-filter-by-top-headline)

Filter the current agenda view and only display items that fall under the same top-level headline as the current entry. To clear the filter, call this command again by pressing ^.

/ (org-agenda-filter)

This is the unified interface to four of the five filter methods described above. At the prompt, specify different filter elements in a single string, with full completion support. For example,


selects entries with category ‘work’ and effort estimates below 10 minutes, and deselects entries with tag ‘John’ or matching the regexp ‘plot’. You can leave ‘+’ out if that does not lead to ambiguities. The sequence of elements is arbitrary. The filter syntax assumes that there is no overlap between categories and tags. Otherwise, tags take priority. If you reply to the prompt with the empty string, all filtering is removed. If a filter is specified, it replaces all current filters. But if you call the command with a double prefix argument, or if you add an additional ‘+’ (e.g., ‘++work’) to the front of the string, the new filter elements are added to the active ones. A single prefix argument applies the entire filter in a negative sense.

| (org-agenda-filter-remove-all)

Remove all filters in the current agenda view.

Computed tag filtering

If the variable org-agenda-auto-exclude-function is set to a user-defined function, that function can select tags that should be used as a tag filter when requested. The function will be called with lower-case versions of all tags represented in the current view. The function should return ‘"-tag"’ if the filter should remove entries with that tag, ‘"+tag"’ if only entries with this tag should be kept, or ‘nil’ if that tag is irrelevant. For example, let’s say you use a ‘Net’ tag to identify tasks which need network access, an ‘Errand’ tag for errands in town, and a ‘Call’ tag for making phone calls. You could auto-exclude these tags based on the availability of the Internet, and outside of business hours, with something like this:

(defun my-auto-exclude-fn (tag)
  (when (cond ((string= tag "net")
               (/= 0 (call-process "/sbin/ping" nil nil nil
                                   "-c1" "-q" "-t1" "")))
              ((member tag '("errand" "call"))
               (let ((hr (nth 2 (decode-time))))
                 (or (< hr 8) (> hr 21)))))
    (concat "-" tag)))

(setq org-agenda-auto-exclude-function #'my-auto-exclude-fn)

You can apply this self-adapting filter by using a triple prefix argument to org-agenda-filter, i.e. press C-u C-u C-u /, or by pressing RET in org-agenda-filter-by-tag.

Setting limits for the agenda

Here is a list of options that you can set, either globally, or locally in your custom agenda views (see Custom Agenda Views).


Limit the number of entries.


Limit the duration of accumulated efforts (as minutes).


Limit the number of entries with TODO keywords.


Limit the number of tagged entries.

When set to a positive integer, each option excludes entries from other categories: for example, ‘(setq org-agenda-max-effort 100)’ limits the agenda to 100 minutes of effort and exclude any entry that has no effort property. If you want to include entries with no effort property, use a negative value for org-agenda-max-effort. One useful setup is to use org-agenda-max-entries locally in a custom command. For example, this custom command displays the next five entries with a ‘NEXT’ TODO keyword.

(setq org-agenda-custom-commands
      '(("n" todo "NEXT"
         ((org-agenda-max-entries 5)))))

Once you mark one of these five entry as DONE, rebuilding the agenda will again the next five entries again, including the first entry that was excluded so far.

You can also dynamically set temporary limits, which are lost when rebuilding the agenda:

~ (org-agenda-limit-interactively)

This prompts for the type of limit to apply and its value.

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11.5 Commands in the Agenda Buffer

Entries in the agenda buffer are linked back to the Org file or diary file where they originate. You are not allowed to edit the agenda buffer itself, but commands are provided to show and jump to the original entry location, and to edit the Org files “remotely” from the agenda buffer. In this way, all information is stored only once, removing the risk that your agenda and note files may diverge.

Some commands can be executed with mouse clicks on agenda lines. For the other commands, point needs to be in the desired line.


n (org-agenda-next-line)

Next line (same as DOWN and C-n).

p (org-agenda-previous-line)

Previous line (same as UP and C-p).

View/Go to Org file

SPC or mouse-3 (org-agenda-show-and-scroll-up)

Display the original location of the item in another window. With a prefix argument, make sure that drawers stay folded.

L (org-agenda-recenter)

Display original location and recenter that window.

TAB or mouse-2 (org-agenda-goto)

Go to the original location of the item in another window.

RET (org-agenda-switch-to)

Go to the original location of the item and delete other windows.

F (org-agenda-follow-mode)

Toggle Follow mode. In Follow mode, as you move point through the agenda buffer, the other window always shows the corresponding location in the Org file. The initial setting for this mode in new agenda buffers can be set with the variable org-agenda-start-with-follow-mode.

C-c C-x b (org-agenda-tree-to-indirect-buffer)

Display the entire subtree of the current item in an indirect buffer. With a numeric prefix argument N, go up to level N and then take that tree. If N is negative, go up that many levels. With a C-u prefix, do not remove the previously used indirect buffer.

C-c C-o (org-agenda-open-link)

Follow a link in the entry. This offers a selection of any links in the text belonging to the referenced Org node. If there is only one link, follow it without a selection prompt.

Change display


Interactively select another agenda view and append it to the current view.


Delete other windows.

v d or short d (org-agenda-day-view)

Switch to day view. When switching to day view, this setting becomes the default for subsequent agenda refreshes. A numeric prefix argument may be used to jump directly to a specific day of the year. For example, 32 d jumps to February 1st. When setting day view, a year may be encoded in the prefix argument as well. For example, 200712 d jumps to January 12, 2007. If such a year specification has only one or two digits, it is expanded into one of the 30 next years or the last 69 years.

v w or short w (org-agenda-week-view)

Switch to week view. When switching week view, this setting becomes the default for subsequent agenda refreshes. A numeric prefix argument may be used to jump directly to a specific day of the ISO week. For example 9 w to ISO week number 9. When setting week view, a year may be encoded in the prefix argument as well. For example, 200712 w jumps to week 12 in 2007. If such a year specification has only one or two digits, it is expanded into one of the 30 next years or the last 69 years.

v m (org-agenda-month-view)

Switch to month view. Because month views are slow to create, they do not become the default for subsequent agenda refreshes. A numeric prefix argument may be used to jump directly to a specific day of the month. When setting month view, a year may be encoded in the prefix argument as well. For example, 200712 m jumps to December, 2007. If such a year specification has only one or two digits, it is expanded into one of the 30 next years or the last 69 years.

v y (org-agenda-year-view)

Switch to year view. Because year views are slow to create, they do not become the default for subsequent agenda refreshes. A numeric prefix argument may be used to jump directly to a specific day of the year.

v SPC (org-agenda-reset-view)

Reset the current view to org-agenda-span.

f (org-agenda-later)

Go forward in time to display the span following the current one. For example, if the display covers a week, switch to the following week. With a prefix argument, repeat that many times.

b (org-agenda-earlier)

Go backward in time to display earlier dates.

. (org-agenda-goto-today)

Go to today.

j (org-agenda-goto-date)

Prompt for a date and go there.

J (org-agenda-clock-goto)

Go to the currently clocked-in task in the agenda buffer.

D (org-agenda-toggle-diary)

Toggle the inclusion of diary entries. See Weekly/daily agenda.

v l or v L or short l (org-agenda-log-mode)

Toggle Logbook mode. In Logbook mode, entries that were marked as done while logging was on (see the variable org-log-done) are shown in the agenda, as are entries that have been clocked on that day. You can configure the entry types that should be included in log mode using the variable org-agenda-log-mode-items. When called with a C-u prefix argument, show all possible logbook entries, including state changes. When called with two prefix arguments C-u C-u, show only logging information, nothing else. v L is equivalent to C-u v l.

v [ or short [ (org-agenda-manipulate-query-add)

Include inactive timestamps into the current view. Only for weekly/daily agenda.

v a (org-agenda-archives-mode)

Toggle Archives mode. In Archives mode, trees that are archived (see Internal archiving) are also scanned when producing the agenda. To exit archives mode, press v a again.

v A

Toggle Archives mode. Include all archive files as well.

v R or short R (org-agenda-clockreport-mode)

Toggle Clockreport mode. In Clockreport mode, the daily/weekly agenda always shows a table with the clocked times for the time span and file scope covered by the current agenda view. The initial setting for this mode in new agenda buffers can be set with the variable org-agenda-start-with-clockreport-mode. By using a prefix argument when toggling this mode (i.e., C-u R), the clock table does not show contributions from entries that are hidden by agenda filtering99. See also the variable org-clock-report-include-clocking-task.

v c

Show overlapping clock entries, clocking gaps, and other clocking problems in the current agenda range. You can then visit clocking lines and fix them manually. See the variable org-agenda-clock-consistency-checks for information on how to customize the definition of what constituted a clocking problem. To return to normal agenda display, press l to exit Logbook mode.

v E or short E (org-agenda-entry-text-mode)

Toggle entry text mode. In entry text mode, a number of lines from the Org outline node referenced by an agenda line are displayed below the line. The maximum number of lines is given by the variable org-agenda-entry-text-maxlines. Calling this command with a numeric prefix argument temporarily modifies that number to the prefix value.

G (org-agenda-toggle-time-grid)

Toggle the time grid on and off. See also the variables org-agenda-use-time-grid and org-agenda-time-grid.

r (org-agenda-redo)

Recreate the agenda buffer, for example to reflect the changes after modification of the timestamps of items with S-LEFT and S-RIGHT. When the buffer is the global TODO list, a prefix argument is interpreted to create a selective list for a specific TODO keyword.

C-x C-s or short s (org-save-all-org-buffers)

Save all Org buffers in the current Emacs session, and also the locations of IDs.

C-c C-x C-c (org-agenda-columns)

Invoke column view (see Column View) in the agenda buffer. The column view format is taken from the entry at point, or, if there is no entry at point, from the first entry in the agenda view. So whatever the format for that entry would be in the original buffer (taken from a property, from a ‘COLUMNS’ keyword, or from the default variable org-columns-default-format) is used in the agenda.

C-c C-x > (org-agenda-remove-restriction-lock)

Remove the restriction lock on the agenda, if it is currently restricted to a file or subtree (see Agenda Files).

M-UP (org-agenda-drag-line-backward)

Drag the line at point backward one line. With a numeric prefix argument, drag backward by that many lines.

Moving agenda lines does not persist after an agenda refresh and does not modify the contributing Org files.

M-DOWN (org-agenda-drag-line-forward)

Drag the line at point forward one line. With a numeric prefix argument, drag forward by that many lines.

Remote editing


Digit argument.

C-_ (org-agenda-undo)

Undo a change due to a remote editing command. The change is undone both in the agenda buffer and in the remote buffer.

t (org-agenda-todo)

Change the TODO state of the item, both in the agenda and in the original Org file. A prefix arg is passed through to the org-todo command, so for example a C-u prefix are will trigger taking a note to document the state change.

C-S-RIGHT (org-agenda-todo-nextset)

Switch to the next set of TODO keywords.

C-S-LEFT, org-agenda-todo-previousset

Switch to the previous set of TODO keywords.

C-k (org-agenda-kill)

Delete the current agenda item along with the entire subtree belonging to it in the original Org file. If the text to be deleted remotely is longer than one line, the kill needs to be confirmed by the user. See variable org-agenda-confirm-kill.

C-c C-w (org-agenda-refile)

Refile the entry at point.

C-c C-x C-a or short a (org-agenda-archive-default-with-confirmation)

Archive the subtree corresponding to the entry at point using the default archiving command set in org-archive-default-command. When using the a key, confirmation is required.

C-c C-x a (org-agenda-toggle-archive-tag)

Toggle the archive tag (see Internal archiving) for the current headline.

C-c C-x A (org-agenda-archive-to-archive-sibling)

Move the subtree corresponding to the current entry to its archive sibling.

C-c C-x C-s or short $ (org-agenda-archive)

Archive the subtree corresponding to the current headline. This means the entry is moved to the configured archive location, most likely a different file.

T (org-agenda-show-tags)

Show all tags associated with the current item. This is useful if you have turned off org-agenda-show-inherited-tags, but still want to see all tags of a headline occasionally.

: (org-agenda-set-tags)

Set tags for the current headline. If there is an active region in the agenda, change a tag for all headings in the region.

, (org-agenda-priority)

Set the priority for the current item. Org mode prompts for the priority character. If you reply with SPC, the priority cookie is removed from the entry.

+ or S-UP (org-agenda-priority-up)

Increase the priority of the current item. The priority is changed in the original buffer, but the agenda is not resorted. Use the r key for this.

- or S-DOWN (org-agenda-priority-down)

Decrease the priority of the current item.

C-c C-x e or short e (org-agenda-set-effort)

Set the effort property for the current item.

C-c C-z or short z (org-agenda-add-note)

Add a note to the entry. This note is recorded, and then filed to the same location where state change notes are put. Depending on org-log-into-drawer, this may be inside a drawer.

C-c C-a (org-attach)

Dispatcher for all command related to attachments.

C-c C-s (org-agenda-schedule)

Schedule this item. With a prefix argument, remove the scheduling timestamp

C-c C-d (org-agenda-deadline)

Set a deadline for this item. With a prefix argument, remove the deadline.

S-RIGHT (org-agenda-do-date-later)

Change the timestamp associated with the current line by one day into the future. If the date is in the past, the first call to this command moves it to today. With a numeric prefix argument, change it by that many days. For example, 3 6 5 S-RIGHT changes it by a year. With a C-u prefix, change the time by one hour. If you immediately repeat the command, it will continue to change hours even without the prefix argument. With a double C-u C-u prefix, do the same for changing minutes. The stamp is changed in the original Org file, but the change is not directly reflected in the agenda buffer. Use r or g to update the buffer.

S-LEFT (org-agenda-do-date-earlier)

Change the timestamp associated with the current line by one day into the past.

> (org-agenda-date-prompt)

Change the timestamp associated with the current line. The key > has been chosen, because it is the same as S-. on my keyboard.

I (org-agenda-clock-in)

Start the clock on the current item. If a clock is running already, it is stopped first.

O (org-agenda-clock-out)

Stop the previously started clock.

X (org-agenda-clock-cancel)

Cancel the currently running clock.

J (org-agenda-clock-goto)

Jump to the running clock in another window.

k (org-agenda-capture)

Like org-capture, but use the date at point as the default date for the capture template. See org-capture-use-agenda-date to make this the default behavior of org-capture.

Bulk remote editing selected entries

m (org-agenda-bulk-mark)

Mark the entry at point for bulk action. If there is an active region in the agenda, mark the entries in the region. With numeric prefix argument, mark that many successive entries.

* (org-agenda-bulk-mark-all)

Mark all visible agenda entries for bulk action.

u (org-agenda-bulk-unmark)

Unmark entry for bulk action.

U (org-agenda-bulk-remove-all-marks)

Unmark all marked entries for bulk action.

M-m (org-agenda-bulk-toggle)

Toggle mark of the entry at point for bulk action.

M-* (org-agenda-bulk-toggle-all)

Toggle mark of every entry for bulk action.

% (org-agenda-bulk-mark-regexp)

Mark entries matching a regular expression for bulk action.

B (org-agenda-bulk-action)

Bulk action: act on all marked entries in the agenda. This prompts for another key to select the action to be applied. The prefix argument to B is passed through to the s and d commands, to bulk-remove these special timestamps. By default, marks are removed after the bulk. If you want them to persist, set org-agenda-bulk-persistent-marks to t or hit p at the prompt.


Toggle persistent marks.


Archive all selected entries.


Archive entries by moving them to their respective archive siblings.


Change TODO state. This prompts for a single TODO keyword and changes the state of all selected entries, bypassing blocking and suppressing logging notes—but not timestamps.


Add a tag to all selected entries.


Remove a tag from all selected entries.


Schedule all items to a new date. To shift existing schedule dates by a fixed number of days, use something starting with double plus at the prompt, for example ‘++8d’ or ‘++2w’.


Set deadline to a specific date.


Prompt for a single refile target and move all entries. The entries are no longer in the agenda; refresh (g) to bring them back.


Reschedule randomly into the coming N days. N is prompted for. With a prefix argument (C-u B S), scatter only across weekdays.


Apply a function100 to marked entries. For example, the function below sets the ‘CATEGORY’ property of the entries to ‘web’.

(defun set-category ()
  (interactive "P")
  (let ((marker (or (org-get-at-bol 'org-hd-marker)
    (org-with-point-at marker
      (org-back-to-heading t)
      (org-set-property "CATEGORY" "web"))))

Calendar commands

c (org-agenda-goto-calendar)

Open the Emacs calendar and go to the date at point in the agenda.

c (org-calendar-goto-agenda)

When in the calendar, compute and show the Org agenda for the date at point.

i (org-agenda-diary-entry)

Insert a new entry into the diary, using the date at point and (for block entries) the date at the mark. This adds to the Emacs diary file101, in a way similar to the i command in the calendar. The diary file pops up in another window, where you can add the entry.

If you configure org-agenda-diary-file to point to an Org file, Org creates entries in that file instead. Most entries are stored in a date-based outline tree that will later make it easy to archive appointments from previous months/years. The tree is built under an entry with a ‘DATE_TREE’ property, or else with years as top-level entries. Emacs prompts you for the entry text—if you specify it, the entry is created in org-agenda-diary-file without further interaction. If you directly press RET at the prompt without typing text, the target file is shown in another window for you to finish the entry there. See also the k r command.

M (org-agenda-phases-of-moon)

Show the phases of the moon for the three months around current date.

S (org-agenda-sunrise-sunset)

Show sunrise and sunset times. The geographical location must be set with calendar variables, see the documentation for the Emacs calendar.

C (org-agenda-convert-date)

Convert the date at point into many other cultural and historic calendars.

H (org-agenda-holidays)

Show holidays for three months around point date.

Quit and exit

q (org-agenda-quit)

Quit agenda, remove the agenda buffer.

x (org-agenda-exit)

Exit agenda, remove the agenda buffer and all buffers loaded by Emacs for the compilation of the agenda. Buffers created by the user to visit Org files are not removed.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Agenda Views   [Contents][Index]

11.6 Custom Agenda Views

Custom agenda commands serve two purposes: to store and quickly access frequently used TODO and tags searches, and to create special composite agenda buffers. Custom agenda commands are accessible through the dispatcher (see Agenda Dispatcher), just like the default commands.

Next: , Up: Custom Agenda Views   [Contents][Index]

11.6.1 Storing searches

The first application of custom searches is the definition of keyboard shortcuts for frequently used searches, either creating an agenda buffer, or a sparse tree (the latter covering of course only the current buffer).

Custom commands are configured in the variable org-agenda-custom-commands. You can customize this variable, for example by pressing C from the agenda dispatcher (see Agenda Dispatcher). You can also directly set it with Emacs Lisp in the Emacs init file. The following example contains all valid agenda views:

(setq org-agenda-custom-commands
      '(("x" agenda)
        ("y" agenda*)
        ("w" todo "WAITING")
        ("W" todo-tree "WAITING")
        ("u" tags "+boss-urgent")
        ("v" tags-todo "+boss-urgent")
        ("U" tags-tree "+boss-urgent")
        ("f" occur-tree "\\<FIXME\\>")
        ("h" . "HOME+Name tags searches") ;description for "h" prefix
        ("hl" tags "+home+Lisa")
        ("hp" tags "+home+Peter")
        ("hk" tags "+home+Kim")))

The initial string in each entry defines the keys you have to press after the dispatcher command in order to access the command. Usually this is just a single character, but if you have many similar commands, you can also define two-letter combinations where the first character is the same in several combinations and serves as a prefix key102. The second parameter is the search type, followed by the string or regular expression to be used for the matching. The example above will therefore define:


as a global search for agenda entries planned103 this week/day.


as the same search, but only for entries with an hour specification like ‘[h]h:mm’—think of them as appointments.


as a global search for TODO entries with ‘WAITING’ as the TODO keyword.


as the same search, but only in the current buffer and displaying the results as a sparse tree.


as a global tags search for headlines tagged ‘boss’ but not ‘urgent’.


The same search, but limiting it to headlines that are also TODO items.


as the same search, but only in the current buffer and displaying the result as a sparse tree.


to create a sparse tree (again, current buffer only) with all entries containing the word ‘FIXME’.


as a prefix command for a ‘HOME’ tags search where you have to press an additional key (l, p or k) to select a name (Lisa, Peter, or Kim) as additional tag to match.

Note that *-tree agenda views need to be called from an Org buffer as they operate on the current buffer only.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Custom Agenda Views   [Contents][Index]

11.6.2 Block agenda

Another possibility is the construction of agenda views that comprise the results of several commands, each of which creates a block in the agenda buffer. The available commands include agenda for the daily or weekly agenda (as created with a) , alltodo for the global TODO list (as constructed with t), stuck for the list of stuck projects (as obtained with #) and the matching commands discussed above: todo, tags, and tags-todo.

Here are two examples:

(setq org-agenda-custom-commands
      '(("h" "Agenda and Home-related tasks"
         ((agenda "")
          (tags-todo "home")
          (tags "garden")))
        ("o" "Agenda and Office-related tasks"
         ((agenda "")
          (tags-todo "work")
          (tags "office")))))

This defines h to create a multi-block view for stuff you need to attend to at home. The resulting agenda buffer contains your agenda for the current week, all TODO items that carry the tag ‘home’, and also all lines tagged with ‘garden’. Finally the command o provides a similar view for office tasks.

Previous: , Up: Custom Agenda Views   [Contents][Index]

11.6.3 Setting options for custom commands

Org mode contains a number of variables regulating agenda construction and display. The global variables define the behavior for all agenda commands, including the custom commands. However, if you want to change some settings just for a single custom view, you can do so. Setting options requires inserting a list of variable names and values at the right spot in org-agenda-custom-commands. For example:

(setq org-agenda-custom-commands
      '(("w" todo "WAITING"
         ((org-agenda-sorting-strategy '(priority-down))
          (org-agenda-prefix-format "  Mixed: ")))
        ("U" tags-tree "+boss-urgent"
         ((org-show-context-detail 'minimal)))
        ("N" search ""
         ((org-agenda-files '("~org/"))
          (org-agenda-text-search-extra-files nil)))))

Now the w command sorts the collected entries only by priority, and the prefix format is modified to just say ‘Mixed:’ instead of giving the category of the entry. The sparse tags tree of U now turns out ultra-compact, because neither the headline hierarchy above the match, nor the headline following the match are shown. The command N does a text search limited to only a single file.

For command sets creating a block agenda, org-agenda-custom-commands has two separate spots for setting options. You can add options that should be valid for just a single command in the set, and options that should be valid for all commands in the set. The former are just added to the command entry; the latter must come after the list of command entries. Going back to the block agenda example (see Block agenda), let’s change the sorting strategy for the h commands to priority-down, but let’s sort the results for ‘garden’ tags query in the opposite order, priority-up. This would look like this:

(setq org-agenda-custom-commands
      '(("h" "Agenda and Home-related tasks"
          (tags-todo "home")
          (tags "garden"
                ((org-agenda-sorting-strategy '(priority-up)))))
         ((org-agenda-sorting-strategy '(priority-down))))
        ("o" "Agenda and Office-related tasks"
          (tags-todo "work")
          (tags "office")))))

As you see, the values and parentheses setting is a little complex. When in doubt, use the customize interface to set this variable—it fully supports its structure. Just one caveat: when setting options in this interface, the values are just Lisp expressions. So if the value is a string, you need to add the double-quotes around the value yourself.

To control whether an agenda command should be accessible from a specific context, you can customize org-agenda-custom-commands-contexts. Let’s say for example that you have an agenda command o displaying a view that you only need when reading emails. Then you would configure this option like this:

(setq org-agenda-custom-commands-contexts
      '(("o" (in-mode . "message-mode"))))

You can also tell that the command key o should refer to another command key r. In that case, add this command key like this:

(setq org-agenda-custom-commands-contexts
      '(("o" "r" (in-mode . "message-mode"))))

See the docstring of the variable for more information.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Agenda Views   [Contents][Index]

11.7 Exporting Agenda Views

If you are away from your computer, it can be very useful to have a printed version of some agenda views to carry around. Org mode can export custom agenda views as plain text, HTML104, Postscript, PDF105, and iCalendar files. If you want to do this only occasionally, use the following command:

C-x C-w (org-agenda-write)

Write the agenda view to a file.

If you need to export certain agenda views frequently, you can associate any custom agenda command with a list of output file names106. Here is an example that first defines custom commands for the agenda and the global TODO list, together with a number of files to which to export them. Then we define two block agenda commands and specify file names for them as well. File names can be relative to the current working directory, or absolute.

(setq org-agenda-custom-commands
      '(("X" agenda "" nil ("agenda.html" ""))
        ("Y" alltodo "" nil ("todo.html" "todo.txt" ""))
        ("h" "Agenda and Home-related tasks"
         ((agenda "")
          (tags-todo "home")
          (tags "garden"))
        ("o" "Agenda and Office-related tasks"
          (tags-todo "work")
          (tags "office"))
         ("~/views/" "~/calendars/office.ics"))))

The extension of the file name determines the type of export. If it is ‘.html’, Org mode uses the htmlize package to convert the buffer to HTML and save it to this file name. If the extension is ‘.ps’, ps-print-buffer-with-faces is used to produce Postscript output. If the extension is ‘.ics’, iCalendar export is run export over all files that were used to construct the agenda, and limit the export to entries listed in the agenda. Any other extension produces a plain ASCII file.

The export files are not created when you use one of those commands interactively because this might use too much overhead. Instead, there is a special command to produce all specified files in one step:

e (org-store-agenda-views)

Export all agenda views that have export file names associated with them.

You can use the options section of the custom agenda commands to also set options for the export commands. For example:

(setq org-agenda-custom-commands
      '(("X" agenda ""
         ((ps-number-of-columns 2)
          (ps-landscape-mode t)
          (org-agenda-prefix-format " [ ] ")
          (org-agenda-with-colors nil)
          (org-agenda-remove-tags t))

This command sets two options for the Postscript exporter, to make it print in two columns in landscape format—the resulting page can be cut in two and then used in a paper agenda. The remaining settings modify the agenda prefix to omit category and scheduling information, and instead include a checkbox to check off items. We also remove the tags to make the lines compact, and we do not want to use colors for the black-and-white printer. Settings specified in org-agenda-exporter-settings also apply, e.g.,

(setq org-agenda-exporter-settings
      '((ps-number-of-columns 2)
        (ps-landscape-mode t)
        (org-agenda-add-entry-text-maxlines 5)
        (htmlize-output-type 'css)))

but the settings in org-agenda-custom-commands take precedence.

From the command line you may also use:

emacs -eval (org-batch-store-agenda-views) -kill

or, if you need to modify some parameters107

emacs -eval '(org-batch-store-agenda-views                      \
              org-agenda-span (quote month)                     \
              org-agenda-start-day "2007-11-01"                 \
              org-agenda-include-diary nil                      \
              org-agenda-files (quote ("~/org/")))'  \

which creates the agenda views restricted to the file ‘~/org/’, without diary entries and with a 30-day extent.

You can also extract agenda information in a way that allows further processing by other programs. See Extracting Agenda Information, for more information.

Previous: , Up: Agenda Views   [Contents][Index]

11.8 Using Column View in the Agenda

Column view (see Column View) is normally used to view and edit properties embedded in the hierarchical structure of an Org file. It can be quite useful to use column view also from the agenda, where entries are collected by certain criteria.

C-c C-x C-c (org-agenda-columns)

Turn on column view in the agenda.

To understand how to use this properly, it is important to realize that the entries in the agenda are no longer in their proper outline environment. This causes the following issues:

  1. Org needs to make a decision which columns format to use. Since the entries in the agenda are collected from different files, and different files may have different columns formats, this is a non-trivial problem. Org first checks if org-overriding-columns-format is currently set, and if so, takes the format from there. You should set this variable only in the local settings section of a custom agenda command (see Custom Agenda Views) to make it valid for that specific agenda view. If no such binding exists, it checks, in sequence, org-columns-default-format-for-agenda, the format associated with the first item in the agenda (through a property or a ‘#+COLUMNS’ setting in that buffer) and finally org-columns-default-format.
  2. If any of the columns has a summary type defined (see Column attributes), turning on column view in the agenda visits all relevant agenda files and make sure that the computations of this property are up to date. This is also true for the special ‘CLOCKSUM’ property. Org then sums the values displayed in the agenda. In the daily/weekly agenda, the sums cover a single day; in all other views they cover the entire block.

    It is important to realize that the agenda may show the same entry twice—for example as scheduled and as a deadline—and it may show two entries from the same hierarchy (for example a parent and its child). In these cases, the summation in the agenda leads to incorrect results because some values count double.

  3. When the column view in the agenda shows the ‘CLOCKSUM’ property, that is always the entire clocked time for this item. So even in the daily/weekly agenda, the clocksum listed in column view may originate from times outside the current view. This has the advantage that you can compare these values with a column listing the planned total effort for a task—one of the major applications for column view in the agenda. If you want information about clocked time in the displayed period use clock table mode (press R in the agenda).
  4. When the column view in the agenda shows the ‘CLOCKSUM_T’ property, that is always today’s clocked time for this item. So even in the weekly agenda, the clocksum listed in column view only originates from today. This lets you compare the time you spent on a task for today, with the time already spent—via ‘CLOCKSUM’—and with the planned total effort for it.

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12 Markup for Rich Contents

Org is primarily about organizing and searching through your plain-text notes. However, it also provides a lightweight yet robust markup language for rich text formatting and more. For instance, you may want to center or emphasize text. Or you may need to insert a formula or image in your writing. Org offers syntax for all of this and more. Used in conjunction with the export framework (see Exporting), you can author beautiful documents in Org—like the fine manual you are currently reading.

Next: , Up: Markup for Rich Contents   [Contents][Index]

12.1 Paragraphs

Paragraphs are separated by at least one empty line. If you need to enforce a line break within a paragraph, use ‘\\’ at the end of a line.

To preserve the line breaks, indentation and blank lines in a region, but otherwise use normal formatting, you can use this construct, which can also be used to format poetry.

 Great clouds overhead
 Tiny black birds rise and fall
 Snow covers Emacs


When quoting a passage from another document, it is customary to format this as a paragraph that is indented on both the left and the right margin. You can include quotations in Org documents like this:

Everything should be made as simple as possible,
but not any simpler ---Albert Einstein

If you would like to center some text, do it like this:

Everything should be made as simple as possible, \\
but not any simpler

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12.2 Emphasis and Monospace

You can make words ‘*bold*’, ‘/italic/’, ‘_underlined_’, ‘=verbatim=’ and ‘~code~’, and, if you must, ‘+strike-through+’. Text in the code and verbatim string is not processed for Org specific syntax; it is exported verbatim.

To turn off fontification for marked up text, you can set org-fontify-emphasized-text to nil. To narrow down the list of available markup syntax, you can customize org-emphasis-alist.

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12.3 Subscripts and Superscripts

^’ and ‘_’ are used to indicate super- and subscripts. To increase the readability of ASCII text, it is not necessary, but OK, to surround multi-character sub- and superscripts with curly braces. For example

The radius of the sun is R_sun = 6.96 x 10^8 m.  On the other hand,
the radius of Alpha Centauri is R_{Alpha Centauri} = 1.28 x R_{sun}.

If you write a text where the underscore is often used in a different context, Org’s convention to always interpret these as subscripts can get in your way. Configure the variable org-use-sub-superscripts to change this convention. For example, when setting this variable to {}, ‘a_b’ is not interpreted as a subscript, but ‘a_{b}’ is.

You can set org-use-sub-superscripts in a file using the export option ‘^:’ (see Export Settings). For example, ‘#+OPTIONS: ^:{}’ sets org-use-sub-superscripts to {} and limits super- and subscripts to the curly bracket notation.

You can also toggle the visual display of super- and subscripts:

C-c C-x \ (org-toggle-pretty-entities)

This command formats sub- and superscripts in a WYSIWYM way.

Set both org-pretty-entities and org-pretty-entities-include-sub-superscripts to t to start with super- and subscripts visually interpreted as specified by the option org-use-sub-superscripts.

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12.4 Special Symbols

You can use LaTeX-like syntax to insert special symbols—named entities—like ‘\alpha’ to indicate the Greek letter, or ‘\to’ to indicate an arrow. Completion for these symbols is available, just type ‘\’ and maybe a few letters, and press M-TAB to see possible completions. If you need such a symbol inside a word, terminate it with a pair of curly brackets. For example

Pro tip: Given a circle \Gamma of diameter d, the length of its
circumference is \pi{}d.

A large number of entities is provided, with names taken from both HTML and LaTeX; you can comfortably browse the complete list from a dedicated buffer using the command org-entities-help. It is also possible to provide your own special symbols in the variable org-entities-user.

During export, these symbols are transformed into the native format of the exporter back-end. Strings like ‘\alpha’ are exported as ‘&alpha;’ in the HTML output, and as ‘\(\alpha\)’ in the LaTeX output. Similarly, ‘\nbsp’ becomes ‘&nbsp;’ in HTML and ‘~’ in LaTeX.

If you would like to see entities displayed as UTF-8 characters, use the following command108:

C-c C-x \ (org-toggle-pretty-entities)

Toggle display of entities as UTF-8 characters. This does not change the buffer content which remains plain ASCII, but it overlays the UTF-8 character for display purposes only.

In addition to regular entities defined above, Org exports in a special way109 the following commonly used character combinations: ‘\-’ is treated as a shy hyphen, ‘--’ and ‘---’ are converted into dashes, and ‘...’ becomes a compact set of dots.

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12.5 Embedded LaTeX

Plain ASCII is normally sufficient for almost all note taking. Exceptions include scientific notes, which often require mathematical symbols and the occasional formula. LaTeX110 is widely used to typeset scientific documents. Org mode supports embedding LaTeX code into its files, because many academics are used to writing and reading LaTeX source code, and because it can be readily processed to produce pretty output for a number of export back-ends.

Next: , Up: Embedded LaTeX   [Contents][Index]

12.5.1 LaTeX fragments

Org mode can contain LaTeX math fragments, and it supports ways to process these for several export back-ends. When exporting to LaTeX, the code is left as it is. When exporting to HTML, Org can use either MathJax (see Math formatting in HTML export) or transcode the math into images (see Previewing LaTeX fragments).

LaTeX fragments do not need any special marking at all. The following snippets are identified as LaTeX source code:

For example:

\begin{equation}                        % arbitrary environments,
x=\sqrt{b}                              % even tables, figures
\end{equation}                          % etc

If $a^2=b$ and \( b=2 \), then the solution must be
either $$ a=+\sqrt{2} $$ or \[ a=-\sqrt{2} \].

LaTeX processing can be configured with the variable org-export-with-latex. The default setting is t which means MathJax for HTML, and no processing for ASCII and LaTeX back-ends. You can also set this variable on a per-file basis using one of these lines:

#+OPTIONS: tex:tDo the right thing automatically (MathJax)
#+OPTIONS: tex:nilDo not process LaTeX fragments at all
#+OPTIONS: tex:verbatimVerbatim export, for jsMath or so

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12.5.2 Previewing LaTeX fragments

If you have a working LaTeX installation and ‘dvipng’, ‘dvisvgm’ or ‘convert’ installed112, LaTeX fragments can be processed to produce images of the typeset expressions to be used for inclusion while exporting to HTML (see LaTeX fragments), or for inline previewing within Org mode.

You can customize the variables org-format-latex-options and org-format-latex-header to influence some aspects of the preview. In particular, the :scale (and for HTML export, :html-scale) property of the former can be used to adjust the size of the preview images.

C-c C-x C-l (org-latex-preview)

Produce a preview image of the LaTeX fragment at point and overlay it over the source code. If there is no fragment at point, process all fragments in the current entry—between two headlines.

When called with a single prefix argument, clear all images in the current entry. Two prefix arguments produce a preview image for all fragments in the buffer, while three of them clear all the images in that buffer.

You can turn on the previewing of all LaTeX fragments in a file with

#+STARTUP: latexpreview

To disable it, simply use

#+STARTUP: nolatexpreview

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12.5.3 Using CDLaTeX to enter math

CDLaTeX mode is a minor mode that is normally used in combination with a major LaTeX mode like AUCTeX in order to speed-up insertion of environments and math templates. Inside Org mode, you can make use of some of the features of CDLaTeX mode. You need to install ‘cdlatex.el’ and ‘texmathp.el’ (the latter comes also with AUCTeX) using MELPA with the Emacs packaging system or alternatively from Do not use CDLaTeX mode itself under Org mode, but use the special version Org CDLaTeX minor mode that comes as part of Org. Turn it on for the current buffer with M-x org-cdlatex-mode, or for all Org files with

(add-hook 'org-mode-hook 'turn-on-org-cdlatex)

When this mode is enabled, the following features are present (for more details see the documentation of CDLaTeX mode):

C-c {

Insert an environment template.


The TAB key expands the template if point is inside a LaTeX fragment113. For example, TAB expands ‘fr’ to ‘\frac{}{}’ and position point correctly inside the first brace. Another TAB gets you into the second brace.

Even outside fragments, TAB expands environment abbreviations at the beginning of a line. For example, if you write ‘equ’ at the beginning of a line and press TAB, this abbreviation is expanded to an ‘equation’ environment. To get a list of all abbreviations, type M-x cdlatex-command-help.


Pressing _ and ^ inside a LaTeX fragment inserts these characters together with a pair of braces. If you use TAB to move out of the braces, and if the braces surround only a single character or macro, they are removed again (depending on the variable cdlatex-simplify-sub-super-scripts).


Pressing the backquote followed by a character inserts math macros, also outside LaTeX fragments. If you wait more than 1.5 seconds after the backquote, a help window pops up.


Pressing the single-quote followed by another character modifies the symbol before point with an accent or a font. If you wait more than 1.5 seconds after the single-quote, a help window pops up. Character modification works only inside LaTeX fragments; outside the quote is normal.

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12.6 Literal Examples

You can include literal examples that should not be subjected to markup. Such examples are typeset in monospace, so this is well suited for source code and similar examples.

  Some example from a text file.

There is one limitation, however. You must insert a comma right before lines starting with either ‘*’, ‘,*’, ‘#+’ or ‘,#+’, as those may be interpreted as outlines nodes or some other special syntax. Org transparently strips these additional commas whenever it accesses the contents of the block.

,* I am no real headline

For simplicity when using small examples, you can also start the example lines with a colon followed by a space. There may also be additional whitespace before the colon:

Here is an example
   : Some example from a text file.

If the example is source code from a programming language, or any other text that can be marked up by Font Lock in Emacs, you can ask for the example to look like the fontified Emacs buffer114. This is done with the code block, where you also need to specify the name of the major mode that should be used to fontify the example115, see Structure Templates for shortcuts to easily insert code blocks.

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
  (defun org-xor (a b)
    "Exclusive or."
    (if a (not b) b))

Both in ‘example’ and in ‘src’ snippets, you can add a ‘-n’ switch to the end of the ‘#+BEGIN’ line, to get the lines of the example numbered. The ‘-n’ takes an optional numeric argument specifying the starting line number of the block. If you use a ‘+n’ switch, the numbering from the previous numbered snippet is continued in the current one. The ‘+n’ switch can also take a numeric argument. This adds the value of the argument to the last line of the previous block to determine the starting line number.

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp -n 20
  ;; This exports with line number 20.
  (message "This is line 21")

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp +n 10
  ;; This is listed as line 31.
  (message "This is line 32")

In literal examples, Org interprets strings like ‘(ref:name)’ as labels, and use them as targets for special hyperlinks like ‘[[(name)]]’—i.e., the reference name enclosed in single parenthesis. In HTML, hovering the mouse over such a link remote-highlights the corresponding code line, which is kind of cool.

You can also add a ‘-r’ switch which removes the labels from the source code116. With the ‘-n’ switch, links to these references are labeled by the line numbers from the code listing. Otherwise links use the labels with no parentheses. Here is an example:

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp -n -r
  (save-excursion                 (ref:sc)
     (goto-char (point-min))      (ref:jump)
In line [[(sc)]] we remember the current position. [[(jump)][Line (jump)]]
jumps to point-min.

Source code and examples may be indented in order to align nicely with the surrounding text, and in particular with plain list structure (see Plain Lists). By default, Org only retains the relative indentation between lines, e.g., when exporting the contents of the block. However, you can use the ‘-i’ switch to also preserve the global indentation, if it does matter. See Editing Source Code.

If the syntax for the label format conflicts with the language syntax, use a ‘-l’ switch to change the format, for example

#+BEGIN_SRC pascal -n -r -l "((%s))"

See also the variable org-coderef-label-format.

HTML export also allows examples to be published as text areas (see Text areas in HTML export).

Because the ‘#+BEGIN’ … ‘#+END’ patterns need to be added so often, a shortcut is provided (see Structure Templates).

C-c ' (org-edit-special)

Edit the source code example at point in its native mode. This works by switching to a temporary buffer with the source code. You need to exit by pressing C-c ' again. The edited version then replaces the old version in the Org buffer. Fixed-width regions—where each line starts with a colon followed by a space—are edited using Artist mode117 to allow creating ASCII drawings easily. Using this command in an empty line creates a new fixed-width region.

Calling org-store-link (see Handling Links) while editing a source code example in a temporary buffer created with C-c ' prompts for a label. Make sure that it is unique in the current buffer, and insert it with the proper formatting like ‘(ref:label)’ at the end of the current line. Then the label is stored as a link ‘(label)’, for retrieval with C-c C-l.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Markup for Rich Contents   [Contents][Index]

12.7 Images

An image is a link to an image file118 that does not have a description part, for example


If you wish to define a caption for the image (see Captions) and maybe a label for internal cross references (see Internal Links), make sure that the link is on a line by itself and precede it with ‘CAPTION’ and ‘NAME’ keywords as follows:

#+CAPTION: This is the caption for the next figure link (or table)
#+NAME:   fig:SED-HR4049

Such images can be displayed within the buffer with the following command:

C-c C-x C-v (org-toggle-inline-images)

Toggle the inline display of linked images. When called with a prefix argument, also display images that do have a link description. You can ask for inline images to be displayed at startup by configuring the variable org-startup-with-inline-images119.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Markup for Rich Contents   [Contents][Index]

12.8 Captions

You can assign a caption to a specific part of a document by inserting a ‘CAPTION’ keyword immediately before it:

#+CAPTION: This is the caption for the next table (or link)
| ... | ... |

Optionally, the caption can take the form:

#+CAPTION[Short caption]: Longer caption.

Even though images and tables are prominent examples of captioned structures, the same caption mechanism can apply to many others—e.g., LaTeX equations, source code blocks. Depending on the export back-end, those may or may not be handled.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Markup for Rich Contents   [Contents][Index]

12.9 Horizontal Rules

A line consisting of only dashes, and at least 5 of them, is exported as a horizontal line.

Previous: , Up: Markup for Rich Contents   [Contents][Index]

12.10 Creating Footnotes

A footnote is started by a footnote marker in square brackets in column 0, no indentation allowed. It ends at the next footnote definition, headline, or after two consecutive empty lines. The footnote reference is simply the marker in square brackets, inside text. Markers always start with ‘fn:’. For example:

The Org homepage[fn:1] now looks a lot better than it used to.
[fn:1] The link is:

Org mode extends the number-based syntax to named footnotes and optional inline definition. Here are the valid references:


A named footnote reference, where NAME is a unique label word, or, for simplicity of automatic creation, a number.

[fn:: This is the inline definition of this footnote]

An anonymous footnote where the definition is given directly at the reference point.

[fn:NAME: a definition]

An inline definition of a footnote, which also specifies a name for the note. Since Org allows multiple references to the same note, you can then use ‘[fn:NAME]’ to create additional references.

Footnote labels can be created automatically, or you can create names yourself. This is handled by the variable org-footnote-auto-label and its corresponding ‘STARTUP’ keywords. See the docstring of that variable for details.

The following command handles footnotes:

C-c C-x f

The footnote action command.

When point is on a footnote reference, jump to the definition. When it is at a definition, jump to the—first—reference.

Otherwise, create a new footnote. Depending on the variable org-footnote-define-inline120, the definition is placed right into the text as part of the reference, or separately into the location determined by the variable org-footnote-section.

When this command is called with a prefix argument, a menu of additional options is offered:

sSort the footnote definitions by reference sequence.
rRenumber the simple ‘fn:N’ footnotes.
SShort for first r, then s action.
nRename all footnotes into a ‘fn:1’ … ‘fn:n’ sequence.
dDelete the footnote at point, including definition and references.

Depending on the variable org-footnote-auto-adjust121, renumbering and sorting footnotes can be automatic after each insertion or deletion.

C-c C-c

If point is on a footnote reference, jump to the definition. If it is at the definition, jump back to the reference. When called at a footnote location with a prefix argument, offer the same menu as C-c C-x f.

C-c C-o or mouse-1/2

Footnote labels are also links to the corresponding definition or reference, and you can use the usual commands to follow these links.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Top   [Contents][Index]

13 Exporting

At some point you might want to print your notes, publish them on the web, or share them with people not using Org. Org can convert and export documents to a variety of other formats while retaining as much structure (see Document Structure) and markup (see Markup for Rich Contents) as possible.

The libraries responsible for translating Org files to other formats are called back-ends. Org ships with support for the following back-ends:

Users can install libraries for additional formats from the Emacs packaging system. For easy discovery, these packages have a common naming scheme: ox-NAME, where NAME is a format. For example, ox-koma-letter for koma-letter back-end. More libraries can be found in the ‘contrib/’ directory (see Installation).

Org only loads back-ends for the following formats by default: ASCII, HTML, iCalendar, LaTeX, and ODT. Additional back-ends can be loaded in either of two ways: by configuring the org-export-backends variable, or by requiring libraries in the Emacs init file. For example, to load the Markdown back-end, add this to your Emacs config:

(require 'ox-md)

Next: , Up: Exporting   [Contents][Index]

13.1 The Export Dispatcher

The export dispatcher is the main interface for Org’s exports. A hierarchical menu presents the currently configured export formats. Options are shown as easy toggle switches on the same screen.

Org also has a minimal prompt interface for the export dispatcher. When the variable org-export-dispatch-use-expert-ui is set to a non-nil value, Org prompts in the minibuffer. To switch back to the hierarchical menu, press ?.

C-c C-e (org-export)

Invokes the export dispatcher interface. The options show default settings. The C-u prefix argument preserves options from the previous export, including any sub-tree selections.

Org exports the entire buffer by default. If the Org buffer has an active region, then Org exports just that region.

Within the dispatcher interface, the following key combinations can further alter what is exported, and how.


Toggle asynchronous export. Asynchronous export uses an external Emacs process with a specially configured initialization file to complete the exporting process in the background, without tying-up Emacs. This is particularly useful when exporting long documents.

Output from an asynchronous export is saved on the export stack. To view this stack, call the export dispatcher with a double C-u prefix argument. If already in the export dispatcher menu, & displays the stack.

You can make asynchronous export the default by setting org-export-in-background.

You can set the initialization file used by the background process by setting org-export-async-init-file.


Toggle body-only export. Useful for excluding headers and footers in the export. Affects only those back-end formats that have sections like ‘<head>...</head>’ in HTML.


Toggle sub-tree export. When turned on, Org exports only the sub-tree starting from point position at the time the export dispatcher was invoked. Org uses the top heading of this sub-tree as the document’s title. If point is not on a heading, Org uses the nearest enclosing header. If point is in the document preamble, Org signals an error and aborts export.

To make sub-tree export the default, customize the variable org-export-initial-scope.


Toggle visible-only export. This is useful for exporting only certain parts of an Org document by adjusting the visibility of particular headings.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Exporting   [Contents][Index]

13.2 Export Settings

Export options can be set: globally with variables; for an individual file by making variables buffer-local with in-buffer settings (see In-buffer Settings); by setting individual keywords or specifying them in compact form with the ‘OPTIONS’ keyword; or for a tree by setting properties (see Properties and Columns). Options set at a specific level override options set at a more general level.

In-buffer settings may appear anywhere in the file, either directly or indirectly through a file included using ‘#+SETUPFILE: filename or URL’ syntax. Option keyword sets tailored to a particular back-end can be inserted from the export dispatcher (see The Export Dispatcher) using the ‘Insert template’ command by pressing #. To insert keywords individually, a good way to make sure the keyword is correct is to type ‘#+’ and then to use M-TAB122 for completion.

The export keywords available for every back-end, and their equivalent global variables, include:


The document author (user-full-name).


Entity responsible for output generation (org-export-creator-string).


A date or a time-stamp123.


The email address (user-mail-address).


Language to use for translating certain strings (org-export-default-language). With ‘#+LANGUAGE: fr’, for example, Org translates ‘Table of contents’ to the French ‘Table des matières124.


The default value is ‘("export")’. When a tree is tagged with ‘export’ (org-export-select-tags), Org selects that tree and its sub-trees for export. Org excludes trees with ‘noexport’ tags, see below. When selectively exporting files with ‘export’ tags set, Org does not export any text that appears before the first headline.


The default value is ‘("noexport")’. When a tree is tagged with ‘noexport’ (org-export-exclude-tags), Org excludes that tree and its sub-trees from export. Entries tagged with ‘noexport’ are unconditionally excluded from the export, even if they have an ‘export’ tag. Even if a sub-tree is not exported, Org executes any code blocks contained there.


Org displays this title. For long titles, use multiple ‘#+TITLE’ lines.


The name of the output file to be generated. Otherwise, Org generates the file name based on the buffer name and the extension based on the back-end format.

The ‘OPTIONS’ keyword is a compact form. To configure multiple options, use several ‘OPTIONS’ lines. ‘OPTIONS’ recognizes the following arguments.


Toggle smart quotes (org-export-with-smart-quotes). Depending on the language used, when activated, Org treats pairs of double quotes as primary quotes, pairs of single quotes as secondary quotes, and single quote marks as apostrophes.


Toggle emphasized text (org-export-with-emphasize).


Toggle conversion of special strings (org-export-with-special-strings).


Toggle fixed-width sections (org-export-with-fixed-width).


Toggle inclusion of time/date active/inactive stamps (org-export-with-timestamps).


Toggles whether to preserve line breaks (org-export-preserve-breaks).


Toggle TeX-like syntax for sub- and superscripts. If you write ‘^:{}’, ‘a_{b}’ is interpreted, but the simple ‘a_b’ is left as it is (org-export-with-sub-superscripts).


Configure how archived trees are exported. When set to headline, the export process skips the contents and processes only the headlines (org-export-with-archived-trees).


Toggle inclusion of author name into exported file (org-export-with-author).


Toggles if Org should continue exporting upon finding a broken internal link. When set to mark, Org clearly marks the problem link in the output (org-export-with-broken-links).


Toggle inclusion of ‘CLOCK’ keywords (org-export-with-clocks).


Toggle inclusion of creator information in the exported file (org-export-with-creator).


Toggles inclusion of drawers, or list of drawers to include, or list of drawers to exclude (org-export-with-drawers).


Toggle inclusion of a date into exported file (org-export-with-date).


Toggle inclusion of entities (org-export-with-entities).


Toggle inclusion of the author’s e-mail into exported file (org-export-with-email).


Toggle the inclusion of footnotes (org-export-with-footnotes).


Set the number of headline levels for export (org-export-headline-levels). Below that level, headlines are treated differently. In most back-ends, they become list items.


Toggle inclusion of inlinetasks (org-export-with-inlinetasks).


Toggle section-numbers (org-export-with-section-numbers). When set to number N, Org numbers only those headlines at level N or above. Set ‘UNNUMBERED’ property to non-nil to disable numbering of heading and subheadings entirely. Moreover, when the value is ‘notoc’ the headline, and all its children, do not appear in the table of contents either (see Table of Contents).


Toggle export of planning information (org-export-with-planning). “Planning information” comes from lines located right after the headline and contain any combination of these cookies: ‘SCHEDULED’, ‘DEADLINE’, or ‘CLOSED’.


Toggle inclusion of priority cookies (org-export-with-priority).


Toggle inclusion of property drawers, or list the properties to include (org-export-with-properties).


Toggle inclusion of statistics cookies (org-export-with-statistics-cookies).


Toggle inclusion of tags, may also be not-in-toc (org-export-with-tags).


Toggle inclusion of tasks (TODO items); or nil to remove all tasks; or todo to remove done tasks; or list the keywords to keep (org-export-with-tasks).


nil does not export; t exports; verbatim keeps everything in verbatim (org-export-with-latex).


Toggle inclusion of the creation time in the exported file (org-export-time-stamp-file).


Toggle inclusion of title (org-export-with-title).


Toggle inclusion of the table of contents, or set the level limit (org-export-with-toc).


Toggle inclusion of TODO keywords into exported text (org-export-with-todo-keywords).


Toggle inclusion of tables (org-export-with-tables).

When exporting sub-trees, special node properties can override the above keywords. These properties have an ‘EXPORT_’ prefix. For example, ‘DATE’ becomes, ‘EXPORT_DATE’ when used for a specific sub-tree. Except for ‘SETUPFILE’, all other keywords listed above have an ‘EXPORT_’ equivalent.

If org-export-allow-bind-keywords is non-nil, Emacs variables can become buffer-local during export by using the ‘BIND’ keyword. Its syntax is ‘#+BIND: variable value’. This is particularly useful for in-buffer settings that cannot be changed using keywords.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Exporting   [Contents][Index]

13.3 Table of Contents

The table of contents includes all headlines in the document. Its depth is therefore the same as the headline levels in the file. If you need to use a different depth, or turn it off entirely, set the org-export-with-toc variable accordingly. You can achieve the same on a per file basis, using the following ‘toc’ item in ‘OPTIONS’ keyword:

#+OPTIONS: toc:2          (only include two levels in TOC)
#+OPTIONS: toc:nil        (no default TOC at all)

Org includes both numbered and unnumbered headlines in the table of contents125. If you need to exclude an unnumbered headline, along with all its children, set the ‘UNNUMBERED’ property to ‘notoc’ value.

* Subtree not numbered, not in table of contents either
  :UNNUMBERED: notoc

Org normally inserts the table of contents directly before the first headline of the file. To move the table of contents to a different location, first turn off the default with org-export-with-toc variable or with ‘#+OPTIONS: toc:nil’. Then insert ‘#+TOC: headlines N’ at the desired location(s).

#+OPTIONS: toc:nil
#+TOC: headlines 2

To adjust the table of contents depth for a specific section of the Org document, append an additional ‘local’ parameter. This parameter becomes a relative depth for the current level. The following example inserts a local table of contents, with direct children only.

* Section
#+TOC: headlines 1 local

Note that for this feature to work properly in LaTeX export, the Org file requires the inclusion of the titletoc package. Because of compatibility issues, titletoc has to be loaded before hyperref. Customize the org-latex-default-packages-alist variable.

The following example inserts a table of contents that links to the children of the specified target.

* Target
  :CUSTOM_ID: TargetSection
** Heading A
** Heading B
* Another section
#+TOC: headlines 1 :target #TargetSection

The ‘:target’ attribute is supported in HTML, Markdown, ODT, and ASCII export.

Use the ‘TOC’ keyword to generate list of tables—respectively, all listings—with captions.

#+TOC: listings
#+TOC: tables

Normally Org uses the headline for its entry in the table of contents. But with ‘ALT_TITLE’ property, a different entry can be specified for the table of contents.

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13.4 Include Files

During export, you can include the content of another file. For example, to include your ‘.emacs’ file, you could use:

#+INCLUDE: "~/.emacs" src emacs-lisp

The first parameter is the file name to include. The optional second parameter specifies the block type: ‘example’, ‘export’ or ‘src’. The optional third parameter specifies the source code language to use for formatting the contents. This is relevant to both ‘export’ and ‘src’ block types.

If an included file is specified as having a markup language, Org neither checks for valid syntax nor changes the contents in any way. For example and source blocks, Org code-escapes the contents before inclusion.

If an included file is not specified as having any markup language, Org assumes it be in Org format and proceeds as usual with a few exceptions. Org makes the footnote labels (see Creating Footnotes) in the included file local to that file. The contents of the included file belong to the same structure—headline, item—containing the ‘INCLUDE’ keyword. In particular, headlines within the file become children of the current section. That behavior can be changed by providing an additional keyword parameter, ‘:minlevel’. It shifts the headlines in the included file to become the lowest level. For example, this syntax makes the included file a sibling of the current top-level headline:

#+INCLUDE: "~/my-book/" :minlevel 1

Inclusion of only portions of files are specified using ranges parameter with ‘:lines’ keyword. The line at the upper end of the range will not be included. The start and/or the end of the range may be omitted to use the obvious defaults.

#+INCLUDE: "~/.emacs" :lines "5-10"Include lines 5 to 10, 10 excluded
#+INCLUDE: "~/.emacs" :lines "-10"Include lines 1 to 10, 10 excluded
#+INCLUDE: "~/.emacs" :lines "10-"Include lines from 10 to EOF

Inclusions may specify a file-link to extract an object matched by org-link-search126 (see Search Options). The ranges for ‘:lines’ keyword are relative to the requested element. Therefore,

#+INCLUDE: "./*conclusion" :lines 1-20

includes the first 20 lines of the headline named ‘conclusion’.

To extract only the contents of the matched object, set ‘:only-contents’ property to non-nil. This omits any planning lines or property drawers. For example, to include the body of the heading with the custom ID ‘theory’, you can use

#+INCLUDE: "./" :only-contents t

The following command allows navigating to the included document:

C-c ' (org-edit~special)

Visit the included file at point.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Exporting   [Contents][Index]

13.5 Macro Replacement

Macros replace text snippets during export. Macros are defined globally in org-export-global-macros, or document-wise with the following syntax:

#+MACRO: name   replacement text; $1, $2 are arguments

which can be referenced using ‘{{{name(arg1, arg2)}}}127. For example

#+MACRO: poem Rose is $1, violet's $2. Life's ordered: Org assists you.


Rose is red, violet's blue. Life's ordered: Org assists you.

As a special case, Org parses any replacement text starting with ‘(eval’ as an Emacs Lisp expression and evaluates it accordingly. Within such templates, arguments become strings. Thus, the following macro

#+MACRO: gnustamp (eval (concat "GNU/" (capitalize $1)))

turns ‘{{{gnustamp(linux)}}}’ into ‘GNU/Linux’ during export.

Org recognizes macro references in following Org markup areas: paragraphs, headlines, verse blocks, tables cells and lists. Org also recognizes macro references in keywords, such as ‘CAPTION’, ‘TITLE’, ‘AUTHOR’, ‘DATE’, and for some back-end specific export options.

Org comes with following pre-defined macros:


The ‘keyword’ macro collects all values from NAME keywords throughout the buffer, separated with white space. ‘title’, ‘author’ and ‘email’ macros are shortcuts for, respectively, ‘{{{keyword(TITLE)}}}’, ‘{{{keyword(AUTHOR)}}}’ and ‘{{{keyword(EMAIL)}}}’.


This macro refers to the ‘DATE’ keyword. FORMAT is an optional argument to the ‘date’ macro that is used only if ‘DATE’ is a single timestamp. FORMAT should be a format string understood by format-time-string.

{{{modification-time(FORMAT, VC)}}}

These macros refer to the document’s date and time of export and date and time of modification. FORMAT is a string understood by format-time-string. If the second argument to the modification-time macro is non-nil, Org uses ‘vc.el’ to retrieve the document’s modification time from the version control system. Otherwise Org reads the file attributes.


This macro refers to the filename of the exported file.


This macro returns the value of property PROPERTY-NAME in the current entry. If SEARCH-OPTION (see Search Options) refers to a remote entry, use it instead.

{{{n(NAME, ACTION)}}}

This macro implements custom counters by returning the number of times the macro has been expanded so far while exporting the buffer. You can create more than one counter using different NAME values. If ACTION is ‘-’, previous value of the counter is held, i.e., the specified counter is not incremented. If the value is a number, the specified counter is set to that value. If it is any other non-empty string, the specified counter is reset to 1. You may leave NAME empty to reset the default counter.

Moreover, inline source blocks (see Structure of Code Blocks) use the special ‘results’ macro to mark their output. As such, you are advised against re-defining it, unless you know what you are doing.

The surrounding brackets can be made invisible by setting org-hide-macro-markers to a non-nil value.

Org expands macros at the very beginning of the export process.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Exporting   [Contents][Index]

13.6 Comment Lines

Lines starting with zero or more whitespace characters followed by one ‘#’ and a whitespace are treated as comments and, as such, are not exported.

Likewise, regions surrounded by ‘#+BEGIN_COMMENT’ … ‘#+END_COMMENT’ are not exported.

Finally, a ‘COMMENT’ keyword at the beginning of an entry, but after any other keyword or priority cookie, comments out the entire subtree. In this case, the subtree is not exported and no code block within it is executed either128. The command below helps changing the comment status of a headline.

C-c ; (org-toggle-comment)

Toggle the ‘COMMENT’ keyword at the beginning of an entry.

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13.7 ASCII/Latin-1/UTF-8 export

ASCII export produces an output file containing only plain ASCII characters. This is the simplest and most direct text output. It does not contain any Org markup. Latin-1 and UTF-8 export use additional characters and symbols available in these encoding standards. All three of these export formats offer the most basic of text output for maximum portability.

On export, Org fills and justifies text according to the text width set in org-ascii-text-width.

Org exports links using a footnote-like style where the descriptive part is in the text and the link is in a note before the next heading. See the variable org-ascii-links-to-notes for details.

ASCII export commands

C-c C-e t a (org-ascii-export-to-ascii)
C-c C-e t l
C-c C-e t u

Export as an ASCII file with a ‘.txt’ extension. For ‘’, Org exports to ‘myfile.txt’, overwriting without warning. For ‘myfile.txt’, Org exports to ‘myfile.txt.txt’ in order to prevent data loss.

C-c C-e t A (org-ascii-export-to-ascii)
C-c C-e t L
C-c C-e t U

Export to a temporary buffer. Does not create a file.

ASCII specific export settings

The ASCII export back-end has one extra keyword for customizing ASCII output. Setting this keyword works similar to the general options (see Export Settings).


The document subtitle. For long subtitles, use multiple ‘#+SUBTITLE’ lines in the Org file. Org prints them on one continuous line, wrapping into multiple lines if necessary.

Header and sectioning structure

Org converts the first three outline levels into headlines for ASCII export. The remaining levels are turned into lists. To change this cut-off point where levels become lists, see Export Settings.

Quoting ASCII text

To insert text within the Org file by the ASCII back-end, use one the following constructs, inline, keyword, or export block:

Inline text @@ascii:and additional text@@ within a paragraph.

#+ASCII: Some text

Org exports text in this block only when using ASCII back-end.

ASCII specific attributes

ASCII back-end recognizes only one attribute, ‘:width’, which specifies the width of a horizontal rule in number of characters. The keyword and syntax for specifying widths is:

#+ATTR_ASCII: :width 10

ASCII special blocks

Besides ‘#+BEGIN_CENTER’ blocks (see Paragraphs), ASCII back-end has these two left and right justification blocks:

It's just a jump to the left...

...and then a step to the right.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Exporting   [Contents][Index]

13.8 Beamer Export

Org uses Beamer export to convert an Org file tree structure into high-quality interactive slides for presentations. Beamer is a LaTeX document class for creating presentations in PDF, HTML, and other popular display formats.

Next: , Up: Beamer Export   [Contents][Index]

13.8.1 Beamer export commands

C-c C-e l b (org-beamer-export-to-latex)

Export as LaTeX file with a ‘.tex’ extension. For ‘’, Org exports to ‘myfile.tex’, overwriting without warning.

C-c C-e l B (org-beamer-export-as-latex)

Export to a temporary buffer. Does not create a file.

C-c C-e l P (org-beamer-export-to-pdf)

Export as LaTeX file and then convert it to PDF format.

C-c C-e l O

Export as LaTeX file, convert it to PDF format, and then open the PDF file.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Beamer Export   [Contents][Index]

13.8.2 Beamer specific export settings

Beamer export back-end has several additional keywords for customizing Beamer output. These keywords work similar to the general options settings (see Export Settings).


The Beamer layout theme (org-beamer-theme). Use square brackets for options. For example:

#+BEAMER_THEME: Rochester [height=20pt]

The Beamer font theme.


The Beamer inner theme.


The Beamer outer theme.


Arbitrary lines inserted in the preamble, just before the ‘hyperref’ settings.


The document description. For long descriptions, use multiple ‘DESCRIPTION’ keywords. By default, ‘hyperref’ inserts ‘DESCRIPTION’ as metadata. Use org-latex-hyperref-template to configure document metadata. Use org-latex-title-command to configure typesetting of description as part of front matter.


The keywords for defining the contents of the document. Use multiple ‘KEYWORDS’ lines if necessary. By default, ‘hyperref’ inserts ‘KEYWORDS’ as metadata. Use org-latex-hyperref-template to configure document metadata. Use org-latex-title-command to configure typesetting of keywords as part of front matter.


Document’s subtitle. For typesetting, use org-beamer-subtitle-format string. Use org-latex-hyperref-template to configure document metadata. Use org-latex-title-command to configure typesetting of subtitle as part of front matter.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Beamer Export   [Contents][Index]

13.8.3 Frames and Blocks in Beamer

Org transforms heading levels into Beamer’s sectioning elements, frames and blocks. Any Org tree with a not-too-deep-level nesting should in principle be exportable as a Beamer presentation.

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13.8.4 Beamer specific syntax

Since Org’s Beamer export back-end is an extension of the LaTeX back-end, it recognizes other LaTeX specific syntax—for example, ‘#+LATEX:’ or ‘#+ATTR_LATEX:’. See LaTeX Export, for details.

Beamer export wraps the table of contents generated with ‘toc:t’ ‘OPTION’ keyword in a ‘frame’ environment. Beamer export does not wrap the table of contents generated with ‘TOC’ keyword (see Table of Contents). Use square brackets for specifying options.

#+TOC: headlines [currentsection]

Insert Beamer-specific code using the following constructs:

#+BEAMER: \pause

  Only Beamer export back-end exports this.

Text @@beamer:some code@@ within a paragraph.

Inline constructs, such as the last one above, are useful for adding overlay specifications to objects with bold, item, link, radio-target and target types. Enclose the value in angular brackets and place the specification at the beginning of the object as shown in this example:

A *@@beamer:<2->@@useful* feature

Beamer export recognizes the ‘ATTR_BEAMER’ keyword with the following attributes from Beamer configurations: ‘:environment’ for changing local Beamer environment, ‘:overlay’ for specifying Beamer overlays in angular or square brackets, and ‘:options’ for inserting optional arguments.

#+ATTR_BEAMER: :environment nonindentlist
- item 1, not indented
- item 2, not indented
- item 3, not indented
#+ATTR_BEAMER: :overlay <+->
- item 1
- item 2
#+ATTR_BEAMER: :options [Lagrange]
Let $G$ be a finite group, and let $H$ be
a subgroup of $G$.  Then the order of $H$ divides the order of $G$.

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13.8.5 Editing support

Org Beamer mode is a special minor mode for faster editing of Beamer documents.

#+STARTUP: beamer
C-c C-b (org-beamer-select-environment)

Org Beamer mode provides this key for quicker selections in Beamer normal environments, and for selecting the ‘BEAMER_COL’ property.

Previous: , Up: Beamer Export   [Contents][Index]

13.8.6 A Beamer example

Here is an example of an Org document ready for Beamer export.

#+TITLE: Example Presentation
#+AUTHOR: Carsten Dominik
#+OPTIONS: H:2 toc:t num:t
#+LATEX_CLASS: beamer
#+LATEX_CLASS_OPTIONS: [presentation]

* This is the first structural section

** Frame 1
*** Thanks to Eric Fraga                                           :B_block:
    :BEAMER_COL: 0.48
    :BEAMER_ENV: block
    for the first viable Beamer setup in Org
*** Thanks to everyone else                                        :B_block:
    :BEAMER_COL: 0.48
    :BEAMER_ACT: <2->
    :BEAMER_ENV: block
    for contributing to the discussion
**** This will be formatted as a beamer note                       :B_note:
     :BEAMER_env: note
** Frame 2 (where we will not use columns)
*** Request
    Please test this stuff!

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13.9 HTML Export

Org mode contains an HTML exporter with extensive HTML formatting compatible with XHTML 1.0 strict standard.

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13.9.1 HTML export commands

C-c C-e h h (org-html-export-to-html)

Export as HTML file with a ‘.html’ extension. For ‘’, Org exports to ‘myfile.html’, overwriting without warning. {{{kbd{C-c C-e h o)}}} exports to HTML and opens it in a web browser.

C-c C-e h H (org-html-export-as-html)

Exports to a temporary buffer. Does not create a file.

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13.9.2 HTML specific export settings

HTML export has a number of keywords, similar to the general options settings described in Export Settings.


This is the document’s description, which the HTML exporter inserts it as a HTML meta tag in the HTML file. For long descriptions, use multiple ‘DESCRIPTION’ lines. The exporter takes care of wrapping the lines properly.


Specify the document type, for example: HTML5 (org-html-doctype).


Specify the HTML container, such as ‘div’, for wrapping sections and elements (org-html-container-element).


The URL for home link (org-html-link-home).


The URL for the up link of exported HTML pages (org-html-link-up).


Options for MathJax (org-html-mathjax-options). MathJax is used to typeset LaTeX math in HTML documents. See Math formatting in HTML export, for an example.


Arbitrary lines for appending to the HTML document’s head (org-html-head).


More arbitrary lines for appending to the HTML document’s head (org-html-head-extra).


Keywords to describe the document’s content. HTML exporter inserts these keywords as HTML meta tags. For long keywords, use multiple ‘KEYWORDS’ lines.


Arbitrary lines for appending to the preamble; HTML exporter appends when transcoding LaTeX fragments to images (see Math formatting in HTML export).


The document’s subtitle. HTML exporter formats subtitle if document type is ‘HTML5’ and the CSS has a ‘subtitle’ class.

Some of these keywords are explained in more detail in the following sections of the manual.

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13.9.3 HTML doctypes

Org can export to various (X)HTML flavors.

Set the org-html-doctype variable for different (X)HTML variants. Depending on the variant, the HTML exporter adjusts the syntax of HTML conversion accordingly. Org includes the following ready-made variants:

See the variable org-html-doctype-alist for details. The default is "xhtml-strict".

Org’s HTML exporter does not by default enable new block elements introduced with the HTML5 standard. To enable them, set org-html-html5-fancy to non-nil. Or use an ‘OPTIONS’ line in the file to set ‘html5-fancy’.

HTML5 documents can now have arbitrary ‘#+BEGIN’ … ‘#+END’ blocks. For example:

  Lorem ipsum

exports to:

  <p>Lorem ipsum</p>

while this:

#+ATTR_HTML: :controls controls :width 350
#+HTML: <source src="movie.mp4" type="video/mp4">
#+HTML: <source src="movie.ogg" type="video/ogg">
Your browser does not support the video tag.

exports to:

<video controls="controls" width="350">
  <source src="movie.mp4" type="video/mp4">
    <source src="movie.ogg" type="video/ogg">
      <p>Your browser does not support the video tag.</p>

When special blocks do not have a corresponding HTML5 element, the HTML exporter reverts to standard translation (see org-html-html5-elements). For example, ‘#+BEGIN_lederhosen’ exports to <div class="lederhosen">.

Special blocks cannot have headlines. For the HTML exporter to wrap the headline and its contents in <section> or <article> tags, set the ‘HTML_CONTAINER’ property for the headline.

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13.9.4 HTML preamble and postamble

The HTML exporter has delineations for preamble and postamble. The default value for org-html-preamble is t, which makes the HTML exporter insert the preamble. See the variable org-html-preamble-format for the format string.

Set org-html-preamble to a string to override the default format string. If the string is a function, the HTML exporter expects the function to return a string upon execution. The HTML exporter inserts this string in the preamble. The HTML exporter does not insert a preamble if org-html-preamble is set nil.

The default value for org-html-postamble is auto, which makes the HTML exporter build a postamble from looking up author’s name, email address, creator’s name, and date. Set org-html-postamble to t to insert the postamble in the format specified in the org-html-postamble-format variable. The HTML exporter does not insert a postamble if org-html-postamble is set to nil.

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13.9.5 Quoting HTML tags

The HTML export back-end transforms ‘<’ and ‘>’ to ‘&lt;’ and ‘&gt;’. To include raw HTML code in the Org file so the HTML export back-end can insert that HTML code in the output, use this inline syntax: ‘@@html:...@@’. For example:

@@html:<b>@@bold text@@html:</b>@@

For larger raw HTML code blocks, use these HTML export code blocks:

#+HTML: Literal HTML code for export

  All lines between these markers are exported literally

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13.9.6 Headlines in HTML export

Headlines are exported to ‘<h1>’, ‘<h2>’, etc. Each headline gets the ‘id’ attribute from ‘CUSTOM_ID’ property, or a unique generated value, see Internal Links.

When org-html-self-link-headlines is set to a non-nil value, the text of the headlines is also wrapped in ‘<a>’ tags. These tags have a ‘href’ attribute making the headlines link to themselves.

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13.9.7 Links in HTML export

The HTML export back-end transforms Org’s internal links (see Internal Links) to equivalent HTML links in the output. The back-end similarly handles Org’s automatic links created by radio targets (see Radio Targets) similarly. For Org links to external files, the back-end transforms the links to relative paths.

For Org links to other ‘.org’ files, the back-end automatically changes the file extension to ‘.html’ and makes file paths relative. If the ‘.org’ files have an equivalent ‘.html’ version at the same location, then the converted links should work without any further manual intervention. However, to disable this automatic path translation, set org-html-link-org-files-as-html to nil. When disabled, the HTML export back-end substitutes the ID-based links in the HTML output. For more about linking files when publishing to a directory, see Publishing links.

Org files can also have special directives to the HTML export back-end. For example, by using ‘#+ATTR_HTML’ lines to specify new format attributes to <a> or <img> tags. This example shows changing the link’s title and style:

#+ATTR_HTML: :title The Org mode homepage :style color:red;

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13.9.8 Tables in HTML export

The HTML export back-end uses org-html-table-default-attributes when exporting Org tables to HTML. By default, the exporter does not draw frames and cell borders. To change for this for a table, use the following lines before the table in the Org file:

#+CAPTION: This is a table with lines around and between cells
#+ATTR_HTML: :border 2 :rules all :frame border

The HTML export back-end preserves column groupings in Org tables (see Column Groups) when exporting to HTML.

Additional options for customizing tables for HTML export.


Non-nil attaches style attributes for alignment to each table field.


Non-nil places caption string at the beginning of the table.


Opening and ending tags for table data fields.


Default attributes and values for table tags.


Opening and ending tags for table’s header fields.


Opening and ending tags for table rows.


Non-nil formats column one in tables with header tags.

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13.9.9 Images in HTML export

The HTML export back-end has features to convert Org image links to HTML inline images and HTML clickable image links.

When the link in the Org file has no description, the HTML export back-end by default in-lines that image. For example: ‘[[file:myimg.jpg]]’ is in-lined, while ‘[[file:myimg.jpg][the image]]’ links to the text, ‘the image’. For more details, see the variable org-html-inline-images.

On the other hand, if the description part of the Org link is itself another link, such as ‘file:’ or ‘http:’ URL pointing to an image, the HTML export back-end in-lines this image and links to the main image. This Org syntax enables the back-end to link low-resolution thumbnail to the high-resolution version of the image, as shown in this example:


To change attributes of in-lined images, use ‘#+ATTR_HTML’ lines in the Org file. This example shows realignment to right, and adds alt and title attributes in support of text viewers and modern web accessibility standards.

#+CAPTION: A black cat stalking a spider
#+ATTR_HTML: :alt cat/spider image :title Action! :align right

The HTML export back-end copies the ‘http’ links from the Org file as-is.

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13.9.10 Math formatting in HTML export

LaTeX math snippets (see LaTeX fragments) can be displayed in two different ways on HTML pages. The default is to use the MathJax, which should work out of the box with Org130131. Some MathJax display options can be configured via org-html-mathjax-options, or in the buffer. For example, with the following settings,

#+HTML_MATHJAX: align: left indent: 5em tagside: left font: Neo-Euler
#+HTML_MATHJAX: cancel.js noErrors.js

equation labels are displayed on the left margin and equations are five em from the left margin. In addition, it loads the two MathJax extensions ‘cancel.js’ and ‘noErrors.js132.

See the docstring of org-html-mathjax-options for all supported variables. The MathJax template can be configure via org-html-mathjax-template.

If you prefer, you can also request that LaTeX fragments are processed into small images that will be inserted into the browser page. Before the availability of MathJax, this was the default method for Org files. This method requires that the dvipng program, dvisvgm or ImageMagick suite is available on your system. You can still get this processing with

#+OPTIONS: tex:dvipng
#+OPTIONS: tex:dvisvgm


#+OPTIONS: tex:imagemagick

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13.9.11 Text areas in HTML export

Before Org mode’s Babel, one popular approach to publishing code in HTML was by using ‘:textarea’. The advantage of this approach was that copying and pasting was built into browsers with simple JavaScript commands. Even editing before pasting was made simple.

The HTML export back-end can create such text areas. It requires an ‘#+ATTR_HTML’ line as shown in the example below with the ‘:textarea’ option. This must be followed by either an example or a source code block. Other Org block types do not honor the ‘:textarea’ option.

By default, the HTML export back-end creates a text area 80 characters wide and height just enough to fit the content. Override these defaults with ‘:width’ and ‘:height’ options on the ‘#+ATTR_HTML’ line.

#+ATTR_HTML: :textarea t :width 40
  (defun org-xor (a b)
     "Exclusive or."
     (if a (not b) b))

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13.9.12 CSS support

You can modify the CSS style definitions for the exported file. The HTML exporter assigns the following special CSS classes133 to appropriate parts of the document—your style specifications may change these, in addition to any of the standard classes like for headlines, tables, etc.

p.authorauthor information, including email
p.datepublishing date
p.creatorcreator info, about org mode version
.titledocument title
.subtitledocument subtitle
.todoTODO keywords, all not-done states
.donethe DONE keywords, all states that count as done
.WAITINGeach TODO keyword also uses a class named after itself
.timestamp-kwdkeyword associated with a timestamp, like ‘SCHEDULED
.timestamp-wrapperspan around keyword plus timestamp
.tagtag in a headline
._HOMEeach tag uses itself as a class, “@” replaced by “_”
.targettarget for links
.linenrthe line number in a code example
.code-highlightedfor highlighting referenced code lines
div.outline-Ndiv for outline level N (headline plus text)
div.outline-text-Nextra div for text at outline level N
.section-number-Nsection number in headlines, different for each level
.figure-numberlabel like “Figure 1:”
.table-numberlabel like “Table 1:”
.listing-numberlabel like “Listing 1:”
div.figurehow to format an in-lined image
pre.srcformatted source code
pre.examplenormal example
p.verseverse paragraph
div.footnotesfootnote section headline
p.footnotefootnote definition paragraph, containing a footnote
.footrefa footnote reference number (always a <sup>)
.footnumfootnote number in footnote definition (always <sup>)
.org-svgdefault class for a linked ‘.svg’ image

The HTML export back-end includes a compact default style in each exported HTML file. To override the default style with another style, use these keywords in the Org file. They will replace the global defaults the HTML exporter uses.

#+HTML_HEAD: <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style1.css" />
#+HTML_HEAD_EXTRA: <link rel="alternate stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style2.css" />

To just turn off the default style, customize org-html-head-include-default-style variable, or use this option line in the Org file.

#+OPTIONS: html-style:nil

For longer style definitions, either use several ‘HTML_HEAD’ and ‘HTML_HEAD_EXTRA’ keywords, or use <style> ... </style> blocks around them. Both of these approaches can avoid referring to an external file.

In order to add styles to a sub-tree, use the ‘HTML_CONTAINER_CLASS’ property to assign a class to the tree. In order to specify CSS styles for a particular headline, you can use the ID specified in a ‘CUSTOM_ID’ property. You can also assign a specific class to a headline with the ‘HTML_HEADLINE_CLASS’ property.

Never change the org-html-style-default constant. Instead use other simpler ways of customizing as described above.

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13.9.13 JavaScript supported display of web pages

Sebastian Rose has written a JavaScript program especially designed to allow two different ways of viewing HTML files created with Org. One is an Info-like mode where each section is displayed separately and navigation can be done with the n and p keys, and some other keys as well, press ? for an overview of the available keys. The second one has a folding view, much like Org provides inside Emacs. The script is available at and the documentation at The script is hosted on, but for reliability, prefer installing it on your own web server.

To use this program, just add this line to the Org file:

#+INFOJS_OPT: view:info toc:nil

The HTML header now has the code needed to automatically invoke the script. For setting options, use the syntax from the above line for options described below:


The path to the script. The default is to grab the script from, but you might want to have a local copy and use a path like ‘../scripts/org-info.js’.


Initial view when the website is first shown. Possible values are:

infoInfo-like interface with one section per page
overviewFolding interface, initially showing only top-level
contentFolding interface, starting with all headlines visible
showallFolding interface, all headlines and text visible

Maximum headline level still considered as an independent section for info and folding modes. The default is taken from org-export-headline-levels, i.e., the ‘H’ switch in ‘OPTIONS’. If this is smaller than in org-export-headline-levels, each info/folding section can still contain child headlines.


Should the table of contents initially be visible? Even when ‘nil’, you can always get to the “toc” with i.


The depth of the table of contents. The defaults are taken from the variables org-export-headline-levels and org-export-with-toc.


Does the CSS of the page specify a fixed position for the “toc”? If yes, the toc is displayed as a section.


Should there be short contents (children) in each section? Make this ‘above’ if the section should be above initial text.


Headings are highlighted when the mouse is over them. Should be ‘underline’ (default) or a background color like ‘#cccccc’.


Should view-toggle buttons be everywhere? When ‘nil’ (the default), only one such button is present.

You can choose default values for these options by customizing the variable org-infojs-options. If you always want to apply the script to your pages, configure the variable org-export-html-use-infojs.

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13.10 LaTeX Export

The LaTeX export back-end can handle complex documents, incorporate standard or custom LaTeX document classes, generate documents using alternate LaTeX engines, and produce fully linked PDF files with indexes, bibliographies, and tables of contents, destined for interactive online viewing or high-quality print publication.

While the details are covered in-depth in this section, here are some quick references to variables for the impatient: for engines, see org-latex-compiler; for build sequences, see org-latex-pdf-process; for packages, see org-latex-default-packages-alist and org-latex-packages-alist.

An important note about the LaTeX export back-end: it is sensitive to blank lines in the Org document. That’s because LaTeX itself depends on blank lines to tell apart syntactical elements, such as paragraphs.

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13.10.1 LaTeX/PDF export commands

C-c C-e l l (org-latex-export-to-latex)

Export to a LaTeX file with a ‘.tex’ extension. For ‘’, Org exports to ‘myfile.tex’, overwriting without warning.

C-c C-e l L (org-latex-export-as-latex)

Export to a temporary buffer. Do not create a file.

C-c C-e l p (org-latex-export-to-pdf)

Export as LaTeX file and convert it to PDF file.

C-c C-e l o

Export as LaTeX file and convert it to PDF, then open the PDF using the default viewer.

M-x org-export-region-as-latex

Convert the region to LaTeX under the assumption that it was in Org mode syntax before. This is a global command that can be invoked in any buffer.

The LaTeX export back-end can use any of these LaTeX engines: ‘pdflatex’, ‘xelatex’, and ‘lualatex’. These engines compile LaTeX files with different compilers, packages, and output options. The LaTeX export back-end finds the compiler version to use from org-latex-compiler variable or the ‘#+LATEX_COMPILER’ keyword in the Org file. See the docstring for the org-latex-default-packages-alist for loading packages with certain compilers. Also see org-latex-bibtex-compiler to set the bibliography compiler134.

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13.10.2 LaTeX specific export settings

The LaTeX export back-end has several additional keywords for customizing LaTeX output. Setting these keywords works similar to the general options (see Export Settings).


The document’s description. The description along with author name, keywords, and related file metadata are inserted in the output file by the hyperref package. See org-latex-hyperref-template for customizing metadata items. See org-latex-title-command for typesetting description into the document’s front matter. Use multiple ‘DESCRIPTION’ keywords for long descriptions.


In order to be effective, the ‘babel’ or ‘polyglossia’ packages—according to the LaTeX compiler used—must be loaded with the appropriate language as argument. This can be accomplished by modifying the org-latex-packages-alist variable, e.g., with the following snippet:

(add-to-list 'org-latex-packages-alist
             '("AUTO" "babel" t ("pdflatex")))
(add-to-list 'org-latex-packages-alist
             '("AUTO" "polyglossia" t ("xelatex" "lualatex")))

This is LaTeX document class, such as article, report, book, and so on, which contain predefined preamble and headline level mapping that the LaTeX export back-end needs. The back-end reads the default class name from the org-latex-default-class variable. Org has article as the default class. A valid default class must be an element of org-latex-classes.


Options the LaTeX export back-end uses when calling the LaTeX document class.


The compiler, such as ‘pdflatex’, ‘xelatex’, ‘lualatex’, for producing the PDF. See org-latex-compiler.


Arbitrary lines to add to the document’s preamble, before the hyperref settings. See org-latex-classes for adjusting the structure and order of the LaTeX headers.


The keywords for the document. The description along with author name, keywords, and related file metadata are inserted in the output file by the hyperref package. See org-latex-hyperref-template for customizing metadata items. See org-latex-title-command for typesetting description into the document’s front matter. Use multiple ‘KEYWORDS’ lines if necessary.


The document’s subtitle. It is typeset as per org-latex-subtitle-format. If org-latex-subtitle-separate is non-nil, it is typed outside of the \title macro. See org-latex-hyperref-template for customizing metadata items. See org-latex-title-command for typesetting description into the document’s front matter.

The following sections have further details.

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13.10.3 LaTeX header and sectioning structure

The LaTeX export back-end converts the first three of Org’s outline levels into LaTeX headlines. The remaining Org levels are exported as lists. To change this globally for the cut-off point between levels and lists, (see Export Settings).

By default, the LaTeX export back-end uses the article class.

To change the default class globally, edit org-latex-default-class. To change the default class locally in an Org file, add option lines ‘#+LATEX_CLASS: myclass’. To change the default class for just a part of the Org file, set a sub-tree property, ‘EXPORT_LATEX_CLASS’. The class name entered here must be valid member of org-latex-classes. This variable defines a header template for each class into which the exporter splices the values of org-latex-default-packages-alist and org-latex-packages-alist. Use the same three variables to define custom sectioning or custom classes.

The LaTeX export back-end sends the ‘LATEX_CLASS_OPTIONS’ keyword and ‘EXPORT_LATEX_CLASS_OPTIONS’ property as options to the LaTeX \documentclass macro. The options and the syntax for specifying them, including enclosing them in square brackets, follow LaTeX conventions.

#+LATEX_CLASS_OPTIONS: [a4paper,11pt,twoside,twocolumn]

The LaTeX export back-end appends values from ‘LATEX_HEADER’ and ‘LATEX_HEADER_EXTRA’ keywords to the LaTeX header. The docstring for org-latex-classes explains in more detail. Also note that LaTeX export back-end does not append ‘LATEX_HEADER_EXTRA’ to the header when previewing LaTeX snippets (see Previewing LaTeX fragments).

A sample Org file with the above headers:

#+LATEX_CLASS: article
#+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage{xyz}

* Headline 1
  some text
* Headline 2
  some more text

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13.10.4 Quoting LaTeX code

The LaTeX export back-end can insert any arbitrary LaTeX code, see Embedded LaTeX. There are three ways to embed such code in the Org file and they all use different quoting syntax.

Inserting in-line quoted with @ symbols:

Code embedded in-line @@latex:any arbitrary LaTeX code@@ in a paragraph.

Inserting as one or more keyword lines in the Org file:

#+LATEX: any arbitrary LaTeX code

Inserting as an export block in the Org file, where the back-end exports any code between begin and end markers:

  any arbitrary LaTeX code

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13.10.5 Tables in LaTeX export

The LaTeX export back-end can pass several LaTeX attributes for table contents and layout. Besides specifying a label (see Internal Links) and a caption (see Captions), the other valid LaTeX attributes include:


The LaTeX export back-end wraps the table differently depending on the mode for accurate rendering of math symbols. Mode is either ‘table’, ‘math’, ‘inline-math’ or ‘verbatim’.

For ‘math’ or ‘inline-math’ mode, LaTeX export back-end wraps the table in a math environment, but every cell in it is exported as-is. The LaTeX export back-end determines the default mode from org-latex-default-table-mode. The LaTeX export back-end merges contiguous tables in the same mode into a single environment.


Set the default LaTeX table environment for the LaTeX export back-end to use when exporting Org tables. Common LaTeX table environments are provided by these packages: tabularx, longtable, array, tabu, and bmatrix. For packages, such as tabularx and tabu, or any newer replacements, include them in the org-latex-packages-alist variable so the LaTeX export back-end can insert the appropriate load package headers in the converted LaTeX file. Look in the docstring for the org-latex-packages-alist variable for configuring these packages for LaTeX snippet previews, if any.


Use ‘CAPTION’ keyword to set a simple caption for a table (see Captions). For custom captions, use ‘:caption’ attribute, which accepts raw LaTeX code. ‘:caption’ value overrides ‘CAPTION’ value.


The table environments by default are not floats in LaTeX. To make them floating objects use ‘:float’ with one of the following options: ‘sideways’, ‘multicolumn’, ‘t’, and ‘nil’.

LaTeX floats can also have additional layout ‘:placement’ attributes. These are the usual ‘[h t b p ! H]’ permissions specified in square brackets. Note that for ‘:float sideways’ tables, the LaTeX export back-end ignores ‘:placement’ attributes.


The LaTeX export back-end uses these attributes for regular tables to set their alignments, fonts, and widths.


When ‘:spread’ is non-nil, the LaTeX export back-end spreads or shrinks the table by the ‘:width’ for tabu and longtabu environments. ‘:spread’ has no effect if ‘:width’ is not set.


All three commands are toggles. ‘:booktabs’ brings in modern typesetting enhancements to regular tables. The booktabs package has to be loaded through org-latex-packages-alist. ‘:center’ is for centering the table. ‘:rmlines’ removes all but the very first horizontal line made of ASCII characters from “table.el” tables only.


The LaTeX export back-end inserts ‘:math-prefix’ string value in a math environment before the table. The LaTeX export back-end inserts ‘:math-suffix’ string value in a math environment after the table. The LaTeX export back-end inserts ‘:math-arguments’ string value between the macro name and the table’s contents. ‘:math-arguments’ comes in use for matrix macros that require more than one argument, such as ‘qbordermatrix’.

LaTeX table attributes help formatting tables for a wide range of situations, such as matrix product or spanning multiple pages:

#+ATTR_LATEX: :environment longtable :align l|lp{3cm}r|l
| ... | ... |
| ... | ... |

#+ATTR_LATEX: :mode math :environment bmatrix :math-suffix \times
| a | b |
| c | d |
#+ATTR_LATEX: :mode math :environment bmatrix
| 1 | 2 |
| 3 | 4 |

Set the caption with the LaTeX command ‘\bicaption{HeadingA}{HeadingB}’:

#+ATTR_LATEX: :caption \bicaption{HeadingA}{HeadingB}
| ... | ... |
| ... | ... |

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13.10.6 Images in LaTeX export

The LaTeX export back-end processes image links in Org files that do not have descriptions, such as these links ‘[[file:img.jpg]]’ or ‘[[./img.jpg]]’, as direct image insertions in the final PDF output. In the PDF, they are no longer links but actual images embedded on the page. The LaTeX export back-end uses ‘\includegraphics’ macro to insert the image. But for TikZ ( images, the back-end uses an \input macro wrapped within a tikzpicture environment.

For specifying image ‘:width’, ‘:height’, ‘:scale’ and other ‘:options’, use this syntax:

#+ATTR_LATEX: :width 5cm :options angle=90

A ‘:scale’ attribute overrides both ‘:width’ and ‘:height’ attributes.

For custom commands for captions, use the ‘:caption’ attribute. It overrides the default ‘#+CAPTION’ value:

#+ATTR_LATEX: :caption \bicaption{HeadingA}{HeadingB}

When captions follow the method as described in Captions, the LaTeX export back-end wraps the picture in a floating ‘figure’ environment. To float an image without specifying a caption, set the ‘:float’ attribute to one of the following:


For a standard ‘figure’ environment; used by default whenever an image has a caption.


To span the image across multiple columns of a page; the back-end wraps the image in a ‘figure*’ environment.


For text to flow around the image on the right; the figure occupies the left half of the page.


For a new page with the image sideways, rotated ninety degrees, in a ‘sidewaysfigure’ environment; overrides ‘:placement’ setting.


To avoid a ‘:float’ even if using a caption.

Use the ‘placement’ attribute to modify a floating environment’s placement.

#+ATTR_LATEX: :float wrap :width 0.38\textwidth :placement {r}{0.4\textwidth}

The LaTeX export back-end centers all images by default. Setting ‘:center’ to ‘nil’ disables centering. To disable centering globally, set org-latex-images-centered to ‘t’.

Set the ‘:comment-include’ attribute to non-nil value for the LaTeX export back-end to comment out the ‘\includegraphics’ macro.

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13.10.7 Plain lists in LaTeX export

The LaTeX export back-end accepts the ‘environment’ and ‘options’ attributes for plain lists. Both attributes work together for customizing lists, as shown in the examples:

#+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage[inline]{enumitem}
Some ways to say "Hello":
#+ATTR_LATEX: :environment itemize*
#+ATTR_LATEX: :options [label={}, itemjoin={,}, itemjoin*={, and}]
- Hola
- Bonjour
- Guten Tag.

Since LaTeX supports only four levels of nesting for lists, use an external package, such as ‘enumitem’ in LaTeX, for levels deeper than four:

#+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage{enumitem}
#+LATEX_HEADER: \renewlist{itemize}{itemize}{9}
#+LATEX_HEADER: \setlist[itemize]{label=$\circ$}
- One
  - Two
    - Three
      - Four
        - Five

Next: , Previous: , Up: LaTeX Export   [Contents][Index]

13.10.8 Source blocks in LaTeX export

The LaTeX export back-end can make source code blocks into floating objects through the attributes ‘:float’ and ‘:options’. For ‘:float’:


Makes a source block float; by default floats any source block with a caption.


Spans the source block across multiple columns of a page.


Avoids a ‘:float’ even if using a caption; useful for source code blocks that may not fit on a page.

#+ATTR_LATEX: :float nil
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
  Lisp code that may not fit in a single page.

The LaTeX export back-end passes string values in ‘:options’ to LaTeX packages for customization of that specific source block. In the example below, the ‘:options’ are set for Minted. Minted is a source code highlighting LaTeX package with many configurable options.

#+ATTR_LATEX: :options commentstyle=\bfseries
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
  (defun Fib (n)
    (if (< n 2) n (+ (Fib (- n 1)) (Fib (- n 2)))))

To apply similar configuration options for all source blocks in a file, use the org-latex-listings-options and org-latex-minted-options variables.

Next: , Previous: , Up: LaTeX Export   [Contents][Index]

13.10.9 Example blocks in LaTeX export

The LaTeX export back-end wraps the contents of example blocks in a ‘verbatim’ environment. To change this behavior to use another environment globally, specify an appropriate export filter (see Advanced Export Configuration). To change this behavior to use another environment for each block, use the ‘:environment’ parameter to specify a custom environment.

#+ATTR_LATEX: :environment myverbatim
  This sentence is false.

Next: , Previous: , Up: LaTeX Export   [Contents][Index]

13.10.10 Special blocks in LaTeX export

For other special blocks in the Org file, the LaTeX export back-end makes a special environment of the same name. The back-end also takes ‘:options’, if any, and appends as-is to that environment’s opening string. For example:

  We demonstrate how to solve the Syracuse problem.

#+ATTR_LATEX: :options [Proof of important theorem]
  Therefore, any even number greater than 2 is the sum of two primes.

exports to

  We demonstrate how to solve the Syracuse problem.

\begin{proof}[Proof of important theorem]
  Therefore, any even number greater than 2 is the sum of two primes.

If you need to insert a specific caption command, use ‘:caption’ attribute. It overrides standard ‘CAPTION’ value, if any. For example:

#+ATTR_LATEX: :caption \MyCaption{HeadingA}

Previous: , Up: LaTeX Export   [Contents][Index]

13.10.11 Horizontal rules in LaTeX export

The LaTeX export back-end converts horizontal rules by the specified ‘:width’ and ‘:thickness’ attributes. For example:

#+ATTR_LATEX: :width .6\textwidth :thickness 0.8pt

Next: , Previous: , Up: Exporting   [Contents][Index]

13.11 Markdown Export

The Markdown export back-end, “md”, converts an Org file to Markdown format, as defined at

Since it is built on top of the HTML back-end (see HTML Export), it converts every Org construct not defined in Markdown syntax, such as tables, to HTML.

Markdown export commands

C-c C-e m m (org-md-export-to-markdown)

Export to a text file with Markdown syntax. For ‘’, Org exports to ‘’, overwritten without warning.

C-c C-e m M (org-md-export-as-markdown)

Export to a temporary buffer. Does not create a file.

C-c C-e m o

Export as a text file with Markdown syntax, then open it.

Header and sectioning structure

Based on org-md-headline-style, Markdown export can generate headlines of both atx and setext types. atx limits headline levels to two whereas setext limits headline levels to six. Beyond these limits, the export back-end converts headlines to lists. To set a limit to a level before the absolute limit (see Export Settings).

Next: , Previous: , Up: Exporting   [Contents][Index]

13.12 OpenDocument Text Export

The ODT export back-end handles creating of OpenDocument Text (ODT) format. Documents created by this exporter use the OpenDocument-v1.2 specification135 and are compatible with LibreOffice 3.4.

Next: , Up: OpenDocument Text Export   [Contents][Index]

13.12.1 Pre-requisites for ODT export

The ODT export back-end relies on the zip program to create the final compressed ODT output. Check if ‘zip’ is locally available and executable. Without it, export cannot finish.

Next: , Previous: , Up: OpenDocument Text Export   [Contents][Index]

13.12.2 ODT export commands

C-c C-e o o (org-export-to-odt)

Export as OpenDocument Text file.

If org-odt-preferred-output-format is specified, the ODT export back-end automatically converts the exported file to that format.

For ‘’, Org exports to ‘myfile.odt’, overwriting without warning. The ODT export back-end exports a region only if a region was active.

If the selected region is a single tree, the ODT export back-end makes the tree head the document title. Incidentally, C-c @ selects the current sub-tree. If the tree head entry has, or inherits, an ‘EXPORT_FILE_NAME’ property, the ODT export back-end uses that for file name.

C-c C-e o O

Export as an OpenDocument Text file and open the resulting file.

If org-export-odt-preferred-output-format is specified, open the converted file instead. See Automatically exporting to other formats.

Next: , Previous: , Up: OpenDocument Text Export   [Contents][Index]

13.12.3 ODT specific export settings

The ODT export back-end has several additional keywords for customizing ODT output. Setting these keywords works similar to the general options (see Export Settings).


This is the document’s description, which the ODT export back-end inserts as document metadata. For long descriptions, use multiple lines, prefixed with ‘DESCRIPTION’.


The keywords for the document. The ODT export back-end inserts the description along with author name, keywords, and related file metadata as metadata in the output file. Use multiple ‘KEYWORDS’ if necessary.


The ODT export back-end uses the org-odt-styles-file by default. See Applying custom styles for details.


The document subtitle.

Next: , Previous: , Up: OpenDocument Text Export   [Contents][Index]

13.12.4 Extending ODT export

The ODT export back-end can produce documents in other formats besides ODT using a specialized ODT converter process. Its common interface works with popular converters to produce formats such as ‘doc’, or convert a document from one format, say ‘csv’, to another format, say ‘xls’.

Customize org-odt-convert-process variable to point to ‘unoconv’, which is the ODT’s preferred converter. Working installations of LibreOffice would already have ‘unoconv’ installed. Alternatively, other converters may be substituted here. See Configuring a document converter.

Automatically exporting to other formats

If ODT format is just an intermediate step to get to other formats, such as ‘doc’, ‘docx’, ‘rtf’, or ‘pdf’, etc., then extend the ODT export back-end to directly produce that format. Specify the final format in the org-odt-preferred-output-format variable. This is one way to extend (see ODT export commands).

Converting between document formats

The Org export back-end is made to be inter-operable with a wide range of text document format converters. Newer generation converters, such as LibreOffice and Pandoc, can handle hundreds of formats at once. Org provides a consistent interaction with whatever converter is installed. Here are some generic commands:

M-x org-odt-convert

Convert an existing document from one format to another. With a prefix argument, opens the newly produced file.

Next: , Previous: , Up: OpenDocument Text Export   [Contents][Index]

13.12.5 Applying custom styles

The ODT export back-end comes with many OpenDocument styles (see Working with OpenDocument style files). To expand or further customize these built-in style sheets, either edit the style sheets directly or generate them using an application such as LibreOffice. The example here shows creating a style using LibreOffice.

Applying custom styles: the easy way

  1. Create a sample ‘’ file with settings as shown below, and export it to ODT format.
    #+OPTIONS: H:10 num:t
  2. Open the above ‘example.odt’ using LibreOffice. Use the Stylist to locate the target styles, which typically have the “Org” prefix. Open one, modify, and save as either OpenDocument Text (ODT) or OpenDocument Template (OTT) file.
  3. Customize the variable org-odt-styles-file and point it to the newly created file. For additional configuration options, see Overriding factory styles.

    To apply an ODT style to a particular file, use the ‘ODT_STYLES_FILE’ keyword as shown in the example below:

    #+ODT_STYLES_FILE: "/path/to/"


    #+ODT_STYLES_FILE: ("/path/to/" ("styles.xml" "image/hdr.png"))

Using third-party styles and templates

The ODT export back-end relies on many templates and style names. Using third-party styles and templates can lead to mismatches. Templates derived from built in ODT templates and styles seem to have fewer problems.

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13.12.6 Links in ODT export

ODT exporter creates native cross-references for internal links. It creates Internet-style links for all other links.

A link with no description and pointing to a regular, un-itemized, outline heading is replaced with a cross-reference and section number of the heading.

A ‘\ref{label}’-style reference to an image, table etc., is replaced with a cross-reference and sequence number of the labeled entity. See Labels and captions in ODT export.

Next: , Previous: , Up: OpenDocument Text Export   [Contents][Index]

13.12.7 Tables in ODT export

The ODT export back-end handles native Org mode tables (see Tables) and simple ‘table.el’ tables. Complex ‘table.el’ tables having column or row spans are not supported. Such tables are stripped from the exported document.

By default, the ODT export back-end exports a table with top and bottom frames and with ruled lines separating row and column groups (see Column Groups). All tables are typeset to occupy the same width. The ODT export back-end honors any table alignments and relative widths for columns (see Column Width and Alignment).

Note that the ODT export back-end interprets column widths as weighted ratios, the default weight being 1.

Specifying ‘:rel-width’ property on an ‘ATTR_ODT’ line controls the width of the table. For example:

#+ATTR_ODT: :rel-width 50
| Area/Month    |   Jan |   Feb |   Mar |   Sum |
| /             |     < |       |       |     < |
| <l13>         |  <r5> |  <r5> |  <r5> |  <r6> |
| North America |     1 |    21 |   926 |   948 |
| Middle East   |     6 |    75 |   844 |   925 |
| Asia Pacific  |     9 |    27 |   790 |   826 |
| Sum           |    16 |   123 |  2560 |  2699 |

On export, the above table takes 50% of text width area. The exporter sizes the columns in the ratio: 13:5:5:5:6. The first column is left-aligned and rest of the columns, right-aligned. Vertical rules separate the header and the last column. Horizontal rules separate the header and the last row.

For even more customization, create custom table styles and associate them with a table using the ‘ATTR_ODT’ keyword. See Customizing tables in ODT export.

Next: , Previous: , Up: OpenDocument Text Export   [Contents][Index]

13.12.8 Images in ODT export

Embedding images

The ODT export back-end processes image links in Org files that do not have descriptions, such as these links ‘[[file:img.jpg]]’ or ‘[[./img.jpg]]’, as direct image insertions in the final output. Either of these examples works:


Embedding clickable images

For clickable images, provide a link whose description is another link to an image file. For example, to embed an image ‘org-mode-unicorn.png’ which when clicked jumps to website, do the following


Sizing and scaling of embedded images

Control the size and scale of the embedded images with the ‘ATTR_ODT’ attribute.

The ODT export back-end starts with establishing the size of the image in the final document. The dimensions of this size are measured in centimeters. The back-end then queries the image file for its dimensions measured in pixels. For this measurement, the back-end relies on ImageMagick’s identify program or Emacs create-image and image-size API. ImageMagick is the preferred choice for large file sizes or frequent batch operations. The back-end then converts the pixel dimensions using org-odt-pixels-per-inch into the familiar 72 dpi or 96 dpi. The default value for this is in display-pixels-per-inch, which can be tweaked for better results based on the capabilities of the output device. Here are some common image scaling operations:

Explicitly size the image

To embed ‘img.png’ as a 10 cm x 10 cm image, do the following:

#+ATTR_ODT: :width 10 :height 10
Scale the image

To embed ‘img.png’ at half its size, do the following:

#+ATTR_ODT: :scale 0.5
Scale the image to a specific width

To embed ‘img.png’ with a width of 10 cm while retaining the original height:width ratio, do the following:

#+ATTR_ODT: :width 10
Scale the image to a specific height

To embed ‘img.png’ with a height of 10 cm while retaining the original height:width ratio, do the following:

#+ATTR_ODT: :height 10

Anchoring of images

The ODT export back-end can anchor images to ‘as-char’, ‘paragraph’, or ‘page’. Set the preferred anchor using the ‘:anchor’ property of the ‘ATTR_ODT’ line.

To create an image that is anchored to a page:

#+ATTR_ODT: :anchor page

Next: , Previous: , Up: OpenDocument Text Export   [Contents][Index]

13.12.9 Math formatting in ODT export

The ODT exporter has special support for handling math.

Next: , Up: Math formatting in ODT export   [Contents][Index] LaTeX math snippets

LaTeX math snippets (see LaTeX fragments) can be embedded in the ODT document in one of the following ways:


Add this line to the Org file. This option is activated on a per-file basis.

#+OPTIONS: tex:t

With this option, LaTeX fragments are first converted into MathML fragments using an external LaTeX-to-MathML converter program. The resulting MathML fragments are then embedded as an OpenDocument Formula in the exported document.

You can specify the LaTeX-to-MathML converter by customizing the variables org-latex-to-mathml-convert-command and org-latex-to-mathml-jar-file.

If you prefer to use MathToWeb136 as your converter, you can configure the above variables as shown below.

(setq org-latex-to-mathml-convert-command
      "java -jar %j -unicode -force -df %o %I"

or, to use LaTeX​ML137 instead,

(setq org-latex-to-mathml-convert-command
      "latexmlmath \"%i\" --presentationmathml=%o")

To quickly verify the reliability of the LaTeX-to-MathML converter, use the following commands:

M-x org-export-as-odf

Convert a LaTeX math snippet to an OpenDocument formula (‘.odf’) file.

M-x org-export-as-odf-and-open

Convert a LaTeX math snippet to an OpenDocument formula (‘.odf’) file and open the formula file with the system-registered application.

PNG images

Add this line to the Org file. This option is activated on a per-file basis.

#+OPTIONS: tex:dvipng
#+OPTIONS: tex:dvisvgm


#+OPTIONS: tex:imagemagick

Under this option, LaTeX fragments are processed into PNG or SVG images and the resulting images are embedded in the exported document. This method requires dvipng program, dvisvgm or ImageMagick programs.

Previous: , Up: Math formatting in ODT export   [Contents][Index] MathML and OpenDocument formula files

When embedding LaTeX math snippets in ODT documents is not reliable, there is one more option to try. Embed an equation by linking to its MathML (‘.mml’) source or its OpenDocument formula (‘.odf’) file as shown below:




Next: , Previous: , Up: OpenDocument Text Export   [Contents][Index]

13.12.10 Labels and captions in ODT export

ODT format handles labeling and captioning of objects based on their types. Inline images, tables, LaTeX fragments, and Math formulas are numbered and captioned separately. Each object also gets a unique sequence number based on its order of first appearance in the Org file. Each category has its own sequence. A caption is just a label applied to these objects.

#+CAPTION: Bell curve
#+NAME:   fig:SED-HR4049

When rendered, it may show as follows in the exported document:

Figure 2: Bell curve

To modify the category component of the caption, customize the option org-odt-category-map-alist. For example, to tag embedded images with the string “Illustration” instead of the default string “Figure”, use the following setting:

(setq org-odt-category-map-alist
      '(("__Figure__" "Illustration" "value" "Figure" org-odt--enumerable-image-p)))

With the above modification, the previous example changes to:

Illustration 2: Bell curve

Next: , Previous: , Up: OpenDocument Text Export   [Contents][Index]

13.12.11 Literal examples in ODT export

The ODT export back-end supports literal examples (see Literal Examples) with full fontification. Internally, the ODT export back-end relies on ‘htmlfontify.el’ to generate the style definitions needed for fancy listings. The auto-generated styles get ‘OrgSrc’ prefix and inherit colors from the faces used by Emacs Font Lock library for that source language.

For custom fontification styles, customize the org-odt-create-custom-styles-for-srcblocks option.

To turn off fontification of literal examples, customize the org-odt-fontify-srcblocks option.

Previous: , Up: OpenDocument Text Export   [Contents][Index]

13.12.12 Advanced topics in ODT export

The ODT export back-end has extensive features useful for power users and frequent uses of ODT formats.

Configuring a document converter

The ODT export back-end works with popular converters with little or no extra configuration. See Extending ODT export. The following is for unsupported converters or tweaking existing defaults.

Register the converter

Add the name of the converter to the org-odt-convert-processes variable. Note that it also requires how the converter is invoked on the command line. See the variable’s docstring for details.

Configure its capabilities

Specify which formats the converter can handle by customizing the variable org-odt-convert-capabilities. Use the entry for the default values in this variable for configuring the new converter. Also see its docstring for details.

Choose the converter

Select the newly added converter as the preferred one by customizing the option org-odt-convert-process.

Working with OpenDocument style files

This section explores the internals of the ODT exporter; the means by which it produces styled documents; the use of automatic and custom OpenDocument styles.

The ODT exporter relies on two files for generating its output. These files are bundled with the distribution under the directory pointed to by the variable org-odt-styles-dir. The two files are:


This file contributes to the ‘styles.xml’ file of the final ODT document. This file gets modified for the following purposes:

  1. To control outline numbering based on user settings;
  2. To add styles generated by ‘htmlfontify.el’ for fontification of code blocks.

This file contributes to the ‘content.xml’ file of the final ODT document. The contents of the Org outline are inserted between the ‘<office:text>’ … ‘</office:text>’ elements of this file.

Apart from serving as a template file for the final ‘content.xml’, the file serves the following purposes:

  1. It contains automatic styles for formatting of tables which are referenced by the exporter;
  2. It contains ‘<text:sequence-decl>’ … ‘</text:sequence-decl>’ elements that control numbering of tables, images, equations, and similar entities.

The following two variables control the location from where the ODT exporter picks up the custom styles and content template files. Customize these variables to override the factory styles used by the exporter.


The ODT export back-end uses the file pointed to by this variable, such as ‘styles.xml’, for the final output. It can take one of the following values:


Use this file instead of the default ‘styles.xml

FILE.odt’ or ‘

Use the ‘styles.xml’ contained in the specified OpenDocument Text or Template file

FILE.odt’ or ‘’ and a subset of included files

Use the ‘styles.xml’ contained in the specified OpenDocument Text or Template file. Additionally extract the specified member files and embed those within the final ODT document.

Use this option if the ‘styles.xml’ file references additional files like header and footer images.


Use the default ‘styles.xml’.


Use this variable to specify the blank ‘content.xml’ used in the final output.

Creating one-off styles

The ODT export back-end can read embedded raw OpenDocument XML from the Org file. Such direct formatting is useful for one-off instances.

Embedding ODT tags as part of regular text

Enclose OpenDocument syntax in ‘@@odt:...@@’ for inline markup. For example, to highlight a region of text do the following:

@@odt:<text:span text:style-name="Highlight">This is highlighted
text</text:span>@@.  But this is regular text.

Hint: To see the above example in action, edit the ‘styles.xml’ (see Factory styles) and add a custom Highlight style as shown below:

<style:style style:name="Highlight" style:family="text">
  <style:text-properties fo:background-color="#ff0000"/>
Embedding a one-line OpenDocument XML

The ODT export back-end can read one-liner options with ‘#+ODT:’ in the Org file. For example, to force a page break:

#+ODT: <text:p text:style-name="PageBreak"/>

Hint: To see the above example in action, edit your ‘styles.xml’ (see Factory styles) and add a custom ‘PageBreak’ style as shown below.

<style:style style:name="PageBreak" style:family="paragraph"
  <style:paragraph-properties fo:break-before="page"/>
Embedding a block of OpenDocument XML

The ODT export back-end can also read ODT export blocks for OpenDocument XML. Such blocks use the ‘#+BEGIN_EXPORT odt’ … ‘#+END_EXPORT’ constructs.

For example, to create a one-off paragraph that uses bold text, do the following:

  <text:p text:style-name="Text_20_body_20_bold">
  This paragraph is specially formatted and uses bold text.

Customizing tables in ODT export

Override the default table format by specifying a custom table style with the ‘#+ATTR_ODT’ line. For a discussion on default formatting of tables, see Tables in ODT export.

This feature closely mimics the way table templates are defined in the OpenDocument-v1.2 specification138.

For quick preview of this feature, install the settings below and export the table that follows:

(setq org-export-odt-table-styles
      (append org-export-odt-table-styles
              '(("TableWithHeaderRowAndColumn" "Custom"
                 ((use-first-row-styles . t)
                  (use-first-column-styles . t)))
                ("TableWithFirstRowandLastRow" "Custom"
                 ((use-first-row-styles . t)
                  (use-last-row-styles . t))))))
#+ATTR_ODT: :style TableWithHeaderRowAndColumn
| Name  | Phone | Age |
| Peter |  1234 |  17 |
| Anna  |  4321 |  25 |

The example above used ‘Custom’ template and installed two table styles ‘TableWithHeaderRowAndColumn’ and ‘TableWithFirstRowandLastRow’. Important: The OpenDocument styles needed for producing the above template were pre-defined. They are available in the section marked ‘Custom Table Template’ in ‘OrgOdtContentTemplate.xml’ (see Factory styles). For adding new templates, define new styles there.

To use this feature proceed as follows:

  1. Create a table template139.

    A table template is set of ‘table-cell’ and ‘paragraph’ styles for each of the following table cell categories:

    The names for the above styles must be chosen based on the name of the table template using a well-defined convention.

    The naming convention is better illustrated with an example. For a table template with the name ‘Custom’, the needed style names are listed in the following table.

    Cell typeCell styleParagraph style
    First columnCustomFirstColumnTableCellCustomFirstColumnTableParagraph
    Last columnCustomLastColumnTableCellCustomLastColumnTableParagraph
    First rowCustomFirstRowTableCellCustomFirstRowTableParagraph
    Last rowCustomLastRowTableCellCustomLastRowTableParagraph
    Even rowCustomEvenRowTableCellCustomEvenRowTableParagraph
    Odd rowCustomOddRowTableCellCustomOddRowTableParagraph
    Even columnCustomEvenColumnTableCellCustomEvenColumnTableParagraph
    Odd columnCustomOddColumnTableCellCustomOddColumnTableParagraph

    To create a table template with the name ‘Custom’, define the above styles in the ‘<office:automatic-styles>’ … ‘</office:automatic-styles>’ element of the content template file (see Factory styles).

  2. Define a table style140.

    To define a table style, create an entry for the style in the variable org-odt-table-styles and specify the following:

    For example, the entry below defines two different table styles ‘TableWithHeaderRowAndColumn’ and ‘TableWithFirstRowandLastRow’ based on the same template ‘Custom’. The styles achieve their intended effect by selectively activating the individual cell styles in that template.

    (setq org-export-odt-table-styles
          (append org-export-odt-table-styles
                  '(("TableWithHeaderRowAndColumn" "Custom"
                     ((use-first-row-styles . t)
                      (use-first-column-styles . t)))
                    ("TableWithFirstRowandLastRow" "Custom"
                     ((use-first-row-styles . t)
                      (use-last-row-styles . t))))))
  3. Associate a table with the table style.

    To do this, specify the table style created in step (2) as part of the ‘ATTR_ODT’ line as shown below.

    #+ATTR_ODT: :style TableWithHeaderRowAndColumn
    | Name  | Phone | Age |
    | Peter |  1234 |  17 |
    | Anna  |  4321 |  25 |

Validating OpenDocument XML

Sometimes ODT format files may not open due to ‘.odt’ file corruption. To verify if such a file is corrupt, validate it against the OpenDocument Relax NG Compact (RNC) syntax schema. But first the ‘.odt’ files have to be decompressed using ‘zip’. Note that ‘.odt’ files are ZIP archives: (emacs)File Archives. The contents of ODT files are in XML. For general help with validation—and schema-sensitive editing—of XML files: (nxml-mode)Introduction.

Customize org-odt-schema-dir to point to a directory with OpenDocument RNC files and the needed schema-locating rules. The ODT export back-end takes care of updating the rng-schema-locating-files.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Exporting   [Contents][Index]

13.13 Org Export

org export back-end creates a normalized version of the Org document in current buffer. The exporter evaluates Babel code (see Evaluating Code Blocks) and removes content specific to other back-ends.

Org export commands

C-c C-e O o (org-org-export-to-org)

Export as an Org file with a ‘.org’ extension. For ‘’, Org exports to ‘’, overwriting without warning.

C-c C-e O v (~~)

Export to an Org file, then open it.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Exporting   [Contents][Index]

13.14 Texinfo Export

Next: , Up: Texinfo Export   [Contents][Index]

13.14.1 Texinfo export commands

C-c C-e i t (org-texinfo-export-to-texinfo)

Export as a Texinfo file with ‘.texi’ extension. For ‘’, Org exports to ‘myfile.texi’, overwriting without warning.

C-c C-e i i (org-texinfo-export-to-info)

Export to Texinfo format first and then process it to make an Info file. To generate other formats, such as DocBook, customize the org-texinfo-info-process variable.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Texinfo Export   [Contents][Index]

13.14.2 Texinfo specific export settings

The Texinfo export back-end has several additional keywords for customizing Texinfo output. Setting these keywords works similar to the general options (see Export Settings).


The document subtitle.


Additional authors for the document.


The Texinfo filename.


The default document class (org-texinfo-default-class), which must be a member of org-texinfo-classes.


Arbitrary lines inserted at the end of the header.


Arbitrary lines inserted after the end of the header.


The directory category of the document.


The directory title of the document.


The directory description of the document.


The printed title of the document.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Texinfo Export   [Contents][Index]

13.14.3 Texinfo file header

After creating the header for a Texinfo file, the Texinfo back-end automatically generates a name and destination path for the Info file. To override this default with a more sensible path and name, specify the ‘TEXINFO_FILENAME’ keyword.

Along with the output’s file name, the Texinfo header also contains language details (see Export Settings) and encoding system as set in the org-texinfo-coding-system variable. Insert ‘TEXINFO_HEADER’ keywords for each additional command in the header, for example:

#+TEXINFO_HEADER: @synindex

Instead of repeatedly installing the same set of commands, define a class in org-texinfo-classes once, and then activate it in the document by setting the ‘TEXINFO_CLASS’ keyword to that class.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Texinfo Export   [Contents][Index]

13.14.4 Texinfo title and copyright page

The default template for hard copy output has a title page with ‘TITLE’ and ‘AUTHOR’ keywords (see Export Settings). To replace the regular title with something different for the printed version, use the ‘TEXINFO_PRINTED_TITLE’ and ‘SUBTITLE’ keywords. Both expect raw Texinfo code for setting their values.

If one ‘AUTHOR’ line is not sufficient, add multiple ‘SUBAUTHOR’ keywords. They have to be set in raw Texinfo code.

#+AUTHOR: Jane Smith
#+TEXINFO_PRINTED_TITLE: This Long Title@@inlinefmt{tex,@*} Is Broken in @TeX{}

Copying material is defined in a dedicated headline with a non-nilCOPYING’ property. The back-end inserts the contents within a ‘@copying’ command at the beginning of the document. The heading itself does not appear in the structure of the document.

Copyright information is printed on the back of the title page.

* Legalese

  This is a short example of a complete Texinfo file, version 1.0.

  Copyright \copy 2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Texinfo Export   [Contents][Index]

13.14.5 Info directory file

The end result of the Texinfo export process is the creation of an Info file. This Info file’s metadata has variables for category, title, and description: ‘TEXINFO_DIR_CATEGORY’, ‘TEXINFO_DIR_TITLE’, and ‘TEXINFO_DIR_DESC’ keywords that establish where in the Info hierarchy the file fits.

Here is an example that writes to the Info directory file:

#+TEXINFO_DIR_TITLE: Org Mode: (org)
#+TEXINFO_DIR_DESC: Outline-based notes management and organizer

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13.14.6 Headings and sectioning structure

The Texinfo export back-end uses a pre-defined scheme to convert Org headlines to equivalent Texinfo structuring commands. A scheme like this maps top-level headlines to numbered chapters tagged as @chapter and lower-level headlines to unnumbered chapters tagged as @unnumbered. To override such mappings to introduce @part or other Texinfo structuring commands, define a new class in org-texinfo-classes. Activate the new class with the ‘TEXINFO_CLASS’ keyword. When no new class is defined and activated, the Texinfo export back-end defaults to the org-texinfo-default-class.

If an Org headline’s level has no associated Texinfo structuring command, or is below a certain threshold (see Export Settings), then the Texinfo export back-end makes it into a list item.

The Texinfo export back-end makes any headline with a non-nilAPPENDIX’ property into an appendix. This happens independent of the Org headline level or the ‘TEXINFO_CLASS’ keyword.

The Texinfo export back-end creates a menu entry after the Org headline for each regular sectioning structure. To override this with a shorter menu entry, use the ‘ALT_TITLE’ property (see Table of Contents). Texinfo menu entries also have an option for a longer ‘DESCRIPTION’ property. Here’s an example that uses both to override the default menu entry:

* Controlling Screen Display
  :ALT_TITLE: Display
  :DESCRIPTION: Controlling Screen Display

The text before the first headline belongs to the Top node, i.e., the node in which a reader enters an Info manual. As such, it is expected not to appear in printed output generated from the ‘.texi’ file. See (texinfo)The Top Node, for more information.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Texinfo Export   [Contents][Index]

13.14.7 Indices

The Texinfo export back-end recognizes these indexing keywords if used in the Org file: ‘CINDEX’, ‘FINDEX’, ‘KINDEX’, ‘PINDEX’, ‘TINDEX’ and ‘VINDEX’. Write their value as verbatim Texinfo code; in particular, ‘{’, ‘}’ and ‘@’ characters need to be escaped with ‘@’ if they do not belong to a Texinfo command.

#+CINDEX: Defining indexing entries

For the back-end to generate an index entry for a headline, set the ‘INDEX’ property to ‘cp’ or ‘vr’. These abbreviations come from Texinfo that stand for concept index and variable index. The Texinfo manual has abbreviations for all other kinds of indexes. The back-end exports the headline as an unnumbered chapter or section command, and then inserts the index after its contents.

* Concept Index
  :INDEX: cp

Next: , Previous: , Up: Texinfo Export   [Contents][Index]

13.14.8 Quoting Texinfo code

Use any of the following three methods to insert or escape raw Texinfo code:

Richard @@texinfo:@sc{@@Stallman@@texinfo:}@@ commence' GNU.

#+TEXINFO: @need800
This paragraph is preceded by...

#+BEGIN_EXPORT texinfo
  @auindex Johnson, Mark
  @auindex Lakoff, George

Next: , Previous: , Up: Texinfo Export   [Contents][Index]

13.14.9 Plain lists in Texinfo export

The Texinfo export back-end by default converts description lists in the Org file using the default command ‘@table’, which results in a table with two columns. To change this behavior, set ‘:table-type’ attribute to either ‘ftable’ or ‘vtable’ value. For more information, see (texinfo)Two-column Tables.

The Texinfo export back-end by default also applies a text highlight based on the defaults stored in org-texinfo-table-default-markup. To override the default highlight command, specify another one with the ‘:indic’ attribute.

Org syntax is limited to one entry per list item. Nevertheless, the Texinfo export back-end can split that entry according to any text provided through the ‘:sep’ attribute. Each part then becomes a new entry in the first column of the table.

The following example illustrates all the attributes above:

#+ATTR_TEXINFO: :table-type vtable :sep , :indic asis
- foo, bar :: This is the common text for variables foo and bar.


@vtable @asis
@item foo
@itemx bar
This is the common text for variables foo and bar.
@end table

Ordered lists are numbered when exported to Texinfo format. Such numbering obeys any counter (see Plain Lists) in the first item of the list. The ‘:enum’ attribute also let you start the list at a specific number, or switch to a lettered list, as illustrated here

1. Alpha
2. Bravo
3. Charlie

Next: , Previous: , Up: Texinfo Export   [Contents][Index]

13.14.10 Tables in Texinfo export

When exporting tables, the Texinfo export back-end uses the widest cell width in each column. To override this and instead specify as fractions of line length, use the ‘:columns’ attribute. See example below.

#+ATTR_TEXINFO: :columns .5 .5
| a cell | another cell |

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13.14.11 Images in Texinfo export

Insert a file link to the image in the Org file, and the Texinfo export back-end inserts the image. These links must have the usual supported image extensions and no descriptions. To scale the image, use ‘:width’ and ‘:height’ attributes. For alternate text, use ‘:alt’ and specify the text using Texinfo code, as shown in the example:

#+ATTR_TEXINFO: :width 1in :alt Alternate @i{text}

Next: , Previous: , Up: Texinfo Export   [Contents][Index]

13.14.12 Quotations in Texinfo export

You can write the text of a quotation within a quote block (see Paragraphs). You may also emphasize some text at the beginning of the quotation with the ‘:tag’ attribute.

#+ATTR_TEXINFO: :tag Warning
Striking your thumb with a hammer may cause severe pain and discomfort.

To specify the author of the quotation, use the ‘:author’ attribute.

#+ATTR_TEXINFO: :author King Arthur
The Lady of the Lake, her arm clad in the purest shimmering samite,
held aloft Excalibur from the bosom of the water, signifying by divine
providence that I, Arthur, was to carry Excalibur. That is why I am
your king.

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13.14.13 Special blocks in Texinfo export

The Texinfo export back-end converts special blocks to commands with the same name. It also adds any ‘:options’ attributes to the end of the command, as shown in this example:

#+ATTR_TEXINFO: :options org-org-export-to-org ...
  A somewhat obsessive function name.


@defun org-org-export-to-org ...
  A somewhat obsessive function name.
@end defun

Previous: , Up: Texinfo Export   [Contents][Index]

13.14.14 A Texinfo example

Here is a more detailed example Org file. See (texinfo)GNU Sample Texts for an equivalent example using Texinfo code.

#+TITLE: GNU Sample {{{version}}}
#+SUBTITLE: for version {{{version}}}, {{{updated}}}
#+AUTHOR: A.U. Thor

#+OPTIONS: ':t toc:t author:t email:t

#+MACRO: version 2.0
#+MACRO: updated last updated 4 March 2014

#+TEXINFO_HEADER: @syncodeindex pg cp

#+TEXINFO_DIR_CATEGORY: Texinfo documentation system
#+TEXINFO_DIR_TITLE: sample: (sample)
#+TEXINFO_DIR_DESC: Invoking sample


This manual is for GNU Sample (version {{{version}}},

* Copying
  :COPYING:  t

  This manual is for GNU Sample (version {{{version}}},
  {{{updated}}}), which is an example in the Texinfo documentation.

  Copyright \copy 2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

  Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this
  document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License,
  Version 1.3 or any later version published by the Free Software
  Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, with no Front-Cover Texts,
  and with no Back-Cover Texts.  A copy of the license is included in
  the section entitled "GNU Free Documentation License".

* Invoking sample

  #+PINDEX: sample
  #+CINDEX: invoking @command{sample}

  This is a sample manual.  There is no sample program to invoke, but
  if there were, you could see its basic usage and command line
  options here.

* GNU Free Documentation License


* Index
  :INDEX:    cp

Next: , Previous: , Up: Exporting   [Contents][Index]

13.15 iCalendar Export

A large part of Org mode’s interoperability success is its ability to easily export to or import from external applications. The iCalendar export back-end takes calendar data from Org files and exports to the standard iCalendar format.

The iCalendar export back-end can also incorporate TODO entries based on the configuration of the org-icalendar-include-todo variable. The back-end exports plain timestamps as ‘VEVENT’, TODO items as ‘VTODO’, and also create events from deadlines that are in non-TODO items. The back-end uses the deadlines and scheduling dates in Org TODO items for setting the start and due dates for the iCalendar TODO entry. Consult the org-icalendar-use-deadline and org-icalendar-use-scheduled variables for more details.

For tags on the headline, the iCalendar export back-end makes them into iCalendar categories. To tweak the inheritance of tags and TODO states, configure the variable org-icalendar-categories. To assign clock alarms based on time, configure the org-icalendar-alarm-time variable.

The iCalendar format standard requires globally unique identifier—or UID—for each entry. The iCalendar export back-end creates UIDs during export. To save a copy of the UID in the Org file set the variable org-icalendar-store-UID. The back-end looks for the ‘ID’ property of the entry for re-using the same UID for subsequent exports.

Since a single Org entry can result in multiple iCalendar entries—timestamp, deadline, scheduled item, or TODO item—Org adds prefixes to the UID, depending on which part of the Org entry triggered the creation of the iCalendar entry. Prefixing ensures UIDs remains unique, yet enable synchronization programs trace the connections.

C-c C-e c f (org-icalendar-export-to-ics)

Create iCalendar entries from the current Org buffer and store them in the same directory, using a file extension ‘.ics’.

C-c C-e c a (org-icalendar-export-agenda-files)

Create iCalendar entries from Org files in org-agenda-files and store in a separate iCalendar file for each Org file.

C-c C-e c c (org-icalendar-combine-agenda-files)

Create a combined iCalendar file from Org files in org-agenda-files and write it to org-icalendar-combined-agenda-file file name.

The iCalendar export back-end includes ‘SUMMARY’, ‘DESCRIPTION’, ‘LOCATION’, ‘TIMEZONE’ and ‘CLASS’ properties from the Org entries when exporting. To force the back-end to inherit the ‘LOCATION’, ‘TIMEZONE’ and ‘CLASS’ properties, configure the org-use-property-inheritance variable.

When Org entries do not have ‘SUMMARY’, ‘DESCRIPTION’, ‘LOCATION’ and ‘CLASS’ properties, the iCalendar export back-end derives the summary from the headline, and derives the description from the body of the Org item. The org-icalendar-include-body variable limits the maximum number of characters of the content are turned into its description.

The ‘TIMEZONE’ property can be used to specify a per-entry time zone, and is applied to any entry with timestamp information. Time zones should be specified as per the IANA time zone database format, e.g., ‘Asia/Almaty’. Alternately, the property value can be ‘UTC’, to force UTC time for this entry only.

The ‘CLASS’ property can be used to specify a per-entry visibility class or access restrictions, and is applied to any entry with class information. The iCalendar standard defines three visibility classes:


The entry is publicly visible (this is the default).


Only a limited group of clients get access to the event.


The entry can be retrieved only by its owner.

The server should treat unknown class properties the same as ‘PRIVATE’.

Exporting to iCalendar format depends in large part on the capabilities of the destination application. Some are more lenient than others. Consult the Org mode FAQ for advice on specific applications.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Exporting   [Contents][Index]

13.16 Other Built-in Back-ends

Other export back-ends included with Org are:

To activate such back-ends, either customize org-export-backends or load directly with ‘(require 'ox-man)’. On successful load, the back-end adds new keys in the export dispatcher (see The Export Dispatcher).

Follow the comment section of such files, for example, ‘ox-man.el’, for usage and configuration details.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Exporting   [Contents][Index]

13.17 Advanced Export Configuration


The export process executes two hooks before the actual exporting begins. The first hook, org-export-before-processing-hook, runs before any expansions of macros, Babel code, and include keywords in the buffer. The second hook, org-export-before-parsing-hook, runs before the buffer is parsed.

Functions added to these hooks are called with a single argument: the export back-end actually used, as a symbol. You may use them for heavy duty structural modifications of the document. For example, you can remove every headline in the buffer during export like this:

(defun my-headline-removal (backend)
  "Remove all headlines in the current buffer.
BACKEND is the export back-end being used, as a symbol."
   (lambda () (delete-region (point) (line-beginning-position 2)))))

(add-hook 'org-export-before-parsing-hook 'my-headline-removal)


Filters are lists of functions to be applied to certain parts for a given back-end. The output from the first function in the filter is passed on to the next function in the filter. The final output is the output from the final function in the filter.

The Org export process has many filter sets applicable to different types of objects, plain text, parse trees, export options, and final output formats. The filters are named after the element type or object type: org-export-filter-TYPE-functions, where TYPE is the type targeted by the filter. Valid types are:


Here is an example filter that replaces non-breaking spaces   in the Org buffer with ‘~’ for the LaTeX back-end.

(defun my-latex-filter-nobreaks (text backend info)
  "Ensure \" \" are properly handled in LaTeX export."
  (when (org-export-derived-backend-p backend 'latex)
    (replace-regexp-in-string " " "~" text)))

(add-to-list 'org-export-filter-plain-text-functions

A filter requires three arguments: the code to be transformed, the name of the back-end, and some optional information about the export process. The third argument can be safely ignored. Note the use of org-export-derived-backend-p predicate that tests for latex back-end or any other back-end, such as beamer, derived from latex.

Defining filters for individual files

The Org export can filter not just for back-ends, but also for specific files through the ‘BIND’ keyword. Here is an example with two filters; one removes brackets from time stamps, and the other removes strike-through text. The filter functions are defined in a code block in the same Org file, which is a handy location for debugging.

#+BIND: org-export-filter-timestamp-functions (tmp-f-timestamp)
#+BIND: org-export-filter-strike-through-functions (tmp-f-strike-through)
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :exports results :results none
  (defun tmp-f-timestamp (s backend info)
    (replace-regexp-in-string "&[lg]t;\\|[][]" "" s))
  (defun tmp-f-strike-through (s backend info) "")

Extending an existing back-end

Some parts of the conversion process can be extended for certain elements so as to introduce a new or revised translation. That is how the HTML export back-end was extended to handle Markdown format. The extensions work seamlessly so any aspect of filtering not done by the extended back-end is handled by the original back-end. Of all the export customization in Org, extending is very powerful as it operates at the parser level.

For this example, make the ascii back-end display the language used in a source code block. Also make it display only when some attribute is non-nil, like the following:

#+ATTR_ASCII: :language t

Then extend ASCII back-end with a custom “my-ascii” back-end.

(defun my-ascii-src-block (src-block contents info)
  "Transcode a SRC-BLOCK element from Org to ASCII.
CONTENTS is nil.  INFO is a plist used as a communication
  (if (not (org-export-read-attribute :attr_ascii src-block :language))
      (org-export-with-backend 'ascii src-block contents info)
     (format ",--[ %s ]--\n%s`----"
             (org-element-property :language src-block)
              "^" "| "
               (org-export-format-code-default src-block info)))))))

(org-export-define-derived-backend 'my-ascii 'ascii
  :translate-alist '((src-block . my-ascii-src-block)))

The my-ascii-src-block function looks at the attribute above the current element. If not true, hands over to ascii back-end. If true, which it is in this example, it creates a box around the code and leaves room for the inserting a string for language. The last form creates the new back-end that springs to action only when translating src-block type elements.

To use the newly defined back-end, evaluate the following from an Org buffer:

(org-export-to-buffer 'my-ascii "*Org MY-ASCII Export*")

Further steps to consider would be an interactive function, self-installing an item in the export dispatcher menu, and other user-friendly improvements.

Previous: , Up: Exporting   [Contents][Index]

13.18 Export in Foreign Buffers

The export back-ends in Org often include commands to convert selected regions. A convenient feature of this in-place conversion is that the exported output replaces the original source. Here are such functions:


Convert the selected region into ASCII.


Convert the selected region into UTF-8.


Convert the selected region into HTML.


Convert the selected region into LaTeX.


Convert the selected region into Texinfo.


Convert the selected region into Markdown.

In-place conversions are particularly handy for quick conversion of tables and lists in foreign buffers. For example, in an HTML buffer, write a list in Org syntax, select it, and convert it to HTML with M-x org-html-convert-region-to-html.

Up: Export in Foreign Buffers   [Contents][Index]

13.18.1 Exporting to minimal HTML

If you want to output a minimal HTML file, with no CSS, no Javascript, no preamble or postamble, here are the variable you would need to set:

(setq org-html-head ""
      org-html-head-extra ""
      org-html-head-include-default-style nil
      org-html-head-include-scripts nil
      org-html-preamble nil
      org-html-postamble nil
      org-html-use-infojs nil)

Next: , Previous: , Up: Top   [Contents][Index]

14 Publishing

Org includes a publishing management system that allows you to configure automatic HTML conversion of projects composed of interlinked Org files. You can also configure Org to automatically upload your exported HTML pages and related attachments, such as images and source code files, to a web server.

You can also use Org to convert files into PDF, or even combine HTML and PDF conversion so that files are available in both formats on the server.

Publishing has been contributed to Org by David O’Toole.

Next: , Up: Publishing   [Contents][Index]

14.1 Configuration

Publishing needs significant configuration to specify files, destination and many other properties of a project.

Next: , Up: Configuration   [Contents][Index]

14.1.1 The variable org-publish-project-alist

Publishing is configured almost entirely through setting the value of one variable, called org-publish-project-alist. Each element of the list configures one project, and may be in one of the two following forms:

("project-name" :property value :property value ...)

i.e., a well-formed property list with alternating keys and values, or:

("project-name" :components ("project-name" "project-name" ...))

In both cases, projects are configured by specifying property values. A project defines the set of files that are to be published, as well as the publishing configuration to use when publishing those files. When a project takes the second form listed above, the individual members of the :components property are taken to be sub-projects, which group together files requiring different publishing options. When you publish such a “meta-project”, all the components are also published, in the sequence given.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Configuration   [Contents][Index]

14.1.2 Sources and destinations for files

Most properties are optional, but some should always be set. In particular, Org needs to know where to look for source files, and where to put published files.


Directory containing publishing source files.


Directory where output files are published. You can directly publish to a webserver using a file name syntax appropriate for the Emacs tramp package. Or you can publish to a local directory and use external tools to upload your website (see Uploading Files).


Function or list of functions to be called before starting the publishing process, for example, to run ‘make’ for updating files to be published. Each preparation function is called with a single argument, the project property list.


Function or list of functions called after finishing the publishing process, for example, to change permissions of the resulting files. Each completion function is called with a single argument, the project property list.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Configuration   [Contents][Index]

14.1.3 Selecting files

By default, all files with extension ‘.org’ in the base directory are considered part of the project. This can be modified by setting the following properties


Extension—without the dot—of source files. This actually is a regular expression. Set this to the symbol any if you want to get all files in :base-directory, even without extension.


Regular expression to match file names that should not be published, even though they have been selected on the basis of their extension.


List of files to be included regardless of :base-extension and :exclude.


Non-nil means, check base-directory recursively for files to publish.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Configuration   [Contents][Index]

14.1.4 Publishing action

Publishing means that a file is copied to the destination directory and possibly transformed in the process. The default transformation is to export Org files as HTML files, and this is done by the function org-publish-org-to-html which calls the HTML exporter (see HTML Export). But you can also publish your content as PDF files using org-publish-org-to-pdf, or as ASCII, Texinfo, etc., using the corresponding functions.

If you want to publish the Org file as an ‘.org’ file but with archived, commented, and tag-excluded trees removed, use org-publish-org-to-org. This produces ‘’ and put it in the publishing directory. If you want a htmlized version of this file, set the parameter :htmlized-source to t. It produces ‘’ in the publishing directory141.

Other files like images only need to be copied to the publishing destination; for this you can use org-publish-attachment. For non-Org files, you always need to specify the publishing function:


Function executing the publication of a file. This may also be a list of functions, which are all called in turn.


Non-nil means, publish htmlized source.

The function must accept three arguments: a property list containing at least a :publishing-directory property, the name of the file to be published, and the path to the publishing directory of the output file. It should take the specified file, make the necessary transformation, if any, and place the result into the destination folder.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Configuration   [Contents][Index]

14.1.5 Options for the exporters

The property list can be used to set many export options for the HTML and LaTeX exporters. In most cases, these properties correspond to user variables in Org. The table below lists these properties along with the variable they belong to. See the documentation string for the respective variable for details.

When a property is given a value in org-publish-project-alist, its setting overrides the value of the corresponding user variable, if any, during publishing. Options set within a file (see Export Settings), however, override everything.

Generic properties


ASCII specific properties


Beamer specific properties


HTML specific properties


LaTeX specific properties


Markdown specific properties


ODT specific properties


Texinfo specific properties


Next: , Previous: , Up: Configuration   [Contents][Index]

14.1.6 Publishing links

To create a link from one Org file to another, you would use something like ‘[[][The foo]]’ or simply ‘[[]]’ (see External Links). When published, this link becomes a link to ‘foo.html’. You can thus interlink the pages of your “Org web” project and the links will work as expected when you publish them to HTML. If you also publish the Org source file and want to link to it, use an ‘http’ link instead of a ‘file:’ link, because ‘file’ links are converted to link to the corresponding ‘.html’ file.

You may also link to related files, such as images. Provided you are careful with relative file names, and provided you have also configured Org to upload the related files, these links will work too. See Complex example, for an example of this usage.

Eventually, links between published documents can contain some search options (see Search Options), which will be resolved to the appropriate location in the linked file. For example, once published to HTML, the following links all point to a dedicated anchor in ‘foo.html’.


Next: , Previous: , Up: Configuration   [Contents][Index]

14.1.7 Generating a sitemap

The following properties may be used to control publishing of a map of files for a given project.


When non-nil, publish a sitemap during org-publish-current-project or org-publish-all.


Filename for output of sitemap. Defaults to ‘’, which becomes ‘sitemap.html’.


Title of sitemap page. Defaults to name of file.


With this option one can tell how a site-map entry is formatted in the site-map. It is a function called with three arguments: the file or directory name relative to base directory of the project, the site-map style and the current project. It is expected to return a string. Default value turns file names into links and use document titles as descriptions. For specific formatting needs, one can use org-publish-find-date, org-publish-find-title and org-publish-find-property, to retrieve additional information about published documents.


Plug-in function to use for generation of the sitemap. It is called with two arguments: the title of the site-map and a representation of the files and directories involved in the project as a nested list, which can further be transformed using org-list-to-generic, org-list-to-subtree and alike. Default value generates a plain list of links to all files in the project.


Where folders should appear in the sitemap. Set this to first (default) or last to display folders first or last, respectively. When set to ignore, folders are ignored altogether. Any other value mixes files and folders. This variable has no effect when site-map style is tree.


How the files are sorted in the site map. Set this to alphabetically (default), chronologically or anti-chronologically. chronologically sorts the files with older date first while anti-chronologically sorts the files with newer date first. alphabetically sorts the files alphabetically. The date of a file is retrieved with org-publish-find-date.


Should sorting be case-sensitive? Default nil.


With this option one can tell how a sitemap’s entry is formatted in the sitemap. This is a format string with some escape sequences: %t stands for the title of the file, %a stands for the author of the file and %d stands for the date of the file. The date is retrieved with the org-publish-find-date function and formatted with org-publish-sitemap-date-format. Default %t.


Format string for the format-time-string function that tells how a sitemap entry’s date is to be formatted. This property bypasses org-publish-sitemap-date-format which defaults to %Y-%m-%d.

Previous: , Up: Configuration   [Contents][Index]

14.1.8 Generating an index

Org mode can generate an index across the files of a publishing project.


When non-nil, generate in index in the file ‘’ and publish it as ‘theindex.html’.

The file is created when first publishing a project with the :makeindex set. The file only contains a statement ‘#+INCLUDE: ""’. You can then build around this include statement by adding a title, style information, etc.

Index entries are specified with ‘INDEX’ keyword. An entry that contains an exclamation mark creates a sub item.

*** Curriculum Vitae
#+INDEX: Application!CV

Next: , Previous: , Up: Publishing   [Contents][Index]

14.2 Uploading Files

For those people already utilizing third party sync tools such as Rsync or Unison, it might be preferable not to use the built-in remote publishing facilities of Org mode which rely heavily on Tramp. Tramp, while very useful and powerful, tends not to be so efficient for multiple file transfer and has been known to cause problems under heavy usage.

Specialized synchronization utilities offer several advantages. In addition to timestamp comparison, they also do content and permissions/attribute checks. For this reason you might prefer to publish your web to a local directory—possibly even in place with your Org files—and then use Unison or Rsync to do the synchronization with the remote host.

Since Unison, for example, can be configured as to which files to transfer to a certain remote destination, it can greatly simplify the project publishing definition. Simply keep all files in the correct location, process your Org files with org-publish and let the synchronization tool do the rest. You do not need, in this scenario, to include attachments such as JPG, CSS or PNG files in the project definition since the third-party tool syncs them.

Publishing to a local directory is also much faster than to a remote one, so that you can afford more easily to republish entire projects. If you set org-publish-use-timestamps-flag to nil, you gain the main benefit of re-including any changed external files such as source example files you might include with ‘INCLUDE’ keyword. The timestamp mechanism in Org is not smart enough to detect if included files have been modified.

Next: , Previous: , Up: Publishing   [Contents][Index]

14.3 Sample Configuration

Below we provide two example configurations. The first one is a simple project publishing only a set of Org files. The second example is more complex, with a multi-component project.

Next: , Up: Sample Configuration   [Contents][Index]

14.3.1 Example: simple publishing configuration

This example publishes a set of Org files to the ‘public_html’ directory on the local machine.

(setq org-publish-project-alist
         :base-directory "~/org/"
         :publishing-directory "~/public_html"
         :section-numbers nil
         :table-of-contents nil
         :style "<link rel=\"stylesheet\"

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14.3.2 Example: complex publishing configuration

This more complicated example publishes an entire website, including Org files converted to HTML, image files, Emacs Lisp source code, and style sheets. The publishing directory is remote and private files are excluded.

To ensure that links are preserved, care should be taken to replicate your directory structure on the web server, and to use relative file paths. For example, if your Org files are kept in ‘~/org/’ and your publishable images in ‘~/images/’, you would link to an image with


On the web server, the relative path to the image should be the same. You can accomplish this by setting up an ‘images/’ folder in the right place on the web server, and publishing images to it.

(setq org-publish-project-alist
         :base-directory "~/org/"
         :base-extension "org"
         :publishing-directory "/ssh:user@host:~/html/notebook/"
         :publishing-function org-html-publish-to-html
         :exclude "" ;; regexp
         :headline-levels 3
         :section-numbers nil
         :with-toc nil
         :html-head "<link rel=\"stylesheet\"
                  href=\"../other/mystyle.css\" type=\"text/css\"/>"
         :html-preamble t)

         :base-directory "~/images/"
         :base-extension "jpg\\|gif\\|png"
         :publishing-directory "/ssh:user@host:~/html/images/"
         :publishing-function org-publish-attachment)

         :base-directory "~/other/"
         :base-extension "css\\|el"
         :publishing-directory "/ssh:user@host:~/html/other/"
         :publishing-function org-publish-attachment)
        ("website" :components ("orgfiles" "images" "other"))))

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14.4 Triggering Publication

Once properly configured, Org can publish with the following commands:

C-c C-e P x (org-publish)

Prompt for a specific project and publish all files that belong to it.

C-c C-e P p (org-publish-current-project)

Publish the project containing the current file.

C-c C-e P f (org-publish-current-file)

Publish only the current file.

C-c C-e P a (org-publish-all)

Publish every project.

Org uses timestamps to track when a file has changed. The above functions normally only publish changed files. You can override this and force publishing of all files by giving a prefix argument to any of the commands above, or by customizing the variable org-publish-use-timestamps-flag. This may be necessary in particular if files include other files via ‘SETUPFILE’ or ‘INCLUDE’ keywords.

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15 Working with Source Code

Source code here refers to any plain text collection of computer instructions, possibly with comments, written using a human-readable programming language. Org can manage source code in an Org document when the source code is identified with begin and end markers. Working with source code begins with identifying source code blocks. A source code block can be placed almost anywhere in an Org document; it is not restricted to the preamble or the end of the document. However, Org cannot manage a source code block if it is placed inside an Org comment or within a fixed width section.

Here is an example source code block in the Emacs Lisp language:

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
  (defun org-xor (a b)
     "Exclusive or."
     (if a (not b) b))

Source code blocks are one of many Org block types, which also include “center”, “comment”, “dynamic”, “example”, “export”, “quote”, “special”, and “verse”. This section pertains to blocks between ‘#+BEGIN_SRC’ and ‘#+END_SRC’.

Details of Org’s facilities for working with source code are described in the following sections.

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15.1 Features Overview

Org can manage the source code in the block delimited by ‘#+BEGIN_SRC’ … ‘#+END_SRC’ in several ways that can simplify housekeeping tasks essential to modern source code maintenance. Org can edit, format, extract, export, and publish source code blocks. Org can also compile and execute a source code block, then capture the results. The Org mode literature sometimes refers to source code blocks as live code blocks because they can alter the content of the Org document or the material that it exports. Users can control how live they want each source code block by tweaking the header arguments (see Using Header Arguments) for compiling, execution, extraction, and exporting.

For editing and formatting a source code block, Org uses an appropriate Emacs major mode that includes features specifically designed for source code in that language.

Org can extract one or more source code blocks and write them to one or more source files—a process known as tangling in literate programming terminology.

For exporting and publishing, Org’s back-ends can format a source code block appropriately, often with native syntax highlighting.

For executing and compiling a source code block, the user can configure Org to select the appropriate compiler. Org provides facilities to collect the result of the execution or compiler output, insert it into the Org document, and/or export it. In addition to text results, Org can insert links to other data types, including audio, video, and graphics. Org can also link a compiler error message to the appropriate line in the source code block.

An important feature of Org’s management of source code blocks is the ability to pass variables, functions, and results to one another using a common syntax for source code blocks in any language. Although most literate programming facilities are restricted to one language or another, Org’s language-agnostic approach lets the literate programmer match each programming task with the appropriate computer language and to mix them all together in a single Org document. This interoperability among languages explains why Org’s source code management facility was named Org Babel by its originators, Eric Schulte and Dan Davison.

Org mode fulfills the promise of easy verification and maintenance of publishing reproducible research by keeping text, data, code, configuration settings of the execution environment, the results of the execution, and associated narratives, claims, references, and internal and external links in a single Org document.

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15.2 Structure of Code Blocks

Org offers two ways to structure source code in Org documents: in a source code block, and directly inline. Both specifications are shown below.

A source code block conforms to this structure:

#+NAME: <name>
#+BEGIN_SRC <language> <switches> <header arguments>

Do not be put-off by having to remember the source block syntax. Org mode offers a command for wrapping existing text in a block (see Structure Templates). Org also works with other completion systems in Emacs, some of which predate Org and have custom domain-specific languages for defining templates. Regular use of templates reduces errors, increases accuracy, and maintains consistency.

An inline code block conforms to this structure:



src_<language>[<header arguments>]{<body>}
#+NAME: <name>

Optional. Names the source block so it can be called, like a function, from other source blocks or inline code to evaluate or to capture the results. Code from other blocks, other files, and from table formulas (see The Spreadsheet) can use the name to reference a source block. This naming serves the same purpose as naming Org tables. Org mode requires unique names. For duplicate names, Org mode’s behavior is undefined.


Mandatory. They mark the start and end of a block that Org requires. The ‘#+BEGIN_SRC’ line takes additional arguments, as described next.


Mandatory. It is the identifier of the source code language in the block. See Languages, for identifiers of supported languages.


Optional. Switches provide finer control of the code execution, export, and format (see the discussion of switches in Literal Examples).

<header arguments>

Optional. Heading arguments control many aspects of evaluation, export and tangling of code blocks (see Using Header Arguments). Using Org’s properties feature, header arguments can be selectively applied to the entire buffer or specific sub-trees of the Org document.


Source code in the dialect of the specified language identifier.

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15.3 Using Header Arguments

Org comes with many header arguments common to all languages. New header arguments are added for specific languages as they become available for use in source code blocks. A header argument is specified with an initial colon followed by the argument’s name in lowercase.

Since header arguments can be set in several ways, Org prioritizes them in case of overlaps or conflicts by giving local settings a higher priority. Header values in function calls, for example, override header values from global defaults.

System-wide header arguments

System-wide values of header arguments can be specified by customizing the org-babel-default-header-args variable, which defaults to the following values:

:session    => "none"
:results    => "replace"
:exports    => "code"
:cache      => "no"
:noweb      => "no"

The example below sets ‘:noweb’ header arguments to ‘yes’, which makes Org expand ‘:noweb’ references by default.

(setq org-babel-default-header-args
      (cons '(:noweb . "yes")
            (assq-delete-all :noweb org-babel-default-header-args)))

Each language can have separate default header arguments by customizing the variable org-babel-default-header-args:<LANG>, where <LANG> is the name of the language. For details, see the language-specific online documentation at

Header arguments in Org mode properties

For header arguments applicable to the buffer, use ‘PROPERTY’ keyword anywhere in the Org file (see Property Syntax).

The following example makes all the R code blocks execute in the same session. Setting ‘:results’ to ‘silent’ ignores the results of executions for all blocks, not just R code blocks; no results inserted for any block.

#+PROPERTY: header-args:R  :session *R*
#+PROPERTY: header-args    :results silent

Header arguments set through Org’s property drawers (see Property Syntax) apply at the sub-tree level on down. Since these property drawers can appear anywhere in the file hierarchy, Org uses outermost call or source block to resolve the values. Org ignores org-use-property-inheritance setting.

In this example, ‘:cache’ defaults to ‘yes’ for all code blocks in the sub-tree.

* sample header
  :header-args:    :cache yes

Properties defined through org-set-property function, bound to C-c C-x p, apply to all active languages. They override properties set in org-babel-default-header-args.

Language-specific header arguments are also read from properties ‘header-args:<LANG>’ where <LANG> is the language identifier. For example,

* Heading
  :header-args:clojure:    :session *clojure-1*
  :header-args:R:          :session *R*
** Subheading
  :header-args:clojure:    :session *clojure-2*

would force separate sessions for Clojure blocks in ‘Heading’ and ‘Subheading’, but use the same session for all R blocks. Blocks in ‘Subheading’ inherit settings from ‘Heading’.

Code block specific header arguments

Header arguments are most commonly set at the source code block level, on the ‘#+BEGIN_SRC’ line. Arguments set at this level take precedence over those set in the org-babel-default-header-args variable, and also those set as header properties.

In the following example, setting ‘:results’ to ‘silent’ makes it ignore results of the code execution. Setting ‘:exports’ to ‘code’ exports only the body of the code block to HTML or LaTeX.

#+NAME: factorial
#+BEGIN_SRC haskell :results silent :exports code :var n=0
  fac 0 = 1
  fac n = n * fac (n-1)

The same header arguments in an inline code block:

src_haskell[:exports both]{fac 5}

Code block header arguments can span multiple lines using ‘#+HEADER:’ on each line. Note that Org currently accepts the plural spelling of ‘#+HEADER:’ only as a convenience for backward-compatibility. It may be removed at some point.

Multi-line header arguments on an unnamed code block:

#+HEADER: :var data1=1
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :var data2=2
   (message "data1:%S, data2:%S" data1 data2)

: data1:1, data2:2

Multi-line header arguments on a named code block:

#+NAME: named-block
#+HEADER: :var data=2
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
  (message "data:%S" data)

#+RESULTS: named-block
  : data:2

Header arguments in function calls

Header arguments in function calls are the most specific and override all other settings in case of an overlap. They get the highest priority. Two ‘#+CALL:’ examples are shown below. For the complete syntax of ‘CALL’ keyword, see Evaluating Code Blocks.

In this example, ‘:exports results’ header argument is applied to the evaluation of the ‘#+CALL:’ line.

#+CALL: factorial(n=5) :exports results

In this example, ‘:session special’ header argument is applied to the evaluation of ‘factorial’ code block.

#+CALL: factorial[:session special](n=5)

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15.4 Environment of a Code Block

Passing arguments

Use ‘var’ for passing arguments to source code blocks. The specifics of variables in code blocks vary by the source language and are covered in the language-specific documentation. The syntax for ‘var’, however, is the same for all languages. This includes declaring a variable, and assigning a default value.

The following syntax is used to pass arguments to code blocks using the ‘var’ header argument.


NAME is the name of the variable bound in the code block body. ASSIGN is a literal value, such as a string, a number, a reference to a table, a list, a literal example, another code block—with or without arguments—or the results of evaluating a code block.

Here are examples of passing values by reference:


A table named with a ‘NAME’ keyword.

#+NAME: example-table
| 1 |
| 2 |
| 3 |
| 4 |

#+NAME: table-length
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :var table=example-table
  (length table)

#+RESULTS: table-length
: 4

When passing a table, you can treat specially the row, or the column, containing labels for the columns, or the rows, in the table.

The ‘colnames’ header argument accepts ‘yes’, ‘no’, or ‘nil’ values. The default value is ‘nil’: if an input table has column names—because the second row is a horizontal rule—then Org removes the column names, processes the table, puts back the column names, and then writes the table to the results block. Using ‘yes’, Org does the same to the first row, even if the initial table does not contain any horizontal rule. When set to ‘no’, Org does not pre-process column names at all.

#+NAME: less-cols
| a |
| b |
| c |

#+BEGIN_SRC python :var tab=less-cols :colnames nil
  return [[val + '*' for val in row] for row in tab]

| a  |
| b* |
| c* |

Similarly, the ‘rownames’ header argument can take two values: ‘yes’ or ‘no’. When set to ‘yes’, Org removes the first column, processes the table, puts back the first column, and then writes the table to the results block. The default is ‘no’, which means Org does not pre-process the first column. Note that Emacs Lisp code blocks ignore ‘rownames’ header argument because of the ease of table-handling in Emacs.

#+NAME: with-rownames
| one | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |  5 |
| two | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |

#+BEGIN_SRC python :var tab=with-rownames :rownames yes
  return [[val + 10 for val in row] for row in tab]

| one | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |
| two | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 |

A simple named list.

#+NAME: example-list
- simple
  - not
  - nested
- list

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :var x=example-list
  (print x)

| simple | list |

Note that only the top level list items are passed along. Nested list items are ignored.

code block without arguments

A code block name, as assigned by ‘NAME’ keyword from the example above, optionally followed by parentheses.

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :var length=table-length()
  (* 2 length)

: 8
code block with arguments

A code block name, as assigned by ‘NAME’ keyword, followed by parentheses and optional arguments passed within the parentheses.

#+NAME: double
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :var input=8
  (* 2 input)

#+RESULTS: double
: 16

#+NAME: squared
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :var input=double(input=1)
  (* input input)

#+RESULTS: squared
: 4
literal example

A literal example block named with a ‘NAME’ keyword.

#+NAME: literal-example
  A literal example
  on two lines

#+NAME: read-literal-example
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :var x=literal-example
  (concatenate #'string x " for you.")

#+RESULTS: read-literal-example
: A literal example
: on two lines for you.

Indexing variable values enables referencing portions of a variable. Indexes are 0 based with negative values counting backwards from the end. If an index is separated by commas then each subsequent section indexes as the next dimension. Note that this indexing occurs before other table-related header arguments are applied, such as ‘hlines’, ‘colnames’ and ‘rownames’. The following example assigns the last cell of the first row the table ‘example-table’ to the variable ‘data’:

#+NAME: example-table
| 1 | a |
| 2 | b |
| 3 | c |
| 4 | d |

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :var data=example-table[0,-1]

: a

Two integers separated by a colon reference a range of variable values. In that case the entire inclusive range is referenced. For example the following assigns the middle three rows of ‘example-table’ to ‘data’.

#+NAME: example-table
| 1 | a |
| 2 | b |
| 3 | c |
| 4 | d |
| 5 | 3 |

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :var data=example-table[1:3]

| 2 | b |
| 3 | c |
| 4 | d |

To pick the entire range, use an empty index, or the single character ‘*’. ‘0:-1’ does the same thing. Example below shows how to reference the first column only.

#+NAME: example-table
| 1 | a |
| 2 | b |
| 3 | c |
| 4 | d |

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :var data=example-table[,0]

| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |

Index referencing can be used for tables and code blocks. Index referencing can handle any number of dimensions. Commas delimit multiple dimensions, as shown below.

#+NAME: 3D
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
  '(((1  2  3)  (4  5  6)  (7  8  9))
    ((10 11 12) (13 14 15) (16 17 18))
    ((19 20 21) (22 23 24) (25 26 27)))

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :var data=3D[1,,1]

| 11 | 14 | 17 |

Note that row names and column names are not removed prior to variable indexing. You need to take them into account, even when ‘colnames’ or ‘rownames’ header arguments remove them.

Emacs lisp code can also set the values for variables. To differentiate a value from Lisp code, Org interprets any value starting with ‘(’, ‘[’, ‘'’ or ‘`’ as Emacs Lisp code. The result of evaluating that code is then assigned to the value of that variable. The following example shows how to reliably query and pass the file name of the Org mode buffer to a code block using headers. We need reliability here because the file’s name could change once the code in the block starts executing.

#+BEGIN_SRC sh :var filename=(buffer-file-name) :exports both
  wc -w $filename

Note that values read from tables and lists are not mistakenly evaluated as Emacs Lisp code, as illustrated in the following example.

#+NAME: table
| (a b c) |

#+HEADER: :var data=table[0,0]
#+BEGIN_SRC perl

: (a b c)

Using sessions

Two code blocks can share the same environment. The ‘session’ header argument is for running multiple source code blocks under one session. Org runs code blocks with the same session name in the same interpreter process.


Default. Each code block gets a new interpreter process to execute. The process terminates once the block is evaluated.


Any string besides ‘none’ turns that string into the name of that session. For example, ‘:session STRING’ names it ‘STRING’. If ‘session’ has no value, then the session name is derived from the source language identifier. Subsequent blocks with the same source code language use the same session. Depending on the language, state variables, code from other blocks, and the overall interpreted environment may be shared. Some interpreted languages support concurrent sessions when subsequent source code language blocks change session names.

Only languages that provide interactive evaluation can have session support. Not all languages provide this support, such as C and ditaa. Even languages, such as Python and Haskell, that do support interactive evaluation impose limitations on allowable language constructs that can run interactively. Org inherits those limitations for those code blocks running in a session.

Choosing a working directory

The ‘dir’ header argument specifies the default directory during code block execution. If it is absent, then the directory associated with the current buffer is used. In other words, supplying ‘:dir DIRECTORY’ temporarily has the same effect as changing the current directory with M-x cd RET DIRECTORY, and then not setting ‘dir’. Under the surface, ‘dir’ simply sets the value of the Emacs variable default-directory. Setting ‘mkdirp’ header argument to a non-nil value creates the directory, if necessary.

For example, to save the plot file in the ‘Work/’ folder of the home directory—notice tilde is expanded:

#+BEGIN_SRC R :file myplot.png :dir ~/Work
  matplot(matrix(rnorm(100), 10), type="l")

To evaluate the code block on a remote machine, supply a remote directory name using Tramp syntax. For example:

#+BEGIN_SRC R :file plot.png :dir /
  plot(1:10, main=system("hostname", intern=TRUE))

Org first captures the text results as usual for insertion in the Org file. Then Org also inserts a link to the remote file, thanks to Emacs Tramp. Org constructs the remote path to the file name from ‘dir’ and default-directory, as illustrated here:


When ‘dir’ is used with ‘session’, Org sets the starting directory for a new session. But Org does not alter the directory of an already existing session.

Do not use ‘dir’ with ‘:exports results’ or with ‘:exports both’ to avoid Org inserting incorrect links to remote files. That is because Org does not expand default directory to avoid some underlying portability issues.

Inserting headers and footers

The ‘prologue’ header argument is for appending to the top of the code block for execution, like a reset instruction. For example, you may use ‘:prologue "reset"’ in a Gnuplot code block or, for every such block:

(add-to-list 'org-babel-default-header-args:gnuplot
             '((:prologue . "reset")))

Likewise, the value of the ‘epilogue’ header argument is for appending to the end of the code block for execution.

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15.5 Evaluating Code Blocks

A note about security: With code evaluation comes the risk of harm. Org safeguards by prompting for user’s permission before executing any code in the source block. To customize this safeguard, or disable it, see Code Evaluation Security.

How to evaluate source code

Org captures the results of the code block evaluation and inserts them in the Org file, right after the code block. The insertion point is after a newline and the ‘RESULTS’ keyword. Org creates the ‘RESULTS’ keyword if one is not already there.

By default, Org enables only Emacs Lisp code blocks for execution. See Languages to enable other languages.

Org provides many ways to execute code blocks. C-c C-c or C-c C-v e with the point on a code block142 calls the org-babel-execute-src-block function, which executes the code in the block, collects the results, and inserts them in the buffer.

By calling a named code block143 from an Org mode buffer or a table. Org can call the named code blocks from the current Org mode buffer or from the “Library of Babel” (see Library of Babel).

The syntax for ‘CALL’ keyword is:

#+CALL: <name>(<arguments>)
#+CALL: <name>[<inside header arguments>](<arguments>) <end header arguments>

The syntax for inline named code blocks is:

... call_<name>(<arguments>) ...
... call_<name>[<inside header arguments>](<arguments>)[<end header arguments>] ...

When inline syntax is used, the result is wrapped based on the variable org-babel-inline-result-wrap, which by default is set to "=%s=" to produce verbatim text suitable for markup.


This is the name of the code block (see Structure of Code Blocks) to be evaluated in the current document. If the block is located in another file, start ‘<name>’ with the file name followed by a colon. For example, in order to execute a block named ‘clear-data’ in ‘’, you can write the following:


Org passes arguments to the code block using standard function call syntax. For example, a ‘#+CALL:’ line that passes ‘4’ to a code block named ‘double’, which declares the header argument ‘:var n=2’, would be written as:

#+CALL: double(n=4)

Note how this function call syntax is different from the header argument syntax.

<inside header arguments>

Org passes inside header arguments to the named code block using the header argument syntax. Inside header arguments apply to code block evaluation. For example, ‘[:results output]’ collects results printed to stdout during code execution of that block. Note how this header argument syntax is different from the function call syntax.

<end header arguments>

End header arguments affect the results returned by the code block. For example, ‘:results html’ wraps the results in a ‘#+BEGIN_EXPORT html’ block before inserting the results in the Org buffer.

Limit code block evaluation

The ‘eval’ header argument can limit evaluation of specific code blocks and ‘CALL’ keyword. It is useful for protection against evaluating untrusted code blocks by prompting for a confirmation.

never’ or ‘no

Org never evaluates the source code.


Org prompts the user for permission to evaluate the source code.

never-export’ or ‘no-export

Org does not evaluate the source code when exporting, yet the user can evaluate it interactively.


Org prompts the user for permission to evaluate the source code during export.

If ‘eval’ header argument is not set, then Org determines whether to evaluate the source code from the org-confirm-babel-evaluate variable (see Code Evaluation Security).

Cache results of evaluation

The ‘cache’ header argument is for caching results of evaluating code blocks. Caching results can avoid re-evaluating a code block that have not changed since the previous run. To benefit from the cache and avoid redundant evaluations, the source block must have a result already present in the buffer, and neither the header arguments—including the value of ‘var’ references—nor the text of the block itself has changed since the result was last computed. This feature greatly helps avoid long-running calculations. For some edge cases, however, the cached results may not be reliable.

The caching feature is best for when code blocks are pure functions, that is functions that return the same value for the same input arguments (see Environment of a Code Block), and that do not have side effects, and do not rely on external variables other than the input arguments. Functions that depend on a timer, file system objects, and random number generators are clearly unsuitable for caching.

A note of warning: when ‘cache’ is used in a session, caching may cause unexpected results.

When the caching mechanism tests for any source code changes, it does not expand noweb style references (see Noweb Reference Syntax).

The ‘cache’ header argument can have one of two values: ‘yes’ or ‘no’.


Default. No caching of results; code block evaluated every time.


Whether to run the code or return the cached results is determined by comparing the SHA1 hash value of the combined code block and arguments passed to it. This hash value is packed on the ‘#+RESULTS:’ line from previous evaluation. When hash values match, Org does not evaluate the code block. When hash values mismatch, Org evaluates the code block, inserts the results, recalculates the hash value, and updates ‘#+RESULTS:’ line.

In this example, both functions are cached. But ‘caller’ runs only if the result from ‘random’ has changed since the last run.

#+NAME: random
#+BEGIN_SRC R :cache yes

#+RESULTS[a2a72cd647ad44515fab62e144796432793d68e1]: random

#+NAME: caller
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :var x=random :cache yes

#+RESULTS[bec9c8724e397d5df3b696502df3ed7892fc4f5f]: caller

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15.6 Results of Evaluation

How Org handles results of a code block execution depends on many header arguments working together. The primary determinant, however, is the ‘results’ header argument. It accepts four classes of options. Each code block can take only one option per class:


For how the results should be collected from the code block;


For which type of result the code block will return; affects how Org processes and inserts results in the Org buffer;


For the result; affects how Org processes results;


For inserting results once they are properly formatted.


Collection options specify the results. Choose one of the options; they are mutually exclusive.


Default for most Babel libraries144. Functional mode. Org gets the value by wrapping the code in a function definition in the language of the source block. That is why when using ‘:results value’, code should execute like a function and return a value. For languages like Python, an explicit return statement is mandatory when using ‘:results value’. Result is the value returned by the last statement in the code block.

When evaluating the code block in a session (see Environment of a Code Block), Org passes the code to an interpreter running as an interactive Emacs inferior process. Org gets the value from the source code interpreter’s last statement output. Org has to use language-specific methods to obtain the value. For example, from the variable _ in Ruby, and the value of .Last.value in R.


Scripting mode. Org passes the code to an external process running the interpreter. Org returns the contents of the standard output stream as text results.

When using a session, Org passes the code to the interpreter running as an interactive Emacs inferior process. Org concatenates any text output from the interpreter and returns the collection as a result.


Type tells what result types to expect from the execution of the code block. Choose one of the options; they are mutually exclusive. The default behavior is to automatically determine the result type.


Interpret the results as an Org table. If the result is a single value, create a table with one row and one column. Usage example: ‘:results value table’.

In-between each table row or below the table headings, sometimes results have horizontal lines, which are also known as “hlines”. The ‘hlines’ argument with the default ‘no’ value strips such lines from the input table. For most code, this is desirable, or else those ‘hline’ symbols raise unbound variable errors. A ‘yes’ accepts such lines, as demonstrated in the following example.

#+NAME: many-cols
| a | b | c |
| d | e | f |
| g | h | i |

#+NAME: no-hline
#+BEGIN_SRC python :var tab=many-cols :hlines no
  return tab

#+RESULTS: no-hline
| a | b | c |
| d | e | f |
| g | h | i |

#+NAME: hlines
#+BEGIN_SRC python :var tab=many-cols :hlines yes
  return tab

#+RESULTS: hlines
| a | b | c |
| d | e | f |
| g | h | i |

Interpret the results as an Org list. If the result is a single value, create a list of one element.


Interpret literally and insert as quoted text. Do not create a table. Usage example: ‘:results value verbatim’.


Interpret as a filename. Save the results of execution of the code block to that file, then insert a link to it. You can control both the filename and the description associated to the link.

Org first tries to generate the filename from the value of the ‘file’ header argument and the directory specified using the ‘output-dir’ header arguments. If ‘output-dir’ is not specified, Org assumes it is the current directory.

#+BEGIN_SRC asymptote :results value file :file circle.pdf :output-dir img/

If ‘file’ header argument is missing, Org generates the base name of the output file from the name of the code block, and its extension from the ‘file-ext’ header argument. In that case, both the name and the extension are mandatory.

#+name: circle
#+BEGIN_SRC asymptote :results value file :file-ext pdf

The ‘file-desc’ header argument defines the description (see Link Format) for the link. If ‘file-desc’ is present but has no value, the ‘file’ value is used as the link description. When this argument is not present, the description is omitted. If you want to provide the ‘file-desc’ argument but omit the description, you can provide it with an empty vector (i.e., :file-desc []).

By default, Org assumes that a table written to a file has TAB-delimited output. You can choose a different separator with the ‘sep’ header argument.

The ‘file-mode’ header argument defines the file permissions. To make it executable, use ‘:file-mode (identity #o755)’.

#+BEGIN_SRC shell :results file :file :file-mode (identity #o755)
  echo "#!/bin/bash"
  echo "echo Hello World"


Format pertains to the type of the result returned by the code block. Choose one of the options; they are mutually exclusive. The default follows from the type specified above.


Result enclosed in a code block. Useful for parsing. Usage example: ‘:results value code’.


Result wrapped in a ‘RESULTS’ drawer. Useful for containing ‘raw’ or ‘org’ results for later scripting and automated processing. Usage example: ‘:results value drawer’.


Results enclosed in a ‘BEGIN_EXPORT html’ block. Usage example: ‘:results value html’.


Results enclosed in a ‘BEGIN_EXPORT latex’ block. Usage example: ‘:results value latex’.


When used along with ‘file’ type, the result is a link to the file specified in ‘:file’ header argument. However, unlike plain ‘file’ type, nothing is written to the disk. The block is used for its side-effects only, as in the following example:

#+begin_src shell :results file link :file "download.tar.gz"
wget -c ""

Results enclosed in a ‘BEGIN_SRC org’ block. For comma-escape, either TAB in the block, or export the file. Usage example: ‘:results value org’.


Result converted to pretty-print source code. Enclosed in a code block. Languages supported: Emacs Lisp, Python, and Ruby. Usage example: ‘:results value pp’.


Interpreted as raw Org mode. Inserted directly into the buffer. Aligned if it is a table. Usage example: ‘:results value raw’.

The ‘wrap’ header argument unconditionally marks the results block by appending strings to ‘#+BEGIN_’ and ‘#+END_’. If no string is specified, Org wraps the results in a ‘#+BEGIN_results’ … ‘#+END_results’ block. It takes precedent over the ‘results’ value listed above. E.g.,

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :results html :wrap EXPORT markdown
"<blink>Welcome back to the 90's</blink>"

#+BEGIN_EXPORT markdown
<blink>Welcome back to the 90's</blink>


Handling options after collecting the results.


Do not insert results in the Org mode buffer, but echo them in the minibuffer. Usage example: ‘:results output silent’.


Default. Insert results in the Org buffer. Remove previous results. Usage example: ‘:results output replace’.


Append results to the Org buffer. Latest results are at the bottom. Does not remove previous results. Usage example: ‘:results output append’.


Prepend results to the Org buffer. Latest results are at the top. Does not remove previous results. Usage example: ‘:results output prepend’.


The ‘post’ header argument is for post-processing results from block evaluation. When ‘post’ has any value, Org binds the results to *this* variable for easy passing to ‘var’ header argument specifications (see Environment of a Code Block). That makes results available to other code blocks, or even for direct Emacs Lisp code execution.

The following two examples illustrate ‘post’ header argument in action. The first one shows how to attach an ‘ATTR_LATEX’ keyword using ‘post’.

#+NAME: attr_wrap
#+BEGIN_SRC sh :var data="" :var width="\\textwidth" :results output
  echo "#+ATTR_LATEX: :width $width"
  echo "$data"

#+HEADER: :file /tmp/it.png
#+BEGIN_SRC dot :post attr_wrap(width="5cm", data=*this*) :results drawer
          a -> b;
          b -> c;
          c -> a;

#+ATTR_LATEX :width 5cm

The second example shows use of ‘colnames’ header argument in ‘post’ to pass data between code blocks.

#+NAME: round-tbl
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :var tbl="" fmt="%.3f"
  (mapcar (lambda (row)
            (mapcar (lambda (cell)
                      (if (numberp cell)
                          (format fmt cell)

#+BEGIN_SRC R :colnames yes :post round-tbl[:colnames yes](*this*)

|   foo |
| 1.371 |

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15.7 Exporting Code Blocks

It is possible to export the code of code blocks, the results of code block evaluation, both the code and the results of code block evaluation, or none. Org defaults to exporting code for most languages. For some languages, such as ditaa, Org defaults to results. To export just the body of code blocks, see Literal Examples. To selectively export sub-trees of an Org document, see Exporting.

The ‘exports’ header argument is to specify if that part of the Org file is exported to, say, HTML or LaTeX formats.


The default. The body of code is included into the exported file. Example: ‘:exports code’.


The results of evaluation of the code is included in the exported file. Example: ‘:exports results’.


Both the code and results of evaluation are included in the exported file. Example: ‘:exports both’.


Neither the code nor the results of evaluation is included in the exported file. Whether the code is evaluated at all depends on other options. Example: ‘:exports none’.

To stop Org from evaluating code blocks to speed exports, use the header argument ‘:eval never-export’ (see Evaluating Code Blocks). To stop Org from evaluating code blocks for greater security, set the org-export-use-babel variable to nil, but understand that header arguments will have no effect.

Turning off evaluation comes in handy when batch processing. For example, markup languages for wikis, which have a high risk of untrusted code. Stopping code block evaluation also stops evaluation of all header arguments of the code block. This may not be desirable in some circumstances. So during export, to allow evaluation of just the header arguments but not any code evaluation in the source block, set ‘:eval never-export’ (see Evaluating Code Blocks).

Org never evaluates code blocks in commented sub-trees when exporting (see Comment Lines). On the other hand, Org does evaluate code blocks in sub-trees excluded from export (see Export Settings).

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15.8 Extracting Source Code

Extracting source code from code blocks is a basic task in literate programming. Org has features to make this easy. In literate programming parlance, documents on creation are woven with code and documentation, and on export, the code is tangled for execution by a computer. Org facilitates weaving and tangling for producing, maintaining, sharing, and exporting literate programming documents. Org provides extensive customization options for extracting source code.

When Org tangles code blocks, it expands, merges, and transforms them. Then Org recomposes them into one or more separate files, as configured through the options. During this tangling process, Org expands variables in the source code, and resolves any noweb style references (see Noweb Reference Syntax).

Header arguments

The ‘tangle’ header argument specifies if the code block is exported to source file(s).


Export the code block to source file. The file name for the source file is derived from the name of the Org file, and the file extension is derived from the source code language identifier. Example: ‘:tangle yes’.


The default. Do not extract the code in a source code file. Example: ‘:tangle no’.


Export the code block to source file whose file name is derived from any string passed to the ‘tangle’ header argument. Org derives the file name as being relative to the directory of the Org file’s location. Example: ‘:tangle FILENAME’.

The ‘mkdirp’ header argument creates parent directories for tangled files if the directory does not exist. A ‘yes’ value enables directory creation whereas ‘no’ inhibits it.

The ‘comments’ header argument controls inserting comments into tangled files. These are above and beyond whatever comments may already exist in the code block.


The default. Do not insert any extra comments during tangling.


Wrap the code block in comments. Include links pointing back to the place in the Org file from where the code was tangled.


Kept for backward compatibility; same as ‘link’.


Nearest headline text from Org file is inserted as comment. The exact text that is inserted is picked from the leading context of the source block.


Includes both ‘link’ and ‘org’ options.


Includes ‘link’ option, expands noweb references (see Noweb Reference Syntax), and wraps them in link comments inside the body of the code block.

The ‘padline’ header argument controls insertion of newlines to pad source code in the tangled file.


Default. Insert a newline before and after each code block in the tangled file.


Do not insert newlines to pad the tangled code blocks.

The ‘shebang’ header argument can turn results into executable script files. By setting it to a string value—for example, ‘:shebang "#!/bin/bash"’—Org inserts that string as the first line of the tangled file that the code block is extracted to. Org then turns on the tangled file’s executable permission.

The ‘tangle-mode’ header argument specifies what permissions to set for tangled files by set-file-modes. For example, to make a read-only tangled file, use ‘:tangle-mode (identity #o444)’. To make it executable, use ‘:tangle-mode (identity #o755)’. It also overrides executable permission granted by ‘shebang’. When multiple source code blocks tangle to a single file with different and conflicting ‘tangle-mode’ header arguments, Org’s behavior is undefined.

By default Org expands code blocks during tangling. The ‘no-expand’ header argument turns off such expansions. Note that one side-effect of expansion by org-babel-expand-src-block also assigns values (see Environment of a Code Block) to variables. Expansions also replace noweb references with their targets (see Noweb Reference Syntax). Some of these expansions may cause premature assignment, hence this option. This option makes a difference only for tangling. It has no effect when exporting since code blocks for execution have to be expanded anyway.



Tangle the current file. Bound to C-c C-v t.

With prefix argument only tangle the current code block.


Choose a file to tangle. Bound to C-c C-v f.



This hook is run from within code files tangled by org-babel-tangle, making it suitable for post-processing, compilation, and evaluation of code in the tangled files.

Jumping between code and Org

Debuggers normally link errors and messages back to the source code. But for tangled files, we want to link back to the Org file, not to the tangled source file. To make this extra jump, Org uses org-babel-tangle-jump-to-org function with two additional source code block header arguments:

  1. Set ‘padline’ to true—this is the default setting.
  2. Set ‘comments’ to ‘link’, which makes Org insert links to the Org file.

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15.9 Languages

Code blocks in dozens of languages are supported. See Worg for language specific documentation.

By default, only Emacs Lisp is enabled for evaluation. To enable or disable other languages, customize the org-babel-load-languages variable either through the Emacs customization interface, or by adding code to the init file as shown next.

In this example, evaluation is disabled for Emacs Lisp, and enabled for R.

 '((emacs-lisp . nil)
   (R . t)))

Note that this is not the only way to enable a language. Org also enables languages when loaded with require statement. For example, the following enables execution of Clojure code blocks:

(require 'ob-clojure)

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15.10 Editing Source Code

Use C-c ' to edit the current code block. It opens a new major mode edit buffer containing the body of the source code block, ready for any edits. Use C-c ' again to close the buffer and return to the Org buffer.

C-x C-s saves the buffer and updates the contents of the Org buffer. Set org-edit-src-auto-save-idle-delay to save the base buffer after a certain idle delay time. Set org-edit-src-turn-on-auto-save to auto-save this buffer into a separate file using Auto-save mode.

While editing the source code in the major mode, the Org Src minor mode remains active. It provides these customization variables as described below. For even more variables, look in the customization group org-edit-structure.


If an Emacs major-mode named <LANG>-mode exists, where <LANG> is the language identifier from code block’s header line, then the edit buffer uses that major mode. Use this variable to arbitrarily map language identifiers to major modes.


For specifying Emacs window arrangement when the new edit buffer is created.


Default is nil. Source code is indented. This indentation applies during export or tangling, and depending on the context, may alter leading spaces and tabs. When non-nil, source code is aligned with the leftmost column. No lines are modified during export or tangling, which is very useful for white-space sensitive languages, such as Python.


When nil, Org returns to the edit buffer without further prompts. The default prompts for a confirmation.

Set org-src-fontify-natively to non-nil to turn on native code fontification in the Org buffer. Fontification of code blocks can give visual separation of text and code on the display page. To further customize the appearance of org-block for specific languages, customize org-src-block-faces. The following example shades the background of regular blocks, and colors source blocks only for Python and Emacs Lisp languages.

(require 'color)
(set-face-attribute 'org-block nil :background
                     (face-attribute 'default :background) 3))

(setq org-src-block-faces '(("emacs-lisp" (:background "#EEE2FF"))
                            ("python" (:background "#E5FFB8"))))

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15.11 Noweb Reference Syntax

Source code blocks can include references to other source code blocks, using a noweb145 style syntax:


where CODE-BLOCK-ID refers to either the ‘NAME’ of a single source code block, or a collection of one or more source code blocks sharing the same ‘noweb-ref’ header argument (see Using Header Arguments). Org can replace such references with the source code of the block or blocks being referenced, or, in the case of a single source code block named with ‘NAME’, with the results of an evaluation of that block.

The ‘noweb’ header argument controls expansion of noweb syntax references. Expansions occur when source code blocks are evaluated, tangled, or exported.


Default. No expansion of noweb syntax references in the body of the code when evaluating, tangling, or exporting.


Expansion of noweb syntax references in the body of the code block when evaluating, tangling, or exporting.


Expansion of noweb syntax references in the body of the code block when tangling. No expansion when evaluating or exporting.


Expansion of noweb syntax references in the body of the code block when evaluating or tangling. No expansion when exporting.


Expansion of noweb syntax references in the body of the code block when expanding prior to evaluating or tangling. Removes noweb syntax references when exporting.


Expansion of noweb syntax references in the body of the code block only before evaluating.

In the most simple case, the contents of a single source block is inserted within other blocks. Thus, in following example,

#+NAME: initialization
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
  (setq sentence "Never a foot too far, even.")

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :noweb yes
  (reverse sentence)

the second code block is expanded as

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :noweb yes
  (setq sentence "Never a foot too far, even.")
  (reverse sentence)

You may also include the contents of multiple blocks sharing a common ‘noweb-ref’ header argument, which can be set at the file, sub-tree, or code block level. In the example Org file shown next, the body of the source code in each block is extracted for concatenation to a pure code file when tangled.

#+BEGIN_SRC sh :tangle yes :noweb yes :shebang #!/bin/sh
* the mount point of the fullest disk
  :header-args: :noweb-ref fullest-disk

** query all mounted disks
  df \

** strip the header row
  |sed '1d' \

** output mount point of fullest disk
  |awk '{if (u < +$5) {u = +$5; m = $6}} END {print m}'

By default a newline separates each noweb reference concatenation. To use a different separator, edit the ‘noweb-sep’ header argument.

Alternatively, Org can include the results of evaluation of a single code block rather than its body. Evaluation occurs when parentheses, possibly including arguments, are appended to the code block name, as shown below.

<<NAME(optional arguments)>>

Note that in this case, a code block name set by ‘NAME’ keyword is required; the reference set by ‘noweb-ref’ will not work when evaluation is desired.

Here is an example that demonstrates how the exported content changes when noweb style references are used with parentheses versus without. Given:

#+NAME: some-code
#+BEGIN_SRC python :var num=0 :results output :exports none

this code block:

#+BEGIN_SRC text :noweb yes

expands to:


Below, a similar noweb style reference is used, but with parentheses, while setting a variable ‘num’ to 10:

#+BEGIN_SRC text :noweb yes

Note that the expansion now contains the results of the code block ‘some-code’, not the code block itself:


Noweb insertions honor prefix characters that appear before the noweb syntax reference. This behavior is illustrated in the following example. Because the ‘<<example>>’ noweb reference appears behind the SQL comment syntax, each line of the expanded noweb reference is commented. With:

#+NAME: example
#+BEGIN_SRC text
  this is the
  multi-line body of example

this code block:

#+BEGIN_SRC sql :noweb yes

expands to:

#+BEGIN_SRC sql :noweb yes
 ---this is the
 ---multi-line body of example

Since this change does not affect noweb replacement text without newlines in them, inline noweb references are acceptable.

This feature can also be used for management of indentation in exported code snippets. With:

#+NAME: if-true
#+BEGIN_SRC python :exports none
  print('do things when true')

#+name: if-false
#+begin_src python :exports none
  print('do things when false')

this code block:

#+begin_src python :noweb yes :results output
  if true:

expands to:

if true:
    print('do things when true')
    print('do things when false')

When in doubt about the outcome of a source code block expansion, you can preview the results with the following command:

C-c C-v v or C-c C-v C-v (org-babel-expand-src-block)

Expand the current source code block according to its header arguments and pop open the results in a preview buffer.

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15.12 Library of Babel

The “Library of Babel” is a collection of code blocks. Like a function library, these code blocks can be called from other Org files. A collection of useful code blocks is available on Worg. For remote code block evaluation syntax, see Evaluating Code Blocks.

For any user to add code to the library, first save the code in regular code blocks of an Org file, and then load the Org file with org-babel-lob-ingest, which is bound to C-c C-v i.

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15.13 Key bindings and Useful Functions

Many common Org mode key sequences are re-bound depending on the context.

Active key bindings in code blocks:

Key bindingFunction
C-c C-corg-babel-execute-src-block
C-c C-oorg-babel-open-src-block-result

Active key bindings in Org mode buffer:

Key bindingFunction
C-c C-v p or C-c C-v C-porg-babel-previous-src-block
C-c C-v n or C-c C-v C-norg-babel-next-src-block
C-c C-v e or C-c C-v C-eorg-babel-execute-maybe
C-c C-v o or C-c C-v C-oorg-babel-open-src-block-result
C-c C-v v or C-c C-v C-vorg-babel-expand-src-block
C-c C-v u or C-c C-v C-uorg-babel-goto-src-block-head
C-c C-v g or C-c C-v C-gorg-babel-goto-named-src-block
C-c C-v r or C-c C-v C-rorg-babel-goto-named-result
C-c C-v b or C-c C-v C-borg-babel-execute-buffer
C-c C-v s or C-c C-v C-sorg-babel-execute-subtree
C-c C-v d or C-c C-v C-dorg-babel-demarcate-block
C-c C-v t or C-c C-v C-torg-babel-tangle
C-c C-v f or C-c C-v C-forg-babel-tangle-file
C-c C-v c or C-c C-v C-corg-babel-check-src-block
C-c C-v j or C-c C-v C-jorg-babel-insert-header-arg
C-c C-v l or C-c C-v C-lorg-babel-load-in-session
C-c C-v i or C-c C-v C-iorg-babel-lob-ingest
C-c C-v I or C-c C-v C-Iorg-babel-view-src-block-info
C-c C-v z or C-c C-v C-zorg-babel-switch-to-session-with-code
C-c C-v a or C-c C-v C-aorg-babel-sha1-hash
C-c C-v h or C-c C-v C-horg-babel-describe-bindings
C-c C-v x or C-c C-v C-xorg-babel-do-key-sequence-in-edit-buffer

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15.14 Batch Execution

Org mode features, including working with source code facilities can be invoked from the command line. This enables building shell scripts for batch processing, running automated system tasks, and expanding Org mode’s usefulness.

The sample script shows batch processing of multiple files using org-babel-tangle.

# Tangle files with Org mode
emacs -Q --batch --eval "
      (require 'ob-tangle)
      (dolist (file command-line-args-left)
        (with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect file)
  " "$@"

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16 Miscellaneous

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16.1 Completion

Org has in-buffer completions. Unlike minibuffer completions, which are useful for quick command interactions, Org’s in-buffer completions are more suitable for content creation in Org documents. Type one or more letters and invoke the hot key to complete the text in-place. Depending on the context and the keys, Org offers different types of completions. No minibuffer is involved. Such mode-specific hot keys have become an integral part of Emacs and Org provides several shortcuts.


Complete word at point.

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16.2 Structure Templates

With just a few keystrokes, it is possible to insert empty structural blocks, such as ‘#+BEGIN_SRC’ … ‘#+END_SRC’, or to wrap existing text in such a block.

C-c C-, (org-insert-structure-template)

Prompt for a type of block structure, and insert the block at point. If the region is active, it is wrapped in the block. First prompts the user for keys, which are used to look up a structure type from the variable below. If the key is TAB, RET, or SPC, the user is prompted to enter a block type.

Available structure types are defined in org-structure-template-alist, see the docstring for adding or changing values.

Org Tempo expands snippets to structures defined in org-structure-template-alist and org-tempo-keywords-alist. For example, < s TAB creates a code block. Enable it by customizing org-modules or add ‘(require 'org-tempo)’ to your Emacs init file146.


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16.3 Speed Keys

Single keystrokes can execute custom commands in an Org file when point is on a headline. Without the extra burden of a meta or modifier key, Speed Keys can speed navigation or execute custom commands. Besides faster navigation, Speed Keys may come in handy on small mobile devices that do not have full keyboards. Speed Keys may also work on TTY devices known for their problems when entering Emacs key chords.

By default, Org has Speed Keys disabled. To activate Speed Keys, set the variable org-use-speed-commands to a non-nil value. To trigger a Speed Key, point must be at the beginning of an Org headline, before any of the stars.

Org comes with a pre-defined list of Speed Keys. To add or modify Speed Keys, customize the variable, org-speed-commands-user. For more details, see the variable’s docstring. With Speed Keys activated, M-x org-speed-command-help, or ? when point is at the beginning of an Org headline, shows currently active Speed Keys, including the user-defined ones.

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16.4 A Cleaner Outline View

Org’s outline with stars and no indents can look cluttered for short documents. For book-like long documents, the effect is not as noticeable. Org provides an alternate stars and indentation scheme, as shown on the right in the following table. It displays only one star and indents text to line up with the heading:

* Top level headline             |    * Top level headline
** Second level                  |      * Second level
*** Third level                  |        * Third level
some text                        |          some text
*** Third level                  |        * Third level
more text                        |          more text
* Another top level headline     |    * Another top level headline

Org can achieve this in two ways, (1) by just displaying the buffer in this way without changing it, or (2) by actually indenting every line in the desired amount with hard spaces and hiding leading stars.

Next: , Up: Clean View   [Contents][Index]

16.4.1 Org Indent Mode

To display the buffer in the indented view, activate Org Indent minor mode, using M-x org-indent-mode. Text lines that are not headlines are prefixed with virtual spaces to vertically align with the headline text147.

To make more horizontal space, the headlines are shifted by two characters. Configure org-indent-indentation-per-level variable for a different number.

By default, Org Indent mode turns off org-adapt-indentation and does hide leading stars by locally setting org-hide-leading-stars to t: only one star on each headline is visible, the rest are masked with the same font color as the background. If you want to customize this default behavior, see org-indent-mode-turns-on-hiding-stars and org-indent-mode-turns-off-org-adapt-indentation.

To globally turn on Org Indent mode for all files, customize the variable org-startup-indented. To control it for individual files, use ‘STARTUP’ keyword as follows:

#+STARTUP: indent
#+STARTUP: noindent

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16.4.2 Hard indentation

It is possible to use hard spaces to achieve the indentation instead, if the bare ASCII file should have the indented look also outside Emacs148. With Org’s support, you have to indent all lines to line up with the outline headers. You would use these settings149:

(setq org-adapt-indentation t
      org-hide-leading-stars t
      org-odd-levels-only t)
Indentation of text below headlines (org-adapt-indentation)

The first setting modifies paragraph filling, line wrapping, and structure editing commands to preserving or adapting the indentation as appropriate.

Hiding leading stars (org-hide-leading-stars)

The second setting makes leading stars invisible by applying the face org-hide to them. For per-file preference, use these file ‘STARTUP’ options:

#+STARTUP: hidestars
#+STARTUP: showstars
Odd levels (org-odd-levels-only)

The third setting makes Org use only odd levels, 1, 3, 5, …, in the outline to create more indentation. On a per-file level, control this with:

#+STARTUP: odd
#+STARTUP: oddeven

To convert a file between single and double stars layouts, use M-x org-convert-to-odd-levels and M-x org-convert-to-oddeven-levels.

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16.5 Execute commands in the active region

When in an Org buffer and the region is active, some commands will apply to all the subtrees in the active region. For example, hitting C-c C-s when multiple headlines are within the active region will successively prompt you for a new schedule date and time. To disable this, set the option org-loop-over-headlines-in-active-region to non-t, activate the region and run the command normally.

org-agenda-loop-over-headlines-in-active-region is the equivalent option of the agenda buffer, where you can also use bulk editing of selected entries.

Not all commands can loop in the active region and what subtrees or headlines are considered can be refined: see the docstrings of these options for more details.

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16.6 Dynamic Headline Numbering

The Org Num minor mode, toggled with M-x org-num-mode, displays outline numbering on top of headlines. It also updates it automatically upon changes to the structure of the document.

By default, all headlines are numbered. You can limit numbering to specific headlines according to their level, tags, ‘COMMENT’ keyword, or ‘UNNUMBERED’ property. Set org-num-max-level, org-num-skip-tags, org-num-skip-commented, org-num-skip-unnumbered, or org-num-skip-footnotes accordingly.

If org-num-skip-footnotes is non-nil, footnotes sections (see Creating Footnotes) are not numbered either.

You can control how the numbering is displayed by setting org-num-face and org-num-format-function.

You can also turn this mode globally for all Org files by setting the option org-startup-numerated to ‘t’, or locally on a file by using ‘#+startup: num’.

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16.7 The Very Busy C-c C-c Key

The C-c C-c key in Org serves many purposes depending on the context. It is probably the most over-worked, multi-purpose key combination in Org. Its uses are well documented throughout this manual, but here is a consolidated list for easy reference.

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16.8 Summary of In-Buffer Settings

In-buffer settings start with ‘#+’, followed by a keyword, a colon, and then a word for each setting. Org accepts multiple settings on the same line. Org also accepts multiple lines for a keyword. This manual describes these settings throughout. A summary follows here.

C-c C-c activates any changes to the in-buffer settings. Closing and reopening the Org file in Emacs also activates the changes.

#+ARCHIVE: %s_done::

Sets the archive location of the agenda file. The corresponding variable is org-archive-location.


Sets the category of the agenda file, which applies to the entire document.

#+COLUMNS: %25ITEM ...

Set the default format for columns view. This format applies when columns view is invoked in locations where no ‘COLUMNS’ property applies.

#+CONSTANTS: name1=value1 ...

Set file-local values for constants that table formulas can use. This line sets the local variable org-table-formula-constants-local. The global version of this variable is org-table-formula-constants.

#+FILETAGS: :tag1:tag2:tag3:

Set tags that all entries in the file inherit from, including the top-level entries.

#+LINK: linkword replace

Each line specifies one abbreviation for one link. Use multiple ‘LINK’ keywords for more, see Link Abbreviations. The corresponding variable is org-link-abbrev-alist.

#+PRIORITIES: highest lowest default

This line sets the limits and the default for the priorities. All three must be either letters A–Z or numbers 0–9. The highest priority must have a lower ASCII number than the lowest priority.

#+PROPERTY: Property_Name Value

This line sets a default inheritance value for entries in the current buffer, most useful for specifying the allowed values of a property.


The setup file or a URL pointing to such file is for additional in-buffer settings. Org loads this file and parses it for any settings in it only when Org opens the main file. If URL is specified, the contents are downloaded and stored in a temporary file cache. C-c C-c on the settings line parses and loads the file, and also resets the temporary file cache. Org also parses and loads the document during normal exporting process. Org parses the contents of this document as if it was included in the buffer. It can be another Org file. To visit the file—not a URL—use C-c ' while point is on the line with the file name.


Startup options Org uses when first visiting a file.

The first set of options deals with the initial visibility of the outline tree. The corresponding variable for global default settings is org-startup-folded with a default value of showeverything.

overviewTop-level headlines only.
contentAll headlines.
showallNo folding on any entry.
show2levelsHeadline levels 1-2.
show3levelsHeadline levels 1-3.
show4levelsHeadline levels 1-4.
show5levelsHeadline levels 1-5.
showeverythingShow even drawer contents.

Dynamic virtual indentation is controlled by the variable org-startup-indented150.

indentStart with Org Indent mode turned on.
noindentStart with Org Indent mode turned off.

Dynamic virtual numeration of headlines is controlled by the variable org-startup-numerated.

numStart with Org num mode turned on.
nonumStart with Org num mode turned off.

Aligns tables consistently upon visiting a file. The corresponding variable is org-startup-align-all-tables with nil as default value.

alignAlign all tables.
noalignDo not align tables on startup.

Shrink table columns with a width cookie. The corresponding variable is org-startup-shrink-all-tables with nil as default value.

When visiting a file, inline images can be automatically displayed. The corresponding variable is org-startup-with-inline-images, with a default value nil to avoid delays when visiting a file.

inlineimagesShow inline images.
noinlineimagesDo not show inline images on startup.

Logging the closing and reopening of TODO items and clock intervals can be configured using these options (see variables org-log-done, org-log-note-clock-out, and org-log-repeat).

logdoneRecord a timestamp when an item is marked as done.
lognotedoneRecord timestamp and a note when DONE.
nologdoneDo not record when items are marked as done.
logrepeatRecord a time when reinstating a repeating item.
lognoterepeatRecord a note when reinstating a repeating item.
nologrepeatDo not record when reinstating repeating item.
lognoteclock-outRecord a note when clocking out.
nolognoteclock-outDo not record a note when clocking out.
logrescheduleRecord a timestamp when scheduling time changes.
lognoterescheduleRecord a note when scheduling time changes.
nologrescheduleDo not record when a scheduling date changes.
logredeadlineRecord a timestamp when deadline changes.
lognoteredeadlineRecord a note when deadline changes.
nologredeadlineDo not record when a deadline date changes.
logrefileRecord a timestamp when refiling.
lognoterefileRecord a note when refiling.
nologrefileDo not record when refiling.

Here are the options for hiding leading stars in outline headings, and for indenting outlines. The corresponding variables are org-hide-leading-stars and org-odd-levels-only, both with a default setting nil (meaning ‘showstars’ and ‘oddeven’).

hidestarsMake all but one of the stars starting a headline invisible.
showstarsShow all stars starting a headline.
indentVirtual indentation according to outline level.
noindentNo virtual indentation according to outline level.
oddAllow only odd outline levels (1, 3, …).
oddevenAllow all outline levels.

To turn on custom format overlays over timestamps (variables org-put-time-stamp-overlays and org-time-stamp-overlay-formats), use:

customtimeOverlay custom time format.

The following options influence the table spreadsheet (variable constants-unit-system).

constcgsconstants.el’ should use the c-g-s unit system.
constSIconstants.el’ should use the SI unit system.

To influence footnote settings, use the following keywords. The corresponding variables are org-footnote-define-inline, org-footnote-auto-label, and org-footnote-auto-adjust.

fninlineDefine footnotes inline.
fnnoinlineDefine footnotes in separate section.
fnlocalDefine footnotes near first reference, but not inline.
fnpromptPrompt for footnote labels.
fnautoCreate ‘[fn:1]’-like labels automatically (default).
fnconfirmOffer automatic label for editing or confirmation.
fnadjustAutomatically renumber and sort footnotes.
nofnadjustDo not renumber and sort automatically.

To hide blocks on startup, use these keywords. The corresponding variable is org-hide-block-startup.

hideblocksHide all begin/end blocks on startup.
nohideblocksDo not hide blocks on startup.

The display of entities as UTF-8 characters is governed by the variable org-pretty-entities and the keywords

entitiesprettyShow entities as UTF-8 characters where possible.
entitiesplainLeave entities plain.
#+TAGS: TAG1(c1) TAG2(c2)

These lines (several such lines are allowed) specify the valid tags in this file, and (potentially) the corresponding fast tag selection keys. The corresponding variable is org-tag-alist.


These lines set the TODO keywords and their interpretation in the current file. The corresponding variable is org-todo-keywords.

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16.9 Org Syntax

A reference document providing a formal description of Org’s syntax is available as a draft on Worg, written and maintained by Nicolas Goaziou. It defines Org’s core internal concepts such as “headlines”, “sections”, “affiliated keywords”, “(greater) elements” and “objects”. Each part of an Org document belongs to one of the previous categories.

To explore the abstract structure of an Org buffer, run this in a buffer:

M-: (org-element-parse-buffer) <RET>

It outputs a list containing the buffer’s content represented as an abstract structure. The export engine relies on the information stored in this list. Most interactive commands—e.g., for structure editing—also rely on the syntactic meaning of the surrounding context.

You can probe the syntax of your documents with the command

M-x org-lint <RET>

It runs a number of checks to find common mistakes. It then displays their location in a dedicated buffer, along with a description and a “trust level”, since false-positive are possible. From there, you can operate on the reports with the following keys:

C-j, TABDisplay the offending line
RETMove point to the offending line
gCheck the document again
hHide all reports from the same checker
iAlso remove them from all subsequent checks
SSort reports by the column at point

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16.10 Context Dependent Documentation

C-c C-x I in an Org file tries to open a suitable section of the Org manual depending on the syntax at point. For example, using it on a headline displays “Document Structure” section.

q closes the Info window.

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16.11 Escape Character

You may sometimes want to write text that looks like Org syntax, but should really read as plain text. Org may use a specific escape character in some situations, i.e., a backslash in macros (see Macro Replacement) and links (see Link Format), or a comma in source and example blocks (see Literal Examples). In the general case, however, we suggest to use the zero width space. You can insert one with any of the following:

C-x 8 <RET> zero width space <RET>
C-x 8 <RET> 200B <RET>

For example, in order to write ‘[[1,2]]’ as-is in your document, you may write instead


where ‘X’ denotes the zero width space character.

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16.12 Code Evaluation and Security Issues

Unlike plain text, running code comes with risk. Each source code block, in terms of risk, is equivalent to an executable file. Org therefore puts a few confirmation prompts by default. This is to alert the casual user from accidentally running untrusted code.

For users who do not run code blocks or write code regularly, Org’s default settings should suffice. However, some users may want to tweak the prompts for fewer interruptions. To weigh the risks of automatic execution of code blocks, here are some details about code evaluation.

Org evaluates code in the following circumstances:

Source code blocks

Org evaluates source code blocks in an Org file during export. Org also evaluates a source code block with the C-c C-c key chord. Users exporting or running code blocks must load files only from trusted sources. Be wary of customizing variables that remove or alter default security measures.

User Option: org-confirm-babel-evaluate

When t, Org prompts the user for confirmation before executing each code block. When nil, Org executes code blocks without prompting the user for confirmation. When this option is set to a custom function, Org invokes the function with these two arguments: the source code language and the body of the code block. The custom function must return either a t or nil, which determines if the user is prompted. Each source code language can be handled separately through this function argument.

For example, here is how to execute ditaa code blocks without prompting:

(defun my-org-confirm-babel-evaluate (lang body)
  (not (string= lang "ditaa")))  ;don't ask for ditaa
(setq org-confirm-babel-evaluate #'my-org-confirm-babel-evaluate)
Following ‘shell’ and ‘elisp’ links

Org has two link types that can directly evaluate code (see External Links). Because such code is not visible, these links have a potential risk. Org therefore prompts the user when it encounters such links. The customization variables are:

Function that prompts the user before executing a shell link.

Function that prompts the user before executing an Emacs Lisp link.

Formulas in tables

Formulas in tables (see The Spreadsheet) are code that is evaluated either by the Calc interpreter, or by the Emacs Lisp interpreter.

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16.13 Interaction with Other Packages

Org’s compatibility and the level of interaction with other Emacs packages are documented here.

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16.13.1 Packages that Org cooperates with

calc.el’ by Dave Gillespie

Org uses the Calc package for implementing spreadsheet functionality in its tables (see The Spreadsheet). Org also uses Calc for embedded calculations. See (calc)GNU Emacs Calc Manual.

constants.el’ by Carsten Dominik

Org can use names for constants in formulas in tables. Org can also use calculation suffixes for units, such as ‘M’ for ‘Mega’. For a standard collection of such constants, install the ‘constants’ package. Install version 2.0 of this package, available at Org checks if the function constants-get has been autoloaded. Installation instructions are in the file ‘constants.el’.

cdlatex.el’ by Carsten Dominik

Org mode can make use of the CDLaTeX package to efficiently enter LaTeX fragments into Org files. See CDLaTeX mode.

imenu.el’ by Ake Stenhoff and Lars Lindberg

Imenu creates dynamic menus based on an index of items in a file. Org mode supports Imenu menus. Enable it with a mode hook as follows:

(add-hook 'org-mode-hook
          (lambda () (imenu-add-to-menubar "Imenu")))

By default the index is two levels deep—you can modify the depth using the option org-imenu-depth.

speedbar.el’ by Eric M. Ludlam

Speedbar package creates a special Emacs frame for displaying files and index items in files. Org mode supports Speedbar; users can drill into Org files directly from the Speedbar. The < in the Speedbar frame tweaks the agenda commands to that file or to a subtree.

table.el’ by Takaaki Ota

Complex ASCII tables with automatic line wrapping, column- and row-spanning, and alignment can be created using the Emacs table package by Takaaki Ota. Org mode recognizes such tables and exports them properly. C-c ' to edit these tables in a special buffer, much like Org’s code blocks. Because of interference with other Org mode functionality, Takaaki Ota tables cannot be edited directly in the Org buffer.

C-c ' (org-edit-special)

Edit a ‘table.el’ table. Works when point is in a ‘table.el’ table.

C-c ~​ (org-table-create-with-table.el)

Insert a ‘table.el’ table. If there is already a table at point, this command converts it between the ‘table.el’ format and the Org mode format. See the documentation string of the command org-convert-table for the restrictions under which this is possible.

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16.13.2 Packages that conflict with Org mode

In Emacs, shift-selection combines motions of point with shift key to enlarge regions. Emacs sets this mode by default. This conflicts with Org’s use of S-<cursor> commands to change timestamps, TODO keywords, priorities, and item bullet types, etc. Since S-<cursor> commands outside of specific contexts do not do anything, Org offers the variable org-support-shift-select for customization. Org mode accommodates shift selection by (i) making it available outside of the special contexts where special commands apply, and (ii) extending an existing active region even if point moves across a special context.

cua.el’ by Kim F. Storm

Org key bindings conflict with S-<cursor> keys used by CUA mode. For Org to relinquish these bindings to CUA mode, configure the variable org-replace-disputed-keys. When set, Org moves the following key bindings in Org files, and in the agenda buffer—but not during date selection.


Yes, these are unfortunately more difficult to remember. If you want to have other replacement keys, look at the variable org-disputed-keys.

ecomplete.el’ by Lars Magne Ingebrigtsen

Ecomplete provides “electric” address completion in address header lines in message buffers. Sadly Orgtbl mode cuts Ecomplete’s power supply: no completion happens when Orgtbl mode is enabled in message buffers while entering text in address header lines. If one wants to use ecomplete one should not follow the advice to automagically turn on Orgtbl mode in message buffers (see Orgtbl Mode), but instead—after filling in the message headers—turn on Orgtbl mode manually when needed in the messages body.

filladapt.el’ by Kyle Jones

Org mode tries to do the right thing when filling paragraphs, list items and other elements. Many users reported problems using both ‘filladapt.el’ and Org mode, so a safe thing to do is to disable filladapt like this:

(add-hook 'org-mode-hook 'turn-off-filladapt-mode)
viper.el’ by Michael Kifer

Viper uses C-c / and therefore makes this key not access the corresponding Org mode command org-sparse-tree. You need to find another key for this command, or override the key in viper-vi-global-user-map with

(define-key viper-vi-global-user-map "C-c /" 'org-sparse-tree)
windmove.el’ by Hovav Shacham

This package also uses the S-<cursor> keys, so everything written in the paragraph above about CUA mode also applies here. If you want to make the windmove function active in locations where Org mode does not have special functionality on S-<cursor>, add this to your configuration:

;; Make windmove work in Org mode:
(add-hook 'org-shiftup-final-hook 'windmove-up)
(add-hook 'org-shiftleft-final-hook 'windmove-left)
(add-hook 'org-shiftdown-final-hook 'windmove-down)
(add-hook 'org-shiftright-final-hook 'windmove-right)

The way Org mode binds the TAB key (binding to [tab] instead of "\t") overrules YASnippet’s access to this key. The following code fixed this problem:

(add-hook 'org-mode-hook
          (lambda ()
            (setq-local yas/trigger-key [tab])
            (define-key yas/keymap [tab] 'yas/next-field-or-maybe-expand)))

The latest version of YASnippet does not play well with Org mode. If the above code does not fix the conflict, start by defining the following function:

(defun yas/org-very-safe-expand ()
  (let ((yas/fallback-behavior 'return-nil)) (yas/expand)))

Then, tell Org mode to use that function:

(add-hook 'org-mode-hook
          (lambda ()
            (make-variable-buffer-local 'yas/trigger-key)
            (setq yas/trigger-key [tab])
            (add-to-list 'org-tab-first-hook 'yas/org-very-safe-expand)
            (define-key yas/keymap [tab] 'yas/next-field)))

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16.14 Using Org on a TTY

Org provides alternative key bindings for TTY and modern mobile devices that cannot perform movement commands on point and key bindings with modifier keys. Some of these workarounds may be more cumbersome than necessary. Users should look into customizing these further based on their usage needs. For example, the normal S-<cursor> for editing timestamp might be better with C-c . chord.

DefaultAlternative 1Speed keyAlternative 2
M-LEFTC-c C-x llEsc LEFT
M-UPC-c C-x uEsc UP
M-S-UPC-c C-x UU
S-RETC-c C-x c
M-RETC-c C-x mEsc RET
M-S-RETC-c C-x M

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16.15 Protocols for External Access

Org protocol is a tool to trigger custom actions in Emacs from external applications. Any application that supports calling external programs with an URL as argument may be used with this functionality. For example, you can configure bookmarks in your web browser to send a link to the current page to Org and create a note from it using capture (see Capture). You can also create a bookmark that tells Emacs to open the local source file of a remote website you are browsing.

In order to use Org protocol from an application, you need to register ‘org-protocol://’ as a valid scheme-handler. External calls are passed to Emacs through the ‘emacsclient’ command, so you also need to ensure an Emacs server is running. More precisely, when the application calls

emacsclient org-protocol://PROTOCOL?key1=val1&key2=val2

Emacs calls the handler associated to PROTOCOL with argument ‘(:key1 val1 :key2 val2)’.

Org protocol comes with three predefined protocols, detailed in the following sections. Configure org-protocol-protocol-alist to define your own.

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16.15.1 The store-link protocol

Using the store-link handler, you can copy links, to that they can be inserted using M-x org-insert-link or yanking. More precisely, the command

emacsclient org-protocol://store-link?url=URL&title=TITLE

stores the following link:


In addition, URL is pushed on the kill-ring for yanking. You need to encode URL and TITLE if they contain slashes, and probably quote those for the shell.

To use this feature from a browser, add a bookmark with an arbitrary name, e.g., ‘Org: store-link’ and enter this as Location:


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16.15.2 The capture protocol

Activating the “capture” handler pops up a ‘Capture’ buffer in Emacs, using acapture template.

emacsclient org-protocol://capture?template=X?url=URL?title=TITLE?body=BODY

To use this feature, add a bookmark with an arbitrary name, e.g., ‘Org: capture’, and enter this as ‘Location’:


The capture template to be used can be specified in the bookmark (like ‘X’ above). If unspecified, the template key is set in the variable org-protocol-default-template-key. The following template placeholders are available:

%:link          The URL
%:description   The webpage title
%:annotation    Equivalent to [[%:link][%:description]]
%i              The selected text

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16.15.3 The open-source protocol

The open-source handler is designed to help with editing local sources when reading a document. To that effect, you can use a bookmark with the following location:


The variable org-protocol-project-alist maps URLs to local file names, by stripping URL parameters from the end and replacing the :base-url with :working-directory and :online-suffix with :working-suffix. For example, assuming you own a local copy of ‘’ contents at ‘/home/user/worg’, you can set org-protocol-project-alist to the following

(setq org-protocol-project-alist
         :base-url ""
         :working-directory "/home/user/worg/"
         :online-suffix ".html"
         :working-suffix ".org")))

If you are now browsing ‘’ and find a typo or have an idea about how to enhance the documentation, simply click the bookmark and start editing.

However, such mapping may not always yield the desired results. Suppose you maintain an online store located at ‘’. The local sources reside in ‘/home/user/example/’. It is common practice to serve all products in such a store through one file and rewrite URLs that do not match an existing file on the server. That way, a request to ‘’ might be rewritten on the server to something like ‘’. The open-source handler probably cannot find a file named ‘/home/user/example/print/posters.html.php’ and fails.

Such an entry in org-protocol-project-alist may hold an additional property :rewrites. This property is a list of cons cells, each of which maps a regular expression to a path relative to the :working-directory.

Now map the URL to the path ‘/home/user/example/products.php’ by adding :rewrites rules like this:

(setq org-protocol-project-alist
         :base-url ""
         :working-directory "/home/user/example/"
         :online-suffix ".php"
         :working-suffix ".php"
         :rewrites (("" . "products.php")
                    ("$" . "index.php")))))

Since ‘$’ is used as a regular expression, it maps ‘’, ‘’, ‘’ and similar to ‘/home/user/example/index.php’.

The :rewrites rules are searched as a last resort if and only if no existing file name is matched.

Two functions can help you filling org-protocol-project-alist with valid contents: org-protocol-create and org-protocol-create-for-org. The latter is of use if you’re editing an Org file that is part of a publishing project.

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16.16 Org Crypt

Org Crypt encrypts the text of an entry, but not the headline, or properties. Behind the scene, it uses the (epa)Emacs EasyPG Library to encrypt and decrypt files, and EasyPG needs a correct (gnupg)GnuPG setup.

Any text below a headline that has a ‘crypt’ tag is automatically encrypted when the file is saved. To use a different tag, customize the org-crypt-tag-matcher setting.

Here is a suggestion for Org Crypt settings in Emacs init file:

(require 'org-crypt)
(setq org-tags-exclude-from-inheritance '("crypt"))

(setq org-crypt-key nil)
;; GPG key to use for encryption
;; Either the Key ID or set to nil to use symmetric encryption.

(setq auto-save-default nil)
;; Auto-saving does not cooperate with org-crypt.el: so you need to
;; turn it off if you plan to use org-crypt.el quite often.  Otherwise,
;; you'll get an (annoying) message each time you start Org.

;; To turn it off only locally, you can insert this:
;; # -*- buffer-auto-save-file-name: nil; -*-

It’s possible to use different keys for different headings by specifying the respective key as property ‘CRYPTKEY’, e.g.:

* Totally secret :crypt:
  :CRYPTKEY: 0x0123456789012345678901234567890123456789

Excluding the ‘crypt’ tag from inheritance prevents already encrypted text from being encrypted again.

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16.17 Org Mobile

Org Mobile is a protocol for synchronizing Org files between Emacs and other applications, e.g., on mobile devices. It enables offline-views and capture support for an Org mode system that is rooted on a “real” computer. The external application can also record changes to existing entries.

This appendix describes Org’s support for agenda view formats compatible with Org Mobile. It also describes synchronizing changes, such as to notes, between the mobile application and the computer.

To change tags and TODO states in the mobile application, first customize the variables org-todo-keywords, org-tag-alist and org-tag-persistent-alist. These should cover all the important tags and TODO keywords, even if Org files use only some of them. Though the mobile application is expected to support in-buffer settings, it is required to understand TODO states sets (see Per-file keywords) and mutually exclusive tags (see Setting Tags) only for those set in these variables.

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16.17.1 Setting up the staging area

The mobile application needs access to a file directory on a server151 to interact with Emacs. Pass its location through the org-mobile-directory variable. If you can mount that directory locally just set the variable to point to that directory:

(setq org-mobile-directory "~/orgmobile/")

Alternatively, by using TRAMP (see (tramp)TRAMP User Manual), org-mobile-directory may point to a remote directory accessible through, for example, SSH, SCP, or DAVS:

(setq org-mobile-directory "/")

With a public server, consider encrypting the files. Org also requires OpenSSL installed on the local computer. To turn on encryption, set the same password in the mobile application and in Emacs. Set the password in the variable org-mobile-use-encryption152. Note that even after the mobile application encrypts the file contents, the file name remains visible on the file systems of the local computer, the server, and the mobile device.

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16.17.2 Pushing to the mobile application

The command org-mobile-push copies files listed in org-mobile-files into the staging area. Files include agenda files (as listed in org-agenda-files). Customize org-mobile-files to add other files. File names are staged with paths relative to org-directory, so all files should be inside this directory153.

Push creates a special Org file ‘’ with custom agenda views defined by the user154.

Finally, Org writes the file ‘’, containing links to other files. The mobile application reads this file first from the server to determine what other files to download for agendas. For faster downloads, it is expected to only read files whose checksums155 have changed.

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16.17.3 Pulling from the mobile application

The command org-mobile-pull synchronizes changes with the server. More specifically, it first pulls the Org files for viewing. It then appends captured entries and pointers to flagged or changed entries to the file ‘’ on the server. Org ultimately integrates its data in an inbox file format, through the following steps:

  1. Org moves all entries found in ‘mobileorg.org156 and appends them to the file pointed to by the variable org-mobile-inbox-for-pull. It should reside neither in the staging area nor on the server. Each captured entry and each editing event is a top-level entry in the inbox file.
  2. After moving the entries, Org processes changes to the shared files. Some of them are applied directly and without user interaction. Examples include changes to tags, TODO state, headline and body text. Entries requiring further action are tagged as ‘FLAGGED’. Org marks entries with problems with an error message in the inbox. They have to be resolved manually.
  3. Org generates an agenda view for flagged entries for user intervention to clean up. For notes stored in flagged entries, Org displays them in the echo area when point is on the corresponding agenda item.

    Pressing ? displays the entire flagged note in another window. Org also pushes it to the kill ring. To store flagged note as a normal note, use ? z C-y C-c C-c. Pressing ? twice does these things: first it removes the ‘FLAGGED’ tag; second, it removes the flagged note from the property drawer; third, it signals that manual editing of the flagged entry is now finished.

From the agenda dispatcher, ? returns to the view to finish processing flagged entries. Note that these entries may not be the most recent since the mobile application searches files that were last pulled. To get an updated agenda view with changes since the last pull, pull again.

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Appendix A Hacking

This appendix describes some ways a user can extend the functionality of Org.

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A.1 Hooks

Org has a large number of hook variables for adding functionality. This appendix illustrates using a few. A complete list of hooks with documentation is maintained by the Worg project at

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A.2 Add-on Packages

Various authors wrote a large number of add-on packages for Org.

These packages are not part of Emacs, but they are distributed as contributed packages with the separate release available at See the ‘contrib/README’ file in the source code directory for a list of contributed files. Worg page with more information is at:

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A.3 Adding Hyperlink Types

Org has many built-in hyperlink types (see Hyperlinks), and an interface for adding new link types. The following example shows the process of adding Org links to Unix man pages, which look like this

[[man:printf][The printf manual]]

The following ‘ol-man.el’ file implements it

;;; ol-man.el - Support for links to man pages in Org mode
(require 'ol)

(org-link-set-parameters "man"
                         :follow #'org-man-open
                         :export #'org-man-export
                         :store #'org-man-store-link)

(defcustom org-man-command 'man
  "The Emacs command to be used to display a man page."
  :group 'org-link
  :type '(choice (const man) (const woman)))

(defun org-man-open (path _)
  "Visit the manpage on PATH.
PATH should be a topic that can be thrown at the man command."
  (funcall org-man-command path))

(defun org-man-store-link ()
  "Store a link to a man page."
  (when (memq major-mode '(Man-mode woman-mode))
    ;; This is a man page, we do make this link.
    (let* ((page (org-man-get-page-name))
           (link (concat "man:" page))
           (description (format "Man page for %s" page)))
       :type "man"
       :link link
       :description description))))

(defun org-man-get-page-name ()
  "Extract the page name from the buffer name."
  ;; This works for both `Man-mode' and `woman-mode'.
  (if (string-match " \\(\\S-+\\)\\*" (buffer-name))
      (match-string 1 (buffer-name))
    (error "Cannot create link to this man page")))

(defun org-man-export (link description format _)
  "Export a man page link from Org files."
  (let ((path (format "" link))
        (desc (or description link)))
    (pcase format
      (`html (format "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%s\">%s</a>" path desc))
      (`latex (format "\\href{%s}{%s}" path desc))
      (`texinfo (format "@uref{%s,%s}" path desc))
      (`ascii (format "%s (%s)" desc path))
      (t path))))

(provide ol-man)
;;; ol-man.el ends here

To activate links to man pages in Org, enter this in the Emacs init file:

(require 'ol-man)

A review of ‘ol-man.el’:

  1. First, ‘(require 'ol)’ ensures that ‘ol.el’ is loaded.
  2. Then org-link-set-parameters defines a new link type with ‘man’ prefix and associates functions for following, exporting and storing such links. See the variable org-link-parameters for a complete list of possible associations.
  3. The rest of the file implements necessary variables and functions.

    For example, org-man-store-link is responsible for storing a link when org-store-link (see Handling Links) is called from a buffer displaying a man page. It first checks if the major mode is appropriate. If check fails, the function returns nil, which means it isn’t responsible for creating a link to the current buffer. Otherwise the function makes a link string by combining the ‘man:’ prefix with the man topic. It also provides a default description. The function org-insert-link can insert it back into an Org buffer later on.

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A.4 Adding Export Back-ends

Org’s export engine makes it easy for writing new back-ends. The framework on which the engine was built makes it easy to derive new back-ends from existing ones.

The two main entry points to the export engine are: org-export-define-backend and org-export-define-derived-backend. To grok these functions, see ‘ox-latex.el’ for an example of defining a new back-end from scratch, and ‘ox-beamer.el’ for an example of deriving from an existing engine.

For creating a new back-end from scratch, first set its name as a symbol in an alist consisting of elements and export functions. To make the back-end visible to the export dispatcher, set :menu-entry keyword. For export options specific to this back-end, set the :options-alist.

For creating a new back-end from an existing one, set :translate-alist to an alist of export functions. This alist replaces the parent back-end functions.

For complete documentation, see the Org Export Reference on Worg.

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A.5 Tables in Arbitrary Syntax

Due to Org’s success in handling tables with Orgtbl, a frequently requested feature is the use of Org’s table functions in other modes, e.g., LaTeX. This would be hard to do in a general way without complicated customization nightmares. Moreover, that would take Org away from its simplicity roots that Orgtbl has proven. There is, however, an alternate approach to accomplishing the same.

This approach involves implementing a custom translate function that operates on a native Org source table to produce a table in another format. This strategy would keep the excellently working Orgtbl simple and isolate complications, if any, confined to the translate function. To add more alien table formats, we just add more translate functions. Also the burden of developing custom translate functions for new table formats is in the hands of those who know those formats best.

Next: , Up: Tables in Arbitrary Syntax   [Contents][Index]

A.5.1 Radio tables

Radio tables are target locations for translated tables that are not near their source. Org finds the target location and inserts the translated table.

The key to finding the target location is the magic words ‘BEGIN/END RECEIVE ORGTBL’. They have to appear as comments in the current mode. If the mode is C, then:

/* BEGIN RECEIVE ORGTBL table_name */
/* END RECEIVE ORGTBL table_name */

At the location of source, Org needs a special line to direct Orgtbl to translate and to find the target for inserting the translated table. For example:

#+ORGTBL: SEND table_name translation_function arguments ...

table_name’ is the table’s reference name, which is also used in the receiver lines, and the ‘translation_function’ is the Lisp function that translates. This line, in addition, may also contain alternating key and value arguments at the end. The translation function gets these values as a property list. A few standard parameters are already recognized and acted upon before the translation function is called:

:skip N

Skip the first N lines of the table. Hlines do count; include them if they are to be skipped.

:skipcols (n1 n2 ...)

List of columns to be skipped. First Org automatically discards columns with calculation marks and then sends the table to the translator function, which then skips columns as specified in ‘skipcols’.

To keep the source table intact in the buffer without being disturbed when the source file is compiled or otherwise being worked on, use one of these strategies:

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A.5.2 A LaTeX example of radio tables

To wrap a source table in LaTeX, use the ‘comment’ environment provided by ‘comment.sty157. To activate it, put \usepackage{comment} in the document header. Orgtbl mode inserts a radio table skeleton158 with the command M-x orgtbl-insert-radio-table, which prompts for a table name. For example, if ‘salesfigures’ is the name, the template inserts:

% END RECEIVE ORGTBL salesfigures
#+ORGTBL: SEND salesfigures orgtbl-to-latex
| | |

The line ‘#+ORGTBL: SEND’ tells Orgtbl mode to use the function orgtbl-to-latex to convert the table to LaTeX format, then insert the table at the target (receive) location named ‘salesfigures’. Now the table is ready for data entry. It can even use spreadsheet features159:

% END RECEIVE ORGTBL salesfigures
#+ORGTBL: SEND salesfigures orgtbl-to-latex
| Month | Days | Nr sold | per day |
| Jan   |   23 |      55 |     2.4 |
| Feb   |   21 |      16 |     0.8 |
| March |   22 |     278 |    12.6 |
#+TBLFM: $4=$3/$2;%.1f
% $ (optional extra dollar to keep Font Lock happy, see footnote)

After editing, C-c C-c inserts the translated table at the target location, between the two marker lines.

For hand-made custom tables, note that the translator needs to skip the first two lines of the source table. Also the command has to splice out the target table without the header and footer.

Month & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Days} & Nr.\ sold & per day\\
% END RECEIVE ORGTBL salesfigures
#+ORGTBL: SEND salesfigures orgtbl-to-latex :splice t :skip 2
| Month | Days | Nr sold | per day |
| Jan   |   23 |      55 |     2.4 |
| Feb   |   21 |      16 |     0.8 |
| March |   22 |     278 |    12.6 |
#+TBLFM: $4=$3/$2;%.1f

The LaTeX translator function orgtbl-to-latex is already part of Orgtbl mode and uses a ‘tabular’ environment to typeset the table and marks horizontal lines with \hline. For additional parameters to control output, see Translator functions:

:splice BOOLEAN

When {{{var(BOOLEAN}}} is non-nil, return only table body lines; i.e., not wrapped in ‘tabular’ environment. Default is nil.

:fmt FMT

Format string to warp each field. It should contain ‘%s’ for the original field value. For example, to wrap each field value in dollar symbol, you could use ‘:fmt "$%s$"’. Format can also wrap a property list with column numbers and formats, for example ‘:fmt (2 "$%s$" 4 "%s\\%%")’. In place of a string, a function of one argument can be used; the function must return a formatted string.

:efmt EFMT

Format numbers as exponentials. The spec should have ‘%s’ twice for inserting mantissa and exponent, for example ‘"%s\\times10^{%s}"’. This may also be a property list with column numbers and formats, for example ‘:efmt (2 "$%s\\times10^{%s}$" 4 "$%s\\cdot10^{%s}$")’. After EFMT has been applied to a value, FMT—see above—is also applied. Functions with two arguments can be supplied instead of strings. By default, no special formatting is applied.

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A.5.3 Translator functions

Orgtbl mode has built-in translator functions: orgtbl-to-csv (comma-separated values), orgtbl-to-tsv (TAB-separated values), orgtbl-to-latex, orgtbl-to-html, orgtbl-to-texinfo, orgtbl-to-unicode and orgtbl-to-orgtbl. They use the generic translator, orgtbl-to-generic, which delegates translations to various export back-ends.

Properties passed to the function through the ‘ORGTBL SEND’ line take precedence over properties defined inside the function. For example, this overrides the default LaTeX line endings, \\, with \\[2mm]:

#+ORGTBL: SEND test orgtbl-to-latex :lend " \\\\[2mm]"

For a new language translator, define a converter function. It can be a generic function, such as shown in this example. It marks a beginning and ending of a table with ‘!BTBL!’ and ‘!ETBL!’; a beginning and ending of lines with ‘!BL!’ and ‘!EL!’; and uses a TAB for a field separator:

(defun orgtbl-to-language (table params)
  "Convert the orgtbl-mode TABLE to language."
    '(:tstart "!BTBL!" :tend "!ETBL!" :lstart "!BL!" :lend "!EL!" :sep "\t")

The documentation for the orgtbl-to-generic function shows a complete list of parameters, each of which can be passed through to orgtbl-to-latex, orgtbl-to-texinfo, and any other function using that generic function.

For complicated translations the generic translator function could be replaced by a custom translator function. Such a custom function must take two arguments and return a single string containing the formatted table. The first argument is the table whose lines are a list of fields or the symbol hline. The second argument is the property list consisting of parameters specified in the ‘#+ORGTBL: SEND’ line. Please share your translator functions by posting them to the Org users mailing list, at

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A.6 Dynamic Blocks

Org supports dynamic blocks in Org documents. They are inserted with begin and end markers like any other code block, but the contents are updated automatically by a user function.

You can insert a dynamic block with org-dynamic-block-insert-dblock, which is bound to C-c C-x x by default. For example, C-c C-x x c l o c k t a b l e RET inserts a table that updates the work time (see Clocking Work Time).

Dynamic blocks can have names and function parameters. The syntax is similar to source code block specifications:

#+BEGIN: myblock :parameter1 value1 :parameter2 value2 ...

These commands update dynamic blocks:

C-c C-x C-u (org-dblock-update)

Update dynamic block at point.

C-u C-c C-x C-u

Update all dynamic blocks in the current file.

Before updating a dynamic block, Org removes content between the ‘BEGIN’ and ‘END’ markers. Org then reads the parameters on the ‘BEGIN’ line for passing to the writer function as a plist. The previous content of the dynamic block becomes erased from the buffer and appended to the plist under :content.

The syntax for naming a writer function with a dynamic block labeled ‘myblock’ is: org-dblock-write:myblock.

The following is an example of a dynamic block and a block writer function that updates the time when the function was last run:

#+BEGIN: block-update-time :format "on %m/%d/%Y at %H:%M"

The dynamic block’s writer function:

(defun org-dblock-write:block-update-time (params)
  (let ((fmt (or (plist-get params :format) "%d. %m. %Y")))
    (insert "Last block update at: "
            (format-time-string fmt))))

To keep dynamic blocks up-to-date in an Org file, use the function, org-update-all-dblocks in hook, such as before-save-hook. The org-update-all-dblocks function does not run if the file is not in Org mode.

Dynamic blocks, like any other block, can be narrowed with org-narrow-to-block.

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A.7 Special Agenda Views

Org provides a special hook to further limit items in agenda views: agenda, agenda*160, todo, alltodo, tags, tags-todo, tags-tree. Specify a custom function that tests inclusion of every matched item in the view. This function can also skip as much as is needed.

For a global condition applicable to agenda views, use the org-agenda-skip-function-global variable. Org uses a global condition with org-agenda-skip-function for custom searching.

This example defines a function for a custom view showing TODO items with ‘waiting’ status. Manually this is a multi-step search process, but with a custom view, this can be automated as follows:

The custom function searches the subtree for the ‘waiting’ tag and returns nil on match. Otherwise it gives the location from where the search continues.

(defun my-skip-unless-waiting ()
  "Skip trees that are not waiting"
  (let ((subtree-end (save-excursion (org-end-of-subtree t))))
    (if (re-search-forward ":waiting:" subtree-end t)
        nil          ; tag found, do not skip
      subtree-end))) ; tag not found, continue after end of subtree

To use this custom function in a custom agenda command:

 '("b" todo "PROJECT"
   ((org-agenda-skip-function 'my-skip-unless-waiting)
    (org-agenda-overriding-header "Projects waiting for something: "))))

Note that this also binds org-agenda-overriding-header to a more meaningful string suitable for the agenda view.

Search for entries with a limit set on levels for the custom search. This is a general approach to creating custom searches in Org. To include all levels, use ‘LEVEL>0161. Then to selectively pick the matched entries, use org-agenda-skip-function, which also accepts Lisp forms, such as org-agenda-skip-entry-if and org-agenda-skip-subtree-if. For example:

(org-agenda-skip-entry-if 'scheduled)

Skip current entry if it has been scheduled.

(org-agenda-skip-entry-if 'notscheduled)

Skip current entry if it has not been scheduled.

(org-agenda-skip-entry-if 'deadline)

Skip current entry if it has a deadline.

(org-agenda-skip-entry-if 'scheduled 'deadline)

Skip current entry if it has a deadline, or if it is scheduled.

(org-agenda-skip-entry-if 'todo '("TODO" "WAITING"))

Skip current entry if the TODO keyword is TODO or WAITING.

(org-agenda-skip-entry-if 'todo 'done)

Skip current entry if the TODO keyword marks a DONE state.

(org-agenda-skip-entry-if 'timestamp)

Skip current entry if it has any timestamp, may also be deadline or scheduled.

(org-agenda-skip-entry-if 'regexp "regular expression")

Skip current entry if the regular expression matches in the entry.

(org-agenda-skip-entry-if 'notregexp "regular expression")

Skip current entry unless the regular expression matches.

(org-agenda-skip-subtree-if 'regexp "regular expression")

Same as above, but check and skip the entire subtree.

The following is an example of a search for ‘waiting’ without the special function:

 '("b" todo "PROJECT"
   ((org-agenda-skip-function '(org-agenda-skip-subtree-if
                                'regexp ":waiting:"))
    (org-agenda-overriding-header "Projects waiting for something: "))))

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A.8 Speeding Up Your Agendas

Some agenda commands slow down when the Org files grow in size or number. Here are tips to speed up:

These options can be applied to selected agenda views. For more details about generation of agenda views, see the docstrings for the relevant variables, and this dedicated Worg page for agenda optimization.

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A.9 Extracting Agenda Information

Org provides commands to access agendas through Emacs batch mode. Through this command-line interface, agendas are automated for further processing or printing.

org-batch-agenda creates an agenda view in ASCII and outputs to standard output. This command takes one string parameter. When string consists of a single character, Org uses it as a key to org-agenda-custom-commands. These are the same ones available through the agenda dispatcher (see Agenda Dispatcher).

This example command line directly prints the TODO list to the printer:

emacs -batch -l ~/.emacs -eval '(org-batch-agenda "t")' | lpr

When the string parameter length is two or more characters, Org matches it with tags/TODO strings. For example, this example command line prints items tagged with ‘shop’, but excludes items tagged with ‘NewYork’:

emacs -batch -l ~/.emacs                                      \
      -eval '(org-batch-agenda "+shop-NewYork")' | lpr

An example showing on-the-fly parameter modifications:

emacs -batch -l ~/.emacs                                      \
   -eval '(org-batch-agenda "a"                               \
           org-agenda-span (quote month)                      \
           org-agenda-include-diary nil                       \
           org-agenda-files (quote ("~/org/")))'   \
   | lpr

which produces an agenda for the next 30 days from just the ‘~/org/’ file.

For structured processing of agenda output, use org-batch-agenda-csv with the following fields:


The category of the item


The headline, without TODO keyword, TAGS and PRIORITY


The type of the agenda entry, can be

todoselected in TODO match
tagsmatchselected in tags match
diaryimported from diary
deadlinea deadline
timestampappointment, selected by timestamp
closedentry was closed on date
upcoming-deadlinewarning about nearing deadline
past-scheduledforwarded scheduled item
blockentry has date block including date

The TODO keyword, if any


All tags including inherited ones, separated by colons


The relevant date, like ‘2007-2-14


The time, like ‘15:00-16:50


String with extra planning info


The priority letter if any was given


The computed numerical priority

If the selection of the agenda item was based on a timestamp, including those items with ‘DEADLINE’ and ‘SCHEDULED’ keywords, then Org includes date and time in the output.

If the selection of the agenda item was based on a timestamp (or deadline/scheduled), then Org includes date and time in the output.

Here is an example of a post-processing script in Perl. It takes the CSV output from Emacs and prints with a checkbox:


# define the Emacs command to run
$cmd = "emacs -batch -l ~/.emacs -eval '(org-batch-agenda-csv \"t\")'";

# run it and capture the output
$agenda = qx{$cmd 2>/dev/null};

# loop over all lines
foreach $line (split(/\n/,$agenda)) {
    # get the individual values
     $priority_l,$priority_n) = split(/,/,$line);
    # process and print
    print "[ ] $head\n";

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A.10 Using the Property API

Here is a description of the functions that can be used to work with properties.

Function: org-entry-properties &optional pom which

Get all properties of the entry at point-or-marker POM. This includes the TODO keyword, the tags, time strings for deadline, scheduled, and clocking, and any additional properties defined in the entry. The return value is an alist. Keys may occur multiple times if the property key was used several times. POM may also be nil, in which case the current entry is used. If WHICH is nil or all, get all properties. If WHICH is special or standard, only get that subclass.

Function: org-entry-get pom property &optional inherit

Get value of PROPERTY for entry at point-or-marker POM. By default, this only looks at properties defined locally in the entry. If INHERIT is non-nil and the entry does not have the property, then also check higher levels of the hierarchy. If INHERIT is the symbol selective, use inheritance if and only if the setting of org-use-property-inheritance selects PROPERTY for inheritance.

Function: org-entry-delete pom property

Delete the property PROPERTY from entry at point-or-marker POM.

Function: org-entry-put pom property value

Set PROPERTY to VALUES for entry at point-or-marker POM.

Function: org-buffer-property-keys &optional include-specials

Get all property keys in the current buffer.

Function: org-insert-property-drawer

Insert a property drawer for the current entry. Also

Function: org-entry-put-multivalued-property pom property &rest values

Set PROPERTY at point-or-marker POM to VALUES. VALUES should be a list of strings. They are concatenated, with spaces as separators.

Function: org-entry-get-multivalued-property pom property

Treat the value of the property PROPERTY as a whitespace-separated list of values and return the values as a list of strings.

Function: org-entry-add-to-multivalued-property pom property value

Treat the value of the property PROPERTY as a whitespace-separated list of values and make sure that VALUE is in this list.

Function: org-entry-remove-from-multivalued-property pom property value

Treat the value of the property PROPERTY as a whitespace-separated list of values and make sure that VALUE is not in this list.

Function: org-entry-member-in-multivalued-property pom property value

Treat the value of the property PROPERTY as a whitespace-separated list of values and check if VALUE is in this list.

User Option: org-property-allowed-value-functions

Hook for functions supplying allowed values for a specific property. The functions must take a single argument, the name of the property, and return a flat list of allowed values. If ‘:ETC’ is one of the values, use the values as completion help, but allow also other values to be entered. The functions must return nil if they are not responsible for this property.

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A.11 Using the Mapping API

Org has sophisticated mapping capabilities to find all entries satisfying certain criteria. Internally, this functionality is used to produce agenda views, but there is also an API that can be used to execute arbitrary functions for each or selected entries. The main entry point for this API is:

Function: org-map-entries func &optional match scope &rest skip

Call FUNC at each headline selected by MATCH in SCOPE.

FUNC is a function or a Lisp form. With point positioned at the beginning of the headline, call the function without arguments. Org returns an alist of return values of calls to the function.

To avoid preserving point, Org wraps the call to FUNC in save-excursion form. After evaluation, Org moves point to the end of the line that was just processed. Search continues from that point forward. This may not always work as expected under some conditions, such as if the current sub-tree was removed by a previous archiving operation. In such rare circumstances, Org skips the next entry entirely when it should not. To stop Org from such skips, make FUNC set the variable org-map-continue-from to a specific buffer position.

MATCH is a tags/property/TODO match. Org iterates only matched headlines. Org iterates over all headlines when MATCH is nil or t.

SCOPE determines the scope of this command. It can be any of:


The current buffer, respecting the restriction, if any.


The subtree started with the entry at point.


The entries within the active region, if any.


The current buffer, without restriction.


The current buffer, and any archives associated with it.


All agenda files.


All agenda files with any archive files associated with them.

list of filenames

If this is a list, all files in the list are scanned.

The remaining arguments are treated as settings for the scanner’s skipping facilities. Valid arguments are:


Skip trees with the ‘ARCHIVE’ tag.


Skip trees with the COMMENT keyword.

function or Lisp form

Used as value for org-agenda-skip-function, so whenever the function returns t, FUNC is called for that entry and search continues from the point where the function leaves it.

The mapping routine can call any arbitrary function, even functions that change meta data or query the property API (see Using the Property API). Here are some handy functions:

Function: org-todo &optional arg

Change the TODO state of the entry. See the docstring of the functions for the many possible values for the argument ARG.

Function: org-priority &optional action

Change the priority of the entry. See the docstring of this function for the possible values for ACTION.

Function: org-toggle-tag tag &optional onoff

Toggle the tag TAG in the current entry. Setting ONOFF to either on or off does not toggle tag, but ensure that it is either on or off.

Function: org-promote

Promote the current entry.

Function: org-demote

Demote the current entry.

This example turns all entries tagged with ‘TOMORROW’ into TODO entries with keyword ‘UPCOMING’. Org ignores entries in comment trees and archive trees.

(org-map-entries '(org-todo "UPCOMING")
                 "+TOMORROW" 'file 'archive 'comment)

The following example counts the number of entries with TODO keyword ‘WAITING’, in all agenda files.

(length (org-map-entries t "/+WAITING" 'agenda))

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Appendix B History and Acknowledgments

B.1 From Carsten

Org was born in 2003, out of frustration over the user interface of the Emacs Outline mode. I was trying to organize my notes and projects, and using Emacs seemed to be the natural way to go. However, having to remember eleven different commands with two or three keys per command, only to hide and show parts of the outline tree, that seemed entirely unacceptable to me. Also, when using outlines to take notes, I constantly wanted to restructure the tree, organizing it parallel to my thoughts and plans. Visibility cycling and structure editing were originally implemented in the package ‘outline-magic.el’, but quickly moved to the more general ‘org.el’. As this environment became comfortable for project planning, the next step was adding TODO entries, basic timestamps, and table support. These areas highlighted the two main goals that Org still has today: to be a new, outline-based, plain text mode with innovative and intuitive editing features, and to incorporate project planning functionality directly into a notes file.

Since the first release, literally thousands of emails to me or to the mailing list have provided a constant stream of bug reports, feedback, new ideas, and sometimes patches and add-on code. Many thanks to everyone who has helped to improve this package. I am trying to keep here a list of the people who had significant influence in shaping one or more aspects of Org. The list may not be complete, if I have forgotten someone, please accept my apologies and let me know.

Before I get to this list, a few special mentions are in order:

Bastien Guerry

Bastien has written a large number of extensions to Org (most of them integrated into the core by now), including the LaTeX exporter and the plain list parser. His support during the early days was central to the success of this project. Bastien also invented Worg, helped establishing the Web presence of Org, and sponsored hosting costs for the website. Bastien stepped in as maintainer of Org between 2011 and 2013, at a time when I desperately needed a break.

Eric Schulte and Dan Davison

Eric and Dan are jointly responsible for the Org Babel system, which turns Org into a multi-language environment for evaluating code and doing literate programming and reproducible research. This has become one of Org’s killer features that define what Org is today.

John Wiegley

John has contributed a number of great ideas and patches directly to Org, including the attachment system (‘org-attach.el’), integration with Apple Mail (‘org-mac-message.el’), hierarchical dependencies of TODO items, habit tracking (‘org-habits.el’), and encryption (‘org-crypt.el’). Also, the capture system is really an extended copy of his great ‘remember.el’.

Sebastian Rose

Without Sebastian, the HTML/XHTML publishing of Org would be the pitiful work of an ignorant amateur. Sebastian has pushed this part of Org onto a much higher level. He also wrote ‘org-info.js’, a JavaScript program for displaying webpages derived from Org using an Info-like or a folding interface with single-key navigation.

See below for the full list of contributions! Again, please let me know what I am missing here!

B.2 From Bastien

I (Bastien) have been maintaining Org between 2011 and 2013. This appendix would not be complete without adding a few more acknowledgments and thanks.

I am first grateful to Carsten for his trust while handing me over the maintainership of Org. His unremitting support is what really helped me getting more confident over time, with both the community and the code.

When I took over maintainership, I knew I would have to make Org more collaborative than ever, as I would have to rely on people that are more knowledgeable than I am on many parts of the code. Here is a list of the persons I could rely on, they should really be considered co-maintainers, either of the code or the community:

Eric Schulte

Eric is maintaining the Babel parts of Org. His reactivity here kept me away from worrying about possible bugs here and let me focus on other parts.

Nicolas Goaziou

Nicolas is maintaining the consistency of the deepest parts of Org. His work on ‘org-element.el’ and ‘ox.el’ has been outstanding, and it opened the doors for many new ideas and features. He rewrote many of the old exporters to use the new export engine, and helped with documenting this major change. More importantly (if that’s possible), he has been more than reliable during all the work done for Org 8.0, and always very reactive on the mailing list.

Achim Gratz

Achim rewrote the building process of Org, turning some ad hoc tools into a flexible and conceptually clean process. He patiently coped with the many hiccups that such a change can create for users.

Nick Dokos

The Org mode mailing list would not be such a nice place without Nick, who patiently helped users so many times. It is impossible to overestimate such a great help, and the list would not be so active without him.

I received support from so many users that it is clearly impossible to be fair when shortlisting a few of them, but Org’s history would not be complete if the ones above were not mentioned in this manual.

B.3 List of Contributions

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Appendix C GNU Free Documentation License

Version 1.3, 3 November 2008
Copyright © 2000, 2001, 2002, 2007, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.

    The purpose of this License is to make a manual, textbook, or other functional and useful document free in the sense of freedom: to assure everyone the effective freedom to copy and redistribute it, with or without modifying it, either commercially or noncommercially. Secondarily, this License preserves for the author and publisher a way to get credit for their work, while not being considered responsible for modifications made by others.

    This License is a kind of “copyleft”, which means that derivative works of the document must themselves be free in the same sense. It complements the GNU General Public License, which is a copyleft license designed for free software.

    We have designed this License in order to use it for manuals for free software, because free software needs free documentation: a free program should come with manuals providing the same freedoms that the software does. But this License is not limited to software manuals; it can be used for any textual work, regardless of subject matter or whether it is published as a printed book. We recommend this License principally for works whose purpose is instruction or reference.


    This License applies to any manual or other work, in any medium, that contains a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it can be distributed under the terms of this License. Such a notice grants a world-wide, royalty-free license, unlimited in duration, to use that work under the conditions stated herein. The “Document”, below, refers to any such manual or work. Any member of the public is a licensee, and is addressed as “you”. You accept the license if you copy, modify or distribute the work in a way requiring permission under copyright law.

    A “Modified Version” of the Document means any work containing the Document or a portion of it, either copied verbatim, or with modifications and/or translated into another language.

    A “Secondary Section” is a named appendix or a front-matter section of the Document that deals exclusively with the relationship of the publishers or authors of the Document to the Document’s overall subject (or to related matters) and contains nothing that could fall directly within that overall subject. (Thus, if the Document is in part a textbook of mathematics, a Secondary Section may not explain any mathematics.) The relationship could be a matter of historical connection with the subject or with related matters, or of legal, commercial, philosophical, ethical or political position regarding them.

    The “Invariant Sections” are certain Secondary Sections whose titles are designated, as being those of Invariant Sections, in the notice that says that the Document is released under this License. If a section does not fit the above definition of Secondary then it is not allowed to be designated as Invariant. The Document may contain zero Invariant Sections. If the Document does not identify any Invariant Sections then there are none.

    The “Cover Texts” are certain short passages of text that are listed, as Front-Cover Texts or Back-Cover Texts, in the notice that says that the Document is released under this License. A Front-Cover Text may be at most 5 words, and a Back-Cover Text may be at most 25 words.

    A “Transparent” copy of the Document means a machine-readable copy, represented in a format whose specification is available to the general public, that is suitable for revising the document straightforwardly with generic text editors or (for images composed of pixels) generic paint programs or (for drawings) some widely available drawing editor, and that is suitable for input to text formatters or for automatic translation to a variety of formats suitable for input to text formatters. A copy made in an otherwise Transparent file format whose markup, or absence of markup, has been arranged to thwart or discourage subsequent modification by readers is not Transparent. An image format is not Transparent if used for any substantial amount of text. A copy that is not “Transparent” is called “Opaque”.

    Examples of suitable formats for Transparent copies include plain ASCII without markup, Texinfo input format, LaTeX input format, SGML or XML using a publicly available DTD, and standard-conforming simple HTML, PostScript or PDF designed for human modification. Examples of transparent image formats include PNG, XCF and JPG. Opaque formats include proprietary formats that can be read and edited only by proprietary word processors, SGML or XML for which the DTD and/or processing tools are not generally available, and the machine-generated HTML, PostScript or PDF produced by some word processors for output purposes only.

    The “Title Page” means, for a printed book, the title page itself, plus such following pages as are needed to hold, legibly, the material this License requires to appear in the title page. For works in formats which do not have any title page as such, “Title Page” means the text near the most prominent appearance of the work’s title, preceding the beginning of the body of the text.

    The “publisher” means any person or entity that distributes copies of the Document to the public.

    A section “Entitled XYZ” means a named subunit of the Document whose title either is precisely XYZ or contains XYZ in parentheses following text that translates XYZ in another language. (Here XYZ stands for a specific section name mentioned below, such as “Acknowledgements”, “Dedications”, “Endorsements”, or “History”.) To “Preserve the Title” of such a section when you modify the Document means that it remains a section “Entitled XYZ” according to this definition.

    The Document may include Warranty Disclaimers next to the notice which states that this License applies to the Document. These Warranty Disclaimers are considered to be included by reference in this License, but only as regards disclaiming warranties: any other implication that these Warranty Disclaimers may have is void and has no effect on the meaning of this License.


    You may copy and distribute the Document in any medium, either commercially or noncommercially, provided that this License, the copyright notices, and the license notice saying this License applies to the Document are reproduced in all copies, and that you add no other conditions whatsoever to those of this License. You may not use technical measures to obstruct or control the reading or further copying of the copies you make or distribute. However, you may accept compensation in exchange for copies. If you distribute a large enough number of copies you must also follow the conditions in section 3.

    You may also lend copies, under the same conditions stated above, and you may publicly display copies.


    If you publish printed copies (or copies in media that commonly have printed covers) of the Document, numbering more than 100, and the Document’s license notice requires Cover Texts, you must enclose the copies in covers that carry, clearly and legibly, all these Cover Texts: Front-Cover Texts on the front cover, and Back-Cover Texts on the back cover. Both covers must also clearly and legibly identify you as the publisher of these copies. The front cover must present the full title with all words of the title equally prominent and visible. You may add other material on the covers in addition. Copying with changes limited to the covers, as long as they preserve the title of the Document and satisfy these conditions, can be treated as verbatim copying in other respects.

    If the required texts for either cover are too voluminous to fit legibly, you should put the first ones listed (as many as fit reasonably) on the actual cover, and continue the rest onto adjacent pages.

    If you publish or distribute Opaque copies of the Document numbering more than 100, you must either include a machine-readable Transparent copy along with each Opaque copy, or state in or with each Opaque copy a computer-network location from which the general network-using public has access to download using public-standard network protocols a complete Transparent copy of the Document, free of added material. If you use the latter option, you must take reasonably prudent steps, when you begin distribution of Opaque copies in quantity, to ensure that this Transparent copy will remain thus accessible at the stated location until at least one year after the last time you distribute an Opaque copy (directly or through your agents or retailers) of that edition to the public.

    It is requested, but not required, that you contact the authors of the Document well before redistributing any large number of copies, to give them a chance to provide you with an updated version of the Document.


    You may copy and distribute a Modified Version of the Document under the conditions of sections 2 and 3 above, provided that you release the Modified Version under precisely this License, with the Modified Version filling the role of the Document, thus licensing distribution and modification of the Modified Version to whoever possesses a copy of it. In addition, you must do these things in the Modified Version:

    1. Use in the Title Page (and on the covers, if any) a title distinct from that of the Document, and from those of previous versions (which should, if there were any, be listed in the History section of the Document). You may use the same title as a previous version if the original publisher of that version gives permission.
    2. List on the Title Page, as authors, one or more persons or entities responsible for authorship of the modifications in the Modified Version, together with at least five of the principal authors of the Document (all of its principal authors, if it has fewer than five), unless they release you from this requirement.
    3. State on the Title page the name of the publisher of the Modified Version, as the publisher.
    4. Preserve all the copyright notices of the Document.
    5. Add an appropriate copyright notice for your modifications adjacent to the other copyright notices.
    6. Include, immediately after the copyright notices, a license notice giving the public permission to use the Modified Version under the terms of this License, in the form shown in the Addendum below.
    7. Preserve in that license notice the full lists of Invariant Sections and required Cover Texts given in the Document’s license notice.
    8. Include an unaltered copy of this License.
    9. Preserve the section Entitled “History”, Preserve its Title, and add to it an item stating at least the title, year, new authors, and publisher of the Modified Version as given on the Title Page. If there is no section Entitled “History” in the Document, create one stating the title, year, authors, and publisher of the Document as given on its Title Page, then add an item describing the Modified Version as stated in the previous sentence.
    10. Preserve the network location, if any, given in the Document for public access to a Transparent copy of the Document, and likewise the network locations given in the Document for previous versions it was based on. These may be placed in the “History” section. You may omit a network location for a work that was published at least four years before the Document itself, or if the original publisher of the version it refers to gives permission.
    11. For any section Entitled “Acknowledgements” or “Dedications”, Preserve the Title of the section, and preserve in the section all the substance and tone of each of the contributor acknowledgements and/or dedications given therein.
    12. Preserve all the Invariant Sections of the Document, unaltered in their text and in their titles. Section numbers or the equivalent are not considered part of the section titles.
    13. Delete any section Entitled “Endorsements”. Such a section may not be included in the Modified Version.
    14. Do not retitle any existing section to be Entitled “Endorsements” or to conflict in title with any Invariant Section.
    15. Preserve any Warranty Disclaimers.

    If the Modified Version includes new front-matter sections or appendices that qualify as Secondary Sections and contain no material copied from the Document, you may at your option designate some or all of these sections as invariant. To do this, add their titles to the list of Invariant Sections in the Modified Version’s license notice. These titles must be distinct from any other section titles.

    You may add a section Entitled “Endorsements”, provided it contains nothing but endorsements of your Modified Version by various parties—for example, statements of peer review or that the text has been approved by an organization as the authoritative definition of a standard.

    You may add a passage of up to five words as a Front-Cover Text, and a passage of up to 25 words as a Back-Cover Text, to the end of the list of Cover Texts in the Modified Version. Only one passage of Front-Cover Text and one of Back-Cover Text may be added by (or through arrangements made by) any one entity. If the Document already includes a cover text for the same cover, previously added by you or by arrangement made by the same entity you are acting on behalf of, you may not add another; but you may replace the old one, on explicit permission from the previous publisher that added the old one.

    The author(s) and publisher(s) of the Document do not by this License give permission to use their names for publicity for or to assert or imply endorsement of any Modified Version.


    You may combine the Document with other documents released under this License, under the terms defined in section 4 above for modified versions, provided that you include in the combination all of the Invariant Sections of all of the original documents, unmodified, and list them all as Invariant Sections of your combined work in its license notice, and that you preserve all their Warranty Disclaimers.

    The combined work need only contain one copy of this License, and multiple identical Invariant Sections may be replaced with a single copy. If there are multiple Invariant Sections with the same name but different contents, make the title of each such section unique by adding at the end of it, in parentheses, the name of the original author or publisher of that section if known, or else a unique number. Make the same adjustment to the section titles in the list of Invariant Sections in the license notice of the combined work.

    In the combination, you must combine any sections Entitled “History” in the various original documents, forming one section Entitled “History”; likewise combine any sections Entitled “Acknowledgements”, and any sections Entitled “Dedications”. You must delete all sections Entitled “Endorsements.”


    You may make a collection consisting of the Document and other documents released under this License, and replace the individual copies of this License in the various documents with a single copy that is included in the collection, provided that you follow the rules of this License for verbatim copying of each of the documents in all other respects.

    You may extract a single document from such a collection, and distribute it individually under this License, provided you insert a copy of this License into the extracted document, and follow this License in all other respects regarding verbatim copying of that document.


    A compilation of the Document or its derivatives with other separate and independent documents or works, in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an “aggregate” if the copyright resulting from the compilation is not used to limit the legal rights of the compilation’s users beyond what the individual works permit. When the Document is included in an aggregate, this License does not apply to the other works in the aggregate which are not themselves derivative works of the Document.

    If the Cover Text requirement of section 3 is applicable to these copies of the Document, then if the Document is less than one half of the entire aggregate, the Document’s Cover Texts may be placed on covers that bracket the Document within the aggregate, or the electronic equivalent of covers if the Document is in electronic form. Otherwise they must appear on printed covers that bracket the whole aggregate.


    Translation is considered a kind of modification, so you may distribute translations of the Document under the terms of section 4. Replacing Invariant Sections with translations requires special permission from their copyright holders, but you may include translations of some or all Invariant Sections in addition to the original versions of these Invariant Sections. You may include a translation of this License, and all the license notices in the Document, and any Warranty Disclaimers, provided that you also include the original English version of this License and the original versions of those notices and disclaimers. In case of a disagreement between the translation and the original version of this License or a notice or disclaimer, the original version will prevail.

    If a section in the Document is Entitled “Acknowledgements”, “Dedications”, or “History”, the requirement (section 4) to Preserve its Title (section 1) will typically require changing the actual title.


    You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Document except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute it is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.

    However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a) provisionally, unless and until the copyright holder explicitly and finally terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the copyright holder fails to notify you of the violation by some reasonable means prior to 60 days after the cessation.

    Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from that copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days after your receipt of the notice.

    Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate the licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from you under this License. If your rights have been terminated and not permanently reinstated, receipt of a copy of some or all of the same material does not give you any rights to use it.


    The Free Software Foundation may publish new, revised versions of the GNU Free Documentation License from time to time. Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. See

    Each version of the License is given a distinguishing version number. If the Document specifies that a particular numbered version of this License “or any later version” applies to it, you have the option of following the terms and conditions either of that specified version or of any later version that has been published (not as a draft) by the Free Software Foundation. If the Document does not specify a version number of this License, you may choose any version ever published (not as a draft) by the Free Software Foundation. If the Document specifies that a proxy can decide which future versions of this License can be used, that proxy’s public statement of acceptance of a version permanently authorizes you to choose that version for the Document.


    “Massive Multiauthor Collaboration Site” (or “MMC Site”) means any World Wide Web server that publishes copyrightable works and also provides prominent facilities for anybody to edit those works. A public wiki that anybody can edit is an example of such a server. A “Massive Multiauthor Collaboration” (or “MMC”) contained in the site means any set of copyrightable works thus published on the MMC site.

    “CC-BY-SA” means the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 license published by Creative Commons Corporation, a not-for-profit corporation with a principal place of business in San Francisco, California, as well as future copyleft versions of that license published by that same organization.

    “Incorporate” means to publish or republish a Document, in whole or in part, as part of another Document.

    An MMC is “eligible for relicensing” if it is licensed under this License, and if all works that were first published under this License somewhere other than this MMC, and subsequently incorporated in whole or in part into the MMC, (1) had no cover texts or invariant sections, and (2) were thus incorporated prior to November 1, 2008.

    The operator of an MMC Site may republish an MMC contained in the site under CC-BY-SA on the same site at any time before August 1, 2009, provided the MMC is eligible for relicensing.

C.1 ADDENDUM: How to use this License for your documents

To use this License in a document you have written, include a copy of the License in the document and put the following copyright and license notices just after the title page:

Copyright (C)  YEAR  YOUR NAME.
Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3
or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation;
with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover
Texts.  A copy of the license is included in the section entitled ``GNU
Free Documentation License''.

If you have Invariant Sections, Front-Cover Texts and Back-Cover Texts, replace the “with…Texts.” line with this:

with the Invariant Sections being LIST THEIR TITLES, with
the Front-Cover Texts being LIST, and with the Back-Cover Texts
being LIST.

If you have Invariant Sections without Cover Texts, or some other combination of the three, merge those two alternatives to suit the situation.

If your document contains nontrivial examples of program code, we recommend releasing these examples in parallel under your choice of free software license, such as the GNU General Public License, to permit their use in free software.

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D Main Index

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Index Entry  Section

*this*’, in ‘post’ header argument: Results of Evaluation

+’ suffix, in properties: Property Syntax

_ALL’ suffix, in properties: Property Syntax

abbreviation, links: Link Abbreviations
abstract, in LaTeX export: Special blocks in LaTeX export
action, for publishing: Publishing action
activation: Activation
active region: Structure Editing
add-on packages: Add-on Packages
agenda: Weekly/daily agenda
agenda dispatcher: Agenda Dispatcher
agenda files: Agenda Files
agenda files, removing buffers: Agenda Commands
agenda filtering: Filtering/limiting agenda items
agenda views: Agenda Views
agenda views, custom: Custom Agenda Views
agenda views, exporting: Exporting Agenda Views
agenda views, exporting: Exporting Agenda Views
agenda views, main example: Storing searches
agenda views, optimization: Speeding Up Your Agendas
agenda views, user-defined: Special Agenda Views
agenda*, as an agenda views: Storing searches
agenda, as an agenda views: Storing searches
agenda, column view: Agenda Column View
agenda, pipe: Extracting Agenda Information
agenda, with block views: Block agenda
alignment in tables: Column Width and Alignment
ALLTAGS’, special property: Special Properties
ALT_TITLE’, property: Table of Contents
ALT_TITLE’, property: Headings and sectioning structure
angle bracket links: Link Format
angular brackets, around links: External Links
anniversaries, from BBDB: Weekly/daily agenda
API, for mapping: Using the Mapping API
API, for properties: Using the Property API
APPENDIX’, property: Headings and sectioning structure
appointment: Timestamps
appointment: Weekly/daily agenda
appointment reminders: Weekly/daily agenda
appt.el: Weekly/daily agenda
APPT_WARNTIME, keyword: Weekly/daily agenda
archive locations: Moving subtrees
ARCHIVE’, keyword: Moving subtrees
ARCHIVE’, keyword: In-buffer Settings
ARCHIVE’, property: Property Inheritance
ARCHIVE, property: Moving subtrees
ARCHIVE’, tag: Internal archiving
archived entries, in agenda views: Agenda Views
archiving: Refiling and Archiving
archiving: Archiving
arguments, in code blocks: Environment of a Code Block
ASCII export: ASCII/Latin-1/UTF-8 export
ASCII’, keyword: ASCII/Latin-1/UTF-8 export
Atom feeds: Capture and Attachments
Atom feeds: RSS Feeds
attach from Dired: Attach from Dired
attachment links: External Links
attachment links, searching: Search Options
attachments: Capture and Attachments
attachments: Attachments
ATTR_ASCII’, keyword: ASCII/Latin-1/UTF-8 export
ATTR_BEAMER’, keyword: Beamer specific syntax
ATTR_HTML’, keyword: Links in HTML export
ATTR_HTML’, keyword: Tables in HTML export
ATTR_HTML’, keyword: Images in HTML export
ATTR_LATEX’, keyword: Images in LaTeX export
ATTR_LATEX’, keyword: Plain lists in LaTeX export
ATTR_LATEX’, keyword: Source blocks in LaTeX export
ATTR_LATEX’, keyword: Example blocks in LaTeX export
ATTR_LATEX’, keyword: Special blocks in LaTeX export
ATTR_LATEX’, keyword: Horizontal rules in LaTeX export
ATTR_ODT’, keyword: Tables in ODT export
ATTR_ODT’, keyword: Images in ODT export
ATTR_ODT’, keyword: Images in ODT export
ATTR_ODT’, keyword: Advanced topics in ODT export
ATTR_TEXINFO’, keyword: Plain lists in Texinfo export
ATTR_TEXINFO’, keyword: Tables in Texinfo export
ATTR_TEXINFO’, keyword: Images in Texinfo export
ATTR_TEXINFO’, keyword: Quotations in Texinfo export
ATTR_TEXINFO’, keyword: Special blocks in Texinfo export
author: Feedback
AUTHOR’, keyword: Export Settings
author’, macro: Macro Replacement
auto clocking out after idle time: Resolving idle time
auto-save, in code block editing: Editing Source Code
autoload: Activation

babel, languages: Languages
babel, library of: Library of Babel
backslashes, in links: Link Format
backtrace of an error: Feedback
BBDB links: External Links
BBDB, anniversaries: Weekly/daily agenda
Beamer export: Beamer Export
BEAMER’, keyword: Beamer specific syntax
BEAMER_ACT’, property: Frames and Blocks in Beamer
BEAMER_COL’, property: Frames and Blocks in Beamer
BEAMER_ENV’, property: Frames and Blocks in Beamer
BEAMER_FONT_THEME’, keyword: Beamer specific export settings
BEAMER_HEADER’, keyword: Beamer specific export settings
BEAMER_INNER_THEME’, keyword: Beamer specific export settings
BEAMER_OPT’, property: Frames and Blocks in Beamer
BEAMER_OUTER_THEME’, keyword: Beamer specific export settings
BEAMER_REF’, property: Frames and Blocks in Beamer
BEAMER_THEME’, keyword: Beamer specific export settings
BEGIN clocktable: The clock table
BEGIN columnview: Capturing column view
BEGIN_CENTER: Paragraphs
BEGIN_COMMENT: Comment Lines
BEGIN_EXAMPLE: Literal Examples
BEGIN_EXPORT ascii: ASCII/Latin-1/UTF-8 export
BEGIN_EXPORT beamer: Beamer specific syntax
BEGIN_EXPORT html: Quoting HTML tags
BEGIN_EXPORT latex: Quoting LaTeX code
BEGIN_EXPORT texinfo: Quoting Texinfo code
BEGIN_QUOTE: Paragraphs
BEGIN_SRC: Literal Examples
BEGIN_SRC: Structure of Code Blocks
BEGIN_VERSE: Paragraphs
BIND’, keyword: Export Settings
block agenda: Block agenda
BLOCKED’, special property: Special Properties
blocking, of checkboxes: Checkboxes
blocks, folding: Blocks
bold text, markup rules: Emphasis and Monospace
boolean logic, for agenda searches: Matching tags and properties
bracket links: Link Format
bug reports: Feedback

C-c C-c, overview: The Very Busy C-c C-c Key
cache results of code evaluation: Evaluating Code Blocks
cache’, header argument: Evaluating Code Blocks
Calc package: The Spreadsheet
calc.el: Cooperation
calculations, in tables: Built-in Table Editor
calculations, in tables: The Spreadsheet
calendar commands, from agenda: Agenda Commands
calendar integration: Weekly/daily agenda
calendar, for selecting date: The date/time prompt
CALL’, keyword: Evaluating Code Blocks
CAPTION’, keyword: Captions
CAPTION’, keyword: Tables in HTML export
CAPTION’, keyword: Images in HTML export
captions, markup rules: Captions
capture: Capture and Attachments
capture: Capture
capture protocol: The capture protocol
capturing, from agenda: Agenda Commands
category: Categories
category filtering, in agenda: Filtering/limiting agenda items
category, for tags/property match: Matching tags and properties
CATEGORY’, keyword: Categories
CATEGORY’, keyword: In-buffer Settings
CATEGORY’, property: Property Inheritance
CATEGORY’, property: Categories
CDLaTeX: CDLaTeX mode
cdlatex.el: Cooperation
center blocks: Paragraphs
center image in LaTeX export: Images in LaTeX export
change agenda display: Agenda Commands
checkbox blocking: Checkboxes
checkbox statistics: Checkboxes
checkboxes: Checkboxes
checkboxes and TODO dependencies: TODO dependencies
children, subtree visibility state: Global and local cycling
CINDEX’, keyword: Indices
CLASS’, property: iCalendar Export
clean outline view: Clean View
clocking time: Clocking Work Time
CLOCKSUM’, special property: Special Properties
CLOCKSUM’, special property: Agenda Column View
CLOCKSUM_T’, special property: Special Properties
CLOCKSUM_T’, special property: Agenda Column View
clocktable, dynamic block: The clock table
CLOCK_MODELINE_TOTAL’, property: Clocking commands
CLOSED’, special property: Special Properties
code block, batch execution: Batch Execution
code block, editing: Editing Source Code
code block, evaluating: Evaluating Code Blocks
code block, exporting: Exporting Code Blocks
code block, extracting source code: Extracting Source Code
code block, key bindings: Key bindings and Useful Functions
code block, languages: Languages
code block, library: Library of Babel
code block, noweb reference: Noweb Reference Syntax
code block, results of evaluation: Results of Evaluation
code block, structure: Structure of Code Blocks
code line references, markup rules: Literal Examples
code text, markup rules: Emphasis and Monospace
colnames’, header argument: Environment of a Code Block
column formula: Column formulas
column view, for properties: Defining columns
column view, in agenda: Agenda Column View
column, of field coordinates: References
COLUMNS’, keyword: Scope of column definitions
COLUMNS’, property: Property Inheritance
COLUMNS’, property: In-buffer Settings
comma escape, in literal examples: Literal Examples
commands, in agenda buffer: Agenda Commands
comment block: Comment Lines
comment lines: Comment Lines
comment trees: Comment Lines
commented entries, in agenda views: Agenda Views
comments’, header argument: Extracting Source Code
completion, of dictionary words: Completion
completion, of file names: Handling Links
completion, of link abbreviations: Completion
completion, of links: Handling Links
completion, of option keywords: Per-file keywords
completion, of option keywords: Completion
completion, of property keys: Completion
completion, of tags: Setting Tags
completion, of tags: Completion
completion, of TeX symbols: Completion
completion, of TODO keywords: Workflow states
completion, of TODO keywords: Completion
concept index, in Texinfo export: Indices
constants, in calculations: References
CONSTANTS’, keyword: References
CONSTANTS’, keyword: In-buffer Settings
constants.el: Cooperation
contents, global visibility state: Global and local cycling
continuous clocking: Resolving idle time
control code block evaluation: Evaluating Code Blocks
convert: Advanced topics in ODT export
converter: Advanced topics in ODT export
COOKIE_DATA’, property: Breaking Down Tasks
COOKIE_DATA’, property: Checkboxes
coordinates, of field: References
copying notes: Refiling and Archiving
copying notes: Refile and Copy
copying, of subtrees: Structure Editing
COPYING’, property: Texinfo title and copyright page
countdown timer: Timers
counter, macro: Macro Replacement
CREATOR’, keyword: Export Settings
CSS, for HTML export: CSS support
cua.el: Conflicts
custom agenda views: Custom Agenda Views
custom date/time format: Custom time format
custom search strings: Custom Searches
CUSTOM_ID’, property: Internal Links
CUSTOM_ID’, property: Handling Links
cutting, of subtrees: Structure Editing
cycling, in plain lists: Plain Lists
cycling, of agenda files: Agenda Files
cycling, of TODO states: TODO Basics
cycling, visibility: Visibility Cycling

daily agenda: Weekly/daily agenda
dash, special symbol: Special Symbols
data type index, in Texinfo export: Indices
date format, custom: Custom time format
date range: Timestamps
date stamp: Dates and Times
date stamps: Timestamps
date tree: Using capture
DATE’, keyword: Export Settings
date’, macro: Macro Replacement
date, reading in minibuffer: The date/time prompt
dates: Dates and Times
DEADLINE’ marker: Deadlines and Scheduling
DEADLINE’, special property: Special Properties
deadlines: Timestamps
debugging, of table formulas: Editing and debugging formulas
default header arguments per language: Using Header Arguments
defining new protocols: Protocols
demotion, of subtrees: Structure Editing
dependencies, of TODO states: TODO dependencies
DESCRIPTION’, keyword: Beamer specific export settings
DESCRIPTION’, keyword: HTML specific export settings
DESCRIPTION’, keyword: LaTeX specific export settings
DESCRIPTION’, keyword: ODT specific export settings
DESCRIPTION’, property: Headings and sectioning structure
DESCRIPTION’, property: iCalendar Export
diary entries, creating from agenda: Agenda Commands
diary integration: Weekly/daily agenda
diary style timestamps: Timestamps
dictionary word completion: Completion
dir’ file, in Texinfo export: Info directory file
dir’, header argument: Environment of a Code Block
DIR’, property: Attachment defaults and dispatcher
DIR’, property: Attachment defaults and dispatcher
directories, for publishing: Sources and destinations
dispatcher, for export commands: The Export Dispatcher
dispatching agenda commands: Agenda Dispatcher
display changing, in agenda: Agenda Commands
doc, docx, rtf: Advanced topics in ODT export
document structure: Document Structure
document title: Export Settings
documentation: Documentation Access
DONE, final TODO keyword: Per-file keywords
drawer, for properties: Property Syntax
drawer, for state change recording: Tracking TODO state changes
drawers: Drawers
duration, computing: Durations and time values
dvipng: Math formatting in HTML export
dvipng: LaTeX math snippets
dvisvgm: Math formatting in HTML export
dvisvgm: LaTeX math snippets
dynamic blocks: Dynamic Blocks
dynamic indentation: Clean View

ecomplete.el: Conflicts
editing tables: Tables
editing, of table formulas: Editing and debugging formulas
edits, catching invisible: Catching invisible edits
effort estimates: Effort Estimates
effort filtering, in agenda: Filtering/limiting agenda items
EFFORT’, property: Effort Estimates
Elisp links: External Links
ellipsis, special symbol: Special Symbols
ELPA: Activation
EMAIL’, keyword: Export Settings
email’, macro: Macro Replacement
embedding images in ODT: Images in ODT export
entities: Special Symbols
enum, Texinfo attribute: Plain lists in Texinfo export
epilogue’, header argument: Environment of a Code Block
escape character: Escape Character
escape syntax, for links: Link Format
eval’, header argument: Evaluating Code Blocks
evaluate time range: Creating Timestamps
example block: Literal Examples
example blocks, in LaTeX export: Example blocks in LaTeX export
EXCLUDE_TAGS’, keyword: Export Settings
excluding entries from table of contents: Table of Contents
export back-end: Exporting
export, dispatcher: The Export Dispatcher
export, include files: Include Files
export, OpenDocument: OpenDocument Text Export
Export, settings: Export Settings
Export, writing back-ends: Adding Export Back-ends
exporting: Exporting
exporting agenda views: Exporting Agenda Views
exporting, not: Comment Lines
exports’, header argument: Exporting Code Blocks
EXPORT_FILE_NAME’, keyword: Export Settings
EXPORT_FILE_NAME’, property: ODT export commands
EXPORT_LATEX_CLASS’, property: LaTeX header and sectioning
EXPORT_LATEX_CLASS_OPTIONS’, property: LaTeX header and sectioning
extended TODO keywords: TODO Extensions
external archiving: Moving subtrees
external links: External Links
external links, in HTML export: Links in HTML export

faces, for TODO keywords: Faces for TODO keywords
FAQ: Summary
feedback: Feedback
field coordinates: References
field formula: Field and range formulas
field references: References
file links: External Links
file links, searching: Search Options
file name completion: Handling Links
file’, header argument: Results of Evaluation
FILE’, special property: Special Properties
file-desc’, header argument: Results of Evaluation
file-ext’, header argument: Results of Evaluation
file-mode’, header argument: Results of Evaluation
files for agenda: Agenda Files
files, adding to agenda list: Agenda Files
files, selecting for publishing: Selecting files
FILETAGS’, keyword: Tag Inheritance
FILETAGS’, keyword: In-buffer Settings
filladapt.el: Conflicts
filtering entries, in agenda: Filtering/limiting agenda items
Filters, exporting: Advanced Export Configuration
FINDEX’, keyword: Indices
FLAGGED’, tag: Pulling from the mobile application
folded, subtree visibility state: Global and local cycling
folding, sparse trees: Sparse Trees
following links: Handling Links
footers, in code blocks: Environment of a Code Block
footnotes: Creating Footnotes
format specifier, in spreadsheet: Formula syntax for Calc
format, of links: Link Format
formatting source code, markup rules: Literal Examples
formula debugging: Editing and debugging formulas
formula editing: Editing and debugging formulas
formula syntax, Calc: Formula syntax for Calc
formula, for individual table field: Field and range formulas
formula, for range of fields: Field and range formulas
formula, for table column: Column formulas
formula, in tables: Built-in Table Editor
function index, in Texinfo export: Indices

global cycling: Global and local cycling
global key bindings: Activation
global TODO list: Global TODO list
global visibility states: Global and local cycling
Gnus links: External Links
graph, in tables: Org Plot
group tags: Tag Hierarchy
group tags, as regular expressions: Matching tags and properties
grouping columns in tables: Column Groups

habits: Tracking your habits
hacking: Hacking
header arguments per language: Using Header Arguments
header arguments, in code blocks: Structure of Code Blocks
header lines, in tables: Built-in Table Editor
header, for LaTeX files: LaTeX header and sectioning
HEADER’, keyword: Using Header Arguments
headers, in code blocks: Environment of a Code Block
headline navigation: Motion
headline tagging: Tags
headline, promotion and demotion: Structure Editing
headlines: Headlines
headlines, in HTML export: Headlines in HTML export
Help links: External Links
hide text: Visibility Cycling
hiding leading stars: Clean View
hlines’, header argument: Results of Evaluation
hooks: Hooks (2)
horizontal rule, in tables: Built-in Table Editor
horizontal rules, in ASCII export: ASCII/Latin-1/UTF-8 export
horizontal rules, in LaTeX export: Horizontal rules in LaTeX export
horizontal rules, markup rules: Horizontal Rules
HTML export: HTML Export
HTML export, CSS: CSS support
HTML, and Orgtbl mode: Translator functions
HTML’, keyword: Quoting HTML tags
html-style’, ‘OPTIONS’ item: CSS support
HTML5’, export new elements: HTML doctypes
HTML_CONTAINER’, keyword: HTML specific export settings
HTML_CONTAINER_CLASS’, property: CSS support
HTML_DOCTYPE’, keyword: HTML specific export settings
HTML_HEAD’, keyword: HTML specific export settings
HTML_HEAD’, keyword: CSS support
HTML_HEADLINE_CLASS’, property: CSS support
HTML_HEAD_EXTRA’, keyword: HTML specific export settings
HTML_HEAD_EXTRA’, keyword: CSS support
HTML_INCLUDE_STYLE’, keyword: CSS support
HTML_LINK_HOME’, keyword: HTML specific export settings
HTML_LINK_UP’, keyword: HTML specific export settings
HTML_MATHJAX’, keyword: HTML specific export settings
hyperlinks: Hyperlinks
hyperlinks, adding new types: Adding Hyperlink Types

iCalendar export: iCalendar Export
ID’, property: Handling Links
ID’, property: Capturing column view
ID’, property: iCalendar Export
identify, ImageMagick: Images in ODT export
idle, resolve, dangling: Resolving idle time
image, centering in LaTeX export: Images in LaTeX export
ImageMagick: Math formatting in HTML export
ImageMagick: LaTeX math snippets
images, embedding in ODT: Images in ODT export
images, inline in HTML: Images in HTML export
images, inline in LaTeX: Images in LaTeX export
images, markup rules: Images
imenu.el: Cooperation
in-buffer settings: In-buffer Settings
inactive timestamp: Timestamps
include files, during export: Include Files
INCLUDE’, keyword: Include Files
Indent mode: Org Indent Mode
indentation, in code blocks: Editing Source Code
indentation, in source blocks: Literal Examples
index, in a publishing project: Generating an index
INDEX’, keyword: Generating an index
INDEX’, property: Indices
indic, Texinfo attribute: Plain lists in Texinfo export
Info: Documentation Access
Info directory file, in Texinfo export: Info directory file
Info links: External Links
INFOJS_OPT’, keyword: JavaScript support
inheritance, of properties: Property Inheritance
inheritance, of tags: Tag Inheritance
inline, in LaTeX export: Quoting LaTeX code
inlining images: Images
inlining images in HTML: Images in HTML export
inlining images in LaTeX: Images in LaTeX export
input-file’, macro: Macro Replacement
inserting links: Handling Links
insertion, of templates: Structure Templates
insertion, of templates: Structure Templates
install-info, in Texinfo export: Info directory file
installation: Installation
Installing Org protocol: Protocols
internal links: Internal Links
internal links, in HTML export: Links in HTML export
introduction: Introduction
IRC links: External Links
italic text, markup rules: Emphasis and Monospace
ITEM’, special property: Special Properties

jumping, to headlines: Motion

key bindings, global: Activation
keystroke index, in Texinfo export: Indices
keyword options: Per-file keywords
keyword’, macro: Macro Replacement
KEYWORDS’, keyword: Beamer specific export settings
KEYWORDS’, keyword: HTML specific export settings
KEYWORDS’, keyword: LaTeX specific export settings
KEYWORDS’, keyword: ODT specific export settings
KINDEX’, keyword: Indices

language specific default header arguments: Using Header Arguments
language specific header arguments properties: Using Header Arguments
language, in code blocks: Structure of Code Blocks
LANGUAGE’, keyword: Export Settings
LANGUAGE’, keyword: LaTeX specific export settings
LAST_REPEAT’, property: Clocking commands
LaTeX class: LaTeX header and sectioning
LaTeX export: LaTeX Export
LaTeX fragments: LaTeX fragments
LaTeX fragments, preview: Previewing LaTeX fragments
LaTeX header: LaTeX header and sectioning
LaTeX interpretation: Embedded LaTeX
LaTeX sectioning structure: LaTeX header and sectioning
LaTeX, and Orgtbl mode: A LaTeX example
LATEX’, keyword: Quoting LaTeX code
LATEX_CLASS’, keyword: LaTeX specific export settings
LATEX_CLASS’, keyword: LaTeX header and sectioning
LATEX_CLASS_OPTIONS’, keyword: LaTeX specific export settings
LATEX_CLASS_OPTIONS’, keyword: LaTeX header and sectioning
LATEX_COMPILER’, keyword: LaTeX/PDF export commands
LATEX_COMPILER’, keyword: LaTeX specific export settings
LATEX_HEADER’, keyword: HTML specific export settings
LATEX_HEADER’, keyword: LaTeX specific export settings
LATEX_HEADER’, keyword: LaTeX header and sectioning
LATEX_HEADER_EXTRA’, keyword: LaTeX specific export settings
LATEX_HEADER_EXTRA’, keyword: LaTeX header and sectioning
Latin-1 export: ASCII/Latin-1/UTF-8 export
lettered lists, in Texinfo export: Plain lists in Texinfo export
level, for tags/property match: Matching tags and properties
LibreOffice: OpenDocument Text Export
limits, in agenda: Filtering/limiting agenda items
line breaks, markup rules: Paragraphs
lines’, include: Include Files
link abbreviations: Link Abbreviations
link abbreviations, completion of: Completion
link completion: Handling Links
link format: Link Format
LINK’, keyword: Link Abbreviations
LINK’, keyword: In-buffer Settings
links, external: External Links
links, finding next/previous: Handling Links
links, handling: Handling Links
links, in HTML export: Links in HTML export
links, in ODT export: Links in ODT export
links, internal: Internal Links
links, publishing: Publishing links
links, radio targets: Radio Targets
links, returning to: Handling Links
linter: Org Syntax
Lisp forms, as table formulas: Formula syntax for Lisp
list of listings: Table of Contents
list of tables: Table of Contents
lists, in other modes: Tables in Arbitrary Syntax
lists, ordered: Plain Lists
lists, plain: Plain Lists
literal examples, markup rules: Literal Examples
LOCATION’, property: iCalendar Export
logging, of progress: Progress Logging
LOGGING’, property: Tracking TODO state changes
LOGGING’, property: Property Inheritance
LOG_INTO_DRAWER’, property: Tracking TODO state changes
LOG_INTO_DRAWER’, property: Clocking commands
lookup functions in tables: Lookup functions
lualatex: LaTeX/PDF export commands

macro replacement, during export: Macro Replacement
MACRO’, keyword: Macro Replacement
maintainer: Feedback
mapping entries, API: Using the Mapping API
mappings in open-source protocol: The open-source protocol
mark ring: Handling Links
Markdown export: Markdown Export
marking characters, tables: Advanced features
match view: Matching tags and properties
matching, of properties: Matching tags and properties
matching, of tags: Matching tags and properties
matching, tags: Tags
math symbols: Special Symbols
MathJax: Math formatting in HTML export
MathML: LaTeX math snippets
MH-E links: External Links
minlevel’, include: Include Files
minor mode for tables: Orgtbl Mode
mkdirp’, header argument: Environment of a Code Block
mkdirp’, header argument: Extracting Source Code
mode, for Calc: Formula syntax for Calc
modification-time’, macro: Macro Replacement
motion commands in agenda: Agenda Commands
motion, between headlines: Motion
multiple formula lines: Editing and debugging formulas
multiple items in Texinfo lists: Plain lists in Texinfo export

n’, macro: Macro Replacement
NAME’ keyword, in source blocks: Structure of Code Blocks
NAME’, keyword: References
NAME’, keyword: Internal Links
name, of column or field: References
name, of column or field: References
named references: References
names as TODO keywords: TODO types
narrow columns in tables: Column Width and Alignment
no-expand’, header argument: Extracting Source Code
NOBLOCKING’, property: TODO dependencies
noweb’, header argument: Noweb Reference Syntax
noweb-ref’, header argument: Noweb Reference Syntax
noweb-sep’, header argument: Noweb Reference Syntax
number headlines: Dynamic Headline Numbering

occur, command: Sparse Trees
occur-tree: Storing searches
odd-levels-only outlines: Clean View
ODT: OpenDocument Text Export
ODT’, keyword: Advanced topics in ODT export
ODT_STYLES_FILE’, keyword: ODT specific export settings
ODT_STYLES_FILE’, keyword: Applying custom styles
only-contents’, include: Include Files
open-source protocol: The open-source protocol
OpenDocument: OpenDocument Text Export
option keyword completion: Completion
options, for custom agenda views: Setting options
options, for export: Export Settings
options, for publishing: Publishing options
OPTIONS’, keyword: Export Settings
ordered lists: Plain Lists
ORDERED’, property: TODO dependencies
ORDERED’, property: Checkboxes
Org export: Org Export
Org mode, turning on: Activation
Org Num mode: Dynamic Headline Numbering
Org protocol, set-up: Protocols
org-agenda, command: Weekly/daily agenda
Orgtbl mode: Orgtbl Mode
Orgtbl mode: Tables in Arbitrary Syntax
ORGTBL’, keyword: Radio tables
outline tree: Headlines
output-dir’, header argument: Results of Evaluation
overview, global visibility state: Global and local cycling

packages, interaction with other: Interaction
padline’, header argument: Extracting Source Code
paragraphs, markup rules: Paragraphs
passing arguments to code blocks: Environment of a Code Block
pasting, of subtrees: Structure Editing
PDF export: LaTeX Export
pdflatex: LaTeX/PDF export commands
per-file keywords: Per-file keywords
PINDEX’, keyword: Indices
plain links: Link Format
plain lists: Plain Lists
plain lists, in LaTeX export: Plain lists in LaTeX export
plain text external links: External Links
plot tables using Gnuplot: Org Plot
PLOT’, keyword: Org Plot
post’, header argument: Results of Evaluation
presentation, of agenda items: Presentation and Sorting
print edition: Summary
printing sparse trees: Sparse Trees
priorities: Priorities
PRIORITIES’, keyword: Priorities
PRIORITIES’, keyword: In-buffer Settings
priorities, of agenda items: Sorting of agenda items
priority cookie: Priorities
PRIORITY’, special property: Special Properties
program index, in Texinfo export: Indices
progress logging: Progress Logging
projects, for publishing: Project alist
prologue’, header argument: Environment of a Code Block
promotion, of subtrees: Structure Editing
proof, in LaTeX export: Special blocks in LaTeX export
properties: Properties and Columns
properties, API: Using the Property API
properties, column view: Defining columns
properties, inheritance: Property Inheritance
properties, searching: Property Searches
properties, special: Special Properties
property syntax: Property Syntax
PROPERTY’, keyword: Property Syntax
PROPERTY’, keyword: In-buffer Settings
property’, macro: Macro Replacement
protocol, capture: The capture protocol
protocol, new protocol: Protocols
protocol, open-source: The open-source protocol
protocol, open-source rewritten URL: The open-source protocol
protocol, open-source, set-up mapping: The open-source protocol
protocol, store-link: The store-link protocol
protocols, for external access: Capture and Attachments
protocols, for external access: Protocols
publishing: Publishing
publishing options: Publishing options

query editing, in agenda: Filtering/limiting agenda items
quote blocks: Paragraphs

radio button, checkbox as: Checkboxes
radio tables: Radio tables
radio targets: Radio Targets
range formula: Field and range formulas
range references: References
ranges, time: Timestamps
recomputing table fields: Updating the table
references: References
references, named: References
references, remote: References
references, to a different table: References
references, to fields: References
references, to ranges: References
refiling notes: Refiling and Archiving
refiling notes: Refile and Copy
refresh set-up: In-buffer Settings
region, active: Structure Editing
regular expressions, with tags search: Matching tags and properties
relative timer: Timers
reminders: Weekly/daily agenda
remote editing, bulk, from agenda: Agenda Commands
remote editing, from agenda: Agenda Commands
remote editing, undo: Agenda Commands
remote references: References
repeated tasks: Repeated tasks
report, of clocked time: The clock table
reporting a bug: Feedback
resolve idle time: Resolving idle time
results’, header argument: Results of Evaluation
RESULTS’, keyword: Evaluating Code Blocks
results’, macro: Macro Replacement
revealing context: Global and local cycling
rewritten URL in open-source protocol: The open-source protocol
Rmail links: External Links
row separator, in tables: Built-in Table Editor
row, of field coordinates: References
rownames’, header argument: Environment of a Code Block
RSS feeds: Capture and Attachments
RSS feeds: RSS Feeds
rsync: Uploading Files

SCHEDULED’ marker: Deadlines and Scheduling
SCHEDULED’, special property: Special Properties
scheduling: Timestamps
scripts, for agenda processing: Extracting Agenda Information
search option in file links: Search Options
search strings, custom: Custom Searches
search view: Search view
searching for tags: Tag Searches
searching, for text: Search view
searching, of properties: Property Searches
sectioning structure, for LaTeX export: LaTeX header and sectioning
SELECT_TAGS’, keyword: Export Settings
sep’, header argument: Results of Evaluation
sep, Texinfo attribute: Plain lists in Texinfo export
SEQ_TODO’, keyword: Per-file keywords
SEQ_TODO’, keyword: In-buffer Settings
session’, header argument: Environment of a Code Block
setting tags: Setting Tags
SETUPFILE’, keyword: Export Settings
SETUPFILE’, keyword: In-buffer Settings
sexp timestamps: Timestamps
shebang’, header argument: Extracting Source Code
shell links: External Links
shift-selection: Conflicts
shift-selection-mode: Plain Lists
show all, command: Global and local cycling
show all, global visibility state: Global and local cycling
show branches, command: Global and local cycling
show children, command: Global and local cycling
show hidden text: Visibility Cycling
shy hyphen, special symbol: Special Symbols
sitemap, of published pages: Site map
smartphone: Org Mobile
sorting, of agenda items: Sorting of agenda items
sorting, of plain list: Plain Lists
sorting, of subtrees: Structure Editing
source block: Literal Examples
source blocks, in LaTeX export: Source blocks in LaTeX export
source code, batch execution: Batch Execution
source code, block structure: Structure of Code Blocks
source code, editing: Editing Source Code
source code, evaluating: Evaluating Code Blocks
source code, exporting: Exporting Code Blocks
source code, extracting: Extracting Source Code
source code, inline: Structure of Code Blocks
source code, languages: Languages
source code, library: Library of Babel
source code, noweb reference: Noweb Reference Syntax
source code, results of evaluation: Results of Evaluation
source code, working with: Working with Source Code
sparse tree, for deadlines: Inserting deadline/schedule
sparse tree, for TODO: TODO Basics
sparse tree, tag based: Tags
sparse trees: Sparse Trees
special blocks, in ASCII export: ASCII/Latin-1/UTF-8 export
special blocks, in LaTeX export: Special blocks in LaTeX export
special keywords: In-buffer Settings
special symbols: Special Symbols
special symbols, in-buffer display: Special Symbols
speed keys: Speed Keys
speedbar.el: Cooperation
spreadsheet capabilities: The Spreadsheet
square brackets, around links: External Links
startup visibility: Global and local cycling
STARTUP’, keyword: Initial visibility
STARTUP, keyword: Blocks
STARTUP’, keyword: In-buffer Settings
statistics, for checkboxes: Checkboxes
statistics, for TODO items: Breaking Down Tasks
store-link protocol: The store-link protocol
storing link, in a source code buffer: Literal Examples
storing links: Handling Links
strike-through text, markup rules: Emphasis and Monospace
structure editing: Structure Editing
structure of document: Document Structure
STYLE’, property: Tracking your habits
styles, custom: Applying custom styles
styles, custom: Advanced topics in ODT export
SUBAUTHOR’, keyword: Texinfo specific export settings
SUBAUTHOR’, keyword: Texinfo title and copyright page
sublevels, inclusion into tags match: Tag Inheritance
sublevels, inclusion into TODO list: Global TODO list
subscript: Subscripts and Superscripts
SUBTITLE’, keyword: ASCII/Latin-1/UTF-8 export
SUBTITLE’, keyword: Beamer specific export settings
SUBTITLE’, keyword: HTML specific export settings
SUBTITLE’, keyword: LaTeX specific export settings
SUBTITLE’, keyword: ODT specific export settings
SUBTITLE’, keyword: Texinfo specific export settings
subtree cycling: Global and local cycling
subtree visibility states: Global and local cycling
subtree, cut and paste: Structure Editing
subtree, subtree visibility state: Global and local cycling
subtrees, cut and paste: Structure Editing
summary: Summary
SUMMARY’, property: iCalendar Export
superscript: Subscripts and Superscripts
switches, in code blocks: Structure of Code Blocks
syntax checker: Org Syntax
syntax, noweb: Noweb Reference Syntax
syntax, of formulas: Formula syntax for Calc

table editor, built-in: Built-in Table Editor
table editor, table.el: Cooperation
table indirection: References
table lookup functions: Lookup functions
table of contents: Table of Contents
table of contents, exclude entries: Table of Contents
table syntax: Built-in Table Editor
table-type, Texinfo attribute: Plain lists in Texinfo export
table.el: Cooperation
tables: Tables
tables, in HTML: Tables in HTML export
tables, in LaTeX export: Tables in LaTeX export
tables, in ODT export: Tables in ODT export
tables, in ODT export: Advanced topics in ODT export
tables, in other modes: Tables in Arbitrary Syntax
tag completion: Completion
tag filtering, in agenda: Filtering/limiting agenda items
tag inheritance: Tag Inheritance
tag searches: Tag Searches
tags: Tags
tags hierarchy: Tag Hierarchy
tags view: Matching tags and properties
tags, as an agenda view: Storing searches
tags, groups: Tag Hierarchy
TAGS’, keyword: Setting Tags
TAGS’, keyword: In-buffer Settings
tags, setting: Setting Tags
TAGS’, special property: Special Properties
tags-todo: Storing searches
tags-tree: Storing searches
tangle’, header argument: Extracting Source Code
tangle-mode’, header argument: Extracting Source Code
tangling: Extracting Source Code
targets, for links: Internal Links
targets, radio: Radio Targets
tasks, breaking down: Breaking Down Tasks
tasks, repeated: Repeated tasks
TBLFM’ keywords, multiple: Editing and debugging formulas
TBLFM’, keyword: Field and range formulas
TBLFM’, switching: Editing and debugging formulas
template expansion: Structure Templates
template insertion: Structure Templates
template, custom: Applying custom styles
template, custom: Advanced topics in ODT export
templates, for Capture: Capture templates
Tempo: Structure Templates
TeX interpretation: Embedded LaTeX
TeX symbol completion: Completion
TEXINFO’, keyword: Quoting Texinfo code
TEXINFO_CLASS’, keyword: Texinfo specific export settings
TEXINFO_CLASS’, keyword: Texinfo file header
TEXINFO_CLASS’, keyword: Headings and sectioning structure
TEXINFO_DIR_CATEGORY’, keyword: Texinfo specific export settings
TEXINFO_DIR_CATEGORY’, keyword: Info directory file
TEXINFO_DIR_DESC’, keyword: Texinfo specific export settings
TEXINFO_DIR_DESC’, keyword: Info directory file
TEXINFO_DIR_TITLE’, keyword: Texinfo specific export settings
TEXINFO_DIR_TITLE’, keyword: Info directory file
TEXINFO_FILENAME’, keyword: Texinfo specific export settings
TEXINFO_FILENAME’, keyword: Texinfo file header
TEXINFO_HEADER’, keyword: Texinfo specific export settings
TEXINFO_HEADER’, keyword: Texinfo file header
TEXINFO_POST_HEADER’, keyword: Texinfo specific export settings
TEXINFO_PRINTED_TITLE’, keyword: Texinfo specific export settings
TEXINFO_PRINTED_TITLE’, keyword: Texinfo title and copyright page
text areas, in HTML: Text areas in HTML export
text search: Search view
time clocking: Clocking Work Time
time format, custom: Custom time format
time grid: Time-of-day specifications
time, computing: Durations and time values
time’, macro: Macro Replacement
time, reading in minibuffer: The date/time prompt
time-of-day specification: Time-of-day specifications
timerange: Timestamps
times: Dates and Times
timestamp: Dates and Times
timestamp: Timestamps
timestamp, inactive: Timestamps
TIMESTAMP’, special property: Special Properties
timestamp, with repeater interval: Timestamps
timestamps: Timestamps
TIMESTAMP_IA’, special property: Special Properties
TIMEZONE’, property: iCalendar Export
TINDEX’, keyword: Indices
TITLE’, keyword: Export Settings
title’, macro: Macro Replacement
toc’, in ‘OPTIONS’ keyword: Table of Contents
TOC’, keyword: Table of Contents
TODO dependencies: TODO dependencies
TODO dependencies, ‘NOBLOCKING: TODO dependencies
TODO items: TODO Items
TODO keyword matching: Global TODO list
TODO keyword matching, with tags search: Matching tags and properties
TODO keyword sets: Multiple sets in one file
TODO keywords completion: Completion
TODO list, global: Global TODO list
TODO types: TODO types
TODO workflow: Workflow states
todo, as an agenda view: Storing searches
TODO’, keyword: Per-file keywords
TODO’, keyword: In-buffer Settings
TODO’, special property: Special Properties
todo-tree: Storing searches
top headline filtering, in agenda: Filtering/limiting agenda items
Top node, in Texinfo export: Headings and sectioning structure
transient mark mode: Structure Editing
translator function: Translator functions
trees, sparse: Sparse Trees
trees, visibility: Visibility Cycling
tty key bindings: TTY Keys
two-column tables, in Texinfo export: Plain lists in Texinfo export
types as TODO keywords: TODO types
TYP_TODO’, keyword: Per-file keywords
TYP_TODO’, keyword: In-buffer Settings

underlined text, markup rules: Emphasis and Monospace
undoing remote-editing events: Agenda Commands
unison: Uploading Files
UNNUMBERED’, property: Export Settings
unoconv: Extending ODT export
updating, table: Updating the table
URL links: External Links
Usenet links: External Links
using sessions in code blocks: Environment of a Code Block
UTF-8 export: ASCII/Latin-1/UTF-8 export

var’, header argument: Environment of a Code Block
variable index, in Texinfo export: Indices
vectors, in table calculations: Formula syntax for Calc
verbatim blocks, in LaTeX export: Example blocks in LaTeX export
verbatim text, markup rules: Emphasis and Monospace
verse blocks: Paragraphs
view file commands in agenda: Agenda Commands
VINDEX’, keyword: Indices
viper.el: Conflicts
visibility cycling: Visibility Cycling
visibility cycling, drawers: Drawers
VISIBILITY’, property: Initial visibility
visible text, printing: Sparse Trees
VM links: External Links

Wanderlust links: External Links
weekly agenda: Weekly/daily agenda
windmove.el: Conflicts
workflow states as TODO keywords: Workflow states
working directory, in a code block: Environment of a Code Block
wrap’, header argument: Results of Evaluation

xelatex: LaTeX/PDF export commands

yasnippet.el: Conflicts

zero width space: Escape Character
zip: Pre-requisites for ODT export

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E Key Index

Jump to:   !   #   $   %   '   *   +   ,   -   .   /   1   :   <   >   ?   [   ^   _   `  
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Index Entry  Section

!: Setting Tags
! (Agenda dispatcher): Stuck projects

# (Agenda dispatcher): Stuck projects

$: Agenda Commands

%: Agenda Commands

': CDLaTeX mode

*: Agenda Commands
* (Agenda dispatcher): Agenda Dispatcher

+: Agenda Commands

,: Agenda Commands

-: Agenda Commands

.: The date/time prompt
.: Agenda Commands

/ (Agenda dispatcher): Agenda Dispatcher

1..9,0: Using column view

:: Agenda Commands

<: Using column view
<: The date/time prompt
< (Agenda dispatcher): Agenda Dispatcher
< < (Agenda dispatcher): Agenda Dispatcher

>: Using column view
>: The date/time prompt
>: Agenda Commands

? (Agenda dispatcher): Pulling from the mobile application

[: Agenda Commands

^: CDLaTeX mode

_: CDLaTeX mode

`: CDLaTeX mode

a: Using column view
A: Agenda Commands
a: Agenda Commands
a (Agenda dispatcher): Weekly/daily agenda

b: Agenda Commands
B: Agenda Commands

C: Resolving idle time
c: Agenda Commands
c: Agenda Commands
C: Agenda Commands
C (Agenda dispatcher): Storing searches
C (Capture menu: Capture templates
C-#: Advanced features
C-': Agenda Files
C-,: Agenda Files
C-.: The date/time prompt
C-0 C-c C-w: Refile and Copy
C-2 C-c C-w: Refile and Copy
C-3 C-c C-w: Refile and Copy
C-c !: Creating Timestamps
C-c #: Checkboxes
C-c $: Moving subtrees
C-c %: Handling Links
C-c &: Handling Links
C-c ': Editing and debugging formulas
C-c ': Literal Examples
C-c ': Include Files
C-c ': Editing Source Code
C-c ': Cooperation
C-c *: Structure Editing
C-c *: Plain Lists
C-c *: Updating the table
C-c +: Built-in Table Editor
C-c ,: Priorities
C-c -: Plain Lists
C-c -: Built-in Table Editor
C-c .: Creating Timestamps
C-c /: Sparse Trees
C-c /: Conflicts
C-c / /: Sparse Trees
C-c / a: Inserting deadline/schedule
C-c / b: Inserting deadline/schedule
C-c / d: Inserting deadline/schedule
C-c / m: Tag Searches
C-c / m: Property Searches
C-c / p: Property Searches
C-c / r: Sparse Trees
C-c / t: TODO Basics
C-c ;: Comment Lines
C-c <: Creating Timestamps
C-c =: Column formulas
C-c =: Editing and debugging formulas
C-c >: Creating Timestamps
C-c ?: Editing and debugging formulas
C-c @: Structure Editing
C-c C-*: Plain Lists
C-c C-,: Structure Templates
C-c C-a: Attachment defaults and dispatcher
C-c C-a: Agenda Commands
C-c C-a a: Attachment defaults and dispatcher
C-c C-a b: Attachment defaults and dispatcher
C-c C-a c: Attachment defaults and dispatcher
C-c C-a d: Attachment defaults and dispatcher
C-c C-a D: Attachment defaults and dispatcher
C-c C-a f: Attachment defaults and dispatcher
C-c C-a F: Attachment defaults and dispatcher
C-c C-a l: Attachment defaults and dispatcher
C-c C-a m: Attachment defaults and dispatcher
C-c C-a n: Attachment defaults and dispatcher
C-c C-a o: Attachment defaults and dispatcher
C-c C-a O: Attachment defaults and dispatcher
C-c C-a s: Attachment defaults and dispatcher
C-c C-a S: Attachment defaults and dispatcher
C-c C-a z: Attachment defaults and dispatcher
C-c C-b: Motion
C-c C-b: Editing support
C-c C-c: Plain Lists
C-c C-c: Built-in Table Editor
C-c C-c: Column Width and Alignment
C-c C-c: Editing and debugging formulas
C-c C-c: Editing and debugging formulas
C-c C-c: Editing and debugging formulas
C-c C-c: Checkboxes
C-c C-c: Setting Tags
C-c C-c: Setting Tags
C-c C-c: Property Syntax
C-c C-c: Using column view
C-c C-c: Using column view
C-c C-c: Capturing column view
C-c C-c: Creating Timestamps
C-c C-c: Clocking commands
C-c C-c: The clock table
C-c C-c: Creating Footnotes
C-c C-c: Evaluating Code Blocks
C-c C-c: Key bindings and Useful Functions
C-c C-c: The Very Busy C-c C-c Key
C-c C-c (Capture buffer): Using capture
C-c C-c c: Property Syntax
C-c C-c d: Property Syntax
C-c C-c D: Property Syntax
C-c C-c m m: Markdown Export
C-c C-c m M: Markdown Export
C-c C-c s: Property Syntax
C-c C-d: Inserting deadline/schedule
C-c C-d: Agenda Commands
C-c C-e: The Export Dispatcher
C-c C-e c a: iCalendar Export
C-c C-e c c: iCalendar Export
C-c C-e c f: iCalendar Export
C-c C-e C-a: The Export Dispatcher
C-c C-e C-b: The Export Dispatcher
C-c C-e C-s: The Export Dispatcher
C-c C-e C-v: Sparse Trees
C-c C-e C-v: The Export Dispatcher
C-c C-e h h: HTML export commands
C-c C-e h H: HTML export commands
C-c C-e h o: HTML export commands
C-c C-e i i: Texinfo export commands
C-c C-e i t: Texinfo export commands
C-c C-e l b: Beamer export commands
C-c C-e l B: Beamer export commands
C-c C-e l l: LaTeX/PDF export commands
C-c C-e l L: LaTeX/PDF export commands
C-c C-e l O: Beamer export commands
C-c C-e l o: LaTeX/PDF export commands
C-c C-e l P: Beamer export commands
C-c C-e l p: LaTeX/PDF export commands
C-c C-e m o: Markdown Export
C-c C-e o o: ODT export commands
C-c C-e o O: ODT export commands
C-c C-e O o: Org Export
C-c C-e O v: Org Export
C-c C-e P a: Triggering Publication
C-c C-e P f: Triggering Publication
C-c C-e P p: Triggering Publication
C-c C-e P x: Triggering Publication
C-c C-e t a: ASCII/Latin-1/UTF-8 export
C-c C-e t A: ASCII/Latin-1/UTF-8 export
C-c C-e t l: ASCII/Latin-1/UTF-8 export
C-c C-e t L: ASCII/Latin-1/UTF-8 export
C-c C-e t u: ASCII/Latin-1/UTF-8 export
C-c C-e t U: ASCII/Latin-1/UTF-8 export
C-c C-f: Motion
C-c C-j: Motion
C-c C-k: Global and local cycling
C-c C-k (Capture buffer): Using capture
C-c C-l: Handling Links
C-c C-n: Motion
C-c C-o: Handling Links
C-c C-o: Creating Timestamps
C-c C-o: Agenda Commands
C-c C-o: Creating Footnotes
C-c C-o: Key bindings and Useful Functions
C-c C-p: Motion
C-c C-q: Editing and debugging formulas
C-c C-q: Setting Tags
C-c C-r: Global and local cycling
C-c C-r: Editing and debugging formulas
C-c C-s: Inserting deadline/schedule
C-c C-s: Agenda Commands
C-c C-t: TODO Basics
C-c C-t: Clocking commands
C-c C-u: Motion
C-c C-v a: Key bindings and Useful Functions
C-c C-v b: Key bindings and Useful Functions
C-c C-v c: Key bindings and Useful Functions
C-c C-v C-a: Key bindings and Useful Functions
C-c C-v C-b: Key bindings and Useful Functions
C-c C-v C-c: Key bindings and Useful Functions
C-c C-v C-d: Key bindings and Useful Functions
C-c C-v C-e: Key bindings and Useful Functions
C-c C-v C-f: Key bindings and Useful Functions
C-c C-v C-g: Key bindings and Useful Functions
C-c C-v C-h: Key bindings and Useful Functions
C-c C-v C-i: Key bindings and Useful Functions
C-c C-v C-I: Key bindings and Useful Functions
C-c C-v C-j: Key bindings and Useful Functions
C-c C-v C-l: Key bindings and Useful Functions
C-c C-v C-n: Key bindings and Useful Functions
C-c C-v C-o: Key bindings and Useful Functions
C-c C-v C-p: Key bindings and Useful Functions
C-c C-v C-r: Key bindings and Useful Functions
C-c C-v C-s: Key bindings and Useful Functions
C-c C-v C-t: Key bindings and Useful Functions
C-c C-v C-u: Key bindings and Useful Functions
C-c C-v C-v: Noweb Reference Syntax
C-c C-v C-v: Key bindings and Useful Functions
C-c C-v C-x: Key bindings and Useful Functions
C-c C-v C-z: Key bindings and Useful Functions
C-c C-v d: Key bindings and Useful Functions
C-c C-v e: Evaluating Code Blocks
C-c C-v e: Key bindings and Useful Functions
C-c C-v f: Extracting Source Code
C-c C-v f: Key bindings and Useful Functions
C-c C-v g: Key bindings and Useful Functions
C-c C-v h: Key bindings and Useful Functions
C-c C-v i: Library of Babel
C-c C-v i: Key bindings and Useful Functions
C-c C-v I: Key bindings and Useful Functions
C-c C-v j: Key bindings and Useful Functions
C-c C-v l: Key bindings and Useful Functions
C-c C-v n: Key bindings and Useful Functions
C-c C-v o: Key bindings and Useful Functions
C-c C-v p: Key bindings and Useful Functions
C-c C-v r: Key bindings and Useful Functions
C-c C-v s: Key bindings and Useful Functions
C-c C-v t: Extracting Source Code
C-c C-v t: Key bindings and Useful Functions
C-c C-v u: Key bindings and Useful Functions
C-c C-v v: Noweb Reference Syntax
C-c C-v v: Key bindings and Useful Functions
C-c C-v x: Key bindings and Useful Functions
C-c C-v z: Key bindings and Useful Functions
C-c C-w: Structure Editing
C-c C-w: Refile and Copy
C-c C-w: Agenda Commands
C-c C-w (Capture buffer): Using capture
C-c C-x ,: Timers
C-c C-x -: Timers
C-c C-x .: Timers
C-c C-x 0: Timers
C-c C-x ;: Timers
C-c C-x <: Agenda Files
C-c C-x >: Agenda Files
C-c C-x >: Agenda Commands
C-c C-x a: Internal archiving
C-c C-x A: Internal archiving
C-c C-x a: Agenda Commands
C-c C-x A: Agenda Commands
C-c C-x b: Global and local cycling
C-c C-x b: Agenda Commands
C-c C-x c: Structure Editing
C-c C-x C-a: Archiving
C-c C-x C-a: Agenda Commands
C-c C-x C-b: Checkboxes
C-c C-x C-c: Using column view
C-c C-x C-c: Agenda Commands
C-c C-x C-c: Agenda Column View
C-c C-x C-d: Clocking commands
C-c C-x C-e: Clocking commands
C-c C-x C-e: Effort Estimates
C-c C-x C-i: Clocking commands
C-c C-x C-j: Clocking commands
C-c C-x C-l: Previewing LaTeX fragments
C-c C-x C-n: Handling Links
C-c C-x C-o: Clocking commands
C-c C-x C-p: Handling Links
C-c C-x C-q: Clocking commands
C-c C-x C-r: Checkboxes
C-c C-x C-s: Moving subtrees
C-c C-x C-s: Agenda Commands
C-c C-x C-t: Custom time format
C-c C-x C-u: Capturing column view
C-c C-x C-u: The clock table
C-c C-x C-u: Dynamic Blocks
C-c C-x C-v: Images
C-c C-x C-w: Structure Editing
C-c C-x C-w: Built-in Table Editor
C-c C-x C-x: Clocking commands
C-c C-x C-y: Structure Editing
C-c C-x C-y: Built-in Table Editor
C-c C-x d: Drawers
C-c C-x e: Effort Estimates
C-c C-x e: Agenda Commands
C-c C-x f: Creating Footnotes
C-c C-x g: RSS Feeds
C-c C-x G: RSS Feeds
C-c C-x I: Documentation Access
C-c C-x M-w: Structure Editing
C-c C-x M-w: Built-in Table Editor
C-c C-x o: TODO dependencies
C-c C-x o: Checkboxes
C-c C-x p: Property Syntax
C-c C-x p: Using Header Arguments
C-c C-x q: Tag Hierarchy
C-c C-x v: Global and local cycling
C-c C-x x: Capturing column view
C-c C-x x: The clock table
C-c C-x x: Dynamic Blocks
C-c C-x \: Subscripts and Superscripts
C-c C-x \: Special Symbols
C-c C-x _: Timers
C-c C-y: Creating Timestamps
C-c C-y: Clocking commands
C-c C-z: Drawers
C-c C-z: Agenda Commands
C-c M-w: Refile and Copy
C-c RET: Built-in Table Editor
C-c SPC: Built-in Table Editor
C-c TAB: Global and local cycling
C-c TAB: Column Width and Alignment
C-c [: Agenda Files
C-c \: Tag Searches
C-c \: Property Searches
C-c ]: Agenda Files
C-c ^: Structure Editing
C-c ^: Plain Lists
C-c ^: Built-in Table Editor
C-c `: Built-in Table Editor
C-c {: Editing and debugging formulas
C-c {: CDLaTeX mode
C-c |: Built-in Table Editor
C-c |: Built-in Table Editor
C-c }: Editing and debugging formulas
C-c }: Editing and debugging formulas
C-c ~: Cooperation
C-g: Setting Tags
C-k: Agenda Commands
C-RET: Structure Editing
C-S-DOWN: Clocking commands
C-S-LEFT: Multiple sets in one file
C-S-LEFT: Agenda Commands
C-S-RET: Structure Editing
C-S-RIGHT: Multiple sets in one file
C-S-RIGHT: Agenda Commands
C-S-UP: Clocking commands
C-TAB: Internal archiving
C-u C-c !: Creating Timestamps
C-u C-c *: Updating the table
C-u C-c .: Creating Timestamps
C-u C-c =: Field and range formulas
C-u C-c =: Editing and debugging formulas
C-u C-c C-c: Updating the table
C-u C-c C-l: Handling Links
C-u C-c C-t: Progress Logging
C-u C-c C-w: Refile and Copy
C-u C-c C-x a: Internal archiving
C-u C-c C-x C-s: Moving subtrees
C-u C-c C-x C-u: Capturing column view
C-u C-c C-x C-u: The clock table
C-u C-c C-x C-u: Dynamic Blocks
C-u C-c TAB: Column Width and Alignment
C-u C-u C-c !: Creating Timestamps
C-u C-u C-c *: Updating the table
C-u C-u C-c .: Creating Timestamps
C-u C-u C-c =: Editing and debugging formulas
C-u C-u C-c C-c: Updating the table
C-u C-u C-c C-t: Multiple sets in one file
C-u C-u C-c C-w: Refile and Copy
C-u C-u C-c C-x C-s: Moving subtrees
C-u C-u C-c TAB: Column Width and Alignment
C-u C-u C-u C-c C-w: Refile and Copy
C-u C-u C-u C-u C-c C-t: TODO dependencies
C-u C-u C-u TAB: Global and local cycling
C-u C-u TAB: Global and local cycling
C-u C-u TAB: Initial visibility
C-u TAB: Global and local cycling
C-v: The date/time prompt
C-x C-s: Editing and debugging formulas
C-x C-s: Agenda Commands
C-x C-s: Editing Source Code
C-x C-w: Exporting Agenda Views
C-x n b: Structure Editing
C-x n s: Structure Editing
C-x n w: Structure Editing
C-y: Structure Editing
C-_: Agenda Commands

d: Agenda Commands
D: Agenda Commands

e: Using column view
E: Agenda Commands
e: Agenda Commands
e (Agenda dispatcher): Exporting Agenda Views

F: Agenda Commands
f: Agenda Commands

g: Using column view
G: Agenda Commands
g: Agenda Commands

H: Agenda Commands

I: Agenda Commands
i: Agenda Commands

j: Agenda Commands
J: Agenda Commands
J: Agenda Commands

k: Resolving idle time
K: Resolving idle time
k: Agenda Commands
k c (Agenda): Using capture

l: Agenda Commands

m: Agenda Commands
M: Agenda Commands
m (Agenda dispatcher): Tag Searches
M (Agenda dispatcher): Tag Searches
m (Agenda dispatcher): Property Searches
M (Agenda dispatcher): Property Searches
m (Agenda dispatcher): Matching tags and properties
M (Agenda dispatcher): Matching tags and properties
M-*: Agenda Commands
M-a: Built-in Table Editor
M-DOWN: Structure Editing
M-DOWN: Plain Lists
M-DOWN: Built-in Table Editor
M-DOWN: Editing and debugging formulas
M-DOWN: Agenda Commands
M-DOWN: Key bindings and Useful Functions
M-e: Built-in Table Editor
M-g M-n: Sparse Trees
M-g M-p: Sparse Trees
M-g n: Sparse Trees
M-g p: Sparse Trees
M-LEFT: Structure Editing
M-LEFT: Plain Lists
M-LEFT: Built-in Table Editor
M-m: Agenda Commands
M-RET: Structure Editing
M-RET: Plain Lists
M-RET: Built-in Table Editor
M-RET: Timers
M-RIGHT: Structure Editing
M-RIGHT: Plain Lists
M-RIGHT: Built-in Table Editor
M-S-DOWN: Built-in Table Editor
M-S-DOWN: Editing and debugging formulas
M-S-LEFT: Structure Editing
M-S-LEFT: Plain Lists
M-S-LEFT: Built-in Table Editor
M-S-LEFT: The date/time prompt
M-S-RET: Structure Editing
M-S-RET: Plain Lists
M-S-RET: Checkboxes
M-S-RIGHT: Structure Editing
M-S-RIGHT: Plain Lists
M-S-RIGHT: Built-in Table Editor
M-S-RIGHT: The date/time prompt
M-S-UP: Built-in Table Editor
M-S-UP: Editing and debugging formulas
M-TAB: Editing and debugging formulas
M-TAB: Per-file keywords
M-TAB: Setting Tags
M-TAB: Property Syntax
M-TAB: Completion
M-UP: Structure Editing
M-UP: Plain Lists
M-UP: Built-in Table Editor
M-UP: Editing and debugging formulas
M-UP: Agenda Commands
M-UP: Key bindings and Useful Functions
M-v: The date/time prompt
mouse-1: Handling Links
mouse-1: The date/time prompt
mouse-1: Creating Footnotes
mouse-2: Handling Links
mouse-2: Agenda Commands
mouse-2: Creating Footnotes
mouse-3: Handling Links
mouse-3: Agenda Commands

n: Using column view
n: Agenda Commands

o: Agenda Commands
O: Agenda Commands

p: Using column view
p: Agenda Commands

q: Setting Tags
q: Using column view
q: Agenda Commands

r: Using column view
r: Global TODO list
R: Agenda Commands
r: Agenda Commands
RET: Built-in Table Editor
RET: Handling Links
RET: Setting Tags
RET: The date/time prompt
RET: Agenda Commands

s: Resolving idle time
S: Resolving idle time
s: Agenda Commands
S: Agenda Commands
s (Agenda dispatcher): Agenda Dispatcher
s (Agenda dispatcher): Search view
S-DOWN: Plain Lists
S-DOWN: Built-in Table Editor
S-DOWN: Editing and debugging formulas
S-DOWN: Priorities
S-DOWN: Creating Timestamps
S-DOWN: The date/time prompt
S-DOWN: Agenda Commands
S-LEFT: Plain Lists
S-LEFT: Built-in Table Editor
S-LEFT: Editing and debugging formulas
S-LEFT: Multiple sets in one file
S-LEFT: Property Syntax
S-LEFT: Using column view
S-LEFT: Creating Timestamps
S-LEFT: The date/time prompt
S-LEFT: The clock table
S-LEFT: Agenda Commands
S-M-DOWN: Clocking commands
S-M-LEFT: Using column view
S-M-RET: TODO Basics
S-M-RIGHT: Using column view
S-M-UP: Clocking commands
S-RET: Built-in Table Editor
S-RIGHT: Plain Lists
S-RIGHT: Built-in Table Editor
S-RIGHT: Editing and debugging formulas
S-RIGHT: Multiple sets in one file
S-RIGHT: Property Syntax
S-RIGHT: Using column view
S-RIGHT: Creating Timestamps
S-RIGHT: The date/time prompt
S-RIGHT: The clock table
S-RIGHT: Agenda Commands
S-TAB: Global and local cycling
S-TAB: Built-in Table Editor
S-UP: Plain Lists
S-UP: Built-in Table Editor
S-UP: Editing and debugging formulas
S-UP: Priorities
S-UP: Creating Timestamps
S-UP: The date/time prompt
S-UP: Agenda Commands
SPC: Setting Tags
SPC: Agenda Commands

t: Agenda Commands
T: Agenda Commands
t (Agenda dispatcher): TODO Basics
t (Agenda dispatcher): Global TODO list
T (Agenda dispatcher): Global TODO list
TAB: Global and local cycling
TAB: Structure Editing
TAB: Plain Lists
TAB: Built-in Table Editor
TAB: Editing and debugging formulas
TAB: Setting Tags
TAB: Agenda Commands
TAB: CDLaTeX mode

u: Agenda Commands
U: Agenda Commands

v: Using column view
v a: Agenda Commands
v A: Agenda Commands
v c: Agenda Commands
v d: Agenda Commands
v E: Agenda Commands
v l: Agenda Commands
v L: Agenda Commands
v m: Agenda Commands
v R: Agenda Commands
v SPC: Agenda Commands
v w: Agenda Commands
v y: Agenda Commands
v [: Agenda Commands

w: Agenda Commands

X: Agenda Commands
x: Agenda Commands

z: Agenda Commands

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F Command and Function Index

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Index Entry  Section

lisp-complete-symbol: Editing and debugging formulas

next-error: Sparse Trees

or-clock-goto: Clocking commands
org-agenda: Activation
org-agenda-add-note: Agenda Commands
org-agenda-archive: Agenda Commands
org-agenda-archive-default-with-confirmation: Agenda Commands
org-agenda-archive-to-archive-sibling: Agenda Commands
org-agenda-archives-mode: Agenda Commands
org-agenda-bulk-action: Agenda Commands
org-agenda-bulk-mark: Agenda Commands
org-agenda-bulk-mark-all: Agenda Commands
org-agenda-bulk-mark-regexp: Agenda Commands
org-agenda-bulk-remove-all-marks: Agenda Commands
org-agenda-bulk-toggle: Agenda Commands
org-agenda-bulk-toggle-all: Agenda Commands
org-agenda-bulk-unmark: Agenda Commands
org-agenda-capture: Agenda Commands
org-agenda-clock-cancel: Agenda Commands
org-agenda-clock-goto: Agenda Commands
org-agenda-clock-goto: Agenda Commands
org-agenda-clock-in: Agenda Commands
org-agenda-clock-out: Agenda Commands
org-agenda-clockreport-mode: Agenda Commands
org-agenda-columns: Agenda Commands
org-agenda-columns: Agenda Column View
org-agenda-convert-date: Agenda Commands
org-agenda-date-prompt: Agenda Commands
org-agenda-day-view: Agenda Commands
org-agenda-deadline: Agenda Commands
org-agenda-diary-entry: Agenda Commands
org-agenda-do-date-earlier: Agenda Commands
org-agenda-do-date-later: Agenda Commands
org-agenda-drag-line-backward: Agenda Commands
org-agenda-drag-line-forward: Agenda Commands
org-agenda-earlier: Agenda Commands
org-agenda-entry-text-mode: Agenda Commands
org-agenda-exit: Agenda Commands
org-agenda-file-to-front: Agenda Files
org-agenda-filter: Filtering/limiting agenda items
org-agenda-filter-by-category: Filtering/limiting agenda items
org-agenda-filter-by-effort: Filtering/limiting agenda items
org-agenda-filter-by-regexp: Filtering/limiting agenda items
org-agenda-filter-by-tag: Filtering/limiting agenda items
org-agenda-filter-by-top-headline: Filtering/limiting agenda items
org-agenda-follow-mode: Agenda Commands
org-agenda-goto: Agenda Commands
org-agenda-goto-calendar: Agenda Commands
org-agenda-goto-date: Agenda Commands
org-agenda-goto-today: Agenda Commands
org-agenda-holidays: Agenda Commands
org-agenda-kill: Agenda Commands
org-agenda-later: Agenda Commands
org-agenda-limit-interactively: Filtering/limiting agenda items
org-agenda-list: Weekly/daily agenda
org-agenda-list-stuck-projects: Stuck projects
org-agenda-log-mode: Agenda Commands
org-agenda-manipulate-query-add: Agenda Commands
org-agenda-month-view: Agenda Commands
org-agenda-next-line: Agenda Commands
org-agenda-open-link: Agenda Commands
org-agenda-phases-of-moon: Agenda Commands
org-agenda-previous-line: Agenda Commands
org-agenda-priority: Agenda Commands
org-agenda-priority-down: Agenda Commands
org-agenda-priority-up: Agenda Commands
org-agenda-quit: Agenda Commands
org-agenda-recenter: Agenda Commands
org-agenda-redo: Agenda Commands
org-agenda-refile: Agenda Commands
org-agenda-remove-restriction-lock: Agenda Files
org-agenda-remove-restriction-lock: Agenda Files
org-agenda-remove-restriction-lock: Agenda Commands
org-agenda-reset-view: Agenda Commands
org-agenda-schedule: Agenda Commands
org-agenda-set-effort: Agenda Commands
org-agenda-set-restriction-lock: Agenda Files
org-agenda-set-tags: Agenda Commands
org-agenda-show-and-scroll-up: Agenda Commands
org-agenda-show-tags: Agenda Commands
org-agenda-sunrise-sunset: Agenda Commands
org-agenda-switch-to: Agenda Commands
org-agenda-todo: Agenda Commands
org-agenda-todo-nextset: Agenda Commands
org-agenda-toggle-archive-tag: Agenda Commands
org-agenda-toggle-diary: Agenda Commands
org-agenda-tree-to-indirect-buffer: Agenda Commands
org-agenda-undo: Agenda Commands
org-agenda-week-view: Agenda Commands
org-agenda-write: Exporting Agenda Views
org-agenda-year-view: Agenda Commands
org-archive-subtree: Moving subtrees
org-archive-subtree-default: Archiving
org-archive-to-archive-sibling: Internal archiving
org-ascii-convert-region-to-ascii: Export in Foreign Buffers
org-ascii-convert-region-to-utf8: Export in Foreign Buffers
org-ascii-export-as-ascii: ASCII/Latin-1/UTF-8 export
org-ascii-export-to-ascii: ASCII/Latin-1/UTF-8 export
org-attach: Attachment defaults and dispatcher
org-attach: Agenda Commands
org-attach-attach: Attachment defaults and dispatcher
org-attach-buffer: Attachment defaults and dispatcher
org-attach-dired-to-subtree: Attach from Dired
org-attach-new: Attachment defaults and dispatcher
org-attach-open: Attachment defaults and dispatcher
org-attach-open-in-emacs: Attachment defaults and dispatcher
org-attach-reveal: Attachment defaults and dispatcher
org-attach-reveal-in-emacs: Attachment defaults and dispatcher
org-attach-sync: Attachment defaults and dispatcher
org-babel-check-src-block: Key bindings and Useful Functions
org-babel-demarcate-block: Key bindings and Useful Functions
org-babel-describe-bindings: Key bindings and Useful Functions
org-babel-do-key-sequence-in-edit-buffer: Key bindings and Useful Functions
org-babel-execute-buffer: Key bindings and Useful Functions
org-babel-execute-maybe: Key bindings and Useful Functions
org-babel-execute-src-block: Evaluating Code Blocks
org-babel-execute-src-block: Key bindings and Useful Functions
org-babel-execute-subtree: Key bindings and Useful Functions
org-babel-expand-src-block: Noweb Reference Syntax
org-babel-expand-src-block: Key bindings and Useful Functions
org-babel-goto-named-result: Key bindings and Useful Functions
org-babel-goto-named-src-block: Key bindings and Useful Functions
org-babel-goto-src-block-head: Key bindings and Useful Functions
org-babel-insert-header-arg: Key bindings and Useful Functions
org-babel-load-in-session: Key bindings and Useful Functions
org-babel-load-in-session: Key bindings and Useful Functions
org-babel-lob-ingest: Library of Babel
org-babel-lob-ingest: Key bindings and Useful Functions
org-babel-next-src-block: Key bindings and Useful Functions
org-babel-open-src-block-result: Key bindings and Useful Functions
org-babel-open-src-block-result: Key bindings and Useful Functions
org-babel-pop-to-session: Key bindings and Useful Functions
org-babel-previous-src-block: Key bindings and Useful Functions
org-babel-sha1-hash: Key bindings and Useful Functions
org-babel-switch-to-session-with-code: Key bindings and Useful Functions
org-babel-tangle: Extracting Source Code
org-babel-tangle: Key bindings and Useful Functions
org-babel-tangle-file: Extracting Source Code
org-babel-tangle-file: Key bindings and Useful Functions
org-babel-tangle-jump-to-org: Extracting Source Code
org-babel-view-src-block-info: Key bindings and Useful Functions
org-backward-heading-same-level: Motion
org-batch-agenda: Extracting Agenda Information
org-batch-agenda-csv: Extracting Agenda Information
org-bbdb-anniversaries: Weekly/daily agenda
org-bbdb-anniversaries-future: Weekly/daily agenda
org-beamer-export-as-latex: Beamer export commands
org-beamer-export-to-latex: Beamer export commands
org-beamer-export-to-pdf: Beamer export commands
org-beamer-select-environment: Editing support
org-buffer-property-keys: Using the Property API
org-calendar-goto-agenda: Agenda Commands
org-capture: Activation
org-capture: Using capture
org-capture-finalize: Using capture
org-capture-kill: Using capture
org-capture-refile: Using capture
org-check-after-date: Inserting deadline/schedule
org-check-before-date: Inserting deadline/schedule
org-check-deadlines: Inserting deadline/schedule
org-clock-cancel: Clocking commands
org-clock-display: Clocking commands
org-clock-in: Clocking commands
org-clock-in-last: Clocking commands
org-clock-modify-effort-estimate: Clocking commands
org-clock-modify-effort-estimate: Effort Estimates
org-clock-out: Clocking commands
org-clock-report: The clock table
org-clock-timestamp-down: Clocking commands
org-clock-timestamp-up: Clocking commands
org-clock-timestamps-down: Clocking commands
org-clock-timestamps-up: Clocking commands
org-clocktable-try-shift: The clock table
org-clocktable-write-default: The clock table
org-clone-subtree-with-time-shift: Structure Editing
org-columns-delete: Using column view
org-columns-edit-allowed: Using column view
org-columns-edit-value: Using column view
org-columns-insert-dblock: Capturing column view
org-columns-narrow: Using column view
org-columns-new: Using column view
org-columns-next-allowed-value: Using column view
org-columns-previous-allowed-value: Using column view
org-columns-quit: Using column view
org-columns-redo: Using column view
org-columns-show-value: Using column view
org-columns-toggle-or-columns-quit: Using column view
org-columns-widen: Using column view
org-compute-property-at-point: Property Syntax
org-copy-subtree: Structure Editing
org-copy-visible: Global and local cycling
org-cut-subtree: Structure Editing
org-cycle: Global and local cycling
org-cycle: Structure Editing
org-cycle: Plain Lists
org-cycle-agenda-files: Agenda Files
org-date-from-calendar: Creating Timestamps
org-dblock-update: Capturing column view
org-dblock-update: The clock table
org-dblock-update: Dynamic Blocks
org-deadline: Inserting deadline/schedule
org-delete-property: Property Syntax
org-delete-property-globally: Property Syntax
org-demote: Using the Mapping API
org-demote-subtree: Structure Editing
org-do-demote: Structure Editing
org-do-promote: Structure Editing
org-dynamic-block-insert-dblock: Dynamic Blocks
org-edit-special: Literal Examples
org-edit-special: Include Files
org-edit-special: Cooperation
org-entities-help: Special Symbols
org-entry-add-to-multivalued-property: Using the Property API
org-entry-delete: Using the Property API
org-entry-get: Using the Property API
org-entry-get-multivalued-property: Using the Property API
org-entry-member-in-multivalued-property: Using the Property API
org-entry-properties: Using the Property API
org-entry-put: Using the Property API
org-entry-put-multivalued-property: Using the Property API
org-entry-remove-from-multivalued-property: Using the Property API
org-evaluate-time-range: Creating Timestamps
org-evaluate-time-range: Clocking commands
org-export: The Export Dispatcher
org-export-define-backend: Adding Export Back-ends
org-export-define-derived-backend: Adding Export Back-ends
org-export-to-odt: ODT export commands
org-forward-heading-same-level: Motion
org-global-cycle: Global and local cycling
org-goto: Motion
org-goto-calendar: Creating Timestamps
org-html-convert-region-to-html: Export in Foreign Buffers
org-html-export-as-html: HTML export commands
org-html-export-to-html: HTML export commands
org-icalendar-combine-agenda-files: iCalendar Export
org-icalendar-export-agenda-files: iCalendar Export
org-icalendar-export-to-ics: iCalendar Export
org-indent-mode: Org Indent Mode
org-info-find-node: Documentation Access
org-insert-drawer: Drawers
org-insert-drawer: Property Syntax
org-insert-heading: Plain Lists
org-insert-heading: Timers
org-insert-heading-respect-content: Structure Editing
org-insert-link: Handling Links
org-insert-link-global: Using Links Outside Org
org-insert-property-drawer: Using the Property API
org-insert-property-drawer: Using the Property API
org-insert-structure-template: Structure Templates
org-insert-todo-heading: Structure Editing
org-insert-todo-heading: TODO Basics
org-insert-todo-heading: Checkboxes
org-insert-todo-heading-respect-content: Structure Editing
org-latex-convert-region-to-latex: Export in Foreign Buffers
org-latex-export-as-latex: LaTeX/PDF export commands
org-latex-export-to-latex~: LaTeX/PDF export commands
org-latex-export-to-pdf: LaTeX/PDF export commands
org-latex-preview: Previewing LaTeX fragments
org-link-escape: Link Format
org-link-set-parameters: Adding Hyperlink Types
org-lint: Org Syntax
org-list-checkbox-radio-mode: Checkboxes
org-lookup-all: Lookup functions
org-lookup-first: Lookup functions
org-lookup-last: Lookup functions
org-map-entries: Using the Mapping API
org-mark-ring-goto: Handling Links
org-mark-ring-push: Handling Links
org-mark-subtree: Structure Editing
org-match-sparse-tree: Tag Searches
org-match-sparse-tree: Property Searches
org-md-convert-region-to-md: Export in Foreign Buffers
org-md-export-as-markdown: Markdown Export
org-md-export-to-markdown: Markdown Export
org-meta-return: Structure Editing
org-mobile-pull: Pulling from the mobile application
org-mobile-push: Pushing to the mobile application
org-move-subtree-down: Structure Editing
org-move-subtree-up: Structure Editing
org-narrow-to-block: Structure Editing
org-narrow-to-block: Dynamic Blocks
org-narrow-to-subtree: Structure Editing
org-next-link: Handling Links
org-next-visible-heading: Motion
org-occur: Sparse Trees
org-odt-convert: Extending ODT export
org-open-at-point: Handling Links
org-open-at-point: Creating Timestamps
org-open-at-point-global: Using Links Outside Org
org-org-export-to-org: Org Export
org-paste-subtree: Structure Editing
org-previous-link: Handling Links
org-previous-visible-heading: Motion
org-priority: Priorities
org-priority: Using the Mapping API
org-priority-down: Priorities
org-priority-up: Priorities
org-promote: Using the Mapping API
org-promote-subtree: Structure Editing
org-property-action: Property Syntax
org-protocol-create: The open-source protocol
org-protocol-create-for-org: The open-source protocol
org-publish: Triggering Publication
org-publish-all: Triggering Publication
org-publish-current-file: Triggering Publication
org-publish-current-project: Triggering Publication
org-publish-find-date: Site map
org-publish-find-property: Site map
org-publish-find-title: Site map
org-refile: Structure Editing
org-refile: Refile and Copy
org-refile-cache-clear: Refile and Copy
org-refile-copy: Refile and Copy
org-refile-goto-last-stored: Refile and Copy
org-remove-file: Agenda Files
org-reveal: Global and local cycling
org-save-all-org-buffers: Agenda Commands
org-schedule: Inserting deadline/schedule
org-search-view: Search view
org-set-effort: Effort Estimates
org-set-property: Property Syntax
org-set-property: Property Syntax
org-set-property: Using Header Arguments
org-set-startup-visibility: Global and local cycling
org-set-startup-visibility: Initial visibility
org-set-tags-command: Setting Tags
org-show-todo-tree: TODO Basics
org-sort: Structure Editing
org-sparse-tree: Sparse Trees
org-speed-command-help: Speed Keys
org-speedbar-set-agenda-restriction: Agenda Files
org-store-agenda-views: Exporting Agenda Views
org-store-link: Activation
org-store-link: Handling Links
org-submit-bug-report: Feedback
org-switchb: Agenda Files
org-table-align: Built-in Table Editor
org-table-align: Column Width and Alignment
org-table-beginning-of-field: Built-in Table Editor
org-table-blank-field: Built-in Table Editor
org-table-copy-down: Built-in Table Editor
org-table-copy-region: Built-in Table Editor
org-table-create-or-convert-from-region: Built-in Table Editor
org-table-create-or-convert-from-region: Built-in Table Editor
org-table-create-with-table.el: Cooperation
org-table-cut-region: Built-in Table Editor
org-table-delete-column: Built-in Table Editor
org-table-edit-field: Built-in Table Editor
org-table-edit-formulas: Editing and debugging formulas
org-table-end-of-field: Built-in Table Editor
org-table-eval-formula: Field and range formulas
org-table-eval-formula: Column formulas
org-table-eval-formula: Editing and debugging formulas
org-table-eval-formula: Editing and debugging formulas
org-table-expand: Column Width and Alignment
org-table-export: Built-in Table Editor
org-table-fedit-abort: Editing and debugging formulas
org-table-fedit-finish: Editing and debugging formulas
org-table-fedit-line-down: Editing and debugging formulas
org-table-fedit-line-up: Editing and debugging formulas
org-table-fedit-lisp-indent: Editing and debugging formulas
org-table-fedit-ref-down: Editing and debugging formulas
org-table-fedit-ref-left: Editing and debugging formulas
org-table-fedit-ref-right: Editing and debugging formulas
org-table-fedit-ref-up: Editing and debugging formulas
org-table-fedit-scroll-down: Editing and debugging formulas
org-table-fedit-scroll-up: Editing and debugging formulas
org-table-fedit-toggle-ref-type: Editing and debugging formulas
org-table-field-info: Editing and debugging formulas
org-table-header-line-mode: Built-in Table Editor
org-table-hline-and-move: Built-in Table Editor
org-table-import: Built-in Table Editor
org-table-insert-column: Built-in Table Editor
org-table-insert-hline: Built-in Table Editor
org-table-insert-row: Built-in Table Editor
org-table-iterate: Updating the table
org-table-iterate-buffer-tables: Updating the table
org-table-kill-row: Built-in Table Editor
org-table-move-cell-down: Built-in Table Editor
org-table-move-cell-left: Built-in Table Editor
org-table-move-cell-right: Built-in Table Editor
org-table-move-cell-up: Built-in Table Editor
org-table-move-column-left: Built-in Table Editor
org-table-move-column-right: Built-in Table Editor
org-table-move-row-down: Built-in Table Editor
org-table-move-row-up: Built-in Table Editor
org-table-next-field: Built-in Table Editor
org-table-next-row: Built-in Table Editor
org-table-paste-rectangle: Built-in Table Editor
org-table-previous-field: Built-in Table Editor
org-table-recalculate: Updating the table
org-table-recalculate-buffer-tables: Updating the table
org-table-rotate-recalc-marks: Advanced features
org-table-shrink: Column Width and Alignment
org-table-sort-lines: Built-in Table Editor
org-table-sum: Built-in Table Editor
org-table-toggle-column-width: Column Width and Alignment
org-table-toggle-coordinate-overlays: Editing and debugging formulas
org-table-toggle-coordinate-overlays: Editing and debugging formulas
org-table-toggle-formula-debugger: Editing and debugging formulas
org-table-transpose-table-at-point: Built-in Table Editor
org-table-wrap-region: Built-in Table Editor
org-tags-view: Tag Searches
org-tags-view: Property Searches
org-tags-view: Matching tags and properties
org-tags-view: Matching tags and properties
org-texinfo-convert-region-to-texinfo: Export in Foreign Buffers
org-texinfo-export-to-info: Texinfo export commands
org-texinfo-export-to-texinfo: Texinfo export commands
org-time-stamp: Creating Timestamps
org-time-stamp-inactive: Creating Timestamps
org-timer: Timers
org-timer-item: Timers
org-timer-pause-or-continue: Timers
org-timer-set-timer: Timers
org-timer-start: Timers
org-timer-stop: Timers
org-timestamp-down-day: Creating Timestamps
org-timestamp-up-day: Creating Timestamps
org-todo: Clocking commands
org-todo: Using the Mapping API
org-todo-list: Global TODO list
org-todo-list: Global TODO list
org-toggle-archive-tag: Internal archiving
org-toggle-checkbox: Checkboxes
org-toggle-comment: Comment Lines
org-toggle-heading: Structure Editing
org-toggle-inline-images: Images
org-toggle-ordered-property: TODO dependencies
org-toggle-ordered-property: Checkboxes
org-toggle-pretty-entities: Subscripts and Superscripts
org-toggle-pretty-entities: Special Symbols
org-toggle-radio-button: Checkboxes
org-toggle-sticky-agenda: Agenda Dispatcher
org-toggle-tag: Using the Mapping API
org-toggle-tags-groups: Tag Hierarchy
org-toggle-time-stamp-overlays: Custom time format
org-tree-to-indirect-buffer: Global and local cycling
org-update-statistics-cookies: Checkboxes
org-version: Feedback
org-yank: Structure Editing
orgtbl-ascii-draw: Org Plot
orgtbl-mode: Orgtbl Mode
orgtbl-to-csv: Translator functions
orgtbl-to-generic: Translator functions
orgtbl-to-html: Translator functions
orgtbl-to-latex: Translator functions
orgtbl-to-orgtbl: Translator functions
orgtbl-to-texinfo: Translator functions
orgtbl-to-tsv: Translator functions
orgtbl-to-unicode: Translator functions
outline-show-all: Global and local cycling
outline-show-branches: Global and local cycling
outline-show-children: Global and local cycling
outline-up-heading: Motion

pcomplete: Property Syntax
previous-error: Sparse Trees

widen: Structure Editing

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G Variable Index

This is not a complete index of variables and faces, only the ones that are mentioned in the manual. For a more complete list, use M-x org-customize and then click yourself through the tree.

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Index Entry  Section

cdlatex-simplify-sub-super-scripts: CDLaTeX mode
constants-unit-system: References
constants-unit-system: In-buffer Settings

LaTeX-verbatim-environments: A LaTeX example

org-adapt-indentation: Hard indentation
org-agenda-auto-exclude-function: Filtering/limiting agenda items
org-agenda-bulk-custom-functions: Agenda Commands
org-agenda-bulk-custom-functions: Agenda Commands
org-agenda-bulk-persistent-marks: Agenda Commands
org-agenda-category-filter-preset: Filtering/limiting agenda items
org-agenda-category-icon-alist: Categories
org-agenda-clock-consistency-checks: Agenda Commands
org-agenda-columns-add-appointments-to-effort-sum: Effort Estimates
org-agenda-confirm-kill: Agenda Commands
org-agenda-custom-commands: Sparse Trees
org-agenda-custom-commands: Storing searches
org-agenda-custom-commands: Setting options
org-agenda-custom-commands: Extracting Agenda Information
org-agenda-custom-commands-contexts: Setting options
org-agenda-diary-file: Agenda Commands
org-agenda-dim-blocked-tasks: TODO dependencies
org-agenda-dim-blocked-tasks: Speeding Up Your Agendas
org-agenda-effort-filter-preset: Filtering/limiting agenda items
org-agenda-entry-text-maxlines: Agenda Commands
org-agenda-exporter-settings: Exporting Agenda Views
org-agenda-exporter-settings: Exporting Agenda Views
org-agenda-files: Agenda Files
org-agenda-files: Sorting of agenda items
org-agenda-inhibit-startup: Speeding Up Your Agendas
org-agenda-log-mode-items: Agenda Commands
org-agenda-loop-over-headlines-in-active-region: Execute commands in the active region
org-agenda-max-effort: Filtering/limiting agenda items
org-agenda-max-entries: Filtering/limiting agenda items
org-agenda-max-tags: Filtering/limiting agenda items
org-agenda-max-todos: Filtering/limiting agenda items
org-agenda-overriding-header: Special Agenda Views
org-agenda-prefix-format: Presentation and Sorting
org-agenda-regexp-filter-preset: Filtering/limiting agenda items
org-agenda-restore-windows-after-quit: Agenda Views
org-agenda-search-headline-for-time: Time-of-day specifications
org-agenda-show-inherited-tags: Agenda Commands
org-agenda-show-inherited-tags: Speeding Up Your Agendas
org-agenda-skip-archived-trees: Internal archiving
org-agenda-skip-archived-trees: Agenda Views
org-agenda-skip-comment-trees: Agenda Views
org-agenda-skip-deadline-prewarning-if-scheduled: Deadlines and Scheduling
org-agenda-skip-function: Special Agenda Views
org-agenda-skip-function: Special Agenda Views
org-agenda-skip-function: Using the Mapping API
org-agenda-skip-function-global: Special Agenda Views
org-agenda-skip-scheduled-delay-if-deadline: Deadlines and Scheduling
org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-deadline-is-shown: Repeated tasks
org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-done: Deadlines and Scheduling
org-agenda-sorting-strategy: Sorting of agenda items
org-agenda-span: Weekly/daily agenda
org-agenda-span: Agenda Commands
org-agenda-start-day: Weekly/daily agenda
org-agenda-start-on-weekday: Weekly/daily agenda
org-agenda-start-with-clockreport-mode: Agenda Commands
org-agenda-start-with-entry-text-mode: Agenda Commands
org-agenda-start-with-follow-mode: Agenda Commands
org-agenda-sticky: Agenda Dispatcher
org-agenda-tag-filter-preset: Filtering/limiting agenda items
org-agenda-tags-column: Presentation and Sorting
org-agenda-tags-todo-honor-ignore-options: Matching tags and properties
org-agenda-text-search-extra-files: Agenda Dispatcher
org-agenda-text-search-extra-files: Search view
org-agenda-time-grid: Time-of-day specifications
org-agenda-time-grid: Agenda Commands
org-agenda-todo-ignore-deadlines: Global TODO list
org-agenda-todo-ignore-scheduled: Global TODO list
org-agenda-todo-ignore-timestamp: Global TODO list
org-agenda-todo-ignore-with-date: Global TODO list
org-agenda-todo-list-sublevels: Breaking Down Tasks
org-agenda-todo-list-sublevels: Global TODO list
org-agenda-use-tag-inheritance: Tag Inheritance
org-agenda-use-tag-inheritance: Speeding Up Your Agendas
org-agenda-use-time-grid: Time-of-day specifications
org-agenda-use-time-grid: Agenda Commands
org-agenda-window-setup: Agenda Views
org-alphabetical-lists: Plain Lists
org-archive-default-command: Archiving
org-archive-default-command: Agenda Commands
org-archive-location: Moving subtrees
org-archive-location: In-buffer Settings
org-archive-save-context-info: Moving subtrees
org-archive-subtree-save-file-p: Moving subtrees
org-ascii-links-to-notes: ASCII/Latin-1/UTF-8 export
org-ascii-text-width: ASCII/Latin-1/UTF-8 export
org-attach-archive-delete: Attachment options
org-attach-auto-tag: Attachment options
org-attach-commands: Attachment options
org-attach-dir-relative: Attachment options
org-attach-expert: Attachment options
org-attach-id-dir: Attachment options
org-attach-id-to-path-function-list: Attachment options
org-attach-method: Attachment defaults and dispatcher
org-attach-method: Attachment options
org-attach-preferred-new-method: Attachment options
org-attach-store-link-p: Attachment options
org-attach-use-inheritance: Attachment options
org-babel-default-header-args: Using Header Arguments
org-babel-default-header-args: Using Header Arguments
org-babel-inline-result-wrap: Evaluating Code Blocks
org-babel-load-languages: Languages
org-babel-post-tangle-hook: Extracting Source Code
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org-beamer-environments-extra: Frames and Blocks in Beamer
org-beamer-frame-level: Frames and Blocks in Beamer
org-beamer-theme: Beamer specific export settings
org-calc-default-modes: Formula syntax for Calc
org-capture-bookmark: Using capture
org-capture-last-stored: Using capture
org-capture-templates: Capture templates
org-capture-templates-contexts: Templates in contexts
org-capture-use-agenda-date: Agenda Commands
org-catch-invisible-edits: Catching invisible edits
org-clock-auto-clockout-timer: Resolving idle time
org-clock-continuously: Clocking commands
org-clock-continuously: Clocking commands
org-clock-continuously: Resolving idle time
org-clock-display-default-range: The clock table
org-clock-idle-time: Resolving idle time
org-clock-in-prepare-hook: Clocking commands
org-clock-into-drawer: Clocking commands
org-clock-mode-line-total: Clocking commands
org-clock-persist: Clocking Work Time
org-clock-report-include-clocking-task: Agenda Commands
org-clock-x11idle-program-name: Resolving idle time
org-clocktable-defaults: The clock table
org-closed-keep-when-no-todo: Closing items
org-coderef-label-format: Literal Examples
org-columns: Using column view
org-columns-default-format: Using column view
org-columns-default-format: Effort Estimates
org-columns-default-format: Agenda Commands
org-columns-default-format: Agenda Column View
org-columns-default-format-for-agenda: Agenda Column View
org-columns-skip-archived-trees: Internal archiving
org-columns-summary-types: Column attributes
org-complete-tags-always-offer-all-agenda-tags: Setting Tags
org-confirm-babel-evaluate: Code Evaluation Security
org-create-file-search-functions: Custom Searches
org-crypt-tag-matcher: Org Crypt
org-ctrl-k-protect-subtree: Headlines
org-cycle-emulate-tab: Global and local cycling
org-cycle-global-at-bob: Global and local cycling
org-cycle-include-plain-lists: Plain Lists
org-cycle-open-archived-trees: Internal archiving
org-cycle-separator-lines: Headlines
org-deadline-warning-days: Deadlines and Scheduling
org-deadline-warning-days: Inserting deadline/schedule
org-default-notes-file: Setting up capture
org-default-notes-file: Template elements
org-directory: Template elements
org-display-custom-times: Custom time format
org-disputed-keys: Conflicts
org-done, face: Faces for TODO keywords
org-edit-src-auto-save-idle-delay: Editing Source Code
org-effort-property: Effort Estimates
org-enforce-todo-dependencies: TODO dependencies
org-enforce-todo-dependencies: TODO dependencies
org-entities-user: Special Symbols
org-execute-file-search-functions: Custom Searches
org-export-allow-bind-keywords: Export Settings
org-export-async-init-file: The Export Dispatcher
org-export-backends: Exporting
org-export-before-parsing-hook: Advanced Export Configuration
org-export-before-processing-hook: Advanced Export Configuration
org-export-creator-string: HTML preamble and postamble
org-export-date-timestamp-format: Export Settings
org-export-default-language: Export Settings
org-export-dispatch-use-expert-ui: The Export Dispatcher
org-export-exclude-tags: Export Settings
org-export-global-macros: Macro Replacement
org-export-headline-levels: Export Settings
org-export-html-table-tag: Tables in HTML export
org-export-html-tag-class-prefix: CSS support
org-export-html-todo-kwd-class-prefix: CSS support
org-export-html-use-infojs: JavaScript support
org-export-in-background: The Export Dispatcher
org-export-initial-scope: The Export Dispatcher
org-export-odt-convert-capabilities: Advanced topics in ODT export
org-export-odt-convert-process: Advanced topics in ODT export
org-export-odt-convert-processes: Advanced topics in ODT export
org-export-odt-preferred-output-format: ODT export commands
org-export-odt-schema-dir: Advanced topics in ODT export
org-export-preserve-breaks: Export Settings
org-export-select-tags: Export Settings
org-export-time-stamp-file: Export Settings
org-export-time-stamp-file: HTML preamble and postamble
org-export-use-babel: Exporting Code Blocks
org-export-with-archived-trees: Internal archiving
org-export-with-archived-trees: Export Settings
org-export-with-author: Export Settings
org-export-with-broken-links: Export Settings
org-export-with-clocks: Export Settings
org-export-with-creator: Export Settings
org-export-with-date: Export Settings
org-export-with-drawers: Export Settings
org-export-with-email: Export Settings
org-export-with-emphasize: Export Settings
org-export-with-entities: Export Settings
org-export-with-fixed-width: Export Settings
org-export-with-footnotes: Export Settings
org-export-with-inlinetasks: Export Settings
org-export-with-latex: LaTeX fragments
org-export-with-latex: Export Settings
org-export-with-planning: Export Settings
org-export-with-priority: Export Settings
org-export-with-properties: Export Settings
org-export-with-section-numbers: Export Settings
org-export-with-smart-quotes: Export Settings
org-export-with-special-strings: Export Settings
org-export-with-statistics-cookies: Export Settings
org-export-with-sub-superscripts: Export Settings
org-export-with-tables: Export Settings
org-export-with-tags: Export Settings
org-export-with-tasks: Export Settings
org-export-with-timestamps: Export Settings
org-export-with-title: Export Settings
org-export-with-toc: Export Settings
org-export-with-toc: Table of Contents
org-export-with-todo-keywords: Export Settings
org-expot-creator-string: Export Settings
org-faces-easy-properties: Faces for TODO keywords
org-fast-tag-selection-include-todo: Fast access to TODO states
org-fast-tag-selection-single-key: Setting Tags
org-file-apps: Handling Links
org-file-apps: Attachment defaults and dispatcher
org-fontify-emphasized-text: Emphasis and Monospace
org-footnote-auto-adjust: Creating Footnotes
org-footnote-auto-adjust: In-buffer Settings
org-footnote-auto-label: Creating Footnotes
org-footnote-auto-label: In-buffer Settings
org-footnote-define-inline: Creating Footnotes
org-footnote-define-inline: In-buffer Settings
org-footnote-section: Headlines
org-footnote-section: Creating Footnotes
org-format-latex-header: LaTeX fragments
org-format-latex-header: Previewing LaTeX fragments
org-format-latex-options: Previewing LaTeX fragments
org-global-properties: Property Syntax
org-global-properties: Effort Estimates
org-goto-auto-isearch: Motion
org-goto-interface: Motion
org-group-tags: Tag Hierarchy
org-habit-following-days: Tracking your habits
org-habit-graph-column: Tracking your habits
org-habit-preceding-days: Tracking your habits
org-habit-show-habits-only-for-today: Tracking your habits
org-hide, face: Hard indentation
org-hide-block-startup: Blocks
org-hide-block-startup: In-buffer Settings
org-hide-leading-stars: Hard indentation
org-hide-leading-stars: In-buffer Settings
org-hide-macro-markers: Macro Replacement
org-hierarchical-checkbox-statistics: Checkboxes
org-hierarchical-todo-statistics: Breaking Down Tasks
org-html-container-element: HTML specific export settings
org-html-doctype: HTML specific export settings
org-html-doctype: HTML doctypes
org-html-doctype-alist: HTML doctypes
org-html-head: HTML specific export settings
org-html-head: CSS support
org-html-head: Bare HTML
org-html-head-extra: HTML specific export settings
org-html-head-extra: CSS support
org-html-head-extra: Bare HTML
org-html-head-include-default-style: CSS support
org-html-head-include-default-style: Bare HTML
org-html-head-include-scripts: Bare HTML
org-html-html5-elements: HTML doctypes
org-html-html5-fancy: HTML doctypes
org-html-inline-images: Images in HTML export
org-html-link-home: HTML specific export settings
org-html-link-org-files-as-html: Links in HTML export
org-html-link-up: HTML specific export settings
org-html-mathjax-options: HTML specific export settings
org-html-mathjax-options~: Math formatting in HTML export
org-html-mathjax-template: Math formatting in HTML export
org-html-postamble: HTML preamble and postamble
org-html-postamble: Bare HTML
org-html-postamble-format: HTML preamble and postamble
org-html-preamble: HTML preamble and postamble
org-html-preamble: Bare HTML
org-html-preamble-format: HTML preamble and postamble
org-html-self-link-headlines: Headlines in HTML export
org-html-style-default: CSS support
org-html-table-align-individual-fields: Tables in HTML export
org-html-table-caption-above: Tables in HTML export
org-html-table-data-tags: Tables in HTML export
org-html-table-default-attributes: Tables in HTML export
org-html-table-header-tags: Tables in HTML export
org-html-table-row-tags: Tables in HTML export
org-html-table-use-header-tags-for-first-column: Tables in HTML export
org-html-use-infojs: Bare HTML
org-html-validation-link: HTML preamble and postamble
org-icalendar-alarm-time: iCalendar Export
org-icalendar-categories: iCalendar Export
org-icalendar-combined-agenda-file: iCalendar Export
org-icalendar-include-body: iCalendar Export
org-icalendar-include-todo: iCalendar Export
org-icalendar-store-UID: iCalendar Export
org-icalendar-use-deadline: iCalendar Export
org-icalendar-use-scheduled: iCalendar Export
org-id-link-to-org-use-id: Handling Links
org-imenu-depth: Cooperation
org-indent-indentation-per-level: Org Indent Mode
org-indent-mode-turns-off-org-adapt-indentation: Org Indent Mode
org-indent-mode-turns-on-hiding-stars: Org Indent Mode
org-infojs-options: JavaScript support
org-insert-mode-line-in-empty-file: Activation
org-irc-links-to-logs: Handling Links
org-latex-bibtex-compiler: LaTeX/PDF export commands
org-latex-classes: LaTeX specific export settings
org-latex-classes: LaTeX specific export settings
org-latex-classes: LaTeX header and sectioning
org-latex-compiler: LaTeX/PDF export commands
org-latex-compiler: LaTeX specific export settings
org-latex-default-class: LaTeX specific export settings
org-latex-default-class: LaTeX header and sectioning
org-latex-default-packages-alist: LaTeX/PDF export commands
org-latex-default-packages-alist: LaTeX header and sectioning
org-latex-default-table-environment: Tables in LaTeX export
org-latex-default-table-mode: Tables in LaTeX export
org-latex-hyperref-template: LaTeX specific export settings
org-latex-hyperref-template: LaTeX specific export settings
org-latex-images-centered: Images in LaTeX export
org-latex-listings: Literal Examples
org-latex-listings-options: Source blocks in LaTeX export
org-latex-minted-options: Source blocks in LaTeX export
org-latex-packages-alist: LaTeX specific export settings
org-latex-packages-alist: LaTeX header and sectioning
org-latex-subtitle-format: LaTeX specific export settings
org-latex-subtitle-separate: LaTeX specific export settings
org-latex-tables-booktabs: Tables in LaTeX export
org-latex-tables-centered: Tables in LaTeX export
org-latex-title-command: LaTeX specific export settings
org-latex-title-command: LaTeX specific export settings
org-latex-to-mathml-convert-command: LaTeX math snippets
org-latex-to-mathml-jar-file: LaTeX math snippets
org-link-abbrev-alist: Link Abbreviations
org-link-abbrev-alist: In-buffer Settings
org-link-elisp-confirm-function: Code Evaluation Security
org-link-email-description-format: Handling Links
org-link-frame-setup: Handling Links
org-link-from-user-regexp: Template expansion
org-link-keep-stored-after-insertion: Handling Links
org-link-parameters: Adding Hyperlink Types
org-link-search-must-match-exact-headline: Internal Links
org-link-shell-confirm-function: Code Evaluation Security
org-link-use-indirect-buffer-for-internals: Handling Links
org-list-automatic-rules: Plain Lists
org-list-automatic-rules: Checkboxes
org-list-demote-modify-bullet: Plain Lists
org-list-indent-offset: Plain Lists
org-list-use-circular-motion: Plain Lists
org-log-done: Tracking TODO state changes
org-log-done: Agenda Commands
org-log-done: In-buffer Settings
org-log-into-drawer: Tracking TODO state changes
org-log-into-drawer: Agenda Commands
org-log-note-clock-out: Clocking commands
org-log-note-clock-out: In-buffer Settings
org-log-redeadline: Inserting deadline/schedule
org-log-refile: Refile and Copy
org-log-repeat: Repeated tasks
org-log-repeat: In-buffer Settings
org-log-reschedule: Inserting deadline/schedule
org-log-states-order-reversed: Tracking TODO state changes
org-loop-over-headlines-in-active-region: Execute commands in the active region
org-M-RET-may-split-line: Structure Editing
org-M-RET-may-split-line: Plain Lists
org-md-headline-style: Markdown Export
org-mobile-directory: Setting up the staging area
org-mobile-encryption: Setting up the staging area
org-mobile-files: Pushing to the mobile application
org-mobile-inbox-for-pull: Pulling from the mobile application
org-num-face: Dynamic Headline Numbering
org-num-format-function: Dynamic Headline Numbering
org-num-max-level: Dynamic Headline Numbering
org-num-skip-commented: Dynamic Headline Numbering
org-num-skip-footnotes: Dynamic Headline Numbering
org-num-skip-tags: Dynamic Headline Numbering
org-num-skip-unnumbered: Dynamic Headline Numbering
org-odd-levels-only: Matching tags and properties
org-odd-levels-only: Hard indentation
org-odd-levels-only: In-buffer Settings
org-odd-levels-only: Special Agenda Views
org-odt-category-map-alist: Labels and captions in ODT export
org-odt-convert-process: Extending ODT export
org-odt-create-custom-styles-for-srcblocks: Literal examples in ODT export
org-odt-fontify-srcblocks: Literal examples in ODT export
org-odt-pixels-per-inch: Images in ODT export
org-odt-preferred-output-format: ODT export commands
org-odt-preferred-output-format: Extending ODT export
org-odt-styles-file: ODT specific export settings
org-odt-styles-file: Applying custom styles
org-odt-table-styles: Advanced topics in ODT export
org-odt-table-styles: Advanced topics in ODT export
org-outline-path-complete-in-steps: Refile and Copy
org-plain-list-ordered-item-terminator: Plain Lists
org-plain-list-ordered-item-terminator: Plain Lists
org-popup-calendar-for-date-prompt: The date/time prompt
org-pretty-entities: Subscripts and Superscripts
org-pretty-entities: In-buffer Settings
org-pretty-entities-include-sub-superscripts: Subscripts and Superscripts
org-preview-latex-default-process: Previewing LaTeX fragments
org-priority-default: Priorities
org-priority-default: In-buffer Settings
org-priority-faces: Priorities
org-priority-highest: Priorities
org-priority-highest: In-buffer Settings
org-priority-lowest: Priorities
org-priority-lowest: In-buffer Settings
org-priority-start-cycle-with-default: Priorities
org-property-allowed-value-functions: Using the Property API
org-protocol-default-template-key: The capture protocol
org-protocol-project-alist: The open-source protocol
org-publish-project-alist: Project alist
org-publish-project-alist: Publishing options
org-publish-use-timestamps-flag: Triggering Publication
org-put-time-stamp-overlays: In-buffer Settings
org-read-date-display-live: The date/time prompt
org-read-date-force-compatible-dates: The date/time prompt
org-read-date-prefer-future: The date/time prompt
org-refile-allow-creating-parent-nodes: Refile and Copy
org-refile-keep: Refile and Copy
org-refile-targets: Refile and Copy
org-refile-use-cache: Refile and Copy
org-refile-use-outline-path: Refile and Copy
org-remove-highlights-with-change: Sparse Trees
org-remove-highlights-with-change: Clocking commands
org-replace-disputed-keys: Conflicts
org-return-follows-link: Handling Links
org-reverse-note-order: Refile and Copy
org-scheduled-delay-days: Deadlines and Scheduling
org-show-context-detail: Sparse Trees
org-sort-agenda-noeffort-is-high: Filtering/limiting agenda items
org-sparse-tree-open-archived-trees: Internal archiving
org-special-ctrl-a/e: Headlines
org-special-ctrl-k: Headlines
org-speed-commands-user: Speed Keys
org-src-ask-before-returning-to-edit-buffer: Editing Source Code
org-src-block-faces: Editing Source Code
org-src-fontify-natively: Editing Source Code
org-src-lang-modes: Editing Source Code
org-src-preserve-indentation: Editing Source Code
org-src-window-setup: Editing Source Code
org-startup-align-all-tables: Column Width and Alignment
org-startup-align-all-tables: In-buffer Settings
org-startup-folded: Initial visibility
org-startup-folded: In-buffer Settings
org-startup-folded: Speeding Up Your Agendas
org-startup-indented: Org Indent Mode
org-startup-indented: In-buffer Settings
org-startup-numerated: Dynamic Headline Numbering
org-startup-numerated: In-buffer Settings
org-startup-shrink-all-tables: Column Width and Alignment
org-startup-shrink-all-tables: In-buffer Settings
org-startup-with-inline-images: Images
org-startup-with-inline-images: In-buffer Settings
org-startup-with-latex-preview: Previewing LaTeX fragments
org-store-link-props: Template expansion
org-structure-template-alist: Structure Templates
org-stuck-projects: Stuck projects
org-support-shift-select: Plain Lists
org-support-shift-select: Plain Lists
org-support-shift-select: Conflicts
org-table-automatic-realign: Column Width and Alignment
org-table-copy-increment: Built-in Table Editor
org-table-current-column: References
org-table-current-dline: References
org-table-duration-custom-format: Durations and time values
org-table-export-default-format: Built-in Table Editor
org-table-formula: In-buffer Settings
org-table-formula-constants: References
org-table-formula-constants: In-buffer Settings
org-table-formula-constants: Cooperation
org-table-header-line-p: Built-in Table Editor
org-table-use-standard-references: Editing and debugging formulas
org-tag-alist: Setting Tags
org-tag-alist: In-buffer Settings
org-tag-faces: Tags
org-tag-persistent-alist: Setting Tags
org-tags-column: Setting Tags
org-tags-exclude-from-inheritance: Tag Inheritance
org-tags-match-list-sublevels: Tag Inheritance
org-tags-match-list-sublevels: Tag Searches
org-tags-match-list-sublevels: Property Searches
org-tags-match-list-sublevels: Matching tags and properties
org-tempo-keywords-alist: Structure Templates
org-texinfo-classes: Texinfo file header
org-texinfo-classes: Headings and sectioning structure
org-texinfo-coding-system: Texinfo file header
org-texinfo-default-class: Texinfo specific export settings
org-texinfo-default-class: Headings and sectioning structure
org-texinfo-info-process: Texinfo export commands
org-texinfo-table-default-markup: Plain lists in Texinfo export
org-time-stamp-custom-formats: Custom time format
org-time-stamp-overlay-formats: In-buffer Settings
org-time-stamp-rounding-minutes: Creating Timestamps
org-timer-default-timer: Timers
org-todo, face: Faces for TODO keywords
org-todo-keyword-faces: Faces for TODO keywords
org-todo-keywords: TODO Basics
org-todo-keywords: TODO Extensions
org-todo-keywords: Global TODO list
org-todo-keywords: In-buffer Settings
org-todo-repeat-to-state: Repeated tasks
org-todo-state-tags-triggers: TODO Basics
org-track-ordered-property-with-tag: TODO dependencies
org-track-ordered-property-with-tag: Checkboxes
org-treat-insert-todo-heading-as-state-change: Structure Editing
org-treat-S-cursor-todo-selection-as-state-change: TODO Basics
org-use-property-inheritance: Property Inheritance
org-use-property-inheritance: Using Header Arguments
org-use-property-inheritance: Using the Property API
org-use-speed-commands: Speed Keys
org-use-sub-superscripts: Subscripts and Superscripts
org-use-tag-inheritance: Tag Inheritance
org-yank-adjusted-subtrees: Structure Editing
org-yank-folded-subtrees: Structure Editing

parse-time-months: The date/time prompt
parse-time-weekdays: The date/time prompt

user-full-name: Export Settings
user-mail-address: Export Settings

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If you do not use Font Lock globally turn it on in Org buffer with ‘(add-hook 'org-mode-hook 'turn-on-font-lock)’.


Please consider subscribing to the mailing list in order to minimize the work the mailing list moderators have to do.


See the variables org-special-ctrl-a/e, org-special-ctrl-k, and org-ctrl-k-protect-subtree to configure special behavior of C-a, C-e, and C-k in headlines. Note also that clocking only works with headings indented less than 30 stars.


See, however, the option org-cycle-emulate-tab.


The indirect buffer contains the entire buffer, but is narrowed to the current tree. Editing the indirect buffer also changes the original buffer, but without affecting visibility in that buffer. For more information about indirect buffers, see (emacs)GNU Emacs Manual.


When org-agenda-inhibit-startup is non-nil, Org does not honor the default visibility state when first opening a file for the agenda (see Speeding Up Your Agendas).


See also the variable org-show-context-detail to decide how much context is shown around each match.


This depends on the option org-remove-highlights-with-change.


When using ‘*’ as a bullet, lines must be indented so that they are not interpreted as headlines. Also, when you are hiding leading stars to get a clean outline view, plain list items starting with a star may be hard to distinguish from true headlines. In short: even though ‘*’ is supported, it may be better to not use it for plain list items.


You can filter out any of them by configuring org-plain-list-ordered-item-terminator.


You can also get ‘a.’, ‘A.’, ‘a)’ and ‘A)’ by configuring org-list-allow-alphabetical. To minimize confusion with normal text, those are limited to one character only. Beyond that limit, bullets automatically become numbers.


If there’s a checkbox in the item, the cookie must be put before the checkbox. If you have activated alphabetical lists, you can also use counters like ‘[@b]’.


If you do not want the item to be split, customize the variable org-M-RET-may-split-line.


If you want to cycle around items that way, you may customize org-list-use-circular-motion.


See org-list-use-circular-motion for a cyclic behavior.


Many desktops intercept M-TAB to switch windows. Use C-M-i or ESC TAB instead.


To insert a vertical bar into a table field, use ‘\vert’ or, inside a word ‘abc\vert{}def’.


Org understands references typed by the user as ‘B4’, but it does not use this syntax when offering a formula for editing. You can customize this behavior using the variable org-table-use-standard-references.


The computation time scales as O(N^2) because table FOO is parsed for each field to be copied.


The file ‘constants.el’ can supply the values of constants in two different unit systems, ‘SI’ and ‘cgs’. Which one is used depends on the value of the variable constants-unit-system. You can use the ‘STARTUP’ options ‘constSI’ and ‘constcgs’ to set this value for the current buffer.


The printf reformatting is limited in precision because the value passed to it is converted into an “integer” or “double”. The “integer” is limited in size by truncating the signed value to 32 bits. The “double” is limited in precision to 64 bits overall which leaves approximately 16 significant decimal digits.


Such names must start with an alphabetic character and use only alphanumeric/underscore characters.


Plain URIs are recognized only for a well-defined set of schemes. See External Links. Unlike URI syntax, they cannot contain parenthesis or white spaces, either. URIs within angle brackets have no such limitation.


More accurately, the precise behavior depends on how point arrived there—see (elisp)Invisible Text.


To insert a link targeting a headline, in-buffer completion can be used. Just type a star followed by a few optional letters into the buffer and press M-TAB. All headlines in the current buffer are offered as completions.


When targeting a ‘NAME’ keyword, the ‘CAPTION’ keyword is mandatory in order to get proper numbering (see Captions).


The actual behavior of the search depends on the value of the variable org-link-search-must-match-exact-headline. If its value is nil, then a fuzzy text search is done. If it is t, then only the exact headline is matched, ignoring spaces and statistic cookies. If the value is query-to-create, then an exact headline is searched; if it is not found, then the user is queried to create it.


If the headline contains a timestamp, it is removed from the link, which results in a wrong link—you should avoid putting a timestamp in the headline.


The Org Id library must first be loaded, either through org-customize, by enabling id in org-modules, or by adding ‘(require 'org-id)’ in your Emacs init file.


Note that you do not have to use this command to insert a link. Links in Org are plain text, and you can type or paste them straight into the buffer. By using this command, the links are automatically enclosed in double brackets, and you will be asked for the optional descriptive text.


After insertion of a stored link, the link will be removed from the list of stored links. To keep it in the list for later use, use a triple C-u prefix argument to C-c C-l, or configure the option org-link-keep-stored-after-insertion.


This works if a function has been defined in the :complete property of a link in org-link-parameters.


See the variable org-link-use-indirect-buffer-for-internals.


For backward compatibility, line numbers can also follow a single colon.


Of course, you can make a document that contains only long lists of TODO items, but this is not required.


Changing the variable org-todo-keywords only becomes effective after restarting Org mode in a buffer.


This is also true for the t command in the agenda buffer.


All characters are allowed except ‘@’, ‘^’ and ‘!’, which have a special meaning here.


Check also the variable org-fast-tag-selection-include-todo, it allows you to change the TODO state through the tags interface (see Setting Tags), in case you like to mingle the two concepts. Note that this means you need to come up with unique keys across both sets of keywords.


Org mode parses these lines only when Org mode is activated after visiting a file. C-c C-c with point in a line starting with ‘#+’ is simply restarting Org mode for the current buffer.


The corresponding in-buffer setting is: ‘#+STARTUP: logdone’.


The corresponding in-buffer setting is: ‘#+STARTUP: lognotedone’.


See the variable org-log-states-order-reversed.


Note that the ‘LOGBOOK’ drawer is unfolded when pressing SPC in the agenda to show an entry—use C-u SPC to keep it folded here.


It is possible that Org mode records two timestamps when you are using both org-log-done and state change logging. However, it never prompts for two notes: if you have configured both, the state change recording note takes precedence and cancel the closing note.


See also the option org-priority-start-cycle-with-default.


To keep subtasks out of the global TODO list, see the option org-agenda-todo-list-sublevels.


With the exception of description lists. But you can allow it by modifying org-list-automatic-rules accordingly.


Set the variable org-hierarchical-checkbox-statistics if you want such cookies to count all checkboxes below the cookie, not just those belonging to direct children.


C-u C-c C-c on the first item of a list with no checkbox adds checkboxes to the rest of the list.


As with all these in-buffer settings, pressing C-c C-c activates any changes in the line.


This is only true if the search does not involve more complex tests including properties (see Property Searches).


To extend this default list to all tags used in all agenda files (see Agenda Views), customize the variable org-complete-tags-always-offer-all-agenda-tags.


Keys are automatically assigned to tags that have no configured keys.


If more than one summary type applies to the same property, the parent values are computed according to the first of them.


An age can be defined as a duration, using units defined in org-duration-units, e.g., ‘3d 1h’. If any value in the column is as such, the summary is also expressed as a duration.


Please note that the ‘COLUMNS’ definition must be on a single line; it is wrapped here only because of formatting constraints.


Contributed packages are not part of Emacs, but are distributed with the main distribution of Org—visit


The Org date format is inspired by the standard ISO 8601 date/time format. To use an alternative format, see Custom time format. The day name is optional when you type the date yourself. However, any date inserted or modified by Org adds that day name, for reading convenience.


When working with the standard diary expression functions, you need to be very careful with the order of the arguments. That order depends evilly on the variable calendar-date-style. For example, to specify a date December 12, 2005, the call might look like ‘(diary-date 12 1 2005)’ or ‘(diary-date 1 12 2005)’ or ‘(diary-date 2005 12 1)’, depending on the settings. This has been the source of much confusion. Org mode users can resort to special versions of these functions like org-date or org-anniversary. These work just like the corresponding diary- functions, but with stable ISO order of arguments (year, month, day) wherever applicable, independent of the value of calendar-date-style.


See the variable org-read-date-prefer-future. You may set that variable to the symbol time to even make a time before now shift the date to tomorrow.


If you do not need/want the calendar, configure the variable org-popup-calendar-for-date-prompt.


You can also use the calendar command . to jump to today’s date, but if you are inserting an hour specification for your timestamp, . will then insert a dot after the hour. By contrast, C-. will always jump to today’s date.


If you find this distracting, turn off the display with org-read-date-display-live.


It will still be listed on that date after it has been marked as done. If you do not like this, set the variable org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-done.


The ‘SCHEDULED’ and ‘DEADLINE’ dates are inserted on the line right below the headline. Do not put any text between this line and the headline.


Note the corresponding ‘STARTUP’ options ‘logredeadline’, ‘lognoteredeadline’, and ‘nologredeadline’.


Note the corresponding ‘STARTUP’ options ‘logreschedule’, ‘lognotereschedule’, and ‘nologreschedule’.


Org does not repeat inactive timestamps, however. See Timestamps.


In fact, the target state is taken from, in this sequence, the ‘REPEAT_TO_STATE’ property, the variable org-todo-repeat-to-state if it is a string, the previous TODO state if org-todo-repeat-to-state is t, or the first state of the TODO state sequence.


You can change this using the option org-log-repeat, or the ‘STARTUP’ options ‘logrepeat’, ‘lognoterepeat’, and ‘nologrepeat’. With ‘lognoterepeat’, you will also be prompted for a note.


Clocking only works if all headings are indented with less than 30 stars. This is a hard-coded limitation of lmax in org-clock-sum.


To resume the clock under the assumption that you have worked on this task while outside Emacs, use ‘(setq org-clock-persist t)’.


To add an effort estimate “on the fly”, hook a function doing this to org-clock-in-prepare-hook.


The last reset of the task is recorded by the ‘LAST_REPEAT’ property.


See also the variable org-clock-mode-line-total.


The corresponding in-buffer setting is: ‘#+STARTUP: lognoteclock-out’.


When using :step, untilnow starts from the beginning of 2003, not the beginning of time.


Language terms can be set through the variable org-clock-clocktable-language-setup.


Note that all parameters must be specified in a single line—the line is broken here only to fit it into the manual.


On computers using macOS, idleness is based on actual user idleness, not just Emacs’ idle time. For X11, you can install a utility program ‘x11idle.c’, available in the ‘contrib/scripts/’ directory of the Org Git distribution, or install the xprintidle package and set it to the variable org-clock-x11idle-program-name if you are running Debian, to get the same general treatment of idleness. On other systems, idle time refers to Emacs idle time only.


Please note the pitfalls of summing hierarchical data in a flat list (see Agenda Column View).


Note the corresponding ‘STARTUP’ options ‘logrefile’, ‘lognoterefile’, and ‘nologrefile’.


Org used to offer four different targets for date/week tree capture. Now, Org automatically translates these to use file+olp+datetree, applying the :time-prompt and :tree-type properties. Please rewrite your date/week-tree targets using file+olp+datetree since the older targets are now deprecated.


A date tree is an outline structure with years on the highest level, months or ISO weeks as sublevels and then dates on the lowest level. Tags are allowed in the tree structure.


When the file name is not absolute, Org assumes it is relative to org-directory.


If you need one of these sequences literally, escape the ‘%’ with a backslash.


If you define your own link types (see Adding Hyperlink Types), any property you store with org-store-link-props can be accessed in capture templates in a similar way.


This is always the other, not the user. See the variable org-link-from-user-regexp.


If you move entries or Org files from one directory to another, you may want to configure org-attach-id-dir to contain an absolute path.


If the value of that variable is not a list, but a single file name, then the list of agenda files in maintained in that external file.


When using the dispatcher, pressing < before selecting a command actually limits the command to the current file, and ignores org-agenda-files until the next dispatcher command.


For backward compatibility, you can also press 1 to restrict to the current buffer.


For backward compatibility, you can also press 0 to restrict to the current region/subtree.


For backward compatibility, the universal prefix argument C-u causes all TODO entries to be listed before the agenda. This feature is deprecated, use the dedicated TODO list, or a block agenda instead (see Block agenda).


The variable org-anniversary used in the example is just like diary-anniversary, but the argument order is always according to ISO and therefore independent of the value of calendar-date-style.


You can, however, disable this by setting org-agenda-search-headline-for-time variable to a nil value.


Custom agenda commands can preset a filter by binding one of the variables org-agenda-tag-filter-preset, org-agenda-category-filter-preset, org-agenda-effort-filter-preset or org-agenda-regexp-filter-preset as an option. This filter is then applied to the view and persists as a basic filter through refreshes and more secondary filtering. The filter is a global property of the entire agenda view—in a block agenda, you should only set this in the global options section, not in the section of an individual block.


Only tags filtering is respected here, effort filtering is ignored.


You can also create persistent custom functions through org-agenda-bulk-custom-functions.


This file is parsed for the agenda when org-agenda-include-diary is set.


You can provide a description for a prefix key by inserting a cons cell with the prefix and the description.


Planned means here that these entries have some planning information attached to them, like a time-stamp, a scheduled or a deadline string. See org-agenda-entry-types on how to set what planning information is taken into account.


For HTML you need to install Hrvoje Nikšić’s ‘htmlize.el’ as an Emacs package from MELPA or from Hrvoje Nikšić’s repository.


To create PDF output, the Ghostscript ps2pdf utility must be installed on the system. Selecting a PDF file also creates the postscript file.


If you want to store standard views like the weekly agenda or the global TODO list as well, you need to define custom commands for them in order to be able to specify file names.


Quoting depends on the system you use, please check the FAQ for examples.


You can turn this on by default by setting the variable org-pretty-entities, or on a per-file base with the ‘STARTUP’ option ‘entitiespretty’.


This behavior can be disabled with ‘-’ export setting (see Export Settings).


LaTeX is a macro system based on Donald E. Knuth’s TeX system. Many of the features described here as “LaTeX” are really from TeX, but for simplicity I am blurring this distinction.


When MathJax is used, only the environments recognized by MathJax are processed. When dvipng, dvisvgm, or ImageMagick suite is used to create images, any LaTeX environment is handled.


These are respectively available at, and from the ImageMagick suite. Choose the converter by setting the variable org-preview-latex-default-process accordingly.


Org mode has a method to test if point is inside such a fragment, see the documentation of the function org-inside-LaTeX-fragment-p.


This works automatically for the HTML backend (it requires version 1.34 of the ‘htmlize.el’ package, which you need to install). Fontified code chunks in LaTeX can be achieved using either the listings package or the minted package. Refer to org-export-latex-listings for details.


Source code in code blocks may also be evaluated either interactively or on export. See Working with Source Code for more information on evaluating code blocks.


Adding ‘-k’ to ‘-n -rkeeps the labels in the source code while using line numbers for the links, which might be useful to explain those in an Org mode example code.


You may select a different mode with the variable org-edit-fixed-width-region-mode.


What Emacs considers to be an image depends on image-file-name-extensions and image-file-name-regexps.


The variable org-startup-with-inline-images can be set within a buffer with the ‘STARTUP’ options ‘inlineimages’ and ‘noinlineimages’.


The corresponding in-buffer setting is: ‘#+STARTUP: fninline’ or ‘#+STARTUP: nofninline’.


The corresponding in-buffer options are ‘#+STARTUP: fnadjust’ and ‘#+STARTUP: nofnadjust’.


Many desktops intercept M-TAB to switch windows. Use C-M-i or ESC TAB instead.


The variable org-export-date-timestamp-format defines how this timestamp are exported.




At the moment, some export back-ends do not obey this specification. For example, LaTeX export excludes every unnumbered headline from the table of contents.


Note that org-link-search-must-match-exact-headline is locally bound to non-nil. Therefore, org-link-search only matches headlines and named elements.


Since commas separate the arguments, commas within arguments have to be escaped with the backslash character. So only those backslash characters before a comma need escaping with another backslash character.


For a less drastic behavior, consider using a select tag (see Export Settings) instead.


If ‘BEAMER_ENV’ is set, Org export adds ‘B_environment’ tag to make it visible. The tag serves as a visual aid and has no semantic relevance.


By default Org loads MathJax from as recommended by MathJax.


Please note that exported formulas are part of an HTML document, and that signs such as ‘<’, ‘>’, or ‘&’ have special meanings. See MathJax TeX and LaTeX support.


See TeX and LaTeX extensions in the MathJax manual to learn about extensions.


If the classes on TODO keywords and tags lead to conflicts, use the variables org-html-todo-kwd-class-prefix and org-html-tag-class-prefix to make them unique.


This does not allow setting different bibliography compilers for different files. However, “smart” LaTeX compilation systems, such as latexmk, can select the correct bibliography compiler.


See Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) Version 1.2.


See MathToWeb.




OpenDocument-v1.2 Specification


See the ‘<table:table-template>’ element of the OpenDocument-v1.2 specification.


See the attributes ‘table:template-name’, ‘table:use-first-row-styles’, ‘table:use-last-row-styles’, ‘table:use-first-column-styles’, ‘table:use-last-column-styles’, ‘table:use-banding-rows-styles’, and ‘table:use-banding-column-styles’ of the ‘<table:table>’ element in the OpenDocument-v1.2 specification.


If the publishing directory is the same as the source directory, ‘’ is exported as ‘’, so you probably do not want to do this.


The option org-babel-no-eval-on-ctrl-c-ctrl-c can be used to remove code evaluation from the C-c C-c key binding.


Actually, the constructs ‘call_<name>()’ and ‘src_<lang>{}’ are not evaluated when they appear in a keyword (see In-buffer Settings).


Actually, the constructs ‘call_<name>()’ and ‘src_<lang>{}’ are not evaluated when they appear in a keyword (see In-buffer Settings).


For noweb literate programming details, see


For more information, please refer to the commentary section in ‘org-tempo.el’.


Org Indent mode also sets wrap-prefix correctly for indenting and wrapping long lines of headlines or text. This minor mode also handles Visual Line mode and directly applied settings through word-wrap.


This works, but requires extra effort. Org Indent mode is more convenient for most applications.


org-adapt-indentation can also be set to ‘'headline-data’, in which case only data lines below the headline will be indented.


Note that Org Indent mode also sets the wrap-prefix property, such that Visual Line mode (or purely setting word-wrap) wraps long lines, including headlines, correctly indented.


For a server to host files, consider using a WebDAV server, such as Nextcloud. Additional help is at this FAQ entry.


If Emacs is configured for safe storing of passwords, then configure the variable org-mobile-encryption-password; please read the docstring of that variable.


Symbolic links in org-directory need to have the same name as their targets.


While creating the agendas, Org mode forces ‘ID’ properties on all referenced entries, so that these entries can be uniquely identified if Org Mobile flags them for further action. To avoid setting properties configure the variable org-mobile-force-id-on-agenda-items to nil. Org mode then relies on outline paths, assuming they are unique.


Checksums are stored automatically in the file ‘checksums.dat’.


The file will be empty after this operation.



By default this works only for LaTeX, HTML, and Texinfo. Configure the variable orgtbl-radio-table-templates to install templates for other modes.


If the ‘TBLFM’ keyword contains an odd number of dollar characters, this may cause problems with Font Lock in LaTeX mode. As shown in the example you can fix this by adding an extra line inside the ‘comment’ environment that is used to balance the dollar expressions. If you are using AUCTeX with the font-latex library, a much better solution is to add the ‘comment’ environment to the variable LaTeX-verbatim-environments.


The agenda* view is the same as agenda except that it only considers appointments, i.e., scheduled and deadline items that have a time specification ‘[h]h:mm’ in their time-stamps.


Note that, for org-odd-levels-only, a level number corresponds to order in the hierarchy, not to the number of stars.